Catch UIWebview reloads - iphone

is there any way to get informed, when a UIWebview has loaded a new page?
The documentation doesn't list a delegate for this.In my case, I want to know, when UIWebview is done with navigation in iUI pages.
Best Regards,

variant A: i cannot understand what do you want.
variant B: you didn't see method like
- (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)webView
it is called every time webview finishes loading new content

... what Morion said, only I think this method might be more along the lines of what he is looking for:
- (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView *)webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigationType)navigationType
It gets called every time the user clicks on a link.
Please see the UIWebViewDelegate docs:

the shouldStartLoadWithRequest message is sent to the delegate every time the webview loads a new page. So you should try there.


html select tag used in iOS app, but the multiple select not works

In my ios app, I use loadHTMLString to show a view. In this view, I create a select tag with multiple selection. I use the html code:
[HTML appendFormat:#"<select multiple=\"multiple\" onchange=\"updateSurveyObject();\" name=\"%#\" id=\"%#-0\" >",elementID,elementID];
When I click on one option, it will invoke web delegate:
- (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView *)webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigationType)navigationType;
But the question is: if I click on that option again or click on the second option, it won't call that delegate any more. Even click on Done button, the delegate method is not called.
So, how should I do with the multiple selection?
I changed the "onchange" to "onblur". It's not perfect but it works. Do you have better idea?thx

How do I load one page after another with UIWebView?

In my app I have an array of URLs that I would like to be loaded into a single UIWebView sequentially. So each would wait for the previous one to finish loading before firing.
How would be the best way to go about doing this?
for your UIWebView set its delegate to be self, and add the following function
- (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)webView
//Load the other request

Calling Objective-C method by clicking text inside UIWebView

I query a SQLite db and the query returns some links: I can display them in a UITextView or in a UIWebView.
What I need to know is: is there a way to bind an action to a link inside a UIWebView (or even UITextView)? I don't want to open a webpage, I just want to execute a method of Objective-C as the link was a button. Is this possible?
Yes, this is possible via JavaScript, see this doc: Calling Objective-C Methods From JavaScript.
Use the delegate method
- (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView *)webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)aRequest navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigationType)navigationType
and check for UIWebViewNavigationTypeLinkClicked, then inspect the [aRequest URL] to determine what the link action should be.

How can we find webview loaded with the content in iphone sdk

i am using this method as follows.
- (void)webViewDidFinishLoading:(UIWebView *)webView
This method to know whether the webview is finished loading or not but once this method is
called i am not getting the web content on my view, it is taking some time to show.
My problem is i want to know when the webview is fully loaded with the content.
Can any one please help me on this.
Thanks in advance.
paas web view delegates and use these function -
- (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)webView;
- (void)webView:(UIWebView *)webView didFailLoadWithError:(NSError *)error;

UIWebView didFinishLoading fires multiple times

I have some code that needs to run after the a UIWebView finishes loading a document. For that I've set the UIWebView's delegate to my controller, and implemented the webViewDidFinishLoading method.
This gets called multiple times, depending on the type of page to load. I'm not sure if it's because of ajax requests, requests for images, or maybe even iframes.
Is there a way to tell that the main request has finished, meaning the HTML is completely loaded?
Or perhaps delay my code from firing until all of those events are done firing?
You can do something like this to check when loading is finished. Because you can have a lot of content on the same page you need it.
- (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)webview {
if (webview.isLoading)
// do some work
It could be enlightening (if you haven't gone this far yet) to NSLog a trace of load starts and finishes.
- (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView *)webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigationType)navigationType {
NSLog(#"Loading: %#", [request URL]);
return YES;
- (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)webView {
NSLog(#"didFinish: %#; stillLoading: %#", [[webView request]URL],
- (void)webView:(UIWebView *)webView didFailLoadWithError:(NSError *)error {
NSLog(#"didFail: %#; stillLoading: %#", [[webView request]URL],
I just watched the calls to all three in one of my projects which loads a help page from my bundle and contains embedded resources (external css, YUI!, images). The only request that comes through is the initial page load, shouldStartLoadWithRequest isn't called for any of the dependencies. So it is curious why your didFinishLoad is called multiple times.
Perhaps what you're seeing is due to redirects, or as mentioned, ajax calls within a loaded page. But you at least should be able balance calls to shouldStartLoad and either of the other two delegate functions and be able to determine when the loading is finished.
Check this one it so simply and easy way to achieve no need to write too much code:
- (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)webView {
if ([[webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:#"document.readyState"] isEqualToString:#"complete"]) {
// UIWebView object has fully loaded.
This question is already solved, but I see it lacks an answer that actually explains why multiple calls to webViewDidFinishLoad are actually expected behavior
The aforementioned method is called every time the webview finishes loading a frame. From the UIWebViewDelegate protocol documentation:
Sent after a web view finishes loading a frame.
In fact, this is also true for all the other methods that comprise the UIWebViewDelegate protocol.
Try this it will work fine
-(void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)webview
if (webview.isLoading)
// Use the code here which ever you need to run after webview loaded
This happens because the callback method is called every time a frame is done loading. In order to prevent this set the "suppressesIncrementalRendering" property of the webview to true. this will prevent the webview from rendering until the entire data is loaded into the memory. This did the trick for me
I have notice something similar and it was a confusion: I have a UITabBarController, it seems to preload all ViewControllers linked to its tabs on launching the App (in spite of showing just first_Tab_ViewController), so when several tabs have ViewController with WebView their respective webViewDidFinishLoad are called and if I have copied pasted:
NSLog(#"size width %0.0f height %0.0f", fitingSize.width, fittingSize.height);
in several, I get several output in console that appears to be a double calling when they really are single calling in two different UIWebViews.
You could check the loading and request properties in the webViewDidFinishLoad method
Possibly related to this issue is a property on UIWebView introduced in iOS6: suppressesIncrementalRendering.