Core Data vs. SQLitePersistentObjects - iphone

I'm creating an iPhone app and I'm trying to choose between 2 solutions for a persistent store.
Core Data, or SQLitePersistentObjects. Basically, all my app needs is a way to store an array of model objects and then load them again to display in a UITableView. Its nothing too complicated. Core Data seems to have a much higher learning curve than the simple to use SQLitePersistentObjects. Are there any obvious benefits of using Core Data over SQLitePersistentObjects in my case?

As the author of SQLite Persistent Objects, I say: use Core Data.
I wrote SQLPO when Core Data didn't exist on the phone. Although I'm proud of what I did with SQLPO and even though I do like some things about its approach better than Core Data's (specifically not having to maintain separate class files and data model), the engine underlying Core Data is much more mature and has many more engineering hours invested in it. That's why I abandoned SQLPO development when Core Data came to the iPhone SDK.
I haven't done benchmarks, but I would guess that used correctly, Core Data is going to perform better in nearly all high-volume situations.
SQLPO is faster to develop with since all you do is create the header files, but unless your data needs are relatively light, I say you'd be better off using Core Data.

See this question. My answer to that question also applies to yours.
Core Data VS SQL Statement, which one is gd for iphone development?

Some infromation on my experience with SQLitePersistentObjects.
An app initially developed for iOS 3.x utilizing SQLPO works just fine. Easy to use etc.
Now I am in the process of bringing this app to iOS 4 and things started to get strange.
I now see DB corruptions at unpredictable rates.
Looking into the SQLPO code shows that there is only one sqlite3_close statement and this is called when the DB can not be opened.
I am planning to add a method to close the DB explicitely and call this from my app delegates terminate and for iOS4 didMovetoBackground methods.
Might help to avoid DB corruption issues with SQLPO.

I recently had to make the same decision. I was storing instances of a simple object with a couple of properties. From my research I understand that using Core Data will help you better manage more complex objects with multiple relationships. I ended up using Core Data only because I wanted to learn more about it (but for simple objects there wasn't much of a learning curve).

SQLitePersistentObjects aka SQLLite Persistent Objects is not the same as doing straight SQLite at all. It's an ORM in its own right. I haven't used it yet, but I wanted to correct the completely wrong answer that the previous poster gave.
And I'm seriously considering using because Core Data is a pain.


Core Data VS Sqlite or FMDB....?

