Ambiguity of function overloading - Integers vs. Doubles - ambiguity

Suppose I wish to have 2 functions, one that generates a random integer within a given range, and one that generates a random double within a given range.
int GetRandomNumber( int min, int max );
double GetRandomNumber( double min, double max );
Notice that the method names are the same. I'm trying to decide whether to name the functions that or...
int GetRandomInteger( int min, int max );
double GetRandomDouble( double min, double max );
The first option has the benefit of the user not having to worry about which one they are calling. They can just call GetRandomNumber with integers or doubles and get a result.
The second option is more explicit in the names, but it reveals unneeded information to the caller.
I know this is petty, but I care about petty things.
Edit: How would C++ behave regarding implicit conversion.
GetRandomNumber( 1, 1 );
This could be implicitly converted for the GetRandomNumber function for the double version. Obviously I don't want this to occur. Will C++ use the int version before the double version?

I prefer your second example, it is explicit and leaves no ambiguity in interpretation. It is better to err on the side of being explicit in method names to clearly illuminate the purpose and function of that member.
The only downside to your approach is that you have coupled the name of the method to the return type which is not ideal in the event that you want to change the return type of one of these methods. However in that case I would be better to add a new method and not break compatibility in your API anyways.

I prefer the second version. I like overloading a function when ultimately the two functions do the same thing; in this case they return different types so they're not quite the same thing. Another possibility if your language supports it is to define it as a generic/template method, like:
T GetRandom<T>(T min, T max);

A function name should tell what the function does; I do not see a point in cramming the types into the names. So definitely go for overloading - that's what it is for.

I prefer the overloaded method. Look at the Math.Min() method in .NET. It has 11 overloads: int, double, byte, etc.

I usually prefer the first example because it doesn't pollute the namespace. For example when calling it, if I pass ints, I'm expecting to get back an int. If I pass in doubles, I probably expect to get back a double. The compiler will give you an error if you write:
//this causes an error
double d = GetRandomNumber(1,10);
so it's not really a big issue. and you can always cast the arguments if you need an int but have doubles for input...

In some of languages you can not vary the return type of overloaded functions this would require the second example.

Assuming C++, the second also avoids problems with ambiguity. If you said:
GetRandomNumber( 1, 5.0 );
which one should be used? In fact, it is a compilation error.

I think the ideal solution would be
Int32.GetRandom(int min, int max)
Double.GetRandom(double min, double max)
but, alas, static extension method are not possible (yet?).
The .net Framwork seems to favor the first option (System.Math class):
public static decimal Abs(decimal value)
public static int Abs(int value)
Like Andrew, I would personally favor the second option to avoid ambiguity, although I do think this is a matter of taste.


Do any programming languages provide the ability to name the return value of a function?

Quite commonly while programming I find it necessary to document the value that a function returns. In Java/Scala world, you often use comments above the function to do this.
However, this can stand out in contrast to the first-class documentation that function parameters get in all languages. For example:
def exponent(base: Int, power: Int): Int
Here we have the signature for a method that raises base to the power power and returns... probably the result of that computation? I know for certain it returns an Int, and it seems quite reasonable to infer that the return value is indeed the result of calculating base ^ power, but in many functions I've written and read it is not possible to infer the return value's semantic meaning quite so easily and you need to study the documentation and/or actually use the method to find out.
Which leads me to wonder, do any languages provide support for optionally declaring a semantic name for the return value?
def exponent(base: Int, power: Int): Int(exitCode)
A hah! Turns out this function actually returns an indication of whether the operation succeeded or failed! Look it is so clear right there in the method signature! My IDE could also intelligently create a variable with the same name when I call this method, a la:
// Typing in IntelliJ
exponent(5, 5)<TAB>
// Autocompletes to:
val exitCode = exponent(5, 5)
I'm not under any illusion that this is some sort of ground-breaking idea, but it seems like it could be generally useful, and I'm struck that I have never seen this concept implemented in any programming language.
Can you name any single programming language that does have this kind of semantic naming of return values?
In APL, for instance, the result of a function is declared as a variable. The function declaration in your example could be written like
exitCode ← base exponent power
in APL. However, a function with no side effects should always be named after the result it returns. If the function can fail I would use a value that is never returned on success, for instance -1 in this case.

How exactly does a variadic parameter work?

