Fasthosts email service has been down all day so both us and our clients have been without email. Not really good news for a web development company. Even their site is down!
After the fiasco the other year with them losing everyones passwords it is time for a change.
Does anyone know of a good managed email reseller account we can get?
We dont want to have to administer an exchange server so a managed system would be ideal.
A manager saw this company.
Anyone know if these guys are and good or of anyone else?
Try this
Here is the problem:
Sharepoint was working fine on and before the 9th of December, 2022.
And by this, I mean and still want to be able to have use of the ability for the internal users of our Business Premium 365 accounts to send file or folder share notifications to external users. Where these share notification emails are from the sender's outlook account associated with their Sharepoint account, with the correct sender's name and email address.
Also, these emails were stored in the internal user's sent items folder.
UNTIL after the 9th of December 2022, something changed, and we have no idea what.
The change is that now the process still works, but the sender's email address has been changed to
And these share notification emails are no longer stored within the user's outlook sent items folder, these share notification emails now appear in the sender's inbox from SharePoint.
We are sharing SharePoint files and folders with our customers and we are now receiving a huge amount of calls asking where these notifications have gone. Although we have sent them. We have to explain to our customers that this change from SharePoint has meant that any share notification emails we send may now be in there spam or junk systems.
And please, please, please do not tell me that Microsoft sent us notifications in 2016 warning us that this would happen. It's 2022/2023 and it's only just happened!
This leads me to believe that this feature change is something temporary and or recent within SharePoint.
Can anyone shed some sensible light on this issue and give me some peace of mind that Microsoft is still not in the habit of changing things in live platforms and then hiding under their desks?
Help please, my sanity is waning!!!
Well, I never, almost a month later, Microsoft replied:
Thank you for your patience on this.
We advise that a fix for this has been recently rolled out and completed last night.
Please can you try replicating the issue again and let me know if the same behaviour occurs.
So they fixed it, and let me know - there is a first!!!
My apologies for wasting peoples time.
First time poster, so forgive me for my poor question if this has ben asked before.
I have a C# entity frame work web application that users fill out a form, and after they submit this form, the application sends an email to a group of contractors that have a set amount of time to review and respond to it.
I have all of that working flawlessly. My problem is that I need to find someway for the contractors to acknowledge that they received the email, and save the time in my application.
While I am relatively new to web development, MVC, and entity framework, I have googled and searched but I can't seem to find anything for it. Anyone have any ideas?
I am working on a project and my clients want to have the Message centre of Paypal integrated into their system so they won't need to log in every time on PayPal account to check their emails and reply.
I can not find any available option on their developer portal for a call similar to that. But I thought to ask here as may someone had better luck finding that.
Much appreciated.
There is a customer Disputes API for handling that part of backend administration. This is typically only useful for large/enterprise merchants.
Other things require logging into the account. User logins with specific/limited roles can be created.
I came from a similar state in this question.
My objective is to reply to interested customers via whatsapp messages. I'll use a very special setup, so I'll be using the API.
With not to pay anyone other than container hosts
Solution with custom API
Customer doesn't like any extra costs
Just like user noboundaries, I see the numbers, but I cant get the certificate
User Navjot Singh has explained I need to create a "business api account"
I tried just that, put out all my contacts and stuff, in this site.
They did respond yes, but only with pointless instructions, since I wish not to contract any messaging providers. I had taken a look at it, but they charge a very expensive price beyond the $0.005 whatsapp will charge. Also, the solution I'm creating requires messages to be sent programatically, and the partners don't seem to provide the correct solution.
So, I wish to skip into using the api. I followed the appropriate guides:
Getting started
Phone Number
I already got some things done:
two phone numbers (one of them for testing) with whatsapp business;
company has been verified, with domain
have business management account
local environment with docker
I can access the local environment and I have set an user account and the admin acount. I can log into those via the API, since postman can ignore certificates, but in order to proceed I really feel like I need that certificate.
So to sim up I guess I need help creating the whatsapp business account for my customer. Any advice?
Also i'd appreciate any other helpful insight or feedback. I really feel lost and I don't see a place where I can talk to people trying to do the same thing, or doing this is much of a madness after all?
thanks for getting to read until here, and I apologize for my non natural, almost broken English.
Hi I wanted to start big in stackOverflow but I fell flat.
About the subject at hand, westerday I dwelt deep into the rabbit hole.
For most companies, you actually are forced to work with a provider, such as twllio or messagebird. They act as intermediary between the facebook business and the whatsapp business api.
Some of they offer messaging separated from whatsapp api setup I still need to take a look into it, but for those who are trying to set up whatsapp business api on their one, it seems as of november 2020 it's not possible.
please check out:'s guide
blog post from PT-BR (google translate didn't like me trying to translate this to English)
I am evaluating cloud e-mail solutions based upon:
Google Apps for Education
Microsoft Live#edu
I work for a University and we currently have an institutional portal (based on uPortal).
We currently have our local IMAP server and webmail client fully integrated with the portal. We would like to replicate the current portal e-mail experience with the new e-mail services. At present users can see a snapshot of their inbox in the portal and click through into the appropriate place in the webmail client.
We expect that we need to solve similar problems when integrating with the cloud based e-mail solutions.
We need to solve the single sign-on (SSO) problem.
We need to be able to access the inbox messages on the users behalf. (e.g. proxy authentication)
Does anybody have an experience or advice on this?
Many thanks,
Not sure what programming language you can use, however you can download the source code for some MOSS web parts for live#edu to give you an idea how to code them, they use SSO.
If anybody else happens upon this page they might also be interested the answers I recieved via the Jasig uPortal Mailing List answers