Now this might look like a duplicate thread, but my question is that I have read a lot of questions like.. Core Data vs SQLite 3 and others but these are 2-3 years old. I have also read that FMDB was developed as core data was not supported on iOS, So it should not be used any more. And on the other hand I have read that one should not use core data as a database.
So I am seriously confused,whether I should use core data for object storage or not. I mean on what basis I should decide which to use? Are there any guidelines provided by apple or someone else.. or is it something that will come to me with time.?
Here's the tl;dr skinny: use Core Data.
Here's the long form:
While you could use many criteria to choose between Core Data, an ORM (FMDB) or direct sqlite calls, the real cost of this choice comes from your time to use it, Apple's support and leverage from other projects. (RESTKit, which maps REST services on to Core Data, is popular these days.)
Hence, a large percentage of the time, say 90+% (a made up stat), the answer on iOS will be to use Core Data. Why? Once you get the hang of it and build out a few little helper methods, Core Data keeps you in a consistent computing world -- the Objective-C object graph. Core Data will teach you things about how to use a dynamic language that will help every other aspect of your iOS programming. Hence, you are more productive. Don't fight the framework.
If you are bringing over a large, complex SQLite database & schema from another app, it then might be cost effective to use either FMDB or SQLite. But I doubt it. Your time writing a simple Mac-based command line app to migrate the DB to a Core Data DB is a finite and simple task. You are almost guaranteed to have to rewrite most of the business logic in Objective-C. (Yes, C++ and Objective-C++ are both good technologies. Has your database business logic really been tuned to work on a memory limited device? I didn't think so.)
Core Data gets a bum rap on performance. It is really quite fast. You just have to use it differently than you use a DB. In particular, you almost always over-fetch data from the store and then refine it using predicates directly on the various sets and arrays. On iOS devices, where the flash is surprisingly slow, this over-fetch strategy is particularly effective. You actually have a lot of RAM on these devices, use it to gain performance. (Yes, I know this is an apparent contradiction to my above knock on portable business logic. But really, code ported from a desktop or server environment has so many implicit assumptions about the speed of the disk, the amount of memory and the reality of a VM with a backing store, it just will not work well on a battery powered, memory limited device with a funky memory model. [It won't work very well on Android devices either.]) You will also denormalize your data to simplify displaying it in various iOS and Mac OS X UI widgets. There are a few applications where Core Data will be slower than an equivalent SQLite DB. Those have been detailed elsewhere. The one major claim is that tasks where IDs are defined by upstream databases hits Core Data's performance is true. But it can be somewhat mitigated by judicious indexing and over-fetching.
The thing to remember about mobile devices too is that the database size, because these are mobile devices on the leaves of the internet, is generally of modest size. Hence, performance is easier to attain. Many lessons from the world of servers may not apply to this mobile, battery powered world.
In other words, you've had to go "all in" to use Objective-C on iOS/Mac OS X, you will gain some important productivity benefits from using Core Data too.
I recently embarked on this journey myself, and ended up trying out all three. Here's what I learned:
Raw sqlite3
Low-level, full access to database. No abstractions. Very verbose - it takes a good deal of code to do very simple things.
Core Data
Very high-level, built on abstractions, MUST use Apple's generated database. Useful for iCloud synchronization and simple iOS-only data management. Difficult and dangerous to directly access database, and should not be used for cross-platform databases. Still takes a fair amount of code to do simple things.
High-level, very abstraction friendly but not forced. Still get full access to database if you need it. Provides an NSDictionary of the result with each item automatically typecasted to the mutable variant of the proper datatype (e.g., text columns are returned as NSMutableString). I ended up building a very simple wrapper class around it to abstract it even more, so I have a helper class with static functions like selectAllFrom:(NSString *)table where:(NSDictionary *)conditions, which returns an NSArray of NSDictionary objects. It's fantastic to be able to do things like NSArray *usersNamedJoe = [DBHelper selectAllFrom:#"user" where:#{#"name": #"Joe"}];.
Basically, while Core Data may be useful for simple iOS-only apps, anyone who's interested in using cross-platform databases should stay far, far away from it - Apple has no interest in making that easy, and it shows.
Don't use raw sqlite3 unless you're doing something extremely trivial.
Core Data is fine for simple iOS-only data, if you're comfortable with being locked into it.
If you want full control over the database and you're not doing something trivial, or you're building your app for multiple platforms, FMDB is definitely the way to go.
I use FMDB for all my projects that have heavy usage of "INSERTs" and FMDB is not out of date. The last commit on Github was at last November. If you go with SQL I recommend you to use FMDB.
Core Data fits to 95% of all projects, but if it comes to optimization to run to a wall. If you want the benefits of Core Data (OOP, ...) then use it. If you have a lot of insert an deletes with "WHERE" user Sqlite (FMDB)
This POST explain the off and top site for Core Date vs. Sqlite (FMDB)
CoreData is not just an abstraction of an SQL database. CoreData is also does object graph management. CoreData can do things that FMDB simply can't do.
As always: It really depends on your use case. But in 99% of cases CoreData is the right choice.
If performance is critical, you still have to understand how a database works. But CoreData can deliver that performance if you use it the right way. But it takes some time to learn. There are many things that are trivial to do in CoreData that would be very complex to do in FMDB.
As a new SQL guy, I'm going to throw in my two cents:
In Core Data, you have a bit of "boilerplate" code that you need to put in before you can actually use your database. Your app needs at least one of these:
A persistent store coordinator
A managed object context
A managed object. This correlates to an entity, which correlates to a table if you use an SQLite database.
To take full advantage of the framework, you need to understand what role these objects play in the management of your data.
On the other hand, we have SQLite, which - in my opinion - is much easier to understand. To start, you'll need:
A database
A table or more (depending on your data)
Knowledge of SQL - a flexible language with a simplistic syntax (SELECT queries do more than what you might originally think they do)
An object through which your app communicates with SQLite.
Core Data is only an object abstractization of the SQLite3 database. That means you'll have persistant objects easy to manage for standard database operations. You can also work in an transactional mode and design your core data database structure in XCode by creating models.
If you don't whant to create manually your SQLite3 database or persistant methods use Core Data.

