In Perl, how can I find the index of a given value in an array? - perl

$VAR1 = [
How can I calculate the array index for the value "722065"?

The firstidx function from List::MoreUtils can help:
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::MoreUtils qw(firstidx);
my #nums = ( '830974', '722065', '722046', '716963' );
printf "item with index %i in list is 722065\n", firstidx { $_ eq '722065' } #nums;
item with index 1 in list is 722065

using List::Util, which is a core module, unlike List::MoreUtils, which is not:
use List::Util qw(first);
my #nums = ( '830974', '722065', '722046', '716963' );
my $index = first { $nums[$_] eq '722065' } 0..$#nums;

Here is how you would find all the positions at which a given value appears:
use strict;
use warnings;
my #x = ( 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1 );
my #i = grep { $x[$_] == 3 } 0 .. $#x;
print "#i\n";
If you only need the first index, you should use List::MoreUtils::first_index.

If you only need to look up the one item, use firstidx as others have said.
If you need to do many lookups, build an index.
If your array items are unique, building an index is quite simple. But it's not much more difficult to build one that handles duplicate items. Examples of both follow:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
# Index an array with unique elements.
my #var_uniq = qw( 830974 722065 722046 716963 );
my %index_uniq = map { $var_uniq[$_] => $_ } 0..$#var_uniq;
# You could use hash slice assinment instead of map:
# my %index_uniq;
# #index_uniq{ #var_uniq } = 0..$#var_uniq
my $uniq_index_of_722065 = $index_uniq{722065};
print "Uniq 72665 at: $uniq_index_of_722065\n";
print Dumper \%index_uniq;
# Index an array with repeated elements.
my #var_dupes = qw( 830974 722065 830974 830974 722046 716963 722065 );
my %index_dupes;
for( 0..$#var_dupes ) {
my $item = $var_dupes[$_];
# have item in index?
if( $index_dupes{$item} ) {
# Add to array of indexes
push #{$index_dupes{$item}}, $_;
else {
# Add array ref with index to hash.
$index_dupes{$item} = [$_];
# Dereference array ref for assignment:
my #dupe_indexes_of_722065 = #{ $index_dupes{722065} };
print "Dupes 722065 at: #dupe_indexes_of_722065\n";
print Dumper \%index_dupes;

Here's hastily written attempt at a reverse look-up using a hash.
my $VAR1 = [ '830974', '722065', '722046', '716963' ];
my %reverse;
$reverse{$VAR1->[$_]} = $_ for 0 .. #$VAR1 - 1;
print $reverse{722065};
This does not account for arrays with duplicate values. I do not endorse this solution for production code.

check out the Perl FAQ

use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
sub invert
my $i=0;
map { $i++ => $_ } #_;
my #a = ('a','b','c','d','e');
print Dumper #a;
print Dumper invert #a;


Perl, Split string into Key:Value pairs for hash with lowercase keys without temporary array

