Firebird database keeps getting larger - firebird

This one is interesting to me - despite the almost inane title. I have used Firebird for a long time, but not until recently noticed an interesting behavior.
I am using embedded Firebird 1.5, and noticed that if I stuff the database full of blobs (lets say 10mb worth), the size of the database increases. I can then delete all the fields in the database, and the file size of the DB remains at its expanded size. Currently it is at 20mb and is completely empty.
I know that Firebird has this built into its architecture (for quick indexing, speed issues etc), but I always thought it would decrease back down to its original ~2mb default.
Does anyone have any suggestions to 'deflate' the file size? The reason being is that this is a space conscious issue. If I had tons of space to work with, I wouldn't care. However that is not the case, and I need things to be as optimal as possible

The only way to free unused space in a firebird database is to do a backup then an immediate restore of that backup (Reference: Firebird FAQ).
Here is a good technical explanation of why this is so.
Note that Firebird will reuse the currently unused space - ie. if you put another 10MB of blobs in now, the database should not grow to 30MB.


How to determine how much "slack" in postgres database?

I've got a postgres database which I recently vacuumed. I understand that process marks space as available for future use, but for the most part does not return it to the OS.
I need to track how close I am to using up that available "slack space" so I can ensure the entire database does not start to grow again.
Is there a way to see how much empty space the database has inside it?
I'd prefer to just do a VACUUM FULL and monitor disk consumption, but I can't lock the table for a prolonged period, nor do I have the disk space.
Running version 13 on headless Ubuntu if that's important.
Just like internal free space is not given back to the OS, it also isn't shared between tables or other relations (like indexes). So having freespace in one table isn't going to help if a different table is the one growing. You can use pg_freespacemap to get a fast approximate answer for each table, or pgstattuple for more detailed data.

Is there a way to configure Heroku PostgreSQL to not bother loading a particular column into RAM?

This may be a long shot, but I thought I'd ask anyway.
I am looking at using Heroku's new Crane Postgres DB (400 MB RAM Cache) in conjunction with an app I'm deploying on Heroku. The 400 MB cache size should be plenty for our needs... except for one column of one table, in which we store a cached PDF file as a string. The PDF's could easily use up the 400MB RAM pretty quickly if Heroku uses its Cache for them.
If I were on an actual server, I'd just store the PDF as a file, but given Heroku's ephemeral file system, my life is much simpler if I just store the pdf in the DB rather than rigging up a connection to S3 just for this one thing. (It further complicates that we're looking at deploying multiple heroku instances, one for each client ... so using the DB's is simpler than creating a new bucket for each one.) I don't really care about the speed on this. If people are getting the file, they will expect speeds as if it were coming from a file system anyhow, since thats how most file downloads are done. Is there any way to tell PostGRES to not bother caching this column?
Or maybe I'm asking the wrong question, and there is some other way to solve the problem or design alternatives that make it irrelevant.
You don't have to do anything. PostgreSQL will automatically use TOAST on values larger than 8 kB.
PostgreSQL uses a fixed page size (commonly 8 kB), and does not allow tuples to span multiple pages. Therefore, it is not possible to store very large field values directly. To overcome this limitation, large field values are compressed and/or broken up into multiple physical rows. This happens transparently to the user, with only small impact on most of the backend code. The technique is affectionately known as TOAST (or "the best thing since sliced bread").
PostgreSQL caching is also done at the page level so TOAST does not have to be cached with the rest of the row (
The fact that Postgres can TOAST large field values, it doesn't mean it's the best thing to do.
If you store big fields in your main database, it will make many things harder, such as creating forks or followers, and creating and restoring backups in particular. I would strongly reconsider utilizing S3 to store the PDF files, and simply invest in automated onboarding of new clients (create heroku app, provision database, provision/create S3 bucket).
I'm not quite sure how you're managing to store large PDF's, since Postgres imposes a maximum field size (or at least a maximum page size). However, you might be able to get around this by using TOAST. TOASTed items are stored in a separate (physical) table, so if you're not selecting them frequently they shouldn't be cached.
If you are selecting them frequently, then I'm not sure if what you want is possible. Remember that Postgres only supplies one "level" of caching - the Linux VFS does caching also.

