iPhone Table View Data Edit Pane - iphone

I have an application I'm working on, and I need the user to be able to add new "Shows", "Movements" and "Dots." These are all represented by classes. At the root of the application, all the shows are shown, the user can click on the show, see the movement in that show, then tap on a movement and see the dots in the movement. It works beautifully.
Now, I need the user to be able to add and edit these instances of these classes. The way I am thinking this will work is when the user clicks on the "Add Show" button (Or the "Add Movement", etc) a new view will be pushed onto the Navigation Controller. This works. When the button is pressed, a new instance of the show class is created, and passed to the new view controller. This also works. If the user wants to edit the show, then they will hit the edit button for the row, and the instance of the class (which already exists) will be passed to new view controller, and the user will be able to edit it (It should use the same view controller for adding and editing)
My question is, in the examples I have seen, it is always really dirty to create the editing view. The edit view is a table view with each row having some sort of control. Usually it is a UITextField, but it may be a slider, and it may be one where another view is popped, and the user needs to check one value. (This is similar to the address book application when adding and editing a contact)
Is there any way that is cleaner than just manually going in and creating a bunch of arrays to hold what custom table view cells need to be at what row? This gets very messy, very fast. I can do it this way, I just was wondering if there is a better, possibly faster way.

To my knowledge there's no structural solution to solve this. I'm afraid managing the cells with child UITextField or other controls yourself is the only method. This indeed gets dirty and painful very fast, I certainly feel your pain.
Although it doesn't exist, it would be very convenient if Apple added out of the box editing cells to the SDK, similar to the different normal cell styles. I haven't come across an open source project that addresses this issue, but it might exist.
If you do find a better/cleaner method to handle these situations, be sure to ping back.

as far as i know, editing mode is the only way to make the changes you describe (if i understood correctly). I agree that it doesn't seem like the most elegant approach.


Swift- How do I make it so that if the user clicks the button it takes them to a new view?

I'm currently trying to create a small notepad app, and i'm in need of help. I am using a Tabbed View Application. Say we had a view that has two text fields for Name and short description, and then a button beneath saying "Create Note".
How can I make this button change the view to my editor/notepad view that does not have the tabs at the bottom?
If you are using storyboards, which I assume that you are, what you will want to use are triggered movements called segues.
To create one, right-click on the button and drag the line that appears to the second view, and then release.
It should look like this:
Then, when you release, a gray box will appear, with a list of segues. You can find out what each one does online, and as you get more advanced you can develop custom ones.
However, use Modal as a basic one to begin with.
Hope this helps,
PS. In the future, try and make your questions more specific, and do some research before you ask a question. It's important that you gain a good reputation on Stack Overflow if you want your questions answered properly.

Tech Design to achieve a workflow usability using UINavigationController

New to iOS development with a simple technical design question. The project I'm working has walks a user through a set of questions, upwards of 20. I want to use the UINavigationController to give a workflow feel in terms of usability with the back button and Next button in the navigation bar - that is a requirement. However, the design of each of the 20 views will be identical, except of course for the content which will be data driven.
From a design standpoint, would I...
Replicate the View Controller 20 times with 20 separate h and m classes, and use push segue's between each to give a workflow feel.
Replicate the View Controller 20 times but connect to same h and m class.
Redraw the View each time the user clicks Back or Next, thus keeping 1 viewcontroller
I've looked at several samples with xib files, but I'm looking to pull this off with the latest version of xcode and storyboards.
The simplest approach will be to reuse what has already been created. The View (From Modal-View-Controller) part of your application needs to be implemented only once.
All you need is a simple action to allow user to navigate between provide options (20 in this case).
The preferred option in this case will be
3)Redraw the View each time the user clicks Back or Next, thus keeping 1 viewcontroller
All you need is to update the content (equivalent to redraw the view)using proper selectors such as
- (IBAction)navigateToNextOption:(int)index;
- (IBAction)navigateToPreviousOption:(int)index;
You might also like to handle validation based on indices and prompt user to select proper navigation buttons.
A simple case say what if the options are 1000 , might also help you decide the best approach.
I would suggest that use a single viewcontroller and show the animation behavior like UINavigationController on next and back button click. use this source code a Git
kASlidshow git repositry
how it looks
replace the arrow buttons and place it a top of the UIViewController.

How to get the present object in an Eclipse RCP view?

