When compiling for multiple targets in XCode, how do i ensure that certain files will not be included one target - iphone

I searched for a long time on stackoverflow using every keyword I could think of to solve this. I am programming for iphone and I have a lite and paid version of my app. I followed the instructions here Creating Lite Versions of iPhone Games / Apps for duplicating the target. This works and now I am working on slimming down the lite version.
Main problem? Images. The lite version needs to have several hundred less images than the paid version. So, I made 2 groups in XCode. One "Folder Group" in Xcode - named "FreeImages" and another "ProImages". I want all FreeImages only to be included in the lite app and all FreeImages and ProImages to be in the paid app. I do not care that XCode considers these Groups to be Virtual Folders. I reversed the instructions to a point and have an environment flag (-D) set in XCode "PLUS_VERSION" I want XCode to basically do the following:
copy contents of FreeImages *and* ProImages where normally they go
copy contents of FreeImages where they normally go.
Anyone know where to start to tell XCode to conditionally copy contents of groups into the target?

For each resource (or folder of resources) you want to direct to a specific target, you can click on the resource and inspect it (either via right-clicking and selecting Get Info or by clicking on the Inspect toolbar option). Within that info dialog will be a tab called Targets, where you can check the targets you want the resource (or even source code file) to be incorporated into, and uncheck the ones you don't.
Alternatively, I believe you can navigate to the target itself in Xcode, click on the triangle next to its name to expand the list of build phases, expand the Copy Bundle Resources build phase, and manually delete from the list there any resources you don't wish to have copied over into that target.


How do I import existing iPhone app without .xcodeproj file into Xcode

I have an existing iPhone app (made on a previous version of XCode by a colleague) that I would like to import into XCode. I have the files FirstViewController.h, .m, and .xib files as well as the ones for the other views that were all renamed. I also have the supporting files, such as the sqlite database that is being used, images, the AppDelegate files, and so on. However, I was given all of these files without the .xcodeproj file. I have been trying to recreate the app given all of these files, but to no luck. Can anyone please give me any hints or direction as to how I should try and recreate this app?
If you absolutely cannot get ahold of the original Xcode project file, I would recommend just going through the standard New Project wizard to create a new project, and then import your existing files into the new project. This would involve, at a minimum:
Launch Xcode (the latest available version)
Create a new project by choosing File menu > New > Project
Choose an iOS application project template which most closely resembles your application
Follow the rest of the wizard steps to create your project
Once you have your new project, import the existing files:
For each type of file, right click in one of the file groups in the Project Navigator in the left-hand sidebar and select 'Add Files to …', then follow the prompts to import your file(s)
Adjust your code to build properly, using Product > Build and Product > Run as needed.
The iOS App Programming Guide can likely answer a lot of general questions about how to lay out your app structure, set up build settings, etc. Code signing and Deployment Target are two important project-specific settings you'll need to configure, which can be done using the project settings editor by selecting the very top row (where it says your project's name) in the Project Navigator. That should hopefully get you started.

Can't change target membership visibility in Xcode 4.5

I currently try to exclude my In-App Purchase logic in an App of mine to make it reusable in other Apps of mine or even put it on a public git repository for others to use. For this purpose I follow this guide of creating a framework in XCode.
But in step 2 I have to set the Target Membership of my .h file to public. The problem is, that in my Xcode (v 4.5) I can't see any visibility when the .h file is clicked (and also not when I click other files like .m ones). It looks like that:
What am I doing wrong there?
I came across this same problem and found your question an hour after it was posted but here is what I have found. In Xcode 4.4 the ability to change the target membership, and visibility, for header files was removed so this tutorial will not work as written.
Instead of changing the target membership visibility you can add a "Copy Headers" build phase to the target you made in step 1 (Serenity in the example). This will have 3 sections for Public, Private, and Project headers. Just click the plus at the bottom and the headers you want to be public to this step. By default they are put in the Project section but you can click and drag them to the Public section.
The rest of the tutorial should work fine from there.
Edit: Just noticed that in my own project, after adding the copy headers build step, that the target membership can be selected for header files so the tutorial works as written. Though it seems to act a little strange with my framework header. In any case, changing the visibility in the build phase is reflected under target membership and vice versa
Build Phases -> Add Build Phase -> Copy Bundle Resources (in case you don't have it)
Then drag and drop your file there... Good luck ;)

xCode 4.3.2 - Understanding Add to Target

I have an app which contains an SQLite database. I have just upgraded to Lion and xCode 4.3.2 and when I now drag and drop a new version of the database in xCode I get a box which asks if I want to "add the file to targets".
The box is not ticked by default. Is this correct or should I be adding an SQLite database to targets (and what does this mean) ?
Thanks !
A target specifies a product to build and contains the instructions for building the product from a set of files in a project or workspace - (Apple's Documentation)
Since you project may contain more than one targets (products) what XCode asks you basically is whether you want to include this asset in the target (so to have access to it).
Of course you should add the SQLite file to the target for which you want to use it. It means that you want to attach the file to specified target, In case of many targets you might want to add particular file to specific target.

