What format should I be publishing my videos in? - iphone

Just wondering what format is accepted as "the best" to have your video content on. We currently have our videos in FLV format being played by a JW Player. Are FLV's iPhone compatible or should we be encoding in another format? Thanks!

FLV video is not supported on the iPhone. H.264 should be you choice if you plan on targeting the iPhone.
If you're looking into streaming the video have a look at Apple HTTP streaming which is supported by the iPhone.
HTTP Streaming Architecture - Might need Apple ID to view it.

According to the iPhone SDK, You can use -
Media Player framework to display
full-screen video from files in either
H.264 (Baseline Profile Level 3.0)
format or MPEG-4 Part 2 video (Simple
Profile) format.
So I gather that the FLV video is not supported on the iPhone and you should encode the videos in one of these two formats. Also note that only full-screen video playback is supported on the device, with a fade-in transition to the player when video is started.


IPhone Video Streaming Problem

I want to implement video streaming in my project. So, Is there any tutorial that works? Videos are stored at server side. So, to fetch video using url and play it on MPMoviePlayerViewController .
Thank You.
For video streaming in iPhone you can use ffmpeg concept.FFmpeg is a complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. It includes libavcodec - the leading audio/video codec library.Have a look at these sites for samples,
Check this solution, it's a full audio and video streamer.

RTMP (Real Time Media Player) format in iPhone

Is iPhone supports RTMP (Real Time Media Player) Video format to play into iphone/ipod or ipad?
On website, it is working with flash player, like JWPlayer, but i doubt whether its supported with iPhone as we will be generating APIs parsing XML.
Any ideas, would be appreciated.
Thanks !
There is no RTMP streaming to IOS devices. Apple is keen on HTTP Live Streaming, which is closely related to MPEG-TS.

How to ensure YouTube API only returns videos that are streamable on iPhone?

I'm building some YouTube search functionality into an iPhone app and want to ensure that I only receive results that will be playable on the device. According to the Searching for videos section in the API reference doc this seems to be relatively straightforward:
The format parameter specifies that videos must be available in a particular video format. Your request can specify any of the following formats:
I've tried setting "format=1" to limit to:
RTSP streaming URL for mobile video playback. H.263 video (up to 176x144) and AMR audio.
This provides a high proportion of playable videos but some are still unplayable and I'm worried that it's not returning others that would be playable.
When I leave the format field blank I receive an even higher proportion of non-streamable URLs.
This does not sound appropriate. My understanding is that iPhone does not stream RTSP rather it supports Apple's HTTP Streaming of segmented files for live and HTTP streaming of MPEG4 video files via range requests. I'd also expect the video to be H.264 and AAC audio.
Your setting sounds appropriate for low-end cellphones In particular, the 176x144 is a QCIF resolution commonly used on non-smartphones.
When you look at the XML file returned by a call to
http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/<your video id>
then you will notice that videos which are not playable on the iPhone will have the following tag:
<yt:state name='restricted' reasonCode='limitedSyndication'>Syndication of this video was restricted by its owner.</yt:state>
Just make sure to look for the above tag and ignore the video if the tag is present.

How does the youtube iphone app work

I want to make a youtube app like application for the iphone, where some videos are streamed/downloaded from a video site. But just by looking at the youtube app, I have a doubt.
I searched around on google, and it seems iphone does not have builtin support to play flv files. So how is the youtube app able to play the videos? Where does the encoding etc happen?
From Wikipedia: "Since June 2007, YouTube's videos have been available for viewing on a range of Apple products. This required YouTube's content to be transcoded into Apple's preferred video standard, H.264, a process that took several months"
The iPhone YouTube app doesn't play FLV, it plays H.264 versions of YouTube's videos. Apple arranged this with YouTube privately. You will need to convert your videos to a format that the iPhone can play.

video API iphone

I want to play H.264 video streamed from network. To play video iphone provides the media player API. Does anyone one aware of any documented or undocumented API for decoding and playing single video frame?
Is it Live video or on demand ?
If live the only way is to use iPhone OS 3 with MediaPlayer.
take a look at the discussions group from apple there is some interesting thread.