objectiveflickr geotag - iphone

I am trying to use objectiveflickr to upload an image to flickr from my iphone but for some reason it strips the EXIF info (i want the image geotagged), is there a way around this?

Maybe it's related to this issue :
UIImagePickerController and extracting EXIF data from existing photos
See my answer to this question there :
UIImagePickerController and extracting EXIF data from existing photos


How to get all PNG files from user's photo library

Is there a way to get all PNG files from the user's photo library? I don't believe it's possible to set query constraints on UIImagePickerController.
Is there anything I can do with the Photos framework? I've been looking into using PFFetch, but I can't seem to figure out if it will do what I need.

How to get the EXIF metadata info from a base64 image in Ionic 3?

I am picking an image from android phone gallery using Ionic native Camera plugin which is giving me base64 data which is my requirement for the time. Now, on some mobiles the image picked (base64 data) returns with its orientation rotated. How can I can extract the EXIF information from this base64 image and change its orientation so that I can then send it to the server for uploading.
and I am not looking for the upload code. Just the EXIF info & change orientation part.
Any help is highly appreciated in advance :).
You can use cordova-plugin-camera-with-exif library to get the EXIF metadata
I have used piexifjs to read the Exif data and add geo coordinates to a base64. I bet you can fix the orientation issue using the same plugin. But the plugin itself very memory intensive. It took more than 2 minutes to read the exif data, change, and write again to a base64.

Photo info on iPhone 4

I'm picking photos from the photo albums on iPhone 4 with the help of UIImagePickerController. One question:
I would like to verify the origin of the photo the user picked. Specifically speaking, I want to know that weather this photo was taken right by this iPhone 4, or was imported or downloaded from elsewhere. Where can I get this set of information? The corresponding NSDictionary?
Thanks in advance.
What you want is extracting EXIF info from the picture and check the camera-model.
You will never be sure that the picture is taken from THIS iPhone but chances are good :-)
Check this post : How to get EXIF data from my jpegs?

Saving images inside iPhone application without using database or server side saving technique

I am developing an application which requires saving images in the "saved folder" of iPhone Photo album after performing some animations on ImageViews. Is it possible to save the incomplete images temporarily in the iphone application without using database or server side saving technique, so that user can use it for future use and only completely changed ones should get saved in Photo Album? If yes then it would be a great help to get any code or suggestion.
Thanks in advance :) !!!!
Sure, images can be converted to NSData objects, which can then be written to a standard file. Check out UIImagePNGRepresentation() and -[NSData writeToFile:atomically:].
You can then save to the standard native Photo album application using the technique described here (from a UIImage instance):
How to save picture to iPhone photo library?

Saving custom image (non-JPEG) to iPhone Photos directory

I'm wondering if it's possible to save a non-JPEG file (e.g. PNG) to the iPhone Photos album. I'm trying to do this in order to save a lossless image. Currently, I'm saving to the application bundle's document folder, but I'd like to be able to save to the iPhone Photos album so the images may be viewed later (without explicitly copying them out of the bundle). The function UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum will not work because it writes a JPEG file.
Apparently, you can use a workaround, I've found it right here on SO.