Given a string of Key:Value pairs, I want to create a lookup hash but with lowercase values for the keys. I can do so with this code
my $a="KEY1|Value1|kEy2|Value2|KeY3|Value3";
my #a = split '\|', $a;
my %b = map { $a[$_] = ( !($_ % 2) ? lc($a[$_]) : $a[$_]) } 0 .. $#a ;
The resulting Hash would look like this Dumper output:
$VAR1 = {
'key3' => 'Value3',
'key2' => 'Value2',
'key1' => 'Value1'
Would it be possible to directly create hash %b without using temporary array #a or is there a more efficient way to achieve the same result?
Edit: I forgot to mention that I cannot use external modules for this. It needs to be basic Perl.
You can use pairmap from List::Util to do this without an intermediate array at all.
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util 1.29 'pairmap';
my $str="KEY1|Value1|kEy2|Value2|KeY3|Value3";
my %hash = pairmap { lc($a) => $b } split /\|/, $str;
Note: you should never use $a or $b outside of sort (or List::Util pair function) blocks. They are special global variables for sort, and just declaring my $a in a scope can break all sorts (and List::Util pair functions) in that scope. An easy solution is to immediately replace them with $x and $y whenever you find yourself starting to use them as example variables.
Since the key-value pair has to be around the | you can use a regex
my $v = "KEY1|Value1|kEy2|Value2|KeY3|Value3";
my %h = split /\|/, $v =~ s/([^|]+) \| ([^|]+)/lc($1).q(|).$2/xger;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $i;
my %hash = map { $i++ % 2 ? $_ : lc } split(/\|/, 'KEY1|Value1|kEy2|Value2|KeY3|Value3');
print Dumper(\%hash);
$VAR1 = {
'key1' => 'Value1',
'key2' => 'Value2',
'key3' => 'Value3'
For fun, here are two additional approaches.
A cheaper one than the original (since the elements are aliased rather than copied into #_):
my %hash = sub { map { $_ % 2 ? $_[$_] : lc($_[$_]) } 0..$#_ }->( ... );
A more expensive one than the original:
my %hash = ...;
#hash{ map lc, keys(%hash) } = delete( #hash{ keys(%hash) } );
More possible solutions using regexes to do all the work, but not very pretty unless you really like regex:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $str="KEY1|Value1|kEy2|Value2|KeY3|Value3";
my %hash;
my $copy = $str;
$hash{lc $1} = $2 while $copy =~ s/^([^|]*)\|([^|]*)\|?//;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $str="KEY1|Value1|kEy2|Value2|KeY3|Value3";
my %hash;
$hash{lc $1} = $2 while $str =~ m/\G([^|]*)\|([^|]*)\|?/g;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $str="KEY1|Value1|kEy2|Value2|KeY3|Value3";
my %hash = map { my ($k, $v) = split /\|/, $_, 2; (lc($k) => $v) }
$str =~ m/([^|]*\|[^|]*)\|?/g;
Here's a solution that avoids mutating the input string, constructing a new string of the same length as the input string, or creating an intermediate array in memory.
The solution here changes the split into looping over a match statement.
#! /usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $a="KEY1|Value1|kEy2|Value2|KeY3|Value3";
sub normalize_alist_opt {
my ($input) = #_;
my %c;
my $last_key;
while ($input =~ m/([^|]*(\||\z)?)/g) {
my $s = $1;
next unless $s ne '';
$s =~ s/\|\z//g;
if (defined $last_key) {
$c{ lc($last_key) } = $s;
$last_key = undef;
} else {
$last_key = $s;
return \%c;
print Dumper(normalize_alist_opt($a));
A potential solution that operates over the split directly. Perl might recognize and optimize the special case. Although based on discussions here and here, I'm not sure.
sub normalize_alist {
my ($input) = #_;
my %c;
my $last_key;
foreach my $s (split /\|/, $input) {
if (defined $last_key) {
$c{ lc($last_key) } = $s;
$last_key = undef;
} else {
$last_key = $s;
return \%c;

Perl hash, array and references

I have this 3 lines of code in a sub and I'm trying to write them together on one line only.. but I'm quite lost
my %p = #_;
my $arr = $p{name};
my #a = #$arr;
what's the correct way of doing this?
thank you!
my %p = #_;
#_ is assumed to contain key-value pairs which are then used to construct the hash %p.
my $arr = $p{name};
The argument list is assumed to have contained something along the lines of name, [1, 2, 3,] so that $p{name} is an reference to an array.
my #a = #$arr;
Dereference that array reference to get the array #.
Here is an invocation that might work with this prelude in a sub:
func(this => 'that', name => [1, 2, 3]);
If you want to reduce the whole prelude to a single statement, you can use:
my #a = #{ { #_ }->{name} };
as in:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use YAML::XS;
func(this => 'that', name => [1, 2, 3]);
sub func {
my #a = #{ { #_ }->{name} };
print Dump \#a;
- 1
- 2
- 3
If the array pointed to by name is large, and if you do not need a shallow copy, however, it may be better to just stick with references:
my $aref = { #_ }->{ name };
OK so what you're doing is:
Assign a list of elements passed to the sub, to a hash.
extract a value from that hash (that appears to be an array reference)
dereference that into a standalone array.
Now, I'm going to have to make some guesses as to what you're putting in:
use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
sub test {
my %p = #_;
my $arr = $p{name};
my #a = #$arr;
print Dumper \#a;
my %input = ( fish => [ "value", "another value" ],
name => [ "more", "less" ], );
test ( %input );
So with that in mind:
sub test {
print join "\n", #{{#_}->{name}},"\n";
But actually, I'd suggest what you probably want to do is pass in the hashref in the first place:
use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
sub test {
my ( $input_hashref ) = #_;
print Dumper \#{$input_hashref -> {name}};
my %input = ( fish => [ "value", "another value" ],
name => [ "more", "less" ], );
test ( \%input );
Don't use single letter variable names. It's bad style.
that goes double for a and b because $a and $b are for sorting. (And using #a is confusing as a result).

