Are the database-related objects such as connection object, command object, datareader, dataadapter,... unmanaged resources? - unmanagedresources

Are the database-related objects such as connection object, command object, datareader, dataadapter,... unmanaged resources?

The objects you refer to are part of the .NET framework, and are garbage-collectable. So in that sense they are managed resources.
A better question would be, do these objects implement IDisposable? If they do, you can use the using keyword in C# to clean them up once they go out of scope, or call their dispose() method manually.
An example of using the using keyword with SqlConnection and SqlDataAdapter objects is here:


WebAPI/Unity Intercept Request and Change ConectionString Unity Container for EF Context

I'm building an API that needs to connect to a different database per request. Currently I'm using EF. These databases all have the same schema, therefore I can share a DbContext class. I have repositories to abstract persistence, and these are the ones using the DbContext objects.
Unity is handling dependency resolution, it is injecting my repositories with DbContext objects, and the repos on the controllers. Basically with zero configuration. I understand that probably I may need to create my own HttpRequestLifeCycle thing as suggested in this answer to make sure I have the same DbContext object through out the request.
Now, I would like to configure a ConnectionString to be used by Unity when creating DbContext objects to pass along to the repositories.
These ConnectionString will come from a repository (most likely a different fixed database), based on a parameter on my route. So, my intention is to have a delegating handler inspect the route, get the parameter, get the ConnectionString and tell Unity: "here, use this particular connection string when creating DbContext objects for my repositories during this request."
First, is my approach reasonable? Is this achievable?
How would this dynamic parameter configuration done?
Thanks in advance,
Yes, this is reasonable and achievable and frankly, easy.
Just approach this differently, instead of thinking how to inject connection strings, just register a factory for your db contexts. In the factory method, use the route information to read the connection string and return the context.
containe.Register<MyDbContext>( new InjectionFactory(
c => {
// this is the factory method
// the code will be executed upon each resolution
String routeInfo = GetTenantFromCurrentRoute();
String cs = GetCsFor( routeInfo );
return new MyDbContext( cs );
}, new PerHttpRequestLifetimeManager() )

How to get SqlDataReader with Dapper?

I have a web application that uses old school SqlHelper class.
I want to create my custom SqlHelper which uses Dapper underneath. So, how can I get SqlDataReader from Dapper?
There is an ExecuteReader method that hands you back the data-reader that the connection generated: you can cast this if you know it is actually a SqlDataReader. In this scenario, dapper only processes parameters and literal injection.
using(var reader = (DbDataReader)
conn.ExecuteReader(sql, args))
// use reader here
I am, however, more than a little intrigued as to what you want SqlHelper to do that dapper doesn't already do (but better). Genuine question: I like improving the library. If there is a gap, let me know.

Is there a GetObjectType in DbContext?

I'm using POCO proxies and I'd like to get the type of a object. I've found a few examples using GetObjectType for ObjectContext but I'm using DbContext and I don't see it there. Is this something I need to add to my repository class so it can have access to the DbContext? Or am I completely wrong? Thanks
There is a static method ObjectContext.GetObjectType which, of course, you can use anywhere where System.Data.Objects is in scope. You don't need a DbContext instance.

Entity Framework Generic Repository Context

I am building an ASP.NET 4.0 MVC 2 app with a generic repository based on this blog post.
I'm not sure how to deal with the lifetime of ObjectContext -- here is a typical method from my repository class:
public T GetSingle<T>(Func<T, bool> predicate) where T : class
using (MyDbEntities dbEntities = new MyDbEntities())
return dbEntities.CreateObjectSet<T>().Single(predicate);
MyDbEntities is the ObjectContext generated by Entity Framework 4.
Is it ok to call .CreateObjectSet() and create/dispose MyDbEntities per every HTTP request? If not, how can I preserve this object?
If another method returns an IEnumerable<MyObject> using similar code, will this cause undefined behavior if I try to perform CRUD operations outside the scope of that method?
Yes, it is ok to create a new object context on each request (and in turn a call to CreateObjectSet). In fact, it's preferred. And like any object that implements IDisposable, you should be a good citizen and dispose it (which you're code above is doing). Some people use IoC to control the lifetime of their object context scoped to the http request but either way, it's short lived.
For the second part of your question, I think you're asking if another method performs a CRUD operation with a different instance of the data context (let me know if I'm misinterpreting). If that's the case, you'll need to attach it to the new data context that will perform the actual database update. This is a fine thing to do. Also, acceptable would be the use the Unit of Work pattern as well.

