SNMP Library for iPhone - iphone

Are there any open source libraries for doing SNMP GET/SETs using the Objective C/Cocoa Touch (for IPhone)?

Although there is no SNMP implementations in Objective-C (that i an aware of). There are in C & C++.
I've had success at using snmp++v2.8a. Just drop the .h and .cpp files required for the static libsnmp++.a into your x-code iphone project. And make the necessary tweaks for it to build. I had to add: "-D_XPG4_EXTENDED -DGCC -DLINUX" to Project Settings 'Other C++ Flags', and make some changes to the files. Then any file you are using the c++ objects from, rename from .m to .mm, to tell X-Code the file contains a mixture of objective-C and c++.

In my opinion, the C/C++ package called Net-SNMP (has nothing to do with .NET) is the best implementation of an SNMP library for both the manager (client) and the agent (server) sides. I've looked at a lot of them and used a lot of them, and Net-SNMP is the best of the lot. Open source.

I've spent some time working on building one of these for a project.
there's none for obj-c, or at least there weren't when I was looking last summer. there's a bunch of open source ones in c and c# that are a good starting spot for a port (or re-implementation).

I've never heard of one, and the only thing I'm finding on Google is "IP*Works!", but it seems to be a Mac framework (and might not work on iPhone if it's not compiled as a .a file).
Your best bet may be to roll your own. has a couple emails in its archives about people asking for SNMP libraries, but no answers were ever received.


C++ static library to be used in XCode

This is probably not a simple question so I am not looking for a definite answer but just some pointers to get me in the right direction.
I have absolutely no experience with C/C++ but have good knowledge of Objective-C. I also don't know much about different compilers and architectures so please be nice if I am talking stupid :)
I have some MatLab code that needs to be ported to Objective-C to run on an iPhone application. My first tentative path to get this done would be to check if MatLab can export the code as a static C/C++ library that I can call from within my Objective-C code.
This seems to be the case but I am not entirely sure what to do next, and what things I need to keep in mind when compiling the library on the MatLab side (i.e. architecture, compatibility, PC vs Mac, etc).
I have been provided with a .DLL and .LIB files which I believe are Windows compiled so they will not be useful for me, is this correct? From working with previous static libraries I can see they all have a .a extension - what do I need to do to get one that is compatible with the iPhone architecture?
And once I get the library compiled, how to I import and use it within my project? Will I just be able to call the public methods directly from within my code?
What else do I need to know or be aware of?
Any help is very much appreciated!
Static libraries contain binary code tailored for some specific operating system and platform. That means that it will use the OS to internally acquire memory (if it uses dynamic memory) or to perform any other OS specific operation (logging, output).
Even if the generated code was completely OS-agnostic (basic math could be implemented without OS support), the platform is completely different, matlab will generate code for an intel platform and the iPhone runs in an ARM architecture, with a different instruction set calling conventions...
Unless matlab is able to generate static libraries for the iPhone or at the very least for an ARM platform and make it OS-agnostic, you are out of luck.

iPhone static lib

i want to share some code with other iOS projects. So I create static library.
When I use this library in other projects and use header file from that lib I get an error like No such file and Directory. Can any one tell me fixes of it.
Here I get reference for making static lib
I downloaded that sample. It is also not working in my case. So please help me to fix that error.
Thanks in advance
My guess would be because the blog, whilst detailed, is probably a bit old now. Like anything there's a thousand ways to skin a cat.
You can now create frameworks for the iPhone sdk and include both simulator and device versions of the classes. Frameworks have the advantage that they can simply be dragged and dropped on Xcode to include them in a project. In addition I like to store my frameworks in version numbered directories so if I make changes, dependent projects can still use the old ones until I'm ready to update them.
I don't do it, but for the above reasons I'm not sure I'd drag and drop a libs project on a client project. To me the idea of a static framework is that it's independent on it's clients. Dropping it into client projects makes a connection between the two projects that is too tight.
Anyway do some searches on lipo and static frameworks. I also have so scripts in my project at that you mint find useful.

How do I use a 3rd party C library in Xcode for my iphone project?