Compact Firebird 2.1 Database

How can I compact Firebird 2.1 database, like we do in MS Access (discarding erased data, remaking index, etc)?
There's a way to do it?
Usually there is no need to compact a Firebird Database: see fb release notes about garbage collection and an automatic (per-database configurable) operation named "sweep".
In few words, fb reuses space in pages when records are deleted or oldest record version are freed asking for disk space chunks only when free space becomes too small (i.e. under a defined percent).
Sweep is performed as default after a predefined number of commited transactions, bur it's an expensive task.
Backup and restore must be intended as last resort to optimize and shrink, as this rebuilds and optimize indexes too, but usually this is not needed as there are commands and tools to rebuild indexes.
The only way to do it is to make a backup and a restore.
From the official faq
Many users wonder why they don't get their disk space back when they
delete a lot of records from database.
The reason is that it is an expensive operation, it would require a
lot of disk writes and memory - just like doing refragmentation of
hard disk partition. The parts of database (pages) that were used by
such data are marked as empty and Firebird will reuse them next time
it needs to write new data.
If disk space is critical for you, you can get the space back by
doing backup and then restore. Since you're doing the backup to
restore right away, it's wise to use the "inhibit garbage collection"
or "don't use garbage collection" switch (-G in gbak), which will make
backup go A LOT FASTER. Garbage collection is used to clean up your
database, and as it is a maintenance task, it's often done together
with backup (as backup has to go throught entire database anyway).
However, you're soon going to ditch that database file, and there's no
need to clean it up.

How much can SQLite store on the iPhone?

I have an idea for a webapp for the iPhone but its unknown to me how much data can be stored in mobile Safari's SQLite db. I tried searching through the Apple docs but found nothing:
Safari Client-Side Storage and Offline Applications Programming Guide: Using the JavaScript Database
Most of these answers are totally wrong. Safari will not allow you to create SQLite databases over 50MB (or expand existing databases beyond that size).
This is a limit imposed by Safari - as other people have noted, SQLite itself supports much larger databases that you can use from native apps. But webapps are limited to 50MB.
It might be useful to note that this is per database - if you really need the extra space, you can create multiple databases, although this would obviously cause a lot of hassle.
It's as the other posters say. You're only limited by the drive space on the device.
You also need to consider your in memory footprint though. There is a finite amount of memory on the iphone, and in general it's quiet small, so the amount of data/hydrated objects you'll be able to have in memory is another potential limitation for your app.
There are a LOT of people answering that have clearly never tested it. I am on the latest version of iOS (4.3.3) and have set up a system to create multiple databases and keep them under 45 MB but found that the 50 MB cap is for the site as a whole. So, no matter how much you split the data up, it still restricts it to an aggregated cap of 50 MB.
The database size limit on safari mobile, is 50 mb per site not per database. i have tested this. even if you have an extra empty database you cannot add to it if the total size of all databases on a single site is 50 mb
whats worth noting as well is that characters are saved as double bytes on websql, that is 2 million characters will be 4 megabytes not 2 megabytes on disk.
You are only limited by the amount of free space on the device.
I'm not sure. If you were doing your own application you'd be limited by free space on the device and to some extent in memory footprint (as Bryan McLemore points out).
However since you're looking at using JavaScript inside of Safari there's no easy way to tell. According to the document you found it looks like it may be limited by site, but there's nothing telling you how much. I'd suggest writing a quick script to fill up the database and figure out how much it actually is. After that, I'd probably halve that value and assume I'd be always be able to use that much.
Be sure to report back so we'll all know!
It's most likely 32 terabytes... which is well over the available disk space.
I reached this number by multiplying the maximum page size by the maximum page count listed at the bottom of the SQLite limits page.
Limits In SQLite
"Limits" in the context of this article means sizes or quantities that can not be exceeded. We are concerned with things like the maximum number of bytes in a BLOB or the maximum number of columns in a table.
SQLite was originally designed with a policy of avoiding arbitrary limits. Of course, every program that runs on a machine with finite memory and disk space has limits of some kind. But in SQLite, those limits were not well defined. The policy was that if it would fit in memory and you could count it with a 32-bit integer, then it should work.
Unfortunately, the no-limits policy has been shown to create problems. Because the upper bounds were not well defined, they were not tested, and bugs (including possible security exploits) were often found when pushing SQLite to extremes. For this reason, newer versions of SQLite have well-defined limits and those limits are tested as part of the test suite.
As of version 3.6.19 (all statistics in the report are against that release of SQLite), the SQLite library consists of approximately 65.7 KSLOC of C code. (KSLOC means thousands of "Source Lines Of Code" or, in other words, lines of code excluding blank lines and comments.) By comparison, the project has 690 times as much test code and test scripts - 45409.7 KSLOC.
The default storage limit on iPhone seems to be 5mb
davibe has done some work to raise the limit up to 1GB with his PhoneGap plugin.
The plugin calls the native sqlite3 API, with a wrapper on the Javascript side.
The relevant code extracted from sqlite.js are:
update origins set quota = '999999999999' where origin = 'file__0';
"update databases set estimatedSize = '999999999999' where name = '" + dbName + "';'";
Caution: my iphone is jailbroken! But I don't suspect that this changes anything.
The limit of 50MB is no longer correct.
On my iPhone 4S with iOS 6.1 I have a database of 58.66 MB (448496 records) for my webclip (website pinned to the springboard).
No special tricks, just standard HTML5 usage.
Maximum Database Size
Please refer Official Sqlite site
Every database consists of one or more "pages". Within a single database, every page is the same size, but different database can have page sizes that are powers of two between 512 and 65536, inclusive. The maximum size of a database file is 2147483646 pages. At the maximum page size of 65536 bytes, this translates into a maximum database size of approximately 1.4e+14 bytes (140 terabytes, or 128 tebibytes, or 140,000 gigabytes or 128,000 gibibytes).
This particular upper bound is untested since the developers do not have access to hardware capable of reaching this limit. However, tests do verify that SQLite behaves correctly and sanely when a database reaches the maximum file size of the underlying filesystem (which is usually much less than the maximum theoretical database size) and when a database is unable to grow due to disk space exhaustion.

