GitHuB repository to remote server - github

Is there anyway I can push changes from my Github Repository to a remote server automatically?
I would like to deploy changes in master branch in my github repository to a remote deployment server. If possible.

I think you could achieve what you want with a Git post-commit hook. whether or not this is a wise thing to be doing is another matter entirely.
Hrm. Somehow my link to isn't showing up, but that's what you want to read.

Okay, I might have found a solution.
Capistrano might hold the answer, although my application is non ruby.
Here's a blog post I found, and I will try to implement it.
Automated deployment


Can't fork a repository on GitHub

I'm trying to fork this repository, but getting an error message:
You can't fork this repository at this time.
I've read the license, and tried forking from another computer using VPN, in case of security conflict of my browser and GitHub, but it still don't work, and I can't even guess why so. Please tell me, what am I doing wrong?
This also happens if the user has blocked you
Tested today, May 2021.
A similar related message if you try to open an issue on a repository whose owner blocked you is:
You can't perform that action at this time.
You can just manually create a new repository and reupload the code there however. You just won't be able to send pull requests.
That sounds like a temporary GitHub issue.
Creating a fork isn't dependent of a license or vpn. It's just a http call in your browser.
Update: I forked the repo without issue.
If you already have a fork of the original repo, you cannot have another fork.
You can add the other repo as a remote though and use code from there.

Multibranch pipeline job not showing open pull requests

I have configured a multibranch pipeline job in Jenkins linked to our GitHub repo which is working nicely, feeding back the status of checks to the pull request in our GitHub so we know if the branch is good for merging in.
What I don't see are any open pull requests listed against the Job in Jenkins:
We also have the Blue Ocean plugin in installed and no PR's are shown there either.
Anyone know why this is the case? Am I missing another plugin\config?
I had this issue as well. I tried what joey suggested, but that did not work. I found out that if you add PR-.+ (or PR-* as a wildcard) to your regex filter for branches to include, the pull requests "magically" appear. The documentation of this was found here. It's very frustrating that the "official" documentation for this plugin does not explain this (at least from what sparse documentation I could find). The configuration for my project, which works, is here:
I'm not sure if this is a recommended way to use this plugin for this use case, but Jenkins never seems to have ample documentation.
I was getting the same issue. But this time within Blue Ocean UI as shown below
The fix was to switch from using Git to GitHub Branch Source at the job level and configure GitHub Branch Source. The job type was Multibranch pipeline.
One possible cause could be that GitHub is unable to connect to Jenkins directly due to a firewall. This is likely the case if GitHub never reports the status check as completed, in other words, it hangs forever.
In this case, polling is an easy solution. Go to http://_jenkins_ip_:8080/job/_job_name_/configure and select the "Scan Repository Triggers" tab. Tick the "Periodically if not otherwise run" checkbox and select an interval. I have 15 minutes on mine.
The first time this is done, there should be an immediate scan and it should detect the pull request, otherwise, there might be something else going on. Check the "Scan Repository Log" page on the job, as it might have useful info.
By the way, I did not install the "GitHub Pull Request Builder Plugin" as the page says that it has a security issue. Instead, the "GitHub Branch Source Plugin" is being used. Some other related plugins installed:
Git client plugin
Git plugin
GitHub API Plugin
GitHub Authentication plugin
GitHub Integration Plugin
GitHub plugin
I'm also using Blue Ocean, but this is not required, it simply provides a different UI.
I know that this is an old topic, but I had the same issue while I was trying to visualize my Pull Requests from Bitbucket and I hope this answer will help other people in need. In my case, I was using Bitbucket Push and Pull Request Plugin, which is pretty similar to other GitHub Plugins for Jenkins.
My problem came from the fact that I selected Git instead of Bitbucket in Branch Sources >> Add Source section. I suspect the same thing happened in this case, where the two options Git and GitHub are even easier to confuse.

