Facebook Plugin - facebook

Is there any plugin or way to post on my facebook wall directly from my website?
(There are plugins available for WordPress. But mine is not a blog site).
Thanks in advance

Facebook has a full REST api, so you should be able to use it from any language. If you are using PHP you could look at what the wordpress plugin is doing and then replicate that for your page. Otherwise you probably should look at the SDK information for facebooks api processes and then just call them however you need from your site.

There's a comments widget.


How do I set up Facebook comments on my website?

I have tried for a month to set up Facebook comments on my site. I want the comment box on my post pages. Also, I want the social buttons which seem to be there sometimes. What file do I place the JavaScript SDK code on, in my PHP or CSS (or is it pasted into each post page)? Then do I cut and past the plugin code into each page I want it to be available, or just in one theme file? I'm lost in this sense and no one seems to be able to give me an answer.
All of the information you will need is on the Facebook developer page! If you are using Wordpress you may easily implement Facebook comments by installing the official Facebook plugin.

Facebook social reading plugin for Wordpress?

As you know, a lot of bigger news websites have intorduced "social readers" for Facebook (e.g. https://apps.facebook.com/wpsocialreader/), which log what the user has read into the activity stream ("Michael read..."). Is it possible to integrate similar functionality into a Wordpress blog? Are the relevant API's open? Are there any plugins available? Thanks.
UPD: http://trac.ahwebdev.fr/projects/facebook-awd
The plugin seems to do the trick. Will have to try it out!
Yep, all of the APIs required to recreate the WashPo Reader or the Guardian reader etc are open, so it shouldn't be an issue to implement it for Wordpress.
Here's the relevant docs - https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/
i am the creator of Facebook AWD.
From now to get actions publishing working with Facebook AWD and wordpress you must buy a subplugin.
This process will take place with the v1.3 of Facebook AWD
Update: The plugin is ready here: http://facebook-awd.ahwebdev.fr/plugins/opengraph-actions/
Came across this post while searching for something related. Anyone still thinking of integrating Social read with any blog or website can simply use this plugin(For non-developers or for developers who just want to use a ready made solution)..

IOS rss feed login

im developing an app that retrieves a rss feed from a website but i need to have the website in private, so how do i authenticate my app to get the rss content of the website.
Im working with wordpress btw.
Best Regards.
Use feedburner plugin, and follow the instruction given in plugin site.
Hope this helps you... :-)
use the WordPress feed burner plugin..

Sending data from wordpress to a facebook page

Is there any suitable, secure and modular API to do this?
It will be included in a WP plugin.
EDIT: More that posts I need send generic data that it is collected through a WP plugin. These data is not stored in the WP DB, I just need send them.
You can take a look at http://wordbooker.tty.org.uk/.
I am just a happy user of that plugin, no affiliation.
After 2 long and sad days I can contribute with this answer: This API is a very, very good. And it is recommended in the FB developer website to all your PHP needs:
Facebook PHP SDK

How to feed WordPress Blogs into Facebook

I would like to be able to automatically import my WP blogs into a Facebook page for a client.
I know that there are wp plugins that used to do this, but Facebook now requires ssl connections and these plugins no longer work. I think that there may be a way of using the Facebook API, (kind of like an rss feed) but I can't find any instructions. Can anyone help?
If you want to build your own you can create an app and use something like http://jquery.malsup.com/gfeed/ to import your blog in.
Wordpress generates an RSS feed of your blog. This you can import into Facebook using, for example, RSS Graffitti.