iPhone - application being ejected - iphone

I have an application that is being ejected by iPhone OS for "low memory".
I have passed it thru instruments and I see zero leaks, and memory usage is around 640 kb.
The application crashes when I add objects to the screen.
This is how it works. I have a UIImageView based class that is very simple and add a few properties to the objects. This class is used on the created objects.
When the user taps a button a new image of that class is created and added to self.view.
After about 15 objects added, the application is ejected with low memory warning.
Instruments report no significant memory usage. Even after 15 objects added, the ALL ALLOCATIONS entry never goes beyond 660 kb. Each object can be one out of five 120x120 pixels image.
If it is not object allocation or leaks, what can that be? Please tell me what directions should I follow to locate the problem.
Thanks for any help.

The ObjectAlloc instrument does not indicate all memory usage within your application. Views and other visual elements do not show their full size in ObjectAlloc, so you will want to use the Memory Monitor instrument to see the actual memory size of your application at any given time.
Also, just because Instruments does not report leaks does not mean they aren't there. Run your application through the Clang Static Analyzer to take another look for potential memory leaks (via Build | Build and Analyze under Xcode 3.2 or by downloading the standalone tool). Again, even if this passes and you still see continually increasing memory consumption you have a leak somewhere.
You mention using Quartz drawing in your comments. You need to remember that Core Foundation objects used in Quartz also follow a specific memory management model, where everything you create with a function having Create in its name must be released using a matching function like CFRelease(). This may not show up as a leak if you forget this, but it is.

Leaks are not your problem. Over-retention is.
Look at Object Allocations. If that graph just rises and rises, your app will be killed. What make the iPhone especially angry is when you are told to let go of some memory (low memory warning) and no memory is freed. Your code may just be an extreme case of this, but you should free up SOMETHING when you get this message.

I discovered the problem had nothing to do with my code. Every time I use quartz on the iPhone I have this kind of problem.
Quartz has a serious problem that has to be fixed. As far as I detected, it gets chunks of memory to perform drawing and does not release them even if you release all variables and references you use. Even if you put all variables nil.
Quartz is a memory eater and a source for crashes.
Here is a project I've created to demonstrate how Quartz can crash your project. Look for a method inside inside MyClass.m, called imageWithBorderFromImage. This method uses quartz to draw a dashed border around the object. Run the project and click several times in the button. Every time you click, a new object is added to the screen, on top of the previous one. After about 20 clicks the application is ejected by springboard. Before that you will see LOW MEMORY warning on console.
Before telling me that the problem is too many views created, disable the quartz method and see that the application does not crashes anymore. In fact I was able to click 80 times and was still able to continue clicking, but I stopped the app.
Download the project QuartzNightmare here


new in using XCode Instruments to interpret memory warning for iPhone development, guidance needed

I am working on an iPhone game which receives memory warning that I am not experienced enough to interpret. I have been watching some iTunesU tutorial but I am still not very good at this..
I have received various memory leaks whilst running my game and I wanted to understand how to interpret the stack trace show in Instruments properly.
I attach a screenshot of the ObjectAllocation instrument output . Even when I zoom filter I don't manage to filter the data in the ObjectSummary .
The peaks in memory usage in 1 happen when the GameScene is initialized and all the data is loaded (ParallaxBackground, CCSpriteBatchNode) and Sprites and bullets frames are created (in an CCArray of spriteFrames).
The big blue peak is just at load time but the app freezes and then crashes only after a while and from the graph I see that the memory usage (blue bar) has gone down.. so I don't quiet get that. Also, whenver I try to use the leaks instrument the App crashes..
I know is a very silly question for someone experienced, but I just need some extra help getting started with this toolset.
I think the memory problem are due to the sprites I allocate in sprite cache classes, but I am not sure on this and hence wanted to investigate this using Instruments but can't find out how to see what is the object causing the memory warning and how to access the stack trace..
PS: I am running on an iPod 4th generatio and I am using Cocos2D as library
EDIT: I do not also understand why if the Live Bytes are only 1.01 MB the App crashes and why I still receive a memory warning (see black flags). Is it due to some pointer referencing to some null variable or due to an excessive memory allocation? 1.01 MB doesn't seem much to me..
EDIT 2: Following Marion's advice I used the Activity Monitor and realized that the effective real memory usage is 55.39 MB. I misinterpreted the "live bytes" word. I will try to dig into this further and will leave the question as unaccepted for now to allow other people contribute. If I won't have any other answer within one-two days I'll mark as accepted the current answer. Thanks!
Thanks a lot!
If you want to find leaks, use Leaks instrument instead of Allocations. To find out, how much memory use at the moment, use ActivityMonitor.
If you will have problems with memory in cocos2d, you can try to purge cache. In cocos2d you can purge CCTextureCache, CCSpriteFrameCache, CCAnimationCache. It will release unused textures and frames.
If you want to check if all of unnessesary textures were removed from memory, you can place breakpoint to CCTextureCache class and call, for example, sharedTextureCache and look throw the content of textures_ dictionary. Or add some method to this class to be able to dump current state of cache.

