UITabBarController Hide Show Bars with animation like the Photo APP - iphone

i'm having a real trouble with UITabBarController. I have a simple foto app, and I'm trying to simulate almost the same behaviour as the PhotoApp from the Iphone
the main view controler is the tabbar itself, i also have a NavBar and a status bar on top.
What i want is on tap to hide the bars (not with timer, just on tap).
The photo is actually an UIScroll view that zooms the photo or makes it again 1:1. that part already works,
I've tried before pushing the view to the navbar to set the hidesBottomBarWhenPushed and well it works, but i can't set a custom animation, and that's not the real problem , I can't show again the bars, they dissapear and i don't know how to reshow them, i'm sure i'm probably missing someting very obvious, but as my experience in obj C is little like half a year part time, i thought i asked here as stackoverflow seems to get the answers :)

Something to investigate: the Three20 project: http://github.com/facebook/three20 - it includes a completely clone of the photo-browsing app in component form.
But without Three20, you can't do this with a stock UINavigationController, because the UIViewController that you're using is a subview of the UINavigationController. You need to make a sibling view on another layer. To do this, make a parent UIViewController which has two subviews: your photo, and a UIToolbar. You can hide and display the UIToolbar by setting it's hidden property, and make sure it's above the photo view with [parent.view bringSubviewToFront:toolbarController] (where parent is the main UIViewController that contains both the photo view and the UIToolbar)


Load a view controller created inside a storyboard as a subview (into a part of the screen) of another view controller

I am currently developing as app for iPad. And I need to create a tabbar. The problem is that, for design purposes, I need the tabbar to be on the top half of the screen and not on the bottom as it is on the default tabbar controller.
Once the tabbar is on top I want that when a button is touched, the subview bellow the tab is changed. Furthermore, the subview that should be loaded was alson designed inside the storyboard. The following sketch shows what I want it to look like:
On my research I found a solution (here) for putting the tabbar on top. Now my problem is on loading a subview bellow it.
I tried it with [self.view addsubview:theNameOfTheViewCreatedINStoryboad.view] but the application simply hangs when I press the button.
I think that is because I am not specifying anywhere what should be the dimension of the new view or where on the scree should it be placed. The reason for that is because I do not know where it should be done.
Can anyone give me some lights on this matter? Is the referred approach the best one for putting a tabbar on top? How can I solve the subview problem?
Glad to see you are using a toolBar and not a tabBar. Even better would be to create a custom content view controller.
You should be looking into using containment:
UIViewController containment
How does View Controller Containment work in iOS 5?
positioning UIViewController containment children
check out the docs

Making too many transparent views makes complicated in iPhone

Before Starting I want to make sure one thing whether we can make the ViewController transparent (alpha), as far my knowledge it is NO.
I have a ViewController which consists of 8 UIButton objects over it. Whenever I press Button1, Button2 I am loading a ViewController. Since the ViewController cannot be made transparent, I just moved that View to my HomeViewController.xib and I am loading the view using -addSubView:. And I am changing the alpha value to make it as transparent.
But the thing is in Button1 View and Button2 View, in both views I am having table view. When I bring everything to the same HomeViewController class , I am having too much of code in a single class.
Is there any way to do this?? Adding many Views in the same ViewController not a problem, but it increases the code too. Which looks ugly. Please help me out.
If I have confused about my question here I am giving a short description of what I would like to do
Whenever I press a Button in ViewController, I want to load a View/ViewController Transparently.
Before Starting I want to make sure one thing whether we can make the
ViewController transparent (alpha), as far my knowledge it is NO.
You can't adjust a view controllers alpha directly. You can adjust a view controllers view properties alpha, ex: myViewController.view.alpha, and you can do this for any view that you want except for your root view (the bottom of the view stack). Lowering your root views alpha would allow the user to see the springboard through your app.
But the thing is , In Button1 View and Button2 View , in both views I
am having table view. When I bring everything to the same
HomeViewController class , I am having too much of code in a single
Is there any way to do this ?? Adding Many Views in the same
ViewController not a problem, but it increases the code too. Which
looks ugly. Please help me out.
I'm not sure I understand the problem here. As long as you format your code correctly and keep well organized this isn't a problem. I personally have used view controllers in excess of 15k lines of code and never had a problem, and I'm sure there are developers that have used way more.
If I have confused about my question here I am giving a short
description of what I would like to do Whenever I press a Button in
ViewController , I want to load a View/ViewController Transparently.
Continue the way you have been describing. (adding alpha adjusted UIView's as subviews) There is nothing wrong with this approach.