love this site and all helpful people! I'm newbie to Xcode and iPhone programming but I've pretty much got the hang of using the SDK to make programs in Obj-C (simple programs right now but make me happy). My experience is web programming (such as PHP and Perl) and I'm not really used to a lot of the new Xcode/desktopy-app stuff like static libraries and linking and such. I be honest, I am not total awesome programmer yet!
I have a problem right now, my (card game) program I am writing needs to use this C library. I don't really understand how I get the proper C files and integrate them into my project so I can start using the commands in that tutorial to evaluate hand values.
I hope I have been clear, please let me know if there is anything I am leaving out. Unfortunately, my newbieness may prevent from me making everything so clear and sometimes I can't english perfectly what I am thinking!
Happy thanks in advance, looking forward to any help!
Couple things:
The library you linked to is quite large. Pokersource appears to be a large C project containing all sorts of things like language bindings and some GUI tools as well. A project that large certainly has an IRC channel. I would recommend going there.
The library you linked to appears to be (I may be wrong about this), licensed under the GPLv3. This means that any program that you distribute to others that uses a GPLv3 library or piece of code must also be licensed under the GPLv3. The upshot is that if you use that library, you'll have to release the source for your game.
The site you linked to does seem to have a long list of other poker hand evaluators, so its possible one of them is suitable for your needs.
Good luck!
it's totally possible to use third party static libraries with your iPhone and using Xcode. This webpage illustrates the process of doing it.

Considerations for including library as binary vs source

I'm trying to write an SSH client for the iPhone, and I'd like to use the libssh2 open source library to do so. It's written in C.
How should I include this C library for my iPhone app? Should I compile it into some binary that I include into the my app, or do I add all the source to my project and try to compile it along with the rest of my app?
I'm interpretting this question as:
"Should I compile the C library code once, and include the binary library in my project? Or should I include all the source and compile it every time I build my app?"
It depends. One of the projects I work one depends on several external libraries. Basically, we have a simple rule:
Do you think you will need to change code in the C library often?
If you will be changing the code, or updating versions often, include the source and build it with the rest of your project.
If you're not going to change the code often or at all, it might make sense to just include the pre-built binary in your project.
Depending on the size of the library, you may want to set it up as a distinct target in your project, or for even more flexibility, as a sub-project of your main project.
If I was in your place, I would build libssh2 ahead of time and just include the binary library in my iPhone project. I would still keep the libssh2 source around, of course, in case it does need to be re-built down the road.
I have an iPhone app that is 90% c. I have had no problem adding 3rd party sources to my project and compiling. I am using Lua, zLib, and libpng with no modifications. I've also included standard libraries like unistd and libgen and they just work™
The Three20 iPhone library has a great howto on adding their library to your xcode project. Give that a shot.
I think you will find in the long run you will be better off building it into a standalone library and linking it with your application. This makes it easier to integrate into future apps. Another benefit is that it encourages code separation. If you feel pretty confident with the library, you can link your debug exe to the release build of the library and get some extra performance.
I can't really think of any downsides to creating a library, after the initial cost of setting it up, and having an extra project to modify if you have some changes that need to be made to all your projects. Even if you don't know how to make a library for the iPhone, this is a good excuse to learn.
Just adding the source to you project should work fine as well.

Best way to share iphone and mac code between projects

I realise that the view/controller stuff will be different between Mac and IPhone apps but the model code may well be similar/the same. So whats the best way to organise a project(s) so that the model code is/can be shared?
Copy/paste - just duplicate it and manually keep it in sync
Have 2 xcode projects point at the same workarea - one for Mac and one for IPhone and share the code.
Common library - presumably you can't do this (or can you)
Thanks for any tips.
There are a few ways to do this. The first thing you can do is is create a project that builds as a framework on Mac OS X. Since you cannot use frameworks on iPhone, you can make static library target that contains the same code files. That basically works, but the header paths will be different. If you want the header paths to be the the same (i.e. <Myframework/MyFramework.h>) you will need to modify the the install path of the static library headers so that they are copied into "$SDK_ROOT/usr/local/include/MyFramework", and make sure /usr/local/include is an included header search path. You will then need to install the library and headers into each SDK_ROOT.
I started out doing the above, but I found it to be a royal pain. So I ended up doing something that is a variant of #2. Basically, I get the header paths to be equivalent by making a directory named "Externals" in my iPhone project root, then a directory named with the appropriate name ("MyFramework") in the externals folder. That is the folder I copy I drag the framework files into.Findally I add the Externals folder as a system header path (which is admittedly sort of a gross hack). You need to manually add new files to the iPhone project, but I have found that to be less of a pain the installing static libs into my build root.
I'm not sure if the suggestion from the previous answer would work. If you look at my previous question, you'll see that I've failed to load a custom framework on the iPhone even though the framework works fine on Mac.
I would go with method 2.
You could develop your application in JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. You would use the WebView and UIWebView objects on the Mac and the iPhone respectively. You can do pretty much anything you want in the WebView objects, even make calls down to Objective-C.
The QuickConnectiPhone installer, found here, installs QuickConnectMac and QuickConnectiPhone templates into Xcode.
This way you can quickly create an application in one environment and then migrate the view to the other. In fact the QuickConnect framework is highly modular.
If you don't want to develop in JavaScript the same modular framework is found on the Objective-C side of the templates installed.
It should make it much easier for you to do what you are attempting.