NAnt - Including source files in a csc task outside of the base directory - nant

I am just starting to pick up NAnt as a replacement for MSBuild in our CruiseControl project.
One of the things we do inside a set of projects is link in a single AssemblyInfo.cs file from outside of the project tree to make versioning easier (it lives in a directory above the project folders).
Is there an obvious way of achieving this in the <sources> section of the <csc> task?
From what I can tell, the <sources> section only supports a single <include> element, which must be underneath the basedir of the task.
I suppose another option would be to copy the single AssemblyInfo.cs file as part of the task prior to calling csc, but wondered whether there was a cleaner way of doing this.

You are not limited to a single <include/> in <sources/>. You can reference whatever you want if you don't specift the basedir property of <sources/>:
<csc target="exe" output="HelloWorld.exe" debug="true">
<!-- Will use project dir as base dir -->
<include name="**/*.cs" />
<!-- Absolute path -->
<include name="/tmp/42/*.cs" />
<!-- Relative to project dir -->
<include name="../../Shared/*.cs" />
<include name="System.dll" />
<include name="System.Data.dll" />


Using cvs add command in Ant to 'update' a module

Using ant through eclipse. What I'm trying to do is to add files or subdirectories to a module that already exists in the repository.
The problem is that I do not know (or shouldn't) what kind of files or subdirectories the script is going to find in the previously checked-out module.
Checksout module -> Modifies it (adding files, subsdirs) -> Add that module to the control version -> Commits
I'm making an approach like this:
<target name="checkout" >
<cvs cvsrsh="plink" cvsroot="${cvsroot}" package="${mymodule}" dest="${extract.dir}" command="checkout"/>
<target name="cvs_add" >
<cvs cvsrsh="plink" cvsroot="${cvsroot}" package="${mymodule}" dest="${extract.dir}" command="add -kb"/>
And getting this message:
[cvs] cvs add: in directory .:
[cvs] cvs [add aborted]: there is no version here; do 'cvs checkout' first
I also tried using ant-contrib's 'foreach', in order to navigate between files and subdirs, also not working.
I'd love a non-ant-contrib advice in this matter, or something not related with exec task. But I'm open minded.
I have came up with this solution:
<ac:for param="file">
<fileset dir="${mymodule}">
<!-- <include name="**/*.jar"/> -->
<local name="filename" />
<basename property="filename" file="#{file}"/>
<echo message="${filename}"/>
<cvs cvsrsh="plink" cvsroot="${cvsroot}" dest="${mymodule}" command="add -kb ${filename}"/>
I finally surrender to ant-contrib. If anyone make a different approach, let me know.

NAnt ignoring property in included build file

I'm trying to make my project build file include a local build file, to allow for some customization for each developer, without having to keep exclulding the build file from version control commits etc.
But NAnt keeps ignoring the properties in my included build file, and not overwriting the properties set in the global build file.
For demo purposes this short build file behaves the same:
<project name="FooProject" default="showme" basedir="." >
<!-- Overwrite this property in -->
<property name="database.connectionstring" overwrite="true" readonly="false" value="foo" />
<include buildfile="" failonerror="true" verbose="true" />
<target name="showme" description="Show connectionstring variable">
<echo message="Connectionstring: ${database.connectionstring}" />
-and my file looks like this:
<property name="database.connectionstring" value="bar" />
The expected output when running NAnt with this build file is "Connectionstring: bar", but the resulit is "Connectionstring: foo", no matter which combination of readonly and overwrite I try.
It does fail if I rename the file to something else, so NAnt is aware of the included file.
NAnt is v0.91 alpha.
Am I overlooking something or is NAnt not supposed to work like I expect?
It seems you should still wrap the contents of the included build file inside a project-element. Like so:
<property name="database.connectionstring" value="bar" />
When I did that the connectionstring was "bar".
Granted: I use Nant 0.91 final.

How to copy modified files to several servers using ANT

This script works good for the first server (server1), but it doesn't work for the second pass (server2) as at that point all 'modified' files are already flagged by the first pass.
<macrodef name="copythings">
<attribute name="todir"/>
<scp todir="#{todir}" trust="true">
<fileset dir=".">
<include name="cgi-bin/Application/" />
<exclude name="**/*.log" />
<target name="deploy">
<copythings todir="server1"/>
<copythings todir="server2"/>
I'd suggest copying the files from the fileset to a temporary folder first.
And copy to the server from that directory.
copy required files to a tempory folder
run the targets and use the temporay folder as base/filset for scp
delete the temporary folder

Include/Exclude buildfiles

How do you do this? Given several build files, I only want to include the ones where the target (specified from the command line) exists. Using target::exists in does not seem to work. Thanks.
<target name="*">
<property name="" value="${target::get-current-target()}"/>
<nant target="${}">
<include name="*.build" if="${target::exists(}"/>
<!-- avoid recursive execution of current build file-->
<exclude name="${project::get-buildfile-path()}" />
Using robaker's solution, my final build file looks like this. It does not fail anymore if the target is not found in a certain build file (unlike my previous code).
<include buildfile=""/>
<include buildfile=""/>
<target name="*">
<nant target="${target::get-current-target()}"/>
Why not just use the include task to include all your child build scripts instead?

How can I automate compiling a large Java project?

I'm working on an automation project for my employer. We have a pool for each revision of our source code. When you download a revision, you need to create a directory structure with a bunch of third party includes to eventually build the project. I've automated this entire process up to the point of having my script (.bat) compile each particular runnable java application. There are many applications to this single project, and the directory listing looks something like this:
Proj Name
Right now, I'd like to do an automated compiling of, but I don't know where to begin. People have suggested I try Ant, but any automated Ant file generation I get using Eclipse seems only enough to build while an active project file exists. Is there anyway to automate this without using eclipse, to the point of having the batch file generate a .jar itself?
This is definitely a job for Ant. Don't rely on Eclipse-generated Ant files; read through the manual and write one yourself. (You'll likely find out that Ant does things you didn't think of doing in your build script, too.)
To be more specific, here is the documentation for the jar task.
You can define wildcard and pattern matches to include/exclude all sorts of files and folders in your build. Take a look at the Ant manual to see how things like filesets work with include and exclude filters.
Also, read the tutorial.
Here is a simple build file that looks to compile all java files and reference all jars. Place it in the top level directory:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl"
<project name="Proj Name" default="build" basedir=".">
<property name="src.dir" value="${basedir}" description="base folder where the source files will be found. Typically under /src, but could be anywhere. Defaulting to root directory of the project" />
<property name="build.dir" value="build" description="Where to put build files, separate from src and resource files." />
<path id="master-classpath">
<fileset dir="${basedir}" description="looks for any jar file under the root directory">
<include name="**/*.jar" />
<target name="build" description="Compile all JAVA files in the project">
<javac srcdir="${src.dir}"
<!--master-classpath is defined above to include any jar files in the project subdirectories(can be customized to include/exclude)-->
<classpath refid="master-classpath"/>
<!--If you want to define a pattern of files/folders to exclude from compilation...-->
<exclude name="**/realm/**"/>