How to programmatically adda breadcrumb view to my UINavigationController App?

I have a UINavigationController App. I want to add a small bar just below the UINavigationBar, around 20px height. y application is almost finished, so I want to rebuild as less code as possible. For example, if I wanted to add a button in the bottom of every view of my application, I can do that by extending UIViewController with a category, and adding a UIButton as a subview of the current controller view, maybe in the viewDidLoad method.
This approach works fine, and so I can add my UILabel to all my views at the top of them. The problem is that it does not TAKE SPACE. It is always on top of my previous views (UITableView...). What is the best way (or just one way) to accomplish such a thing without having to create for example a view with 2 frames, and having all my main views extending it?
I thought of changing UINavigationBar height, but that is definitely not an option.The prompt property of UINabivationBar is just to big (around 30px).
I also tried to create a new view in the viewWillAppear method of every UIViewController, adding to that view my breadcrumb subview, and the original view, but it is not working.
Any ideas on this?
Thank you!
If I were you, I'd make a new UIView subclass to represent this thing, and embed it on the views of the individual UIViewControllers. They can get at the navigation stack by looking at the UINavigationController's .navigationControllers array, walk that and get view titles, etc.

iPhone, how what I show smaller views ontop of normal view and switch between my current normal views?

I'd like to display some small tutorial dialogs on top of my exiting views. I want to be able to see my existing views behind these smaller views.
Do I have to use view controllers in the same I way I would me normal views, and presentmodalviewcontroller etc ?
I haven't tried making a smaller view in interface builder before.
Also, say I want to move to another one of my existing views, full screen, while in my tutorial view. How would I close my tutorial view move to the next full screen view and launch another tutorial view ?
Example code or pseudo code would be welcome.
If your tutorial dialogs are just text, you could use UIAlertView to show the information to the user, so they can just read it and click the OK button when they're done. It's a very easy way to show some text to the user.
If you need to include images or other interactive items in your tutorial dialogs, the easiest way might be for you to just have your fullscreen view's view controller create a new view and put it up. So in this case, you'd create your view in Interface Builder, and when you want to show it, instantiate it using -[UIBundle loadNibNamed:owner:options:] and add it as a subview of your main view. Of course, it may even be easier to create the tutorial view programmatically from your view controller rather than using a nib for them at all.
Regarding the question of moving on to another fullscreen view, you would probably want to look into embedding your view controllers in a UINavigationController. This would allow you to push from the first controller to the second very easily, and the user would be able to just tap the Back button to get back to the first. If you're not looking for a navigation bar type of interface, you could present the second view controller as a modal view controller by calling -[UIViewController presentModalViewController:animated:] on your main view controller. This will pop up the second view controller fullscreen, and the user can dismiss it when they're done. Check out Apple's great documentation on UINavigationController to get a feel for how to use that:
I would think that you could use existing UIViewController and simply add a new UIView that is of desired dimensions, that sits in front of other views and which is non-opaque and has alpha less than 1.
If you want a general purpose tutorial mechanism that can be placed atop any one of many UIViewControllers, then you would want to extract the navigation logic, etc.
Sorry, no code - just a few quick thoughts.

Current UIView Questions iPhone SDK

I posted earlier but am running into similar problems again. Basically the way that my app is setup there is a top bar that is basically just a static image that has UIButtons placed on top of it. That is the Main View Controller and is persistent no matter what view is shown beneath it. I can't use a navigation controller because it is not possible to change the height and I need the bar to be significantly larger than a navbar. However my bar is functioning in much the same way. There is a "Home" Button, a "Back" Button and several destination buttons.
I understand how to switch views from say the home screen. My confusion comes with the back button. In order to press back the app is going to need to know what view is currently being displayed so that it can be removed from view and a new subview can be added. Ideally I would use the UINavigationController so that I can push and pop views which is really what I want to do here, however that is not possible because of the visual problem.
Does anybody know of a method that returns the current displayed view so I could do something like the following
[currentview.view removeFromSuperView];
[self.view insertSubview:experienceViewController.view atIndex:0]
You can use UINavigationController with the nav bar hidden. Put the nav controller inside a view that does have your jumbo toolbar and you'll have access to the push/pop behavior you're looking for.