how to release the system libraries allocations in iphone(Frame work related)

i m facing big problem with system libraries allocations.
i didn't get any leaks from my application still so much allocations.i attached various screen shoots. in my application using custom picker which get all images from assert library.which are pick from picker showing images on scroll view.
its screen shot when my app with 35 images on scroll view.if again i pick images from custom picker allocation increased.i am seeing object details its all related to frame Work allocations.not from my application
see the allocation object list response library is DYLD.
its my leaks screen shot
how can we release these allocations? please help me out ?
Just because you have no leaks doesn’t mean you are managing memory correctly. What you have is what I call memory bloat — you are retaining it longer than you need to. (A leak is allocated memory with no references. Bloat is allocated memory that has a reference but should have none.)
http://www.friday.com/bbum/2010/10/17/when-is-a-leak-not-a-leak-using-heapshot-analysis-to-find-undesirable-memory-growth/ will give you some good strategies for using Instruments to find them. (This is a very credible source, so far as I know he still works at Apple.)
make sure your application has no leaked objects and they will also disappear in instruments. For sure its pointing to a system library but it is always a result of your bugs. Select one of them and open the right view. Probably it will show you the right code stack and the allocated line of code.
The other thing you can do: run the static analyzer Product->Analyze it will find all (at least most) your leaks ;)

No memory leaks, yet still running out of memory?

In my cocos2d application I have run through it using instruments and removed all memory leaks. I have my game outputting how much memory is in use on the screen and it is constantly rising as the game progresses until I eventually run out of memory. The amount of objects on screen doesn't increase by very much each level. Its a fairly simple game so i should not be running out of memory so soon.
I am removing all objects from a level when it ends and reallocating new ones when a new level begins. Instruments tells me there are no memory leaks. When i run through instruments to show me where the allocations are the bulk of the problem doesn't seem to come from one place its all of my objects.
Any ideas what the issue might be?
Just because instruments doesn't show leaks, doesn't mean you're not still allocating memory you're not using. Pay attention to the ObjectAlloc graph and see if that is constantly rising without falling off.
If you allocate memory that you aren't using and can't clean up, that's just as bad as a leak, even though you haven't technically leaked anything because you've stashed some unused reference somewhere.
Look at how much memory you actually need to use or to keep for future use at any point in your app, then treat anything else previously allocated as a leak and fix it.
In Objective-C when using autorelease objects be wary of circular dependencies!
If you create object A and then an instance of object B and pass A to it, so that B retains A, and A also retains B (for example by adding it as child to A) you can easily setup a circular dependency and thus both objects won't be released.
Tip: add a -(void) dealloc method to all your scene classes, and set a breakpoint there. If you change a scene and its dealloc method isn't called after the scene transition has finished, you're leaking this scene (it's not released).
Try to find that leak by looking for a setup that's similar to the one I described above.
Be careful about autoreleased objects, since they are not released immediately. If you have sections with lots of allocations and autoreleasing, try using specific autorelease pools on them.
It happened to me when creating huge decision trees (using NSArrays) for a game AI.
A great way to check for objects that are aggregating in memory is to use Instruments' new (in Xcode 3.2.3) Heap Shot functionality.
Use the normal Allocations instrument against your running application. Perform a series of repetitive events that should come back to some known state (for example, go one level down in a navigation controller and come back). Every time you do this, click on the Mark Heap button in the left sidebar for the Allocations instrument (under the section heading Heapshot Analysis).
What this will do is mark the heap at each of the starting points for this repetitive action and compare the objects that have been created by that point with the objects that had been created by the time you marked the heap last. Only objects that have been created between those two points and are still alive in memory will be listed.
If you are accumulating objects, but they are either not leaks or are being missed by the Leaks tool, they should show up here. I've found a number of subtle memory buildups this way, particularly when you pair this with the UI Automation instrument to automate the repetitive actions you're testing.
The bulk of the problem seem to be that Sprites don't get released in cocos2d unless all actions have been stopped on those sprites. This is done using stopAllActions. Cheers for all the suggestions.

