How to use google calendar in iphone application? - iphone

I am new in iphone application.i wanted to implement the google calendar in my application, i don't have any kind of idea about this so please give me some example and idea about google calendar.

On Google Calendar API page you can find some useful links: Client libraries for google services, ObjC library, sample Calendar project


How to integrate Salesforce in iphone app?

can any one help me in integrating salesforce in my app.I have made account in sales force and also created the remote-acces key.Can anyone tell how to ad objects ,dashboards etc in the iPhone app.I also want to know how to access the data on salesforce .for e.g. i want to get all the custom objects in salesforce and also want to create custom objects from iPhone app.Can anyone guide me in this respect.Any help is appreciated.
There are many ways to do it. I advice you to read carefully and choose the best way to do it.
Here are some links to read about it:
Making Salesforce and PayPal Work Together
SDK Project
Good Documentation and code
Salesforce provides mobiles SDK for iPhone, Android & hybrid platforms.
This SDK has samples on how to start with. There are lot of documentations available.
Basically the SDK helps to authenticate with Salesforce using oAuth, communicating with the objects using RestKit.
Refer the following URLs to start with..
Download the mobile SDK from the following URL.
There is a discussion forum
API docs

How can I send calendar information from webservice to iphone app?

I want to create or use an open source php calendar as a webservice. This is just one feature of an entire app idea of mine, but I'm working on the app in steps and would like to start with a calendar. Is there a way to use a php calendar to update an iphone apps calendar? Example, I want to be able to add an appointment within the iphone app and have it update on the php calendar on my website? I want syncronization both ways. If I decide to add an event on the calendar through the website, I would like it to update in the iphone app.
For the maximum amount of customization I would go the route of writing your own calendar in PHP. Then you can make the calendar work exactly how you want and it can work seamlessly with your App. This shouldnt be too difficult as for a class project I had to right a simple PHP Calendar (it didnt have web services but still). Ray Wenderlich discusses several ways of using web services in iOS apps, and even has an example based on PHP/MySQL.
How To Write A Simple PHP/MySQL Web Service for an iOS App
To Write An iOS App That Uses A Web Service

iphone week-view calendar to show reservations

I am looking to build an iphone application to show booking/reservations of a Device. I want to have a week view where I can show the reservations using different colors (Something similar to the one in Google Calendar).
I saw few projects in github which provides month-view, but i could not find the one with week-view.
I am pretty new to iPhone development, and I would appreciate if someone can help me in this regard. Some tutorials which helps in adding an calendar to an application.
Thanks in advance
Why don't you create a google calender and then let the users of your app look at the booking on there. If that is what you want here is the official doc for objective-c
GDataObjCIntroduction - gdata-objectivec-client - Introduction for Objective-C Developers - Project Hosting on Google Code
google code project that access google calendar
iphone-gcal - Project Hosting on Google Code
another client
Downloads - gdata-objectivec-client - Project Hosting on Google Code
a tutorial
How To Use Google APIs with iPhone SDK
Hope this helps.

Mobile web interface for Google Calendar?

I'm writing an iPhone app in which I would like to display a public Google Calendar. I love their mobile interface for Calendar that is available when you log in, but I am wondering if there's a way to display this or a similar interface for public Google Calendars. Currently I'm displaying the desktop version of a public Calendar in a UIWebVIew, but it's hard to work with.
I realize that I could use the google APIs and write my own calendar implementation, but I'd prefer a mobile web interface due to the reduced complexity.
just add a "/m"
to the url.
here is the google article:

Is there any in built calendar view in iPhone sdk

I want to invoke a calendar as the calendar application does in iPhone. Is there any inbuilt framework which will help or we have to built the whole calendar on our own.
There is no built in calendar framework for the iPhone. Additionally, you can't access a users calendars as with the address book or iPod.
There are some 3rd party solutions:
Check out the below link. This may help you...`