Processing array of hashrefs correctly

I have an list of maps in my code.
my #codeList;
push (#codeList, \%map1, \%map2, \%map3);
when I am trying to access it via looping over List index it is not giving me proper map.
what am I missing.
my $Count = #codeList;
for (my $index =0; $index < $Count; $index++)
my %map = $codeList[$index];
Instead of
my %map = $dbColsList[$dbCount];
you have to use reference as #codeList was populated with them => \%map1
my $map = $dbColsList[$dbCount];
and later use it like $map->{key} as this is array of hashes or hashref structure.
Check perldoc for details.
Alternatively you can dereference hashref and do a shallow copy (changes to %map keys/values won't reflect on \%map1, etc.)
my %map = %{ $dbColsList[$dbCount] };
Your code works fine. i think its your loop ( which you did'nt show us). You can loop through this by dereferencing the hashref (%{ $hashref }):
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
my %map1 = (test1 => 'ab');
my %map2 = (test2 => 'ab');
my %map3 = (test2 => 'ab');
my #codeList;
push (#codeList, \%map1, \%map2, \%map3);
for my $hashref (#codeList) {
for my $key (keys %{$hashref}) {
say $key . q{ } . $hashref->{$key};
EDIT Output:
test1 ab
test2 ab
test2 ab

How to get array values in hash using map function in Perl

I have an array of elements combined with # which I wish to put in hash , first element of that array as key and rest as value after splitting of that array elements by #
But it is not happening.
my #arr = qw(9093#AT#BP 8111#BR 7456#VD#AP 7786#WS#ER 9431#BP ) #thousand of data
What I want is
$hash{9093} = [AT,AP];
$hash{8111} = [BR]; and so on
How we can accomplish it using map function. Otherwise I need to use for loop but I wish to use map function.
my %hash = map { my ($k, #v) = split /#/; $k => \#v } #arr;
For comparison, the corresponding foreach loop follows:
my %hash;
for (#arr) {
my ($k, #v) = split /#/;
$hash{$k} = \#v;
Use split to split on '#', taking the first chunk as the key, and keeping the rest in an array. Then create a hash using the keys and references to the arrays.
use Data::Dumper;
my #arr = qw( 9093#AT#BP 8111#BR 7456#VD#AP 7786#WS#ER 9431#BP );
my %hash = map {
my ($key, #vals) = split '#', $_;
$key => \#vals;
} #arr;
print Dumper \%hash;
No effort shown in your question, but I am on a code freeze so I'll bite :)
A think that a for loop would be more idiomatic Perl here, process the elements one-by-one, split on # and then assign into your hash:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my #arr = qw(9093#AT#BP 8111#BR 7456#VD#AP 7786#WS#ER 9431#BP );
my %h;
for my $elem ( #arr ) {
my ($key, #vals) = split /#/, $elem;
$h{$key} = \#vals;
print Dumper \%h;
That is easy:
%s = (map {split(/#/, $_, 2)} #arr);
Testing it:
$ cat
my #arr = qw(9093#AT#BP 8111#BR 7456#VD#AP 7786#WS#ER 9431#BP );
%s = (map {split(/#/, $_, 2)} #arr);
foreach my $key ( keys %s )
print "key: $key, value: $s{$key}\n";
$ perl
key: 7456, value: VD#AP
key: 8111, value: BR
key: 7786, value: WS#ER
key: 9431, value: BP
key: 9093, value: AT#BP
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my #arr = ('9093#AT#BP', '8111#BR', '7456#VD#AP', '7786#WS#ER', '9431#BP' );
my %h = map { map { splice(#$_, 0, 1), $_ } [ split /#/ ] } #arr;
print Dumper \%h;

