Why does installing DBD::Pg fail in DynaLoader? - perl

Error: Can't load '/home/oracle/.cpan/build/DBD-Pg-2.16.1/blib/arch/auto/DBD/Pg/Pg.so' for module DBD::Pg: libpq.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi/DynaLoader.pm line 230.
Did anyone have similar error while instaling DBD::Pg perl module ? what can I do to fix it ?

You should go under perl to solve these dynamic linking problems. Use strace program &> out, and then grep for libpq.so.5. My guess is your libpq.so.5 is in the wrong location, or your DynaLoader is misconfigured. Read the docs on #dl_library_path.
You can see what your search path is with this (the strace will also show it trying to find the .so by checking each directory):
perl -MDynaLoader -le'print for #DynaLoader::dl_library_path;'
Make sure your libpq.5.so falls in one of those. The strace will also show if the kernel is returning an error to DynaLoader that it is cloaking; moreover, it will certainly tell you everything DynaLoader knows.

The libpq.so.5 file is missing, which indicates that you do not have the Postgresql client library installed. On Ubuntu this file is provided by the libpq5 package.

Make sure the path to the PostgreSQL library is in either ld.so.conf or in a file in ld.so.conf.d and re-run "sudo ldconf" (or sudo /sbin/ldconf). That's taken care of this issue when I've encountered it in the past.

I know lots of people have answered your question but I thought I'd add one more thing. Makefile.PL locates the postgres libraries by executing pg_config. If this can't be found on your path, then you will find this sort of error. Interestingly though, it looks for the headers in the same way. Try running pg_config from your terminal and see what the output is. If it's not found in your path, locate it, add to your path and try to build DBD::Pg again


Perl Can't locate XML/Simple.pm

I am working on Perl, and when I run my script I got the error said :
Can't locate XML/Simple.pm in #INC
You're already getting help in comments for getting CPAN installs working correctly, but most common Perl modules can also be installed from the Ubuntu repositories. In this case, you should also be able to sudo apt-get install libxml-simple-perl to install it from Ubuntu. If that's not the correct package name (I use Debian rather than Ubuntu, so it's possible Ubuntu may have renamed it), you can use apt-cache search XML::Simple to get a list of matching packages, then check their details with apt-cache show [package name] to determine which is the one you want.
Note, however, that the XML::Simple documentation advises "You really don't want to use this module in new code." If you are writing new code, you should probably look into another XML module. I personally use XML::Twig, which happens to offer a simplify method which produces output very much like that from XML::Simple, although you're probably better off getting used to the more robust node-based interface.

CPAN error message

I was trying to use my CPAN, but when I typed in the following command. The errors occurred. A similar question was asked in this forum(install CPAN module), I tried that solution, but it did not work for me. I am wondering if anyone can drop a hint?
perl -MCPAN -e shell
Your configuration suggests that CPAN.pm should use a working
directory of
/home/bq/.cpan Unfortunately we could not create the lock file
/home/bq/.cpan/.lock due to 'Permission denied'.
Please make sure that the configuration variable
$CPAN::Config->{cpan_home} points to a directory where you can write a .lock file. You can set this variable in either a
CPAN/MyConfig.pm or a CPAN/Config.pm in your #INC path;
sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell
This is an old question , but if anyone is still looking. Mine worked with changing the folder permissions for the folder the i wanted to use.So use chmod to change the folder permission and the modules will install as required.

Repeated failure when trying to write the Makefile for perl module during install

I'm trying to install some perl modules as part of the set up for Circos. I'm installing the modules using cpan in terminal, and while the initial set up seems to go well, all the modules fail during the final step of the install, when the Makefile is being written.
Here's what the error looks like:
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Writing Makefile for Font::TTF
Can't exec "make": No such file or directory at /System/Library/Perl/5.12/CPAN/Distribution.pm line 2026.
make -- NOT OK
'YAML' not installed, will not store persistent state
Running make test
Can't test without successful make
Running make install
Make had returned bad status, install seems impossible
Failed during this command:
MHOSKEN/Font-TTF-1.02.tar.gz : make NO
I think the only option might be to manually install the modules instead of using cpan, but I figured it might be worth a shot to put up a question here.
It seems that /System/Library/Perl/5.12/CPAN/Distribution.pm is trying to find your system's "make" command. Since you're using Mac OS/X is "make" actually installed or do you need to add some developer tools?
To further on G. Cito's answer/question:
This old answer might do the trick for you, if you're on Mac OS/X, as the exact same error is thrown in the respective circumstances:

