How to run my app even after iPhone screen locks? - iphone

I want my app (LaunchDaemon) to keep running even if user locks the iPhone. My LaunchDaemon simply check a file and if some condition is true, it displays an Alert to the User. Its working great when iPhone is on Home Screen, but it is not working when user Locks the Screen.
I want something Similar to Alarm app of iPhone which will show an Alert even if the iPhone screen is Locked.
Any suggestions on how to do this? BTW i am developing for JB iPhone.

OS powers down the device and suspends your app after about 30 seconds after screen is locked. However,
if your app is playing a sound OS will not do that. Hence what you need to do is play a silent sound in a loop.

Alright i have solved this problem too.
Here is a very good tutorial on how to prevent deep sleep of iPhone.
Prevent iPhone Deep Sleep
It took me quite sometime to made this work, as NSRunLoop was not running for me automatically.
Hope this will help someone else also.
Best of Luck !!!


When a game goes into background on iOS, what should I do to avoid getting stuck?

I am doing a game on iOS using starling AIR. It can running on iPhone and iPad. It contains a lot of animation and needs to connect to the server when playing.
The problem is, when the game enter background or the screen locked for a while, sometimes the game will stuck, sometimes it will restart, sometimes it will running normally.
I have read the AIR iOS – Background Behavior.
I know that when the application is suspended, os will handle memory optimization, it depends on the apps running foreground.
But what should I do when the game enter background ?
Let the game restart or run normally is fine, but avoiding stuck.
Thank you for all answers.
What you need to do is save your application state when your app is suspended, and restore it when its restored. There's a failry lengthy tutorial on Adobe Devnet showing how they recommend doing that.
Saving State in AIR Applications(Link)
"What to Do When Moving to the Background" and "Memory Usage for Background Apps" section of the documentation clearly explains this.

iPhone: quickly quitting an app then relaunching briefly shows last screen then black, then starts fresh

Trying to finish up an app I've been developing and have hit an odd bug that I'm not sure if it's on my end? a bug on apple's end? or perhaps the underpinnings of multitasking showing themselves.
My current app is doing this weird thing when you press the home button to quit the app, and then immediately relaunch the app. You see the Default.png image as the app starts up, but when it goes to display the window/view it briefly shows the screen as it was just before you quit the app, then goes to black for about 2 seconds and then displays the correct screen as if you were starting up fresh. I'm see this on all devices, iPods, iPhones, and iPad.
This is not just me, however, I've been trying other apps to see if they do it, and have found that the Air Hockey ( ) is an example of an app that does this same thing. My instinct is that there are many apps that do. But the bulk of apps dont seem to have this issue.
I've done everything I can do make sure all views and view controllers are properly released, but it's almost like the device is taking a while to truly shut down even though the app has visually disappeared, and if you restart the app within probably 3 seconds or less then it still has something in the window buffer, or tht the full on view controller hasn't truly been released yet.
Anybody seen something like this and been able to solve it?
I'm the dev of that Air Hockey - It looks like it's probably Flurry that's causing it. I have a version without Flurry & it doesn't do it.
I solved this problem by updating my Flurry files to the latest version.

Do launchDaemons keep running on iPhone Lock Screen?

I need an answer to a simple question. Do the launchDaemons keep running even if iPhone Screen is Locked?
The answer is YES, as i got from some other sources.
The LaunchDaemons keep on working even if iPhone Screen is Locked !!!

iPod app stops responding after iPod returns from standby mode

The GUI of my application stops responding after the iPod has been in standby mode. The application I have made is based on the "Utility application" template from the wizard in xcode - but the original application still works after the iPod returns from standby.
My application plays music (AudioUnit) and when the iPod enters standby the music stops but when the iPod leaves standby mode the music starts playing again but as mentioned the GUI does not respond to touches anymore. All I can do is to shut it down.
I have read about this problem here:
What happens to an iPhone app when iPhone goes into stand-by mode?
but that did not help me enough to solve the problem.
Sounds like your Audio Unit has been stopped.
If your GUI relies on the AU's progress then that would explain the problem.
Check your AU's state in applicationDidBecomeActive.
I didn't think standby mode stopped AUs, I thought only audio interruptions
did that. Anyway, you should probably look at AudioSessions as well, as you'll
find that phone calls, alarms, SMSs and ipod music will also stop your Audio Unit.
Good luck.
Actually, I've been running into this problem on the iPod application itself, in just general daily use. That is, if you are using the 3.0 firmware OS, then this is most likely a bug in the iPhone. I guess you can relax, and know that it's probably not your own code that is causing the problem. I'd file a radar ticket with Apple if you haven't already so that they can address it in the next bug fix release.
It all happens just because I have an UISlider in an UIToolbar. If I remove the UISlider from my GUI it still responds after waking up from standby/sleep mode.
Can someone explain me why that causes this problem (is it a bug in Apple's code)?
The solution is here:
Simply don't put a slider in a toolbar. Make a work around so it looks like the slider is in the toolbar instead. It is a bug in Apple's code.

IPhone application won't launch correctly

So I'm developing and iPhone game right now and everything has been working just fine when I test it on my first gen iPod touch. Last night, I added in some NSUserDefaults stuff to save a few variables for it. I ran it on the simulator a few times and it worked perfectly, but when I built the app and put it on my iPod, all I got when I launched it was a black screen. Anyone have any ideas? They would be much appreciated, thank you.
I recommend deleting the application from your iPod Touch first then trying to install it again. When are you trying to read from NSUserDefaults? In your applicationWillFinishLaunching call? If so, try to comment that out to ensure that it really is the source of your problem.
You need to run it on the iPod touch with the debugger switched on - you should be able to track this down.
Do you know about setting a breakpoint for exceptions - if you tell the debugger to break on objc_exception_throw it is extreemly useful in these cases.
Do you have a custom Default.png file? If no, then you will see a black screen while your application loads. Depending what type of (possibly unending) operations you are doing on load this might be the reason you are seeing a black screen. Remember the simulator runs on top of the processor in your mac which is significantly faster than the processor in your iPod Touch.