How to push duplicate element of an array to a new array perl

Can anybody tell me how to push a duplicate element of an array to a new array?
This is what I have till now, again I want to retain the duplicate elements into a new array.
%seen = ();
#uniq = ();
foreach $item (#list) {
unless ($seen{$item}) {
$seen{$item} = 1;
push(#uniq, $item);
print "#unique\n";
Always start your scripts with use strict; and use warnings;.
use strict ;
use warnings ;
my #list = ( 1 .. 10 , 2 , 5 , 6 ) ;
my %seen = ();
foreach my $item (#list) {
$seen{$item}++ ;
my #uniq = grep { $seen{$_} == 1 } keys %seen ;
my #not_unique = grep { $seen{$_} > 1 } keys %seen ;
Simply count each occurrence of the elements in a hash and use a grep afterwards.
It's unclear what you're trying to accomplish... do you want to remove duplicates, or find them? Here's a solution for either:
To remove duplicates
use strict;
use warnings;
my #list = (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3);
my %unique;
#unique{ #list } = ();
print join(',',sort keys %unique)."\n";
To grab only duplicates
use strict;
use warnings;
my #list = (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3);
my %dupes;
%dupes = map { $_ => $dupes{$_}++ } #list;
delete #dupes{ grep { $dupes{$_} == 0 } keys %dupes };
print join(',',sort keys %dupes)."\n";
If you're trying to find values that appear more than once:
my #seen;
my #dups = grep ++$seen{$_} == 2, #list;
#list = qw( foo bar baz foo foo moo bar );
#dups = qw( foo bar );
If you're trying to put the values that are only found once in #uniq and values that are found twice or more in #dups:
my %counts;
++$counts{$_} for #list;
my (#uniq, #dups);
for (#list) {
my $count = $counts{$_};
push #uniq, $_ if $count == 1;
push #dups, $_ if $count == 2;
#list = qw( foo bar baz foo foo moo bar );
#uniq = qw( baz moo );
#dups = qw( foo bar );
If you're trying to put the first instance of a value in #uniq and the second and subsequent values in #dups:
my (#uniq, #dups, %seen);
push #{ $seen{$_}++ ? \#dups : \#uniq }, $_ for #list;
#list = qw( foo bar baz foo foo moo bar );
#uniq = qw( foo bar baz moo );
#dups = qw( foo foo bar );
Same logic as yours, but different statements.
use strict;
my #ar = (1,2,3,4,1,2);
my %ar = map { $_ , 1 } #ar ;
my #ar1 = keys %ar;
print #ar1;
Also check this
Eliminating duplicates is this simple:
use List::MoreUtils qw<uniq>;
my #uniq = uniq #list;
Getting duplicates, requires a little more explicit Perl:
my %seen;
my #dups = grep { ++$seen{ '' . $_ } == 2 } #list;
You must always use strict and use warnings at the start of your programs, and declare all variables using my at their point of first use. In this case it would have shown you that you were addaing data to the array #uniq but displaying the contents of #unique.
This program will print a list of all unique data items, and a second list of data that has occurred twice or more
use strict;
use warnings;
my #list = qw/ a a a b b c /;
my %seen;
my #uniq;
my #multiple;
foreach my $item (#list) {
if (not $seen{$item}++) {
push #uniq, $item;
elsif ($seen{$item} == 2) {
push #multiple, $item;
print "Unique: #uniq\n";
print "Multiple: #multiple\n";