Memory crashes in iOS with real memory usage only at 5megs

I have been hunting down memory leaks for some time in my app. As of right now, as I flip back and forth between two views while watching the memory monitor instrument, the real memory fluctuates between 5 and 6 megs. This is all fine -- as far as I can tell everything is getting released properly when I pop back off a view. However, the virtual memory continues to increase and my available real memory drops rapidly every time I push the view back onto the view stack (even though the real memory usage of the app isn't increasing). Eventually, this all leads to an out of memory crash. Is this a telltale sign of any specific issue, or am I just missing a memory leak somewhere?
EDIT: The odd part is, I get an out of memory crash while the app is still only using up about 5 megs of real memory.
Do not use -retainCount.
The absolute retain count of an object is meaningless. It is an implementation detail. It may be influenced by many factors well beyond your code.
You should call release exactly same number of times that you caused the object to be retained. No less (unless you like leaks) and, certainly, no more (unless you like crashes).
See the Memory Management Guidelines for full details.
In this specific case, you are leaking memory but in a way that leaks can't find it. The objects that are leaked are still connected to your overall application's object graph somehow. Maybe through a notification, maybe through delegation, doesn't matter -- leaks sees the reference and concludes that the object might still be live.
Use the Allocations Instrument. Configure it to only track live allocations (since you don't care about objects that have been deallocated). Do some stuff with your app. Check out what Allocations knows about and explain why all those objects should stick around. You can use the data mining facilities to filter down to just your objects.
Anyway, you can also use the "Build -> Build and analyze" option to find suspicious non-conventional code.
Another reason why you may have memory lost in lower API layers is if you don't remove all your views from your view hierarchy (aka : not calling [view removeFromSuperview] everywhere). At least that's what seemed to have happened to me.
Note that most of time this isn't required, as you would simply release the main view and all its subviews, then rebuild it from the view controller when needed. Things start to get more tricky when you're not releasing the whole hierarchy but instead simply remove some of them from the hierarchy.
In that case, I came to the conclusion that you may have buffers or layers still cached in lower API parts, and in that case your Allocation instrument won't help you.
In order to monitor correctly you'll need to use the "Memory Monitor" (in System). You'll see that the "Physical Memory Free" line dropping close to 0 is the most reliable indicator that a Memory Warning will be issued.
Another advantage of using this instrument, is that you can attach it to a running process, thus making it possible to have console output and instrument running together easily.
Circular references also won't be counted in Leaks but you can track those in Allocations. Best bet is to fire up Allocations and get to a state where you think everything should be gone (or certain objects should be). If they're hanging around go dive in to them and look at where they've been retained and sort out the proper memory ownership/releasing.
As for Allocations, there are some things that it doesn't track that can affect the overall memory. Some of the things include some CGImage backing stores, some CoreAnimation stuff and some database stuff.
Have you used the "Leaks" Performance Tool? And check out the logs in Organizer to see if there's anything there.
Also look into the dealloc for the view controllers and make sure you are properly releasing all of it's objects?

