iPhone SDK 3.2 beta and iPhone SDK 3.1.2 - iphone

Currently I am using iPhone SDK 3.1.2 for developing iPhone apps.
Apple has recently released iPhone SDK 3.2 beta and I want to try my hands with it.
But my problem is that I want to use both versions of SDKs, 3.1.2 since I am currently developing apps and uploading on app store, 3.2 beta to start trying the new version (but Apple will not accept apps on App Store, if developed using 3.2 beta)
Please guide me.

You can still build your old app under 3.1.2 while 3.2 beta is installed. To do it, simply hold down the option key while clicking the top left dropdown menu in XCode. This will list all of your installed SDK's and you simply choose 3.1.2


Can I still upload an iOS 3.2 SDK compiled app to iTunesConnect

I would like to update an iPad app, that is already existing in the app store. I have compiled that app about a year ago with XCode 3.2.4 and iOS 3.2 SDK.
Is it possible/permitted to upload an adjusted version of the app, that has been compiled with iOS 3.2 SDK again? I would like to avoid compiling the app with iOS 4.3 SDK or iOS 5 SDK (if available in a few weeks), as I would have to adjust several implementation files to optimize the app for a build with the newer SDK versions.
There seems to be no clear information related to that topic in apples docs or guideslines...
No. Apple requires apps that are uploaded to the App Store to be compiled with the latest release SDK that is available at the time.
I was finally able to successfully bring 2 apps into the App Store, that have been compiled with a iOS 3.2 SDK without any rejection by the Apple reviewers. Apple didn't require me to use the latest Build SDK (iOS 5.0 at this time).

iPhone 3.2 simulator

I'm working with a legacy app with a deployment target of 3.0. I have a crash being reported on iOS 3.1.3 for iPhone. In xcode 4 the only 3.x simulator I see listed is iPad 3.2
How do I test iOS 3.1.3 for iPhone?
See Install xCode 3.2.3 w/ iPhone SDK 4, get "Base SDK missing", can't see other SDKs for an extended discussion of this topic. Also, links to older Xcode and iOS SDK versions can be found at http://chris-fletcher.com/2010/08/28/howto-install-iphone-sdk-2-0-3-1-for-xcode-3-2/.
Buy a used iPhone or iPod Touch that has 3.1.3 installed and don't update the iOS on it. I have a 3G with 313, no cell service and just use it for testing on wifi. This is also useful to see check what the performance is like on a slower phone.
However, many 3.1.3 crashes are caused by using a 4.0 API call or object that is only in 4.0. You can find those problems on the 3.2 simulator.
It's not possible actually with Xcode4. If you can get old version of Xcode3.1 with iOS SDK 3.1 and install it side by side with Xcode4 then it may be possible.

iPhone App Version - which one to keep?

I just finished my first app developed in XCode 3.2.1 in iPhone Device 3.1.2. I know that there is iPhone 4 now, does that mean that I have to upgrade to iOS 4 before I submit my app to App Store? Or do I keep two versions of my app, one is the 3.1.2 version and the other iOS 4 to cover all iphone market (old and the latest one)?
You should download and install the iOS 4.2 SDK.
You should then compile and link against the iOS 4.2 SDK.
It is likely that Apple will end support for 3.x in the near future.
Also, sort out your acceptance rate problem...

How can I develop production iPhone apps and iPad apps on the same machine?

It seems that in the future, we can just use the non-beta iPhone SDK to develop for both at once.
But for now, the only way to develop for iPad seems to be to use the SDK 3.2 beta. However, if I install that, Apple clearly states I should not submit apps to the app store with it.
I'm an independent, one-machine developer. Is there a way I can continue to upgrade my existing iPhone apps while still developing for iPad?
The Best way to do this is to install the 3.2 SDK beta in a location other than '/Developer'. On the 'Custom Install on Macintosh HD', select 'Other' from the Popup button, and point the installation to somewhere like: '/Developer-Beta'.
You can then run Xcode from /Developer/Applications for your iPhone apps, and Xcode from /Developer-Beta/Applications for your iPad apps.
If I'm reading the agreement correctly, the ban on submitting apps with the 3.2 beta applies only to the SDK, not the tools. If you set your app's base SDK to an SDK earlier than 3.2 (which it probably already is anyway), you can then build with the 3.1 and earlier SDKs by selecting them from the "Overview" menu in Xcode.
I've submitted updates to my iPhone apps built with the 3.0 SDK by the 3.2 beta tools, and they were accepted with no issue. As long as you aren't building on the actual new SDK, you should be fine.
EDIT: I don't work for Apple, I am not a lawyer, blah-blah. But it's worked for me, and the warning only specifies the "iPhone SDK 3.2". The Xcode tools aren't mentioned.
If you install 3.2 the Active SDK menu looks like
Xcode http://img.skitch.com/20100310-xkbqnbr6h4f2q55wk2wppjx3h2.preview.jpg
However, under Project settings you can change the SDK as follows:
Xcode http://img.skitch.com/20100310-xqkuracw73jb5y7uwtt7yurjs1.preview.jpg
So you can developed for any OS version using the same machine, etc.

If I have iPhone SDK 3.2 is there any way I can use 3.1.3

The current 3.2 SDK doesn't seem to contain 3.1.3 - how do I get it to work?
Download the 3.1.3 SDK and install it in another location if you want to keep the 3.2.2 beta, ie /Developer313
See image below for where to click to enter new install place.
alt text http://img.skitch.com/20100203-ny1ahei187k36t1aihf8k97crs.jpg
No, you need to download the new 3.1.3 SDK. In addition, Apple recommends against submitting apps to the App Store that were built using 3.2, even if they're targeting 3.x.