Enabling github pre commit hooks in origin for all collaborators

first: We use a github repository in the team for some projects.
I'm using scripts defined in the pre-commit hook directory, locally (works perfect for my commits).
What I need is for every user (collaborator) to use the hooks without using symlinks or asking them to put them on their home folders.
Is there a way to set them up so the users can't commit if the scripts don't exit 0?.
As Henrik alluded to, in the Enterprise version, there is such a thing as the pre-receive hook. It runs server side and so you would not need to install it on each collaborator's local machine. But you are using actual, and they don't allow pre receive hooks , nor do I expect they plan to; allowing indivduals to run scripts on their server isn't likely in their business plan. So that likely won't help you unless you are in a position to go to the enterprise product
There are some remedies you do have, however, but it won't be equivalent. You can , for example, set a protected branch . You could thereby make it only you can check into that branch, and you of course would be using the local hook, every one else would be using a pull request.
Additionally, you could look into LGTM (Looks Good To Me) or similar automated pull request approval system. I don't believe the official server is up but the source code is there and it could be run by someone else. LGTM allows you to set a number of different conditions that would be closer to an equivalent to your pre-op hook.
Setting up such a system might well be more effort than it is worth to you, understandable; but it is do-able.
The main problem with using pre-commit hooks that come with git is that they are local to your repos and don't get pushed to I believe under the hood, those hooks aren't even transferred up to the repo on github, and that the pre-commit hook directory itself is not available like it is on the local copy of a git repo.
(I would say more on that architecture of the pre-commit hook dir except A. I am not sure if it is covered by NDA and B. I only saw the way it was on the Enterprise product, not github actual, and C. I don't know if the structure is still exactly the same)

Any way to do a local CVS proxy/server?

I have an online CVS repository that I need to check code into. However, the server is outside my control and is often down.
So, is there a way to set up some sort of local CVS server/proxy such that I can check my code into the local CVS server regularly and have the local CVS server batch commit the changes to the online CVS repo periodically?
The local repository could possibly run some other SCM system, if that was necessary to prevent conflict with CVS. Online commits could possibly be done manually, or via cron. I'm open to suggestions.
I guess that my main concern would be the problems faced in trying to set up some sort of repository 'hierarchy'.
PS: I'm running Linux all along the 'hierarchy'.
Edit: Found a similar item here.
Use git locally, and then git-cvsexportcommit would be my suggestion. There's a blog post that talks about this at although I'll be the first to admit that the export process isn't as easy to use as perhaps it could be.
I'd recommend running git locally while continuing to use your CVS server when you have a connection to it. Here's a nicely-written article that explains how:
You can use git as a "frontend" to CVS which will allow to you check-in your changes locally (offline) and then sync them up to the CVS server when your connection is available. There is a bit of a task to setup the environment, but once you get it going the workflow is pretty nice.
See How to export revision history from mercurial or git to cvs? for the setup & workflow.
This doesn't really answer the question, but it sounds like you need a distributed VCS system.
I think you should consider using a distributed source management system such as git or mercurial which support this kind of decentralized source control.
I have never used it, but CVSup may do what you need. As others have mentioned, though, a distributed VCS system like git or mercurial would probably be better.

How do you update your web application on the server?

I am aware of Capistrano, but it is a bit too heavyweight for me. Personally, I set up two Mercurial repositories, one on the production server and another on my local dev machine. Regularly, when a new feature is ready, I push changes from repository on my local machine to repository on the server, then update on the server. This is a pretty simple and quick way to keep files in sync on several computers, but does not help to update databases.
What is your solution to the problem?
I used to use git push to publish to my web server but lately I've just been using rsync. I try to make my site as agnostic about where it's running as possible (using relative paths, etc) and so far it's worked pretty well. The only challenge is keeping databases in sync, and for that I usually use the production database as the master and make regular backups and imports into my testing database.
Or Fabric, if you prefer Python.
what's heavyweight about capistrano? if you want to sync files then sure rsync is great. but if you're then going to need to do db updates maybe cap isn't so bad ?
I'm assuming you're speaking of Ruby on Rails.
Check out the HowTo wiki:
To use git push to deploy your site you will need to do first set up a remote server in your .git/config file to push to. Then you need to configure a hook that will basically perform a git reset --hard to copy the code you just copied to the repository to the working directory.
I know this is a little vague, but I actually deleted the server-side .git folder once I switched to rsync, so I don't have the exact scripts that I used to make the magic happen. That might be a good candidate for a full question though, so you might get more responses that way.
edit: I know it's been a while, but I eventually found what I was using again:
Deploy a project using Git push