Can Hudson check out from multiple SCMs? - plugins

Due to some politics at work we have our project in two different SCMs, SVN and Dimensions.
I was wondering if anyone knew of a plugin available that would change Hudson's radio buttons into checkboxes to allow me to configure multiple SCM repositories in the project's config on hudson?

No it can't. However, the svn plugin allows you to check out from several locations.
A work around would be to use a (pre-) build step to check out from your repositories using a command line tool.


Sharing an Eclipse workspace between two computers

What is a "safe" way to share an Eclipse workspace between two computers? I've had problems using Dropbox and I've had problems using Github. I am looking for a best practice that will "just work".
I read below and many other places that sharing a workspace doesn't work. But my collection includes 50 projects, are you saying that I need to create 50 github repos? There's no way to put them all in one repo to save the repetition?
Solution (imperfect, but still improving)
My collection of projects is in a github repo called projects/ which includes 50 subdirectories, each structured appropriately as they would be for an eclipse project.The /projects directory doesn't have meta-data or any other eclipse info (AFAIK)
Separately, in ~ I create a brand new Eclipse workspace. And then I "manually" import each one with Eclipse. I do this on each machine that needs to access those projects via Eclipse.
No, the workspace will contain machine-specific information and locations. Share the projects themselves, preferably through a source code management system like git. If anything in the project refers to something outside the workspace, you'll want it changed to refer to that resource in a portable way (e.g. pick the JRE using an Execution Environment instead by name).
Look at the thread at They describe how to share a workspace and configurations between machines. Otherwise you'll always have problems with absolute paths.

How to share Eclipse project settings between projects?

What is the best way to share project specific settings between multiple Eclipse projects?
I'm working with an application that is divided into several Eclipse projects. All of the Eclipse projects should use the same compiler settings. I could duplicate the settings in all the projects, but I'm looking for a way to avoid that.
The relevant settings are the ones that are saved in <PROJECT_LOC>/.settings, most importantly org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs but also for example org.eclipse.jdt.ui.prefs. They are the ones that are set in Project Properties > Java Compiler, Java Code Style (and a few more places).
The solution must be version control friendly.
One possible solution use a linked resource, from org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs or .settings of the projects to the same file, located in one of the projects. A similar solutions is to use soft file system links. I don't really like these solutions, it seems to me that they are hard to maintain, for example if the name of a project is changed.
I found this question which is different because it asks about sharing settings between developers, not between projects. (I must do both.)
How to share Eclipse project preferences between users?
I think it depends on how frequently you expect projects settings to change.
If not frequently, you shouldn't over-engineer your solution: just configure one project and copy settings to other projects, put everything under version control and you're done, except for having to perform this operation again every other year, or so.
If frequently, and if a lot of settings are involved, and if all (most) workspace projects should indeed use the same settings, then consider creating your own Oomph setup, that would include your settings as workspace settings. Then let all projects just use the workspace settings. (Of course a few projects could still deviate and use their own project settings, but once using project specific settings, changes to workspace settings will have no effect on that project).
BTW: Oomph includes capabilities to also specify once and for all: selection of plug-ins to install plus how to populate a workspace with projects from version control, and more. So I can only recommend this tool if you are really concerned about systematic configuration of working environments: create one setup - apply it automatically hundreds of times. And no, I'm not an author of Oomph, just a happy user.
Sharing your workspace setup using Project Sets
Your workspace setup may consist of several projects from one or more repositories. Once you have setup your workspace, you can share it with others by exporting a Team Project Set. A project set is a text file that contains a pointer to each of the projects contained in the project set.When a project set is imported, these pointers are used to fetch the projects from the repository.
A long time afterwards I got an idea about how to solve this:
Set up a multi-module Maven project.
Configure the settings in the parent pom file.
Import the projects into Eclipse as Maven projects.
Disclaimer: I haven't actually tested this, so I don't know how well it's working...

Repackage update site into one feature

I have an update site that contains some 100 - 200 features and many more plugins. For some users all of these are needed, so I'd like to simplify the installation process by creating one feature that they can install. This feature would then contain all the contents of the update site.
I've created a new feature project and my plan is to add the contents of the original update site as included features and plugins in this project.
Problems is; In my feature project, when adding feature in the "included features" tab, I can only add features that are currently installed in my Eclipse platform. I'd rather not install those 200 features just so I can add them.
Is there a way to work around this?
Without the features installed in your target platform, you will need to edit the feature.xml file directly. All you need to do is to add the following for each feature that you want to include:
Your build process (PDE or tycho) should add the proper version numbers for you.
I think you should have a detailed look at the Eclipse target platform concept. The features don't need to be installed in your current Eclipse platform (i.e. the IDE), they need to be installed in the target platform to be available for an update site.
If you never defined a target platform, your currently running application will be taken as IDE, and that is where your confusion might come from.
When I try to manipulate a feature I only need to have them in my workspace. No reason to install them.

grails and version control specific to plugins

I am using 1.3.7 on a windows system, the plugins are placed in a different folder and I have made a few changes in the code related to the plugins.
I now need to check in this project into svn, how do i go about doing it ? specifically how do i check in he plugins ?
When a team mate of mine checks out this project, where will he find the plugins ?
I realize that similar questions have been asked here and here
However they do not address this specific problem.
The plugins you have made need to be made inline. i.e. they will be in your grails-app folder.
To make a plugin inline create a folder say "custom-plugins" in your grails-app folder and copy the modified plugin there. Now in your BuildConfig.groovy add following lines
repeat this for different plugins you have changed.
I personally prefer to add "custom" in the name of modified plugin to differentiate it from original.

Project with multiple binaries in Eclipse CDT

I think it is quite normal to have more than one binary in a project. However, with Eclipse CDT I don't know how to set up the IDE to get things done.
I know I can create several projects - one per binary. And I know I can set the dependencies per project. However, I cannot regard them as one project in Eclipse. If I'd like to share the code with a version control system (like svn), each developer has to import the projects separately.
What I miss is something like the Solution (sln file) in Visual Studio. Should I create a single project and create the make files by myself?
I haven't tried it out yet, but there is this 'project set' which can be ex- and imported. Is this the solution? Can this be put into version control?
My goal it to put everything under version control, not only subprojects. I cannot imagine that CDT makes only sense for single-binary applications.
How can I work properly?
I am quite sure CDT doesn't support sub-projects, which leaves you pretty much with:
one workspace per "set of projects"
one project per binary (like you mention in your question)
project dependencies (like you mention in your question)
In term of version control, that means:
submodules (Git),
subrepos (Mercurial) or
external (SVN)
for each project needing a shared library project.
In short, that means putting under version control various components (set of files), with one referencing specific version of others (that list of specific versions of other components is called a "configuration", based on a component-based approach development)