ServiceContainer, IoC, and disposable objects

I have a question, and I'm going to tag this subjective since that's what I think it evolves into, more of a discussion. I'm hoping for some good ideas or some thought-provokers. I apologize for the long-winded question but you need to know the context.
The question is basically:
How do you deal with concrete types in relation to IoC containers? Specifically, who is responsible for disposing them, if they require disposal, and how does that knowledge get propagated out to the calling code?
Do you require them to be IDisposable? If not, is that code future-proof, or is the rule that you cannot use disposable objects? If you enforce IDisposable-requirements on interfaces and concrete types to be future-proof, whose responsibility is objects injected as part of constructor calls?
Edit: I accepted the answer by #Chris Ballard since it's the closest one to the approach we ended up with.
Basically, we always return a type that looks like this:
public interface IService<T> : IDisposable
where T: class
T Instance { get; }
Boolean Success { get; }
String FailureMessage { get; } // in case Success=false
We then return an object implementing this interface back from both .Resolve and .TryResolve, so that what we get in the calling code is always the same type.
Now, the object implementing this interface, IService<T> is IDisposable, and should always be disposed of. It's not up to the programmer that resolves a service to decide whether the IService<T> object should be disposed or not.
However, and this is the crucial part, whether the service instance should be disposed or not, that knowledge is baked into the object implementing IService<T>, so if it's a factory-scoped service (ie. each call to Resolve ends up with a new service instance), then the service instance will be disposed when the IService<T> object is disposed.
This also made it possible to support other special scopes, like pooling. We can now say that we want minimum 2 service instances, maximum 15, and typically 5, which means that each call to .Resolve will either retrieve a service instance from a pool of available objects, or construct a new one. And then, when the IService<T> object that holds the pooled service is disposed of, the service instance is released back into its pool.
Sure, this made all code look like this:
using (var service = ServiceContainer.Global.Resolve<ISomeService>())
but it's a clean approach, and it has the same syntax regardless of the type of service or concrete object in use, so we chose that as an acceptable solution.
Original question follows, for posterity
Long-winded question comes here:
We have a IoC container that we use, and recently we discovered what amounts to a problem.
In non-IoC code, when we wanted to use, say, a file, we used a class like this:
using (Stream stream = new FileStream(...))
There was no question as to whether this class was something that held a limited resource or not, since we knew that files had to be closed, and the class itself implemented IDisposable. The rule is simply that every class we construct an object of, that implements IDisposable, has to be disposed of. No questions asked. It's not up to the user of this class to decide if calling Dispose is optional or not.
Ok, so on to the first step towards the IoC container. Let's assume we don't want the code to talk directly to the file, but instead go through one layer of indirection. Let's call this class a BinaryDataProvider for this example. Internally, the class is using a stream, which is still a disposable object, so the above code would be changed to:
using (BinaryDataProvider provider = new BinaryDataProvider(...))
This doesn't change much. The knowledge that the class implements IDisposable is still here, no questions asked, we need to call Dispose.
But, let's assume that we have classes that provide data that right now doesn't use any such limited resources.
The above code could then be written as:
BinaryDataProvider provider = new BinaryDataProvider();
OK, so far so good, but here comes the meat of the question. Let's assume we want to use an IoC container to inject this provider instead of depending on a specific concrete type.
The code would then be:
IBinaryDataProvider provider =
Note that I assume there is an independent interface available that we can access the object through.
With the above change, what if we later on want to use an object that really should be disposed of? None of the existing code that resolves that interface is written to dispose of the object, so what now?
The way we see it, we have to pick one solution:
Implement runtime checking that checks that if a concrete type that is being registered implements IDisposable, require that the interface it is exposed through also implements IDisposable. This is not a good solution
Enfore a constraint on the interfaces being used, they must always inherit from IDisposable, in order to be future-proof
Enforce runtime that no concrete types can be IDisposable, since this is specifically not handled by the code using the IoC container
Just leave it up to the programmer to check if the object implements IDisposable and "do the right thing"?
Are there others?
Also, what about injecting objects in constructors? Our container, and some of the other containers we've looked into, is capable of injecting a fresh object into a parameter to a constructor of a concrete type. For instance, if our BinaryDataProvider need an object that implements the ILogging interface, if we enforce IDispose-"ability" on these objects, whose responsibility is it to dispose of the logging object?
What do you think? I want opinions, good and bad.
One option might be to go with a factory pattern, so that the objects created directly by the IoC container never need to be disposed themselves, eg
IBinaryDataProviderFactory factory =
using(IBinaryDataProvider provider = factory.CreateProvider())
Downside is added complexity, but it does mean that the container never creates anything which the developer is supposed to dispose of - it is always explicit code which does this.
If you really want to make it obvious, the factory method could be named something like CreateDisposableProvider().
(Disclaimer: I'm answering this based on java stuff. Although I program C# I haven't proxied anything in C# but I know it's possible. Sorry about the java terminology)
You could let the IoC framework inspect the object being constructed to see if it supports
IDisposable. If not, you could use a dynamic proxy to wrap the actual object that the IoC framework provides to the client code. This dynamic proxy could implement IDisposable, so that you'd always deliver a IDisposable to the client. As long as you're working with interfaces that should be fairly simple ?
Then you'd just have the problem of communicating to the developer when the object is an IDisposable. I'm not really sure how this'd be done in a nice manner.
You actually came up with a very dirty solution: your IService contract violates the SRP, wich is a big no-no.
What I recommend is to distinguish so-called "singleton" services from so-called "prototype" services. Lifetime of "singleton" ones is managed by the container, which may query at runtime whether a particular instance implements IDisposable and invoke Dispose() on shutdown if so.
Managing prototypes, on the other hand, is totally the responsibility of the calling code.