I'm confused about installing WWW::Curl for Perl in Cygwin

I have already installed Perl and libcurl using Cygwin's package manager. Now, I'm trying to install WWW::Curl. I have to specify the cURL include directory in WWW::Curl's Makefile.PL, but I have no idea where to look for this. Thanks for your time.
It will try to guess automatically. If it does not work, see the README.
P.S. LWP is more convenient to use.
edit: Using your package managers own packages is often preferred when using your system perl, cygwin has a package for perl-WWW-Curl, install this package rather than building your own.
Most likely I think you are missing the libcurl-devel package. Although you mention that libcurl is installed, please ensure that libcurl-devel is installed via the cygwin package management application, and try again if required.
WWW:Curl will search for the correct include path, looking for curl/curl.h, if it cannot find the file then it might be looking in the wrong places, you'll have to do a manual install:
download and unpack the package from cpan
read the included README file to understand this process
search your cygwin installation for a file called curl/curl.h note the directory that it is in.
modify the Makefile.PL so that #includes has the directory noted above included.
run perl Makefile.PL
run make && make install
This process is essentially the same problem as the process for a native Win32/strawberry perl install, in that it doesnt know where libcurl is located. you can check the README.Win32 file for similar instructions.
The libcurl-devel package installs the curl/curl.h file to usr/include/ which is a path that is already searched by Makefile.PL.
To however you say you have no idea where to look, locate the curl.h you can do the following:
find / -name curl.h
But be warned this could take a long time, you could try specific locations such as /usr
find /usr -name curl.h
Or even better you can look at the package contents to find the file location:
To echo Alexandr's answer, LWP is more convenient to use cross platform, while covering the same features, it can also do a lot more.

Compiling WWW::Curl on ActivePerl

I'm trying (desperately) to build / install the newest version of WWW::Curl onto my activeperl box (I'll explain in a moment why I don't use the PPM)
I had to make some modifications as per the instructions found here:
I also had to change the following line:
open(H_IN, "-|" "gcc", "$curl_h") and $has_cpp++;
open(H_IN, "gcc $curl_h") and $has_cpp++;
I finally got perl Makefile.PL to work but now, when I run nmake, I get the following:
Missing right curly or square bracket at -e line 1, at end of line
Execution of -e aborted due to compilation errors.
NMAKE: fatal error U1077: 'C;|windows\system32\cmd.exe' : return code '0xff'
Now, the reason I'm trying to compile this rather than using the PPM supplied by u.winnipeg is because the that PPM doesn't seem to support SSL transaction (I get "libcurl: ssl disabled") Now, if anyone can show me how to get ssl to run on this PPM, I'm more than happy to use it.
Thank you very much in advance
I presume the original was
open(H_IN, "-|", "gcc", "$curl_h")
The reason you have to change that in because noone got around to implementing feature in Windows. Change it to
open(H_IN, qq{gcc "$curl_h" |})
Use the right name and syntax for your compiler.
Well, I finally figured it out, thanks to everyone who responded. There were a bunch of things I had to change.
Using http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/SZBALINT/WWW-Curl-4.15/README.Win32 as a guide:
The open cmd as I did above worked fine. However, I did use the advice returned by ikegami, reinierpost, and mob.
Using nmake /n (as advised by socket puppet), it printed out all of the perl statements which were being executed. I took this output and placed it into a .bat file and corrected the perl syntax.
I changed all instances of
(it is disturbing these were returned)
Then, I had to link the libcurl libraries to each line instantiating g++, which were not linked correctly. After I added these references, everything else went smoothly.
These were added:
C:\lc\curl\lib\libcurl.a C:\lc\curl\lib\libcurldll.a
Now, WWW::Curl is happily running on my system.
As for using the PPM version, it is exactly because of SSL I had to upgrade. The newest version of WWW::Curl is 4.15 the ppm version is (I believe) 3.02.
First, many people don't know that you can use ppm to install MinGW to use cpan to install modules.
Second, if the libcurl provided by your module doesn't do SSL, you can try and replace it with a suitable SSL version from the download page. This might well fail, but you might also be lucky.