How do I choose a video from UIImagePickerController on iPhone 3G? - iphone

On my iPhone 3G I have a couple videos saved from emails and some apps i recored with and every time I try and open the UIImagePickerController it doesn't show the videos for me to choose. How do I get the UIImagePickerController to include videos and not just pictures?

You can't, not on the iPhone 3G. For reasons only known to the gods at Apple, almost all video functionality is disabled on the 3G though it can support it perfectly fine.


iOS video not playing in mobile safari

I have this really annoying problem that I cannot seem to solve.
We have some short clips on our server that we are trying to view via mobile safari. The weird thing is that we are able to view the movie on mobile safari when our iPhones are on 3g, and not when we are on WiFi.
It gets weirder that we are able to view the movie sometimes on wifi and not other times.
Here is the link in question:
Why would the link play via 3g and not via wifi? Are there some settings in there that would be stopping? We even tried to wireshark the connection via the iOS simulator and what was going on and it looks like the video is downloading fine.
This is driving us nuts!

Youtube embedded video will only have audio when iPhone not muted

I'm developing a mobile website which includes Youtube embedded videos, I am doing this through the <iframe> tag:
<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="560" height="315"></iframe>
The video embeds OK, and plays as expected, but when the iPhone has the silent switch to Muted, no audio comes out, (with headphones the audio is OK). Whenever I un-mute the iPhone, the speakers work fine and the Youtube video works perfectly...
Is there a way I can override the iPhone silent switch so that the speakers play the video even when the iPhone is muted?
Many apps, including the native Youtube app work fine with the speakers even when the iPhone is muted, since these are all user-initiated audio events...
No, Apple allows it's users to have this option to respect their privacy. There are times when everyone needs to have their phones be silent. iPhone wouldn't be much of a phone if it didn't allow that.

How can I embed a video on my website in order to work on an iPhone and what video format is required?

I have seen several sites where they are able to create links to videos and they actually open on the video player of the iPhone, iPad or iPod.
This is obviously not a flash player video, and they don't seem to be embedded from youtube.
So I was wondering how can I add a video on my site that can be opened on an iPhone, and also what type of format is required for this?
HTML5 Video works on iOS devices, see
and here is a decent player plugin

iPad Video Playback only delivers audio, not visuals

Recently we've developed an iPhone app for an external company, and everything works fine in the app.
There is a section where the app pulls video from the client's server, and streams it into the iPhone's MPMoviePlayerController. This works fine on the iPhone and iPodTouch - both the video and the audio show up just great.
The problem, however, is that when the app is run on an iPad (using the iPad's iPhone simulator thingo that it does) only the audio plays, and no video can be seen.
Does anybody have any suggestions about what may be causing this? I thought perhaps it was the encoding, but then why would this prevent the video from playing on the iPad, and not the iPhone?
Use mpmovieplayerviewcontroller instead, you might find it works better.Here is a link to the ref

