How can I call methods on Perl scalars? - perl

I saw some code that called methods on scalars (numbers), something like:
print 42->is_odd
What do you have to overload so that you can achieve this sort of "functionality" in your code?

Are you referring to autobox? See also Should I use autobox in Perl?.

This is an example using the autobox feature.
use strict;
use warnings;
package MyInt;
sub is_odd {
my $int = shift;
return ($int%2);
package main;
use autobox INTEGER => 'MyInt';
print "42: ".42->is_odd."\n";
print "43: ".43->is_odd."\n";
print "44: ".44->is_odd."\n";


Error in Perl Rose::DB : Can't use string ... as a HASH ref while "strict"

I am getting an error when using Rose::DB.
package MyIMDB::DB;
use strict; use warnings;
use base qw(Rose::DB);
__PACKAGE__->register_db (
driver => 'SQLite',
# MyApp/DB/
package MyApp::DB::Object;
use strict; use warnings;
use MyApp::DB;
use base qw(Rose::DB::Object);
sub init_db { MyIMDB::DB->new }
package MyApp::Users; #controller
use strict; use warnings;
use base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Mojo::ByteStream 'b';
use MyApp::Models::User;
use Data::Dumper;
sub my_action {
my $uc = shift;
my $err = MyApp::Models::User::->validate(...); #extra ::
# MyApp/Models/ # 2 packages in this file
package MyApp::Models::User::Manager;
use base qw(Rose::DB::Object::Manager);
use MyApp::Models::User;
sub object_class { 'MyApp::Models::User'}
# class methods get_x, get_x_iterator, get_x_count, delete_x, update_x
use strict; use warnings;
use base qw(MyApp::DB::Object);
#setup tables, columns....
sub validate {
my $u = shift;
my $n = MyApp::Models::User::Manager::->get_users_count(query => [user_name => $user]);
The error I get is:
"Can't use string ("MyApp::Models::User") as a HASH ref while "strict refs"
in use at /usr/local/share/perl/5.18.2/Rose/DB/ line 91, <DATA> line 2231."
The entry point is my_action() method of MyApp:Users class.
I tried alternative setups of creating class MyApp::Models::User::Manager : separate .pm file, make_manager_class(), but to no avail.
(I found this discussion from 2007 with the same error message, but it does not help me out
This may indicate I am trying to call an object method as if it were a class method. I tried the tricks listed here, but no success.
I now I can examine the contents of variables with Data::Dumper, but I have no clue what to dump as there are very little data structures used.
While use strict is a good idea when writing Perl code, you may want to relax the strict-ness by adding
no strict `refs`;
to get past the current error. As #ikegami pointed out another way to fix this is to get rid of the bad reference, but if you don't want to rewrite the module working around it with relaxing strict-ness is your best bet.

Perl : Like in java we can access public member (variables) in other class is there any same concept in perl

I have 2 perl file and i want to use value of one variable in another perl file as input so how i can do it is there any concept like java we can declare it as public and use it.
any help appreciated thank you!
In this answer, I'll skip the discussion about whether it is the right decision to use OOP or not and just assume you want to do it the OOP-way.
In short, all variables of an object in Perl can be considered public. In fact, the problem is often the opposite - to make some of them private. Anyway, if you have a file which defines an object with a field foo which looks like this:
package Obj;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {foo => "bar"};
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
you can access the foo variable as if it were public:
use Obj;
my $obj = Obj->new();
print $obj->{foo};
For perhaps a more pleasant OOP in Perl, look at the Moose package which gives you more flexibility.
As #user2864740 pointed you don't need "OO" in perl to share variables.It is one way, Let's say you have two files
use strict;
use warnings;
use Exporter;
package Foo;
our #ISA = qw(Exporter);
our #EXPORT = qw( blat); #exported by default
our #EXPORT_OK = qw(bar );#not exported by default
our $x="42";#variable to be shared should be "our" not "my"
sub bar {
print "Hello $_[0]\n"
sub blat {
print "World $_[0]\n"
Access that variable from other file as :
use strict;
use warnings;
use Foo;
print "$Foo::x";#imported variable
blat("hello");#imported subroutine
If you want to import listed functions then:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Foo qw(bar blat);# import listed subs
print "$Foo::x";#imported variable
blat("hello ");#imported subroutine
bar("hi");#this also get imported

Pass a subroutine to module and redefine it?