I'm a Swift newbie and am having a bit of trouble understanding what a variadic parameter is exactly, and why it's useful. I'm currently following along with the online Swift 5.3 guide, and this is the example that was given for this type of parameter.
func arithmeticMean(_ numbers: Double...) -> Double {
var total: Double = 0
for number in numbers {
total += number
return total / Double(numbers.count)
arithmeticMean(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
// returns 3.0, which is the arithmetic mean of these five numbers
arithmeticMean(3, 8.25, 18.75)
// returns 10.0, which is the arithmetic mean of these three numbers
Apparently, the variadic parameter called numbers has a type of Double..., which allows it to be used in the body of the function as a constant array. Why does the function return Double(numbers.count) instead of just numbers.count? And instead of creating a variadic parameter, why not just create a parameter that takes in an array that's outside of the function like this?
func addition(numbers : [Int]) -> Int
var total : Int = 0
for number in numbers
total += number
return total
let totalBruhs : [Int] = [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 69]
addition(numbers: totalBruhs)
Also, why can there only be one variadic parameter per function?
Variadic parameters need (well, not need, but nice) to exist in Swift because they exist in C, and many things in Swift bridge to C. In C, creating a quick array of arbitrary length is not so simple as in Swift.
If you were building Swift from scratch with no backwards compatibility to C, then maybe they'd have been added, and maybe not. (Though I'm betting yes, just because so many Swift developers are used to languages where they exist. But then again, languages like Zig have intentionally gotten rid of variadic parameters, so I don't know. Zig also demonstrates that you don't need variadic parameters to bridge to C, but still, it's kind of nice. And #Rob's comments below are worth reading. He's probably not wrong. Also, his answer is insightful.)
But they're also convenient because you don't need to add the [...], which makes it much nicer when there's just one value. In particular, consider something like print:
func print(_ items: Any..., separator: String = " ", terminator: String = "\n")
Without variadic parameters, you'd need to put [...] in every print call, or you'd need overloads. Variadic doesn't change the world here, but it's kind of nice. It's particularly nice when you think about the ambiguities an overload would create. Say you didn't have variadics and instead had two overloads:
func print(_ items: [Any]) { ... }
func print(_ item: Any) { print([item]) }
That's actually a bit ambiguous, since Array is also a kind of Any. So print([1,2,3]) would print [[1,2,3]]. I'm sure there's some possible work-arounds, but variadics fix that up very nicely.
There can be only one because otherwise there are ambiguous cases.
func f(_ xs: Int..., _ ys: Int...)
What should f(1,2,3) do in this case? What is xs and what is ys?
The function you've shown here doesn't return Double(numbers.count). It converts numbers.count to a Double so it can be divided into another Double. The function returns total / Double(numbers.count).
And instead of creating a variadic parameter, why not just create a parameter that takes in an array that's outside of the function ... ?
I agree with you that it feels intuitive to use arrays for arithmetic functions like “mean”, “sum”, etc.
That having been said, there are situations where the variadic pattern feels quite natural:
There are scenarios where you are writing a function where using an array might not be logical or intuitive at the calling point.
Consider a max function that is supposed to be returning the larger of two values. It doesn’t feel quite right to impose a constraint that the caller must create an array of these values in order to return the larger of two values. You really want to allow a nice, simple syntax:
let result = max(a, b)
But at the same time, as an API developer, there’s also no reason to restrict the max implementation to only allow two parameters. Maybe the caller might want to use three. Or more. As an API developer, we design API’s for naturally calling points for the primary use cases, but provide as much flexibility as we can. So a variadic function parameter is both very natural and very flexible.
There are lots of possible example of this pattern, namely any function that naturally feels like it should take two parameters, but might take more. Consider a union function for two rectangles and you want the bounding rectangle. Again, you don’t want the caller to have to create an array for what might be a simple union of two rectangles.
Another common example would be where you might have a variable number of parameters but might not be dealing with arrays. The classic example would be printf pattern. Or another is where you are interacting with some SQL database and might be binding values to ? placeholders in the SQL or the like (to protect against SQL injection attacks):
let sql = "SELECT book_id, isbn FROM books WHERE title = ? AND author = ?"
let resultSet = db.query(sql, title, author)
Again, in these cases, suggesting that the caller must create an array for this heterogenous collection of values might not feel natural at the calling point.
So, the question isn’t “why would I use variadic parameter where arrays are logical and intuitive?” but rather “why would I force the use of array parameters where it might not be?”