tfs database size - version control

I have TFS installed on a single server and am running out of space on the disk. (We've been using the instance for about 2 years now.)
Looking at the tables in SQL Server what seems to be culprit is the tbl_content table, it is at 70 GB. If I do a get on the entire source tree for all projects it is only about 8 GB of data.
Is this just all the histories of the files? It seems like a 10:1 ratio just the histories...since I would think the deltas would be very small.
Does anyone know if that is a reasonable size given 8 GB of source (and 2 yrs of activity)? And if not what to look at to 'fix' this?
I can't help with the ratio question at the moment, sorry. For a short-term fix you might check to see if there is any space within the DB files that can be freed up. You may have already, but if not..
SELECT name ,size/128.0 - CAST(FILEPROPERTY(name, 'SpaceUsed') AS int)/128.0 AS AvailableSpaceInMB
FROM sys.database_files;
If the statement above returns some space you want to recover you can look into a one time DBCC SHRINKDATABASE or DBCC SHRINKFILE along with scheduling routine SQL maintenance plan that may include defragmenting the database.
DBCC SHRINKDATABASE and DBCC SHRINKFILE aren't things you should do on a regular basis, because SQL Server needs some "swap" space to move things around for optimal performance. So neither should be relied upon as your long term fix, and both could cause some noticeable performance degradation of TFS response times.
Are you seeing data growth every day, even when no activity occurs on the system? If the answer is yes, are you storing any binaries outside of the 8GB of source somewhere?
The reason that I ask is that if TFS is unable to calculate a delta or if the file exceeds the size of delta generation, TFS will duplicate the entire binary file. I don't have the link with me, but I have it on my work machine, which describes this scenario and how to fix it, in the event that this is the cause of your problems.