Can I upload photos but not post to wall in Facebook? - facebook

Can I upload photos using Facebook API but not post to wall in Facebook?
What I use is the photos.upload in the API.
If it cannot be avoided, is there any way to delete that wall post so that I don't have to do it manually?

Documentation of graph API ( mentions the following:
If you would like to suppress the
story that is automatically generated
in the user's feed when you publish a
photo (usually because you plan on
generating your own), you can add a
no_story=1 parameter. In this case,
the user will receive a notification
that your application has uploaded a
Adding the same parameter to the legacy REST API seems to work for me

Let me answer my own question:
It's about the permission problem. We can set the permission so that the photos do not publish to wall.


post to friends feed facebook without feed dialog

I'm creating an app using Facebook API in cascades BB 10. I have done the login part in C++ using qnetwork manager. I was able to post to my wall using HTTP post with graph API. I want to post to my friends wall. After searching, I found that it is not possible using graph API but only with feed dialog. As I'm not using any SDK, is there any other option for posting to friends wall?
No. But some other options (since your req could be batch post) you may like, such as:
You can post feed/photo on the user's wall and tag the friend/s in that post using mention tagging or place parameter
Read more about tagging on the developers site here: Tagging

Since Feb. 6th, can I post to friends' timeline by Graph API call directly?

My question is,
if I am the user using an authorized web application, can I post something to my friends' timeline at once, and without any interactions with me?
I've read this topic and other relative posts on stackoverflow, and I understand that facebook had made some changes.
But when I read Feed Dialog document, I find out that it said:
Your application can also publish directly to a profile's timeline without interaction on the part of someone using your app. To accomplish this, use the corresponding Graph API call
while "Graph API call" is an unavailable link. And I can't figure out what the corresponding graph api call is.
You cannot Post to User's Friends timelines through the Graph API, as simple as that. You can only Post to the authorized User's wall through the Graph API.
The only way to achieve the similar functionality, as the blog post that you have checked suggests is,
If you want to allow people to post to their friend’s timeline from your app, you can invoke the feed dialog. Stories that include friends via user mentions tagging or action tagging will show up on the friend’s timeline (assuming the friend approves the tag).

Modify the photo description using Facebook Graph API

I'm able to publish a photo with description on Facebook using Graph API.
But, i figured out that i can't delete it using Graph API, as of now. But, is there any way to modify the description of the existing photo?
I tried many API calls, but no success yet. Is this achievable or so far, such functionality doesn't exist?
Thank You
We can delete the photos that are uploaded via our APP. we can use the ID of photo to delete it.

Facebook photo sharing to friend's wall

I am developing a greeting card application. Greeting card should be posted to multiple friends' wall. I had used graph API to upload picture to friend's wall using [friends_Id]/photos post. Using this approach Facebook will create an album in to that user account automatically rather than creating or sharing photo to friends. After photo upload this newly created album will be shared to friends. This is not the option which I'm looking.
Facebook will use the same album for other photo uploads. Since album was shared to some friends, all previously shared friends will get notifications on their news feed for this new photo upload. So I omitted this approach.
Second I used posting image link to friend's feed. This time Facebook won't allow me to post image links with hosted on their server saying that FCDN images are not allowed in stream.
Hosting a server will be an expensive option for me.
Third I used photo tagging approach. This work well. But this is not the required option.
In Facebook website there is an option to share a photo in an album to my friends wall. Can I implement this approach using graph API? Is there any option to share an uploaded image to friend's wall using graph API?
I hope that my question is clear to you... Please help.. :)
Perhaps this approach will work you. See where you can post to a wall and refer to an existing photo, or basically attach a photo you own to a friend's wall. So here are the steps:
1) Upload the photo you are interested in sharing to your album. Note the photo ID.
2) Send an HTTP POST to[FRIEND_ID]/feed with the object_attachment parameter set to your photo ID.
Please note that you will need an access token with publish_stream permission.

Uploading photo Rest API without posting to wall

I'm doing a FB app where users are able to upload a photo to a photo album that is created at the same time. My problem is that I only want the photos to go into the album avoiding the post of the same photos on the users wall and in the users news feed.
Not sure if that's possible or if there's a workaround.
Thanks for your help
You just need to use the parameter no_story=1 within your call.
This is not documented on Album or Photo, but is on User and it works for Photos as well.
Related to: facebook upload photo without news feed post? Possible?
The only way to work around this is to delete the stories (posts) generated for each photo upload. To answer another question in the thread you can do batch photo uploads, see this blog post that explains how to do this using Batch Requests.
Assuming you used batch requests (or even if you upload one at a time) you can follow this process:
After uploading the photos through Graph API, note the id of the photo(s) uploaded.
Make a call to to get your latest wall post information. You may choose to pass on a limit parameter so you do not get too many results.
Loop through the results, looking to match the object_id to the information saved in step (1). Note the corresponding id, these are the wall post id(s).
For each wall post id found in step (3) issue an HTTP DELETE to with an access_token that has publish_stream access.
The wall posts should be gone but the photos still in the album.