Is there a way I can capture my iPhone screen as a video? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question may be able to be answered.
Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to be able to capture my iPhone's screen as a video, but I'm not sure the best way to do this.
Can anyone help guide me on how to best do this without jailbreak?
Here's my solution in a nutshell:
In recent years, when needing to produce moving visual content from the interface of an iOS app, I would require the developer provide a compiling of the app designed for the Simulator, (must be separately compiled because the apps are, by default compiled to run on the iPhone's ARM processor, whereas the Simulator runs on the Mac's Intel processor). This would then be screen captured on the Mac with something like Snapz Pro, Screenflow or something similar.
Beyond that, typical solutions required jailbreaking the device and installing a screen capture application sourced from the Cydia Store.
With the introduction of the iPad 2, Apple enabled full interface mirrored video output via either an authorized dock connector to HDMI dongle, or a dock connector to VGA dongle. (Note: Apple's composite and component options do not port mirrored content.) While the typical intent for these output mechanisms are to display the interface content to an external projector or High Definition Television, it is possible to record this mirrored content with a device capable of recording or transcoding content from such an incoming source. This option was also made possible with the introduction of the iPhone 4S. Quite often, recording this video content is done with HDMI capture cards installed on the capturing computer, such as those produced by Black Magic or AJA, among others. This is, or course limited to using computers that are capable of having such a capture card installed. Other options may include some HDMI record-enabled DVR devices (though many detect and disable such options) or firewire-based transcoding devices (like the Grass Valley ADVC-HD50, which I use).
Since getting the iPad 2 earlier this year, I have been using the Grass Valley ADVC HD50 to capture iOS screen motion from dock connected HDMI to a HDV compatible video capture application on my Mac. It has thus far worked flawlessly.
Here is an example from a video I recorded showing such captured content from both the iPHone 4S and the iPad 2.
However, now that Apple has enabled wireless iOS mirroring via Airplay in iOS 5, I find it is now much more convenient to connect an Apple TV device to the Grass Vally ADVC HD50, and capture the iOS interface screen recording wirelessly.
Here is a recent short video example in which the iPhone 4S interface was captured wirelessly via Airplay mirroring.
I hope this helps.
As others have suggested, AirPlay mirroring is the way to go. To mirror directly to your computer use an AirPlay server like Then, since it's showing up directly on your computer you can capture it using the built-in Quicktime app (File > New Screen Recording). Works great!
You can use Lookback. It records your screen, face, voice and all gestures, and uploads them to your account on the web.
Here's a demo:
Loren Brichter the developer of Tweetie2 wrote this little app called SimFinger to make iphone screencasts top notch!
Love apps that make amateurs look like pros :)
I made a plugin for the simulator that does just this. You can find it at my blog.
It actually records the screen. It does not rely on another screen capture program like iShowU.
It will install icons for the default apps and change the carrier text to look like a real device.
Short of using a video camera, no.
Many youtube videos for demonstrating iPhone applications are made with a screen grabber application (such as iShowU, ScreenFlow, or Snapz Pro) and the simulator. Be aware that the speed of response in the simulator can be dramatically different than a device - so it's possible to get effects (and miss) with the simulator you'll never see on a device. In particular, default animations can flash by in the simulator, where they just look quick on a device.
using ScreenCaptureView class we can capture the iphone screen as video.The source code is available here.The recorded video is saved in a NSUrl,outputURL.Use that NSUrl in a method like below to play the recorded video,
MPMoviePlayerController *player = [[MPMoviePlayerController alloc] initWithContentURL:outputURL ];
[player.view setFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,320,480)];
[player setMovieControlMode:MPMovieControlModeHidden];
[player setScalingMode:MPMovieScalingModeAspectFit];
[player setBackgroundColor:[UIColor blackColor]];
[player setFullscreen:YES animated:YES];
[player play];
[self addSubview:player.view];
call this method before releasing NSUrl in completeRecordingSession method will replay what you did in the iphone screen as a video.
Note: This answer is outdated There's a free trial I think, but after that you'd need to buy it. And you need to jailbreak your iphone.
You could use the video-out and capture that somehow with a firewire or sumthing..
The class MPTVOutWindow can help you out! Here's a nice sample of that!
I used ScreenFlow to record the Simulator, and zoomed it and added static images as necessary. I then embedded the movie in an iPhone frame on my website. Turned out okay. See the Tweeps page for the result.
i guess it is so obvious now that no one has posted this but for the noobs.... note: iPhone 4S only
just airplay to an apple tv and video mirror then output the atv to a device that can record - like tivo, dvr etc. you can also use a video out cable on the iPad [1 and 2] now
not sure if the cable works on the iPhone 4S as I havent tested that myself
its clunky but there is no other way i can see atm.
I've continued to research this item myself, and it does appear to remain beyond us at this point.
I even tried buying a Apple Composite AV Cable, but it doesn't capture screen, just video playing like YouTube, etc.
So I decided to go with the iShowU path and that has worked out well so far.
Thanks Guys!
For a nice looking screencast, have a look at SimFinger. You will still need a screen recoder such as Snapz Pro.
Just for anyone who is still looking for solutions:
The RecordMyScreen jailbreak app is opensourced and works fine even on non-jailbreak devices if we have the developer license. You can have a look at the source:
I dont believe this is possible.
Your best bet is to get something like iShowU and capture from the simulator.