I'm starting with the coding of an Eclipse RCP and be relatively new to the RCP-World.
Currently i have one perspective with two views. One is a list with a tableViewer which shows a few names of workers.
The second view is a "single view" with a few textboxes. I use the ISelectionListener to notify when i have selected another entry in the list, so i can set the text boxes in the "single view" wiht the current selected worker objetc.
I didn't wrote the code on my own, and i used this page (Vogella) to learn all the stuff behind RCP.
My question is: How can i get the current Object showed by the active view? I mean, i have it
because of the SelectionListener, but i want to click on my own "save"
button to update changes to the object.
I want the object in the single view, so do i need another change listener, or is the object stored in the view and can i get it with the ISelection Interface?
Can someone tell me in one or two sentences how it works? Or is it
just too simple, because i couldn't find anything elsewhere.
This can be done, but is not very easy, because the behaviour is not very standard. You are treating the two views as one usually deals with linked controls of a dialog or window. That's not necessarily wrong, but i smells bad (I cannot recall an example in the Eclipse IDE). Are you sure you are not confusing the roles of Views and Viewers? A View, in Eclipse, is a "Part" of a Workbench (you have basically Views and Editors), each view shows information and/or performs actions, but they are typically quite decoupled, you should be able open and close freely and independently each View, they rarely interact with each other directly (they typically display information or modify objects in the workspace). Further, you should not have a "Save" button in a View (again, look at the Eclipse IDE as an example), changes done throught a view should be direct.
It is very doubtful for me that your design here in sound, perhaps you should instead use a single View, or a dialog. I suggest you to read more about Views.

Need architecture direction

I'm creating an app and I need some help with design.
Launch Screen - I want to show 6-8 "category" buttons with labels loaded from an array ("normal" buttons from interface builder - not tab bar buttons or menu bar buttons).
Table Screen - When one of the category buttons is pushed on the launch screen, I want to show a table view with all of the items in that category.
Detail Screen - When one of the items on the table screen is selected, go to a new screen with details for the item. There will be an action button on this screen which will remove the item from the list if pressed.
My questions are as follows:
1) I don't want to show navigation buttons on the first screen. Can I still use a Navigation-Based application and hide the navigation controls on the first screen, or would it be better (easier) to create a view-based application and put a navigation controller "inside" one of the views? I'm totally open to any basic design approach suggestions you may have.
2) I've figured out how to create a sqlite3 file, add it to the project, query it, and generate the table view from the results, but I'm not sure about how to store the sqlite file in a way that will persist on the device when the user upgrades the app later. Any pointers on that?
Thanks for any help/links/documentation you can point me to. I've watched a million tutorials but none of the ones I've seen really address basic app design.
Now for Q1, both ways work fine but if you have buttons from the first screen, having a uinavigationcontroller might make it slightly easier if you plan to have back buttons on the screens after the first screen.
For Q2, to make the database persist when the user updates their app at some stage, simply keep the original database and include a new database (with a different name) with additional content, then modify your original database and import any additional content to it.
You can also do variations of that also, ie import content from old database to new database and etc. But the key is to keep the database file names different, ie add database_v1.sqlite, database_v2.sqlite and etc.
BTW don't forget to clean up any databases you won't use in future.

How do you create a sequence of modalViewControllers?

I have struggled and now I just need to see it in action. I have an info-button on my title page (UIViewController) and I want to bring up an About-view with a 'dismiss' button on the left and a 'detail disclosure on the right.' If one presses the 'detail disclosure', it brings up the PrivacyStatement-view with the same buttons. If one presses the 'detail disclosure', it will bring up a Credits-view. I should be able to continue this for additional Legal, etc.
According to the Apple doc's one dismiss will dismiss the entire sequence, regardless of where one is at the time.
I have been able to get the views to show, but they won't dismiss themselves. These leads me to think that I am not using the preferred approach but rather, I have developed an ad-hoc approach that leaves me with dangling structures.
Any suggestions? I have my thoughts, but I am only one two levels deep and the dismiss doesn't work! :( I have a total dead-end and have to Quit the app to get back on the real App view.
I got it! Basically, the code is cascaded along the 'workflow' of viewcontrollers. I devised a style where most of the technical class management is done by the tools and leaves me with book keeping and content. I will need some review for memory management, as I think my current code is probably leaking controllers up and down the path. Also, the fact that I can traverse back and forth leads me to think that I really just have a stack of views and not modal views. I will post the code sometime by the end of the week.