Precondition failed: Negative count not allowed

Precondition failed: Negative count not allowed: file /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/, line 49
String(repeating: "a", count: -1)
Well, it doesn't make sense repeating some string a negative number of times. Since we have types in Swift, why not use an UInt?
Here we have some documentation about it.
Use UInt only when you specifically need an unsigned integer type with
the same size as the platform’s native word size. If this isn’t the
case, Int is preferred, even when the values to be stored are known to
be nonnegative. A consistent use of Int for integer values aids code
interoperability, avoids the need to convert between different number
types, and matches integer type inference, as described in Type Safety
and Type Inference.
Apple Docs
Ok that Int is preferred, therefore the API is just following the rules, but why the Strings API is designed like that? Why this constructor is not private and the a public one with UInt ro something like that? Is there a "real" reason? It this some "undefined behavior" kind of thing?
This isn't undefined behavior — in fact, a precondition indicates the exact opposite: an explicit check was made to ensure that the given count is positive.
As to why the parameter is an Int and not a UInt — this is a consequence of two decisions made early in the design of Swift:
Unlike C and Objective-C, Swift does not allow implicit (or even explicit) casting between integer types. You cannot pass an Int to function which takes a UInt, and vice versa, nor will the following cast succeed: myInt as? UInt. Swift's preferred method of converting is using initializers: UInt(myInt)
Since Ints are more generally applicable than UInts, they would be the preferred integer type
As such, since converting between Ints and UInts can be cumbersome and verbose, the easiest way to interoperate between the largest number of APIs is to write them all in terms of the common integer currency type: Int. As the docs you quote mention, this "aids code interoperability, avoids the need to convert between different number types, and matches integer type inference"; trapping at runtime on invalid input is a tradeoff of this decision.
In fact, Int is so strongly ingrained in Swift that when Apple framework interfaces are imported into Swift from Objective-C, NSUInteger parameters and return types are converted to Int and not UInt, for significantly easier interoperability.

Working with opaque types (Char and Long)

I'm trying to export a Scala implementation of an algorithm for use in JavaScript. I'm using #JSExport. The algorithm works with Scala Char and Long values which are marked as opaque in the interoperability guide.
I'd like to know (a) what this means; and (b) what the recommendation is for dealing with this.
I presume it means I should avoid Char and Long and work with String plus a run-time check on length (or perhaps use a shapeless Sized collection) and Int instead.
But other ideas welcome.
More detail...
The kind of code I'm looking at is:
class Foo(val x: Int) {
def add(n: Int): Int = x+n
...which works just as expected: new Foo(1).add(2) produces 3.
Replacing the types with Long the same call reports:
java.lang.ClassCastException: 1 is not an instance of scala.scalajs.runtime.RuntimeLong (and something similar with methods that take and return Char).
Being opaque means that
There is no corresponding JavaScript type
There is no way to create a value of that type from JavaScript (except if there is an #JSExported constructor)
There is no way of manipulating a value of that type (other than calling #JSExported methods and fields)
It is still possible to receive a value of that type from Scala.js code, pass it around, and give it back to Scala.js code. It is also always possible to call .toString(), because java.lang.Object.toString() is #JSExported. Besides toString(), neither Char nor Long export anything, so you can't do anything else with them.
Hence, as you have experienced, a JavaScript 1 cannot be used as a Scala.js Long, because it's not of the right type. Neither is 'a' a valid Char (but it's a valid String).
Therefore, as you have inferred yourself, you must indeed avoid opaque types, and use other types instead if you need to create/manipulate them from JavaScript. The Scala.js side can convert back and forth using the standard tools in the language, such as someChar.toInt and someInt.toChar.
The choice of which type is best depends on your application. For Char, it could be Int or String. For Long, it could be String, a pair of Ints, or possibly even Double if the possible values never use more than 52 bits of precision.

Why didn't scala design around Integer Overflow?

