Has anyone used Buzz Andersen's Simple iPhone Keychain code? - iphone

You can find it here.
I'm trying to understand his sample code in order to write a simple program with that stores passwords into the keychain and retrieves them for login. Has anyone done this before? It would be most appreciated if I can see any examples you may have.

There's really no code to demonstrate, he lists both calls there.
Heres's an example, for what it is worth:
NSError *error;
[SFHFKeychainUtils storeUsername:#"fred" andPassword:#"mypassword123" forServiceName:#"myService" updateExisting:YES error:&error];
NSString *storedPassword = [SFHFKeychainUtils getPasswordForUsername:#"fred" andServiceName:#"myService" error:&error];

To other newbies that use this code as is and don't understand why it doesn't work. Notice that the ServiceName is different (First without capital - "myService" and second with capital: "MyService"), that's why it doesn't work. Make the ServiceName the same.


how can i query google places for country specific cuisine?

i am trying to accomplish country specific Cuisine places, means like mexican food, spanish food, Thai food, indian food, via google places API on an iPhone app.
How can i do that?? As i see supported types, there is only food, restaurant, etc in it. besides whenever i use this query..
NSString *url = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/search/json?location=%f,%f&radius=%#&type=restaurant&query=%#&sensor=true&key=%#", currentCentre.latitude, currentCentre.longitude, [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i", currenDist], googleType, kGOOGLE_API_KEY];
i am getting few results only, whenever i try to add more types like food|restaurant|establishment like below query my app crashes.
NSString *url = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/search/json?location=%f,%f&radius=%#&type=food|restaurant|establishment&query=%#&sensor=true&key=%#", currentCentre.latitude, currentCentre.longitude, [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i", currenDist], googleType, kGOOGLE_API_KEY];
As i told my app crashes with this error may be i am doing something wrong with url.
* Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'data parameter is nil'
* First throw call stack: (0x13be022 0x200fcd6 0x1366a48 0x13669b9 0xbadfad 0x2dd2 0x13bfe42 0xaa09df 0x139294f 0x12f5b43 0x12f5424
0x12f4d84 0x12f4c9b 0x15d47d8 0x15d488a 0x17a626 0x236d 0x22d5)
terminate called throwing an exception(lldb)
Please can someone guide me with this?? i hope i cleared all my points.
Thanks & regards,
It appears you are trying to use the Places API Textsearch as you are using the query parameter. If this is correct make sure you are hitting the correct backend:
Also make sure you are using the correct parameter to specify types:
I would recommend reading the documentation thoroughly and and performing a few test html requests through your browser to make sure you have the right request before plugging it into your application.
Although this is almost 7 months old, and I'm sure you've either solved it or given up on it by now, I have just had the same issue and it took some resolving. I thought I'd put the answer here to help anyone else with a similar error.
The problem I found was to do with the URL encoding not liking the | character.
The way around it I found was to:
// Create an NSString with the URL which includes the '|' characters.
NSString * urlString = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/nearbysearch/json?location=51.189781,-114.488907&radius=6918&types=food|bar&keyword=&sensor=true&key=YOUR KEY HERE";
// Encode the URL
NSString* encodedURLString = [urlString stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
// Covert to a NSURL
NSURL *googleRequestURL=[NSURL URLWithString:encodedURLString];
And then use the googleRequestURL as the URL.
Hopefully that will solve it for you!

Can't locate EXC_BAD_ACCESS error

Or at least I can't figure out how to locate the error. I've read a ton of stuff but every time I go into my Product scheme and turn on Guard Malloc my program won't run.
The line of code that is giving me the problem is this... It happens on the NSString *str = ... line
- (void) setVolumeCompletionDate: (NSString *)volumeID: (double)completionDate
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
NSString *str = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"UPDATE Volumes SET GoalDate = %d WHERE VolumeID = '%#'", completionDate, volumeID];
//more stuff
If I hardcode the completionDate value (1350129600) on that line, the code works just fine, so it seems from everything I've read that the memory of completionDate is getting stepped on somewhere, or something bad is happening. My project is set up for ARC.
I think part of my problem is I don't even know where to go to begin to resolve this problem. I don't even know what to search for. All of the posts I've read about tracking it down with some Malloc tool don't make sense because I can't get that to run.
I would like to be able to figure this out. Maybe I need more, and complete steps, for debugging and tracing through things. Many of the answers I've read seem like they are written for people who know everything, because so much is left out of the answer, or so much is assumed about the person asking the question. If there is a better place for me to go to ask my question, please point me in that direction.
Thanks a lot. I appreciate your help.
completionDate is a double, so use %f instead of %d.