I'm trying to create a module with a method that receives a subroutine and redefines it. I had no problem redefining a subroutine inside the main script but the same syntax doesn't seem to work inside the method:
use strict;
use warnings;
use ReDef;
sub orig{
print "Original!\n";
*orig=sub{print "not Original!\n";};
package ReDef;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub redef {
my $ref=shift;
*ref = sub {print "Redefined!";}
Test output:
Subroutine main::orig redefined at line 9.
not Original!
not Original!
ReDef::redef() doesn't redefine. The way I see it, the *ref is a coderef and assigning to it another subroutine should change main::orig();
What is the correct syntax?
Your redef function should be like this:
package ReDef;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub redef {
my $ref = shift;
no warnings qw(redefine);
*$ref = sub { print "Redefined!" };
And you should NOT call it like this:
Instead, you must call it like this:
Why? When you call orig, you're looking up the name "orig" via the symbol table, so the redef function needs to be altering the symbol table, so that it can point that name to a different bit of code. Globrefs are basically pointers to little bits of symbol table, so that's what you need to pass to ReDef::redef.
As an analogy, imagine that when you want to know the date of the Battle of Lewes, your procedure is to go to the library, look in the catalogue for the shelf address of a book on 13th century English battles, go to that shelf, and look up the date... voila 14 May 1264! Now, imagine I want to feed you altered information. Simply defining a new coderef would be like putting a new book on the shelf: it won't trick you because the catalogue is still pointing you at the old book. We need to alter the catalogue too.
You can make this a little prettier using prototypes. Prototypes are not usually recommended, but this seems to be a non-evil use for them...
use strict;
use warnings;
sub ReDef::redef (*) {
my $ref = shift;
no warnings qw(redefine);
*$ref = sub { print "Redefined!\n" };
sub orig { print "Original!\n" }
ReDef::redef *orig; # don't need the backslash any more
This works for me:
use v5.16;
use strict;
use warnings;
package Redef;
sub redef {
my $ref = shift;
${$ref} = sub { say "Redefined!"; }
package main;
my $orig = sub { say "Original!"; };
$orig->(); # Redefined!
Although it’s just a result of trial and error, I’d be happy to see better answers.
What maybe got you confused is the typeglob operator, *. In Perl you dereference using a sigil (${$scalar_ref}, #{$array_ref}) and the * operator is used for symbol table tricks – which could also be used in your case, see the answer by #tobyink.

Devel::Declare removes line from script

I am trying to learn Devel::Declare so as to attempt to reimplement something like PDL::NiceSlice without source filters. I was getting somewhere when I noticed that it was removing the next line from my script. To illustrate I have made this minimal example wherein one can use the comment keyword to remove the entire line from the code, allowing a compile even though barewords abound on that line.
package Comment;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Devel::Declare ();
sub import {
my $class = shift;
my $caller = caller;
{ comment => { const => \&parser } }
no strict 'refs';
*{$caller.'::comment'} = sub {};
sub parser {
#my $linestr = Devel::Declare::get_linestr;
#print $linestr;
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Comment;
comment stuff;
print "Print 1\n";
print "Print 2\n";
yields only
Print 2
what am I missing?
P.S. I will probably have a few more questions on D::D coming up if I should figure this one out, so thanks in advance!
Ok so I got it. Using perl -MO=Deparse you get:
use Comment;
use warnings;
use strict 'refs';
comment("Print 1\n");
print "Print 2\n"; syntax OK
which tells me that if forces the comment function to be called. After some experimentation I found that I could just set the output to call comment() explicitly so that it doesn't try to call comment on whatever is next.
sub parser {
so that the deparse is:
use Comment;
use warnings;
use strict 'refs';
print "Print 1\n";
print "Print 2\n"; syntax OK
and the proper output too.

Accessing class variables using a variable with the class name in perl

I'm wondering how I would go about doing this:
package Something;
our $secret = "blah";
sub get_secret {
my ($class) = #_;
return; # I want to return the secret variable here
Now when I go
print Something->get_secret();
I want it to print blah. Now before you tell me to just use $secret, I want to make sure that if a derived class uses Something as base, and I call get_secret I should get that class' secret.
How do you reference the package variable using $class? I know I can use eval but is there more elegant solution?
Is $secret supposed to be modifiable within the package? If not, you can get rid of the variable and instead just have a class method return the value. Classes that want to have a different secret would then override the method, instead of changing the value of the secret. E.g.:
package Something;
use warnings; use strict;
use constant get_secret => 'blah';
package SomethingElse;
use warnings; use strict;
use base 'Something';
use constant get_secret => 'meh';
package SomethingOther;
use warnings; use strict;
use base 'Something';
package main;
use warnings; use strict;
print SomethingElse->get_secret, "\n";
print SomethingOther->get_secret, "\n";
Otherwise, perltooc contains useful techniques to fit a variety of scenarios. perltooc points to Class::Data::Inheritable which looks like it would fit your needs.
You can use a symbolic reference:
no strict 'refs';
return ${"${class}::secret"};