I am a former Java developer and I have recently watched the insightful and entertaining introduction to Scala for Java developers by professor Venkat Subramaniam (
A major point introduced is the elimination of declared types in lieu of "type inference". Presumably, this means the higher-order compiler recognizes the type I intend to use, by the context.
Being an application security expert by trade, the first thing I tried to do is break this type inference... Example:
// declare a function that returns the square of an input Int. The return type is to be inferred.
scala> val square = (x:Int) => x*x
square: Int => Int = <function1>
// I can see the compiler inferred an Int for the output value, which I do not agree with.
scala> square(2147483647)
res1: Int = 1
// integer overflow
My question is why did the compiler not see that "*" is an operator with a threat of overflow, and wrap the inputs in something a little more protective like a BigInteger?
According to the professor, I am supposed to forget about the internal implementation and just get on with my business logic. But after my quick demonstration I'm not so sure that Scala is safe for a programmer who doesn't understand what the compiler is doing with my methods.
I think #rightføld somewhat overstates how often overflows do or don't happen (particularly when considering an attacker who is actively trying to overflow you). But I agree with his basic point. Converting all math to BigInteger would almost certainly have created a massive performance impact over Java. For developers to choose such a language, they'd have to get something visible for that cost.
String objects have a much smaller performance overhead over cstrings for many operations. They also provide very visible benefits to the developer, which is why people use them, not security per se. There are many common things that string objects make easy to do over cstrings. BigInteger provides none of that. It requires exactly the same code at a fraction of the speed, but just won't overflow (a bug few developers see day to day, even if security guys see it more often).
The equivalent would have been a cstring (with strcmp, strcpy, strcat, etc.) that ran at a fraction of the speed, but just didn't require a null terminator. I don't think many people would have jumped to use that, either, no matter how much that would help security over null-terminated strings. And if the language required it, I don't see a lot of people anxious to use the language.
And as #rightføld suggests in the comments, interoperability with Java would be trashed, since most if not all numbers would wind up being BigInteger. You'd constantly be converting, which raises the same dangers of overflows while adding a lot of code complexity (and more performance impacts).
A from-scratch language might get away with ubiquitous BigInteger (like python) if the language had a lot of other compelling features, but it's a very hard thing to retrofit into a language that wants to be a natural transition from (and with) Java.
In addition to the above answers, I think this question misunderstands the purpose of type inference in a statically typed language. Type inference does not make the choices that you are referring to - promoting a Int to a BigInt. It is restricted to simply "inferring" the type of an expression based the the known types of subexpressions at compile time.
The * function in Int returns an Int when supplied with an Int input parameter
def *(x: Int): Int
In this case, since x is declared to be an Int, then x*x must be an Int based on the signature of *.
If we really wanted this behavior, we could define a function that promotes Int to BigInt when multiplying.
implicit class SafeInt(x: Int) {
def safeMult(a: Int): scala.math.BigInt = scala.math.BigInt(x)*a
Then when we can define a square with the desired property:
scala> val square = (x: Int) => x safeMult x
square: Int => scala.math.BigInt = <function1>
The compiler infers based on the methods available. Int has a method *(Int): Int that is, as far as the compiler knows, perfectly well defined; 2147483647*2147483647 is a perfectly good method call with the result 1, it doesn't throw ClassCastException or anything like that.
Why is the Int type written this way? Largely for Java/JVM compatibility; many parts of Scala have design compromises for the sake of Java compatibility. If you don't need that functionality, you might prefer to use Haskell or a similar language. (I suspect that even without the requirement for JVM compatibility, Scala would have wanted to expose the machine-native integer types so that users could make that performance/correctness tradeoff where desired. They might not have been the default though)
If you're doing numeric computation in Scala you probably want to use the Spire library, which makes it easy to abstract over numeric types, and provides several high-performance numeric types with particular properties. In particular it has a SafeLong type that handles arbitrary-precision integers but with much better performance than BigInt for values which fall within the Long range, similar to Python's integer type.
Because overflow occurs almost never in practice, and BigInteger is slow as a dog compared to Int. It is also most inconvenient to have all * operations on Ints return BigIntegers.
"Recognizes the type I intend to use" is not an accurate description of what scala tries to do. It infers the most generic type possible given the constraints imposed by the context. Hence if you write List(Nil, "1"), you'll get List[Serializable], because Serializable is an interface that List and String share - disregarding that Serializable was probably not on your mind at all.
The question you're asking could be asked more precisely as "why is Int the type of numeric literals instead of BigInteger?" - inference doesn't have much to do with it.
And we can opine all we want on that topic, but there's one most accurate answer describing why Scala is what it is: "because Java".
If you wanted the type of safety that you seem to want, then one approach is to define via a partial function which guards against numeric overflow and then returns either an Option[Int] or even perhaps an Either[Int, BigInteger].
The type inference for your square function is correct - given that it's inferred from the input types you've specified and the type of the *'s not really broken in my opinion.