Non framework implementation of a hierarchical drop down for Firefox - select

I need a hierarchical drop down <select><option/></select> for use within a browser, preferably Firefox. I'd rather not use a framework like jQuery. Please spare me the questions as to why.

Found this...

This is what I need...


Can I use TYPO3's RTE in a front end plugin?

I have a custom extension, and i need to use some form of text editor in the front-end. According to the documentation, it should be possible, but the documentation and tutorials seem to be deprecated. I think this is not available in typo3 7.6 :
Can it be done somehow or do i need to install another extension for this, maybe just a viewhelper? Thank you in advance.
I did lots of researches trying to use the rtehtmlarea in the FE, but failed. Then, I realized I could use any RTE, as they are nothing but js+css. All I need is to render the contents with RTE.FE, like how the BE does, and save the result into the database, which is all I want. I have already done this in many sites, using standalone tinymce, and it works great. So, I think maybe you could try this solution.
To be honest, that feature worked only in theory and never in reality. Use an RTE like ckeditor or whatever fits best

Form-Plugin for DokuWiki

I'm evaluating the Wiki-System DokuWiki and like it very much.
What I'm missing is the possibility to create SQL snippets like in TWiki.
I'd like to embedd some controls in the text for being able to create kind of formulars. Is it possible?
Have a look at Bureaucracy plugin, it does what you need.
Further you can add data plugin to make it even more flexible.

Tab UI in Android

I am an Android newbie and I really require your help.
I'd like to develop an app , which its UI is persisted of three Tabs, and the first one a WebView.
since I am not familiar with all the required building blocks, can anyone give me a sample? a guide how to do so?
thanks a lot!
The Android API Demos include several (Tabs1 to Tabs2 sample files) examples. Install, try and have a look at them.
Regarding specifying the content of Tabs you have the possibilities to use Views or Activities. If you check some "Tab" related discussion here you will find that established users prefer to use Views (e.g. here). I took the 'Activity' way so far and feel quite comfortable - but did not go to deep into pros and cons. My current point of view is that you have to decide on each special case and can't give a general recommendation.
there is some tutorials on this page :

Google like autosuggest with Solr

I'm currently using Solr with Terms Component and Jquery Autosuggest which works quiet good. However, this construct is limited to one autosuggest word (it autocompletes only the first word). Is it possible to implement a Google like autosuggest with multiple words/terms so i can autocomplete multiple words?
I just wrote a blog post about different ways to make auto complete suggestions with Solr. It's basically a comparison of some different strategies, check it out, it might help.
If you want to make multiple terms suggestions, it turns out you should use, as already mentioned in the other answer you got, the Suggester component available in Solr starting from the 3.1 version. Since it has some limitations, you can also have a look at the ShingleFilterFactory, which generates token NGrams. It creates combination of tokens as a single token, that's useful to suggest multiple words.
You can also use SpellCheckComponent for better auto complete suggests.
See for details.
Refer here for solr5 and above
Check this out, it might help
I worked out the same task, finally got solved using TermsComponent with multiple fields. check this link.

google-style autocompletion tutorial/example

I have an app that would benefit from google-style autocompletion while filling in an entry field.
Any pointers on how this is implemented, or a package that I can drop in to assist?
I use jQuery and the Autocomplete plug-in for this. It allows the data to be either specified in an JavaScript array locally, or received via the network, if a suitable data provider is written.
Here is a decent tutorial using jQuery for the ajax
I use autocompletion. The demo is in Rails but i use it with PHP.
Nowadays jQueryUI is a great choice:
If You want do it Yourself without jQuery just change the .pac-container like below:
{ width:280px !important; font-family:Tahoma;}
or visit this site:
Think help U.