What's the recommended storage for a dictionary on iPhone?

For a dictionary of about 100,000 words between 2 languages, what's the recommended storage, .plist, sqlite, Core Data?
I am looking for performance of looking up a word within one second.
Core Data and sqlite will both give lookup times far under one second (or even 0.1 seconds). If you have a lot of experience with SQL sqlite might be simpler for you to use, otherwise Core Data will be simpler.
Core Data is the iOS API for SQLite. It simplifies much of SQLite programming. That would definitely be your best bet for storage of such a large amount of data, and for easy access to it. If you are a registered Apple Developer, here; is a great sample project for Core Data, that implements NSFetchedResultsController for fetching data as well. As well, here is the first of a great three part tutorial on Core Data, that goes a long way towards explaining how the different parts work.
If you want to write cross platform code, use SQLite3 through its C API. If you are only targeting iOS (and don't plan to expand), then CoreData does give you a lot more.

How easy would It be to adapt Core Data to my app?

I'm a novice iphone developer, and just completed my first iphone app.
After provisioning my iphone for development, I noticed that the app used way too much memory, and that several memory leaks that were issuing from the app accessing the sqlite database in the app caused the app to crash often. After running instruments, I have decided that CORE DATA sounds like a better way to go: of course I still need to use the sqlite database that I have.
so my question is this: how easy would it be to adapt an already existing app to run on core data? My app basically shows 17,000 different mapView annotations in small amounts by county, though my database is very simple, just one giant spreadsheet basically.
in the App delegate, my app opens the Sqlite database, puts some of the data into a locations object with four attributes, and then makes an array of those objects.
the first view controller lets the user decide which county ( one of twelve or so) the user wishes to view, and then the last view controller uses a loop to add the selected locations to a mapView.
How should I modify my app in the previous paragraph so that it uses CoreData? Can you point me to any resources that I can use to achieve this (preferably not the Dev Center's CoreData tutorial; overly confusing and more complicated than i need right now)? or do I have to make an entirely new project in xcode and start from scratch?
Apologies for the indirect pontification, but ...
First, I'd say your assertion, "After running instruments, I have decided that CORE DATA sounds like a better way to go..." is flawed. Finding bugs and performance issues in your app doesn't automatically mean a different approach is better - it may only mean you need to fix your memory leaks and/or adjust your approach based on what your profiling shows.
The fact you say you still need to use an existing SQLite database doesn't automatically preclude using Core Data, but it does make your end solution significantly more complicated. If you can possibly get away with using either Core Data or SQLite entirely, that would by far be your best bet.
Also, Core Data is not a beginner (or, I'd argue, even an intermediate) Cocoa technology. It requires significant prerequisite knowledge to do anything more than very basic stuff without becoming hopelessly lost when the inevitable problem arrises. If you're too pressed to take the time to read the documentation and research the technology for now, you're probably better off just fixing the problems with your existing solution.
... and there's nothing wrong with your existing solution (using SQLite directly) at its most basic. The better question(s) to ask is (are) about the specific problems you're having with your current approach.
That said, if you want to adapt an existing iOS-based solution to use Core Data, you'll likely have an easier time of it than if you were targeting Mac OS. Create a basic Core-Data-Based iPhone app project and look at the code. The code to build the Core Data stack is in plain sight. The only other thing to remember is to add an xcdatamodel file like the one found in the empty project. If you've gotten far enough to interface with the SQLite library, you should have enough experience to see clearly how Core Data is used in a standard iOS app.
The steps you need to go to convert to Core Data:
- Develop data model (maybe graphically in xcode)
- Adopt your code to use core data instead, i.e. rewrite that module
- Read your old data and put it into core data
If you have it already running with sqllite, I'd stick with it. If it uses much too many memory, it's probably a bug on your part, or bad partitioning of the data you load into memory, and you want to address this one way or the other - although Core Data makes it maybe a bit easier to get it right.

