Can't install Eclipse Valgrind plugin - eclipse

I'm trying to install Valgrind (0.4.0) plugin in Eclipse from technology.linuxtools Update Site ( but I get the following error:
Cannot complete the request. See the
details. Cannot find a solution
satisfying the following requirements
org.eclipse.swt [3.4.1.v3449c].
According to "About plugins", my Eclipse has version 3.4.2 installed.
Any help would be much appreciated.

It's seems that your Eclipse installation is missing SWT Tools.
So before to install Valgrind, start by installing SWT using this update site:
Restart Eclipse after the installation process and try to install Valgrind again.


TestNG not compatible with eclipse 2019-09

I recently installed Eclipse Oxygen version 2019-09 and trying to install TestNG, also searched on Eclipse Marketplace, and tried to install it by drag and drop method, but its is giving me following error.
I also tried adding an external JAR for TestNG 'testng-6.9.10'.
Please help me with the method to install the same.Error while adding TestNG.
To solve the problem, I just updated my Eclipse by checking the software updates from Eclipse > help > Check for updates.
Then I was able to install TestNG for Eclipse, which solved the problem.
For some reason the Check for updates solution didn't work with our Eclipse (2019-09), we solved it using Help\Install New Software and after that

GWT Plugin for eclipse 3.7(helios). i am getting error

After selecting google plugin for eclipse and SDK and proceeding next . I am getting error
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.7 3.2.4.v201306061638-rel-r37
( 3.2.4.v201306061638-rel-r37)
Missing requirement: Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.7 3.2.4.v201306061638-rel-r37
( 3.2.4.v201306061638-rel-r37)
requires 'org.eclipse.wst.css.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found
Are you installing plugins using the eclipse marketplace? If you're installing plugins by manually entering repositories make sure they have a plugin that's compatible with your version of eclipse.
As Glenn noted, you need to be very careful with versions here.
It is best to install any ecplise pulgin using an update site. For Eclipse 3.7, you would use for the GWT update site.
If you were to do a manual install, then make sure to download the correct archive, in your case 3.7, listed here:
If the installation is giving you trouble, try restarting Eclipse and run it as administrator. This could be the case if Eclipse is installed in a shared or system directory (e.g. "Program Files").
If you have selected the Android development kit part of the GPE then you need to separately install the Android SDK. But you don't need that if you are only doing GWT development. Just uncheck that.

Cannot install subclipse on eclipse helios

When I try to install Subclipse (latest version) on Eclipse Helios v3.6.2, I got the following error message:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software currently installed: Shared profile (SharedProfile_SDKProfile Missing requirement: Shared profile (SharedProfile_SDKProfile requires 'toolingorg.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_64 [1.1.2.R36x_v20101222]' but it could not be found
Should I install equinox sdk?
I searched on the web on how to install equinox but did not found any tutorial. I found a Euinox p2 installer application but it did not worked (error message : internal error).
It seems like something is wrong with your Eclipse install. I would guess there will be other plugins you cannot install. I would try a clean install or a clean workspace and see if that makes a difference. It seems like some basic core Eclipse pieces are missing from the install or the configuration is somehow corrupt.

error installing mercurial plugin for eclipse

I am trying to install the picasa web android sample in Eclipse so I am
following all the steps, until I get to the step where I have to install
the Mercurial plugin for Eclipse.
So in eclipse I try to add the plugin from
as stated on the hg site but then I get the following error and eclipse cannot
complete the install because of the following dependency:
Cannot complete the install because some dependencies are not satisfiable [1.9.3.v201110131844] cannot be installed in this environment because its filter is not applicable.
How do I fix this?
Are you trying to install it in Linux? If so you need to deselect the Windows mercurial binaries from the install screen.

Unable to install Plugins in Eclipse (jpbm)

I have a major problem with installing plugins in eclipse. I'm using ubuntu 10.04 64 bit and I installed:
Eclipse SDK
Version: 3.6.0
Build id: I20100608-0911
(Not by using the apt-get, via apt-get I get galileo, but that version didn't work as well)
The Plugin I want to install is: I have to use this plugin because its compatible with alresco (dms)
I tried to install the plugin via dropin and the normal way:
Help->Install new Software-> Add -> Archive -> select the downloaded *.jar.
When I hit OK, I get the following error message:
"Could not find jar:file:/home/xyxyx/jbpm.jar"
I tried to solve it by extracting the jar but no success. Putting the jar into the plugins folder and changing permissions won't help! I also tried different versions of eclipse on several systems. No success!
I have been looking for a solution all day! I tried some advice I found on stackoverflow. I don't use a proxy. I changed the update system to classic! Now I don't know what to do anymore.
Anything special I have to configure before I use eclipse on ubuntu besides installing the JDK?
Try to run the installed using the following command:
java -jar jbpm-installer-3.2.7.jar
On the other hand, you may want to use JBoss IDE which has integrated support for jBPM.