Multiple Report Columns in Reporting Services 2008 - ssrs-2008

I'm using SSRS 2008 to make something for label printing. I want to make use of all horizontal and vertical space on the page to fit as many labels as possible, so I'm thinking I probably want multiple Report Columns.
This technet article would have you believe that you can set the number of Report Columns to make what they call "newsletter-style columns" in the Report Properties window. If I bring up the Report Designer in my Visual Studio 2008 installation and click on Report -> Report Properties from the top menu, I see this:
I can't find anything relating to columns, and no combination of the other settings on this page will make it change to multiple columns (yes, I'm rendering to PDF, not just checking the HTML preview.) Any ideas?
Thanks for your help!

Okay, I figured it out - when they say Report Properties, they don't mean the Report Properties dialogue that you might think. click on a blank region of the report to select the Report object, then pop up the Properties pane and you'll see a "Columns" property which you can adjust. Whew!


SSRS and PDF export issue

I have a problem when trying to add page breaks in my SSRS report. It works fine in the view mode, but when trying to export the report to PDF format, an extra blank page appears. Any idea why this happens ?
In SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services, the ConsumeContainerWhiteSpace option is not available because the white space is automatically omitted.
In SSRS 2008 or higher, click on the yellow space outside the report body area and press F4 to open the Properties pane. You can find the ConsumeContainerWhiteSpace option in the Report Properties pane.
ConsumeContainerWhitespace property to remove blank space in SSRS 2008 report

How to combine multiple series types(bar and line) in a chart using Crystal Report

I've tried to use two series type in my chart but I don't know how, it's my first time using Crystal Report so i don't know if it's possible. I've seen some questions here in stackoverflow but they are saying i need to right click in my chart ->'Chart Options' -> 'Axis' but when i click there are just 3 options.
I don't know if my version is updated and this action does not exist.
I believe i dont need to put any code here but if i need just tell me ok?
Thanks in advanced!
Not sure if you want to show some of the data as lines and some of the data as bars, if that is the case, follow these steps:
go to Preview mode for the report in the designer
right click on the bar that you wish to change to a line and choose Series Options
in the Show Selected Series As dialogue, choose Line
If you want to show all data as lines AND bars, then you should take a look at this.
Hope that helps,
Here is a screenshot of a report I quickly put together. I have 3 axis and 2 are bar and one is line. Unfortunately one axis has no data. I used the steps from above and it works just fine.
Here are screenshots of the process:
Insert the chart
Select a bar of the chart
Choose the display type
One axis now showing as a line
That's the best I can do for you.
After a lengthy email exchange, it turned out that he is trying to do this in Crystal Reports for Visual Studio. Unfortunately you can't do it in VS, at least up to version 2010. I suggested a workaround (link) in hopes that he can achieve his goal. Maybe an inquiry to SAP will shed some more light on this.

How to set font of all fields in a crystal report file non-programatically?

I have a couple of crystal report files and the fonts for all the fields are Arial and I want to change them to Times New Roman. I tried selecting all but when I do that I can't set the font.
Is there anyway to set all the fields in a report to a font from the UI?
Using Crystal Reports XI Release 2
If you select all fields then CR will disable all the options from the font toolbar. You can still change all the fields' fonts, though. Select all your reports objects that have text (this will NOT work if you select, say, a line object along with them). Then right-click the objects → "Format Objects" → "Font" tab.
All of the font options should be available there.
Ryan's solution will not work with Crystal Reports 2008. You will need to upgrade to a newer version. I am using Crystal Reports 13.
Select All using Ctrl+A. Unselect drawing objects like lines, boxes, etc. Right-click, you will get the option to format multiple objects. Choose your styles.
If you already have one object designed the way you want you could use ´Format Painter´, similar to that from MS Word: right click -> Format Painter (copy style), then just click to another object and the style will be pasted.

How to view direct excel report from iReport 2.0.2

I have problems to view excel report from iReports 2.0.2 because it does not want to go out when I click the preview button to excel. It just appears in the folder only. When I open the excel file in the report, I see the data does not follow the order of table row and column.
What I want is when I click the preview button excel, then the report will continue to view direct from the report and the alignment follow the row and column.
iReport 2, unlike the 3.5 or greater versions, doesn't have the ability to show preview within it the application. This especially applies to excel reports. You can set a specific external application for each export type in the options dialog. As for the formatting problem, you have not posted any code so I doubt anyone could help. You probably made an error during downgrade of the report.

Crystal Reports 2008 - Sections are collapsed and I can't expand

I have a Crystal Reports 2008 file that came my way from a former employee's files; I'm tasked with making some changes.
When I open the report, I am told that the "default printer is not available".
Then all of the fields are collapsed in the main report.
I can fix this by going into page settings and manually setting the page size to 8.5x11, etc.
However, subreports still appear "collapsed" and changing page settings does not make them visible again.
This is how the subreport looks when it is opened.
Attempted Fixes
Manually dragging the sections to expand them. This produces no results as it appears they are collapsed too far to select any of the sections to pull down.
Page setup in Crystal Reports -- works on the main page, but does not work for sub-reports.
Looking for Crystal bugs on the internet. I believe this to be a bug, but I haven't been able to find a source that confirms it.
I know there is data in the subreports, and mousing over the subreport will randomly highlight orange boxes around fields I can't see (the tooltip will then display the name of the data element for a split second)
This looks as though all of the sections within the report are suppressed or hidden, and you don't have the Show Hidden Sections option enabled.
I suggest enabling the Show Hidden Sections option - in older versions of Crystal this can be done by selecting Options... from the File menu, then checking the Show Hidden Sections checkbox in the Design view section of the Layout tab in the Options dialog.
Clicking OK after checking this option should result in all suppressed/hidden sections becoming visible.