Core Data VS SQL Statement, which one is gd for iphone development?

iPhone 3.0 support the Core Data, it seems a great tool for developer. But SQL statement seems it is easier to get start, but core data is easier for maintaining db. But I'm considering the SQL statement, because it seems have better performance. I am consider which one is better for iPhone development, any suggestion?
The answer is actually much simpler than either of those blog posts make it appear. The rule is:
If you are developing for any OS X platform;
If you are not accessing a proprietary format; and
If your persistence file does not need to be read on a non OS-X platform
Then you should go with Core Data. It is that simple. Core Data gives you so many features and the ease of use compared to straight SQL makes the choice simple. As far as performance, that is a red herring. Where it counts, Core Data can and does easily out perform custom code accessing a SQLite database. However, performance on Cocoa Touch is actually a secondary concern.
The primary concern is memory. You have a tiny amount of memory in which to work with on Cocoa Touch and your data model can easily blow that out. Core Data solves that issue. It watches how much memory it is using and will drop objects out of memory automatically when it receives a memory warning. All of that fairly complex code you would have to write yourself if you used SQLite directly.
Less time coding your data model means you have more time making your application great.
This provides a reasonable list of the pros and cons of either approach:–-which-to-choose/
The recommendation is to use Core Data as it makes things so much easier in the long term.
There is an in-depth explanation of the differences between the 2 here:
That's a great read. The 2 approaches are different and both have their pros and cons.

Has anyone tried any of the SQLite3 wrapper APIs for easier database functionality on the iPhone?

Coming from a non-SQL background, I've been having a hard time absorbing SQLite3 for the past few days. Has anyone had any good results using any of the SQLite3 wrapper APIs out there? Do they work reliably? Which is best? I am also hearing buzz about Core Data coming to the iPhone. Not sure whether that info is trustworthy or not but maybe some of you know: will there be a Core Data for the iPhone at some point?
FMDB is easy to use and abstracts some of the SQLite nastiness away from you, but still exposes the SQL.
I have used it in a project, but subclassed it to add my own partially-OO layer. The advantage of this approach is that if I need more speed or something I did not foresee (triggers for example), I can make it happen. With Core Data, there is no "bypassing" available and I have to rely on Core Data's optimizations, memory use, etc.
Another difference is the Core Data will allow your app to remain fully OO. With FMDB or other database solution, you're always tied closely to the organization of the database. It's a design decision, and not one you can change later.
If you're only just starting now, I would use Core Data.
I spent some time last year looking at the various wrappers at the time. I didn't use any of them in the end.
I think the NDA was still in place when I was looking so I may have missed the best ones, but I found that most were very thin wrappers. For my purposes this meant that it added an external dependency, didn't save much typing and I would probably still have had to dive down to using sqlite function calls sometimes anyway. Just didn't seem worth it.
Why not target CoreData using the 3.0 SDK?
If for some reason you need to support 2.x, you should look at SQLitePersistentObject. It's slow and has some bugs but it is VERY easy to use. Sadly it is no longer under active development by the author.
Some time ago, with a small sample project (2.x) I used fmdb. As far as I remember it was pretty easy to use. However, it required SQL knowledge.