replaceItemAtURL fails without error on iOS but works fine on OSX

I'm implementing a manually-triggered migration process for a CoreData-based app, and after the migration completes successfully, I'm trying to move the migrated DB back over the top of the original one using replaceItemAtURL:withItemAtURL:backupItemName:options:resultingItemURL:error:.
The problem is that on iOS, nothing I do will make this method return YES, however it also never puts anything into the error pointer to allow you to see what's going wrong.
I'd read things elsewhere (e.g. http://www.cocoabuilder.com/archive/cocoa/287790-nsdoc-magic-file-watcher-ruins-core-data-migration.html) indicating that not shutting down all the CoreData objects (e.g. NSMigrationManager, NSManagedObjectModel etc) before attempting the replace might be the cause, but that wasn't it. I even implemented a little two file create-and-swap thing that didn't involve CoreData DBs at all to verify that the CoreData stuff didn't have anything to do with it.
I then noticed in the official documentation that the newitemURL is supposed to be in a directory deemed appropriate for temporary files. I assumed that that meant a directory returned by URLForDirectory:inDomain:appropriateForURL:create:error: using NSItemReplacementDirectory as the search path.
That didn't work either! I ended up falling back to implementing the replacement logic using separate operations, but this is non-atomic and unsafe and all that bad stuff.
Does anyone have a working snippet of code that runs on iOS that either return YES from a call to replaceItemAtURL or actually puts error information into the error pointer?
Any help much appreciated.
EDIT - Test code included below. This runs in application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: on the main thread.
NSFileManager *fm = [[NSFileManager alloc] init];
NSError *err = nil;
NSURL *docDir = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[self applicationDocumentsDirectory]];
NSURL *tmpDir = [fm URLForDirectory:NSItemReplacementDirectory
NSURL *u1 = [docDir URLByAppendingPathComponent:#"f1"];
NSURL *u2 = [tmpDir URLByAppendingPathComponent:#"f2"];
NSURL *repl = nil;
[fm createFileAtPath:[u1 path]
contents:[[NSString stringWithString:#"Hello"]
[fm createFileAtPath:[u2 path]
contents:[[NSString stringWithString:#"World"]
BOOL test = [fm replaceItemAtURL:u1 withItemAtURL:u2 backupItemName:#"f1backup"
options:0 resultingItemURL:&repl error:&err];
// At this point GDB shows test to be NO but error is still nil
I have experienced issues with all the NSFileManager methods using an URL on iOS. However, all the methods using Path work. So I think you should use removeItemAtPath:error:and copyItemAtPath:toURL:error: for that purpose.
Hope it helps
In mac file system is not case sensitive, but in IOS it. Even though you cant have two files with same name but with different case at one location, the path is case sensitive. So if file is has .JPEG and in your code you are passing link with .jpeg it will fail.
It may not be the case with you but just what to share
Although strangely it should give you error.

Can't get XML element with colon in the name using TouchXML

I have the following code:
NSString *subtitle = [[[node elementsForName:#"subtitle"] objectAtIndex:0] stringValue];
NSString *duration = [[[node elementsForName:#"itunes:duration"] objectAtIndex:0] stringValue];
The first line works perfectly. The second line though won't work. I assume it has something to do with namespaces, but I'm pretty new to all of this so I would appreciate any guidance. Thank you!
It turns out that I can use the elementsForLocalName:URI: to read the element correctly. Now the problem is that since I am using the TouchXML library, it doesn't seem like that method has been mapped over to the CXMLElement structure (see here).
So the question now is: how can I convert a CXMLElement to an NSXMLElement so that I can use that method?
"itunes" is the namespace identifier. It doesn't actually have any significance on its own, it just links a URI with the element in question. It looks like you're using the iTunes RSS extensions, which live under the namespace http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd.
So, for namespaced elements, I think (I'm not familiar with Objective-C or NSXML :P) you want to use elementsForLocalName instead:
[node elementsForLocalName: #"duration" URI: #"http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd"]
For the answer to the second question, see comments below.

Facebook Connect - publishUserAction template problem

Not sure if this is the right place to post this but I have tried other places with no luck.
I am getting the error: "The template data provided doesn't cover the entire token set needed to publish the story"
My template is: "{*actor*} just scored {*points*} points."
My code is:
NSMutableDictionary* feedStoryParams = [[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init] autorelease];
[feedStoryParams setObject:<MyBundle ID> forKey:#"template_bundle_id"];
[feedStoryParams setObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"\"points\":\"42\""] forKey:#"template_data"];
[[FBRequest requestWithDelegate:self] call:#"Feed.publishUserAction" params:feedStoryParams];
This is after the user logs into facebook in my iphone app (and I checked to make sure the session ID is there).
I have tested also tested it by removing the "points" entry from the dictionary, and it then gives me the correct error saying that the {points} entry is missing and is required by the template "{*actor*} just scored {*points*} points." So I also know that the template bundle ID is correct.
If anyone has any ideas why this doesn't work, please let me know. I'm totally stuck :( Please help.
I had the same problem. Putting everything in an explicit JSON hash fixed it. Try replacing
[feedStoryParams setObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"\"points\":\"42\""] forKey:#"template_data"];
[feedStoryParams setObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"{\"points\":\"42\"}"] forKey:#"template_data"];
Should 'actor' appear somewhere in the template_data?