Understanding the Instrument for memory leak checking - iPhone

Above given images is of my application leaks.
Here I want to understand that, in Extended Detail - you can see different colors like light green, light pink, light brown, light purple.
What does each color indicates?
Now the other confusion is "How to locate the code which is creating a memory leak?"
Upto what limit of memory leak - the actual iPhone can go on with.
(suppose 10 bytes no problem, 20 bytes no problem & 200 bytes a problem)
What does each color indicates?
Which color indicates our code / From which detail we can get to the code where we have allocated the object & forgot to dealloc it?
(For example - On clicking of UIKit second cell in detail - we cant get to the code)
Why we must resolve all the leaks? - even a single leak can chock up iPhone ?
Why iPhone allows leaks to be remain in memory? / why garbage collection isn't done automatically after termination of application?
If I try to dealloc objects which should be deallocated according to instruments, My application terminates abnormally. If I don't dealloc, My application runs perfectly, How?
Why it is suggested that you wait in a view up to 10 or more seconds, if there is a leak, leak will be detected by Instruments?
Ignore the colors, in that one the [DashBoard viewDidLoad] is the source of the leak, something in how it's initializing a URLConnection (possibly you did not free that when the connection was finished?)
Now to answer the other questions you had:
Why we must resolve all the leaks? -
even a single leak can chock up
iPhone ?
Yes. Part of the reason is not only that you will simply run out of memory, but since there is only so much memory to go around for the whole phone a watchdog application is constantly monitoring your app and will shut it down early if it sees memory use only ever growing...
Why iPhone allows leaks to be remain
in memory? / why garbage collection
isn't done automatically after
termination of application?
All your application memory is freed when the app quits.
If I try to dealloc objects which
should be deallocated according to
instruments, My application
terminates abnormally. If I don't
dealloc, My application runs
perfectly, How?
Here I can't help, you really need to read more on the retain/release memory cycle... if you release an object that has a retain count of 0, the app crashes because the object is gone.
Why it is suggested that you wait in
a view up to 10 or more seconds, if
there is a leak, leak will be
detected by Instruments?
Because instruments works by sampling memory every so often, so it might take a little bit for instruments to get around to reading the memory after an action.
First of all, the things in the stack are colored by which library they come from, so it doesn't contain that much information.
Second, instead of worrying about how much leakage the iPhone can take, I'd focus on not having it leak.
To find leaks, there are a couple options:
Use the CLANG static analyzer when building your project
Look for leaks manually. You must always follow The Rules of memory management: if you alloc, retain, or copy an object (including using #property (retain) or (copy)), you must release or autorelease it.
The colors represent the different libraries the call stack is going through.
The leak is caused by the frame in your code that made the allocation, even if the actual allocation is taking place deep within an OS library. Instruments is showing you exactly where the leaked memory was allocated. You'll have to figure out which line in your code resulted in the leaked allocation, which will be one of the frames in the stack on the right.
The actual iPhone doesn't have much RAM available to your application. I tend to conservatively estimate about 25MB of RAM for my application to work with. Any leak, no matter how small, can sink the proverbial ship if the code is used enough.
Look for your application name in the stack extended view. Memory allocation usually shown in the end, so you know exactly which library is responsible for memory allocation. So you should trace from the line your code appear downwards till the end. Colors just make easier to trace lines of code, that are related to same libraries. Same library calls will be colored with the same color.
As for tracing leak itself. First go to your application call by double-click on the line in extended view and try to understand what exactly leaks. Sometimes you can replace the leaking call with non-leaking substitute. For example, I used a call imageNamed to retrieve images from the bundle, the application was constantly crashing because of memory shortage. I just googled imageNamed leaks and found very useful article on how to implement image cash in my application. Indeed, imageNamed API leaks. There are API that leaks in iphone SDK.
Also, try to check how you're working with alloc/retain/release and so on, whether you release or autorelease your allocated memory.
Good luck in your detective work.
I too have problems with leaks in instruments. I run my app today for the first time using leaks and found several leaks. Leaks that shouldn't be leaks because there is no way for them to leak, unless some magical code is executing and raising the retain count of my objects. I understand the memory management guidelines, know how to use autorelease pools, etc. But even an empty view based app contained leaks if i put a few controls on it. And just click around 2-3 times. Go ahead and try it. I don't really understant the information instruments is trying to provide. Are those "leaks" really leaks, or just things that are suspicious to the instruments app? Should an empty app with no user code, only a few controls put on an empty view leak memory?