Adding a UISearchBar on a UITableView - iphone

I have an UITableView and I did put an UISearchbar on it. What I want to achieve is that if a user is going to scroll i want the UISearchbar element to be fixed on the top, plus I want the first row of the UITableView fixed as well. Is there any sample code for this ?
So far every sample I found the UISearchbar wasn't fixed at the top, if you scroll it disappears. One way to get the UISearchbar element fixed could be, if I put an UIView under both elements (UITableView and UISearchbar) and put those two consecutively among themselves (just a thought of me don't know if this actually is working). However i'm not sure if this is the appropriate way to go and it also wouldn't fix that I want the first row fixed as well.
I'm kinda new to this stuff would be glad if someone could point me in the right direction, thank you.

For the fixed search bar: just make it a sibling of the tableView.
For the fixed first row: maybe make it the section header and have only 1 section, or make it a sibling view.


How can I make the first and last UITableView cells stay on screen when scrolling?

I have noticed in the iTunesConnect iOS app, the first and last cells of the grouped UITableView stay on screen even though the other cells are scrolling through them. They also move with the tableview. For example when scrolling to the bottom of the table (moving up), the last cell moves up with the table as it leaves the bottom of its position on screen.
Does anyone have an example of how this could be done? I have tried setting the header and footer views but these scroll off screen when moving the tableView.
I think the best approach would be to use a plain UITableView with Header and Footer set, and "skin"/theme your custom UITableViewCells to look like grouped UITableViewCells.
you'd might want to have a look over here for some pointers on how to achieve this.

IOS IPhone label moving when screen scrolled

I appreciate that this is probably something people will need code samples to properly answer but unfortunately I don't have them to hand at the moment so I'm asking for peoples experiences and whether they've seen anything like this before.
I have a view with a UITableView in it, there are a bunch of cells and on this particular view if I scroll the screen down then the label that's in the last cell superimposes itself on top of the label in the first cell.
It only happens on this one view where the first and last cells appear or don't appear in the UITableView depending on whether certain values are in a JSON feed.
If both cells are in the UITableView then when you scroll, the label of the bottom one appears on top of the top one. The bottom cell's label is still in place, as is the top one - just with the bottom one on top of it!
So, has anyone seen anything like this and if so is there's an obvious thing I'm doing wrong that this type of occurrence is a symptom of?
How to look for the cell being dequeued?
Check out [UITableViewCell prepareForReuse] and that's where you can remove previously inserted subview(s) before adding new ones.
Here's the Apple documentation:

How to achieve paginated UITableView like in this example?

I am attaching an image. Some of you might have tried this iphone application before. It is a screen shot from Awesome Note. How do they achieve the 5 rows table view, with a swipe to next page for more rows?
Basically the UITableView (at least I think it's a TableView?) is confined to the bottom half of the UIView.
Any swipe to the left or right jumps to the next page and you see the next 5 rows (if any.) We can see from the screenshot that there are at least 11 rows, since it's 3 pages in depth.
Is this achieved using a TableViewController inside a UIScrollView or something? I've setup my own custom TableViewController, along with a UITableView. Inside interface builder when I check Attributes section for my UITableView I see an checkbox for Paging Enabled, which I've ticked.
I've also disabled Vertical Scrollers but this seems to have no effect? I'm obviously missing something, seeing as I haven't even seen where I can define how many rows / sections I'd like to render on one page before another page is created.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thats not a UITableView, thats a UIScrollView with custom buttons.
The Paging option is because UITableView is a sub-class of UIScrollView.
If there are only 5 items, it's better to use 5 overlapping UIButtons

Modify the sidebar of UITableView?

my UITableView has a bunch of sections and therefore displays a sidebar, which let's you scroll through the sections.
The problem is: I have a UISearchBar in the header of the UITableView, and the sidebar covers the clear (x) button of the UISearchBar.
Can I modify the sidebar to add margin or at least remove it completely? I couldn't find anything on the sidebar on the Apple Developer site.
Do you have this view made in a xib file is the question?? If you do you should be able to resize the table view to do however big you want it. Here is a link on the apple developer site that has a lot of helpful information about UITableViews and UITableCells:
The UISearchBar is the headerView of the TableView. I want the strange stuff on the side moved down by the height of the SearchBar, or completely removed.
I figured out, that you can remove the bar with
self.tableView.sectionIndexMinimumDisplayRowCount = 1337;
At least, if you have less than 1337 sections. However, if anyone knows how I access the object which represents the index on the right directly to resize it and move it down, please let me know.
Image of the cause:
I think it's a bug in UITableView, so I'm going to report it to Apple.

Problem in UITableView and UIScrollView

My table has more than 10 rows with 50 row i can't select my last i have set UIScrollView and add this table into UIScrollView.
Table display perfectly but which rows are displayed in UIScrollView, these are not selectable.
How can i get this row selecablt in UIScrollView. If anyone body know then pls tell me wha to do?
Putting a UITableView inside a UIScrollView won't work, beause UITableView is a UIScrollView. You're going to have to work out why UITableView won't scroll properly for you on its own.
Check how you initialize it and look at some of Apple's example UITableView code to see what is different.
It may be that your navigation bar, toolbar or some other control is hiding that last row. Check to make sure the tableview partly under another control.