trackPageView on Google Analytics for iPhone Not Working - iphone

I'm trying to get Google Analytics working on an iPhone application without much luck.
I've followed all the instructions on their website (google/apis/analytics/docs/tracking/mobileAppsTracking.html) and studied their sample application (google/gaformobileapps/GoogleAnalyticsIphone_0.7.tar.gz).
When I run my application and go to Google Analytics' website (, the only page that is recording is /app_entry_point. I'm seeing one count in my Google Analytics detailed report once every time my app fires up. However, I have added other pages to be tracked but it's not working. Here is a sample of two pages I've added to be tracked:
I call them from various ViewControllers in the app. In each of those view controllers I import the the GANTracker header:
#import "GANTracker.h"
I'll admit it: I'm an objective-c newbie. Any help you can offer is greatly appreciated! Do I need to physically dispatch them to get the trackPageview working? If so, why is the /app_entry_point page the only page that is recorded by Google Analytics?

Have a look on my answer at: Problem dispatching with google mobile analytics for iphone
Hope this will help!


iOS library to detect app stats

Is there any iOS library which detects various user stats within the app like time spent on a view, number of times app was activated etc.? Any suggestions will be most welcome.
There is an open source project on github:
There are many stats SDKs based on web server.
Maybe you can use the google analytics sdk here
or localytics sdk here
I don't know of any native library, there are allot of simple API's to do this. You could however, if you wanted to do it yourself, use some of app delegates methods to log statistics to a plist. But that isn't really the best option. Honestly, Google Analytics on a blank UIWebView page would be an effective and easy solution.
You can use the Flurry analytics sdk here to detects various user stats

Google Plus sharing, like button from ios

I am new to iPhone apps development, I want share and like button on google plus for my application, searched in web, but i got many links were pointing to etc. from there i downloaded SDK, but am not able to write code for that.
Please give some example code.
Thanks in advance.
there is a post here, which describes what you plan to do...
How can I integrate Google Plus with iPhone sdk?

iphone week-view calendar to show reservations

I am looking to build an iphone application to show booking/reservations of a Device. I want to have a week view where I can show the reservations using different colors (Something similar to the one in Google Calendar).
I saw few projects in github which provides month-view, but i could not find the one with week-view.
I am pretty new to iPhone development, and I would appreciate if someone can help me in this regard. Some tutorials which helps in adding an calendar to an application.
Thanks in advance
Why don't you create a google calender and then let the users of your app look at the booking on there. If that is what you want here is the official doc for objective-c
GDataObjCIntroduction - gdata-objectivec-client - Introduction for Objective-C Developers - Project Hosting on Google Code
google code project that access google calendar
iphone-gcal - Project Hosting on Google Code
another client
Downloads - gdata-objectivec-client - Project Hosting on Google Code
a tutorial
How To Use Google APIs with iPhone SDK
Hope this helps.

iphone - have a button load a new page

I'm trying to learn iphone app. development. Can someone direct me to a tutorial that explains how to add a button which loads a webpage.
Thanks so much
p.s. you won't get far if you can not find a simple information like that using google.
Most likely you'll have a lot of questions - try to look into Apple sample applications.

How can I find tutorials for building an application that gets updates from an online website?

I want to build an application that gets updates from online websites like Twitter or Facebook. Currently, I haven't even got a clue on how to do this.
Also, in certain applications, like Doodle Jump, I have seen updates that pop up. Some other applications have a news section that gets updated often. How is it done? Any tutorial or working code will be very helpful.
There is a good tutorial I used to do this with ASP.NET.
I'm going to guess that you are interested in building an iPhone app. I don't know if you have any experience working with objective-c or the iPhone SDK, but here is a nice tutorial that touches on some of the concepts you will need.