Using resources with the same name in Xcode

Is there a way to add multiple resources with the same name to an Xcode project and have 1 of them take priority over the others?
I added 2 files, both called icon.png, to an Xcode project. They are on different folders in the file system (Folder1/icon.png and Folder2/icon.png) and on different groups in Xcode. Is there a way to tell Xcode to have Folder2/icon.png take priority over Folder1/icon.png? And if only 1 icon.png exists, then use that one.
EDIT (2010-12-23):
You can have multiple files with the same name in an Xcode project even if they are not in separate folder references, but they are in separate groups. Once compiled, the app bundle (which will be flat with no folders in it), will only have one copy of the file (icon.png). How do you pick which copy of the file to use?
I was told that you can do this for BlackBerry. It works something like this: The compiler will go down the list of files in the project and start adding them to the app bundle. If it sees a duplicate, it will overwrite it (or not), so the files at the bottom (or at the top) will have higher precedence and will be the final bundle.
This can better easily be solved by using folders within a resource bundle in your Xcode project. Take a look here: http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/CoreFoundation/Conceptual/CFBundles/Introduction/Introduction.html
Wait a second, since you specifically mentioned icon.png, are you trying to supply different iDevices (iPad, iPhone4, iTouch3...) with different icon images?
If yes, check this out, http://d.pr/W2w0 , Apple has already provided a way for us to finish this task with convenience. All you need to do is following a specific naming convention.
What we do if we have a situation like this is:
We have several subfolders on the file system level of the project dir and add them to XCode into separate groups.
This works well. For actually building, we try to avoid Files with the same Name in one target. Icon.png and iTunesArtwork are only added once in every target.
It just proved to be a Maintainability Nightmare

Distinguishing development iPhone app versions

I like to keep a store-bought version of my iPhone apps on my phone so that I can reproduce any customer issues that come up, but I obviously also want to run the most current development version. I can install both (one from iTunes, one from xCode) but I'm interested in ways that I'm better able to tell the two apart. I could just change the name or icon temporarily, but that doesn't seem very failsafe, i.e. I might forget and ship it with the wrong icon.
Is there a happy funtime developer way to do this?
I was inspired by Eric's idea of adding a user-defined setting to the project but I didn't want to run a script every time I built the project.
We know that the iPhone looks for icon files named "Icon.png" by default. It turns out that the "Icon File" setting in the project plist isn't necessary at all if you've named your icon properly. However, if there is no file named "Icon.png" in the project, xCode looks at the value of the "Icon File" setting.
I set a user-defined setting in "Debug" called "Icon_Name" to a non-standard icon name, "DevIcon.png" and "ReleaseIcon.png" for the "Release" config. The "Icon File" setting in the project plist can now be set to ${ICON_NAME} and will take on the value of whatever config file we're using. Now building under two different configurations does use two different icons.
Edit: For multiple icons (high res, small, ipad, etc) I made a slightly different approach. The user-defined setting is now "IconPrepend" which is "Dev" for debug and "Release" for release config. I'm now using "Icon Files" (rather than "Icon File") in the info plist which takes an array of strings. Each string is prepended with ${ICONPREPEND} so that debug configurations look for "DevIcon.png" or "DevIcon#2x.png" and release configurations look for "ReleaseIcon.png" or "ReleaseIcon#2x.png".
Here's an idea - if you set a User-Defined Setting in your Project Build properties for Debug only along the lines of USE_DEV_ICON=YES (or something). Then, using the "Run Script" option in your Build Target you could copy different icons based on which Active Configuration you called.
Something along the lines of (pseudo-code):
cp DevIcon.png Icon.png
cp RealIcon.png Icon.png
Then every time you build, depending on the active configuration, it will copy the correct icon.
Most probably there is no other way. Your app store version and development version is completely different to the OS. If you want to distinguish, you need to change the icon or name. You can also include some debugging label (e.g. version number) in your development version, but you may also forget to remove this.
Maybe you'd just buy a second iPhone? Seriously. On your place I'd ask the same question as you do, but I will definitely take such a solution in mind. If I was an iPhone (or whatever other specific platform) developer, I'd most probably have more than one.
Couldn't you make a new target which has a different Bundle name in the Info.plist file, and use this target whenever you want to build the app to run on your iPhone?