iPad magazine ap content grabbing? - iphone

looking to develop a magazine app similar to Time and GQ.
Can anyone tell me what method they are using to pull the content in?

They are probably just reading an RSS or Atom feed. At least that is what I would do if I were to make such an app.

The Time app is using Woodwing Technology, they have an interesting video how that you author the content in InDesign - http://www.woodwing.com/en/digital-magazine/ipad-now - but they don't disclose how the app retrieves the content from the server. I am looking into developing such an app also, so I would like to know how they do it...

I agree rss and atom are the simplest options but are they the best? I've looked at a few of these magazines this weekend and some of the styling is just as impressive as the content options. I'd like to talk to someone that's looked at the development of one of these setups and get some specifics.


creating iphone app for existing site. need advice about the data I'm downloading

I'm building an iPhone app for existing site (a local news site)
Main page with articles headers, when click on them you move to the article page. Simple.
This is the first time I'm building such type of app.
I have 3 general questions, just to make sure :
For the iphone, Do we need to
re-create the website article's
pictures for the iphone ? or there
is some programming tool that on the
fly make the files looks better on
the iphone ? or maybe, there is some
technique that creates one artice
picture that looks right both for
the server and the iphone ?
Usually, Do you need to create
special data channels from the
iPhone webservice ? or programmers
just use the existing rss channels
of the webserver ?
If someone know nice artice about
this stuff, It will help a lot. just
see what other are doing.
You can see the intent Media apps, these apps are working like what you want your app to.
1) You're better off creating mobile versions of the images. You can do image processing on the iPhone, but you'll have to have the original and that makes the whole thing pointless (ie. you have to download the whole thing.) Generate a mobile thumbnail when those are uploaded on the server.
2) RSS will do. There's a very good tutorial at cocoadevblog.com about approaching such a task (I guess this covers 75% of the work you have to do)
3) Check 2) ;-)
if your download image is bigger the the thumbnail you are trying to display,
then the problem is in your code that change the image size. check carefully what are you doing to the image after downloading it.
I would recommend to create square thumbnails of your pictures at the server level. This will allow you to easily position in the iPhone screen, plus you will not need to download the whole image from the server.

Adding photo upload to an iPhone App that's mostly HTML5/JS

I'm working on an iPhone App that's HTML5/JS displayed in a single UI Webview. I'd like to add photo upload capabilities, and I'm wondering what the best approach would be to extend the iPhone app with the necessary classes to pick a photo and upload via an API. I'd also like to trigger the display of the photo picker via JS if that's possible.
I know it's possible to use a framework like PhoneGap to do this, but I don't want to migrate the whole app to a new framework yet. Also, sorry for the "how to" type question - I normally ask about specific problems after I've exhausted my efforts, but I'm pretty new to Objective C, so I'd appreciate some guidance, even if it's just a simple design explanation.
the image picker (UIImagePicker) is fairly straightforward to work with: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/uikit/reference/UIImagePickerController_Class/UIImagePickerController/UIImagePickerController.html
and for an API, are you sending it to an existing system? or creating your own. You just need to craft an NSMutableURLRequest with POSTED data in a multi-part format, and then handle the image portion appropriately in your server.
this might help: upload image from iPhone application

how would i implement the image processing technology within this iphone application?

Just a quick question on the iphone technology within this business card reader
as we can see this video allows users to take a photo of a business card, i have an idea where i would take a photo of some text , and that photo could then be turned into text on the iphone. how would i be able to implement this using the iOS API ?
cheers guys
The camera stuff is all standard-- use the UIImagePickerController for this.
Text recognition (OCR) is not a built in part of the iOS API, though, so that part really isn't trivial. There are multiple open-source projects that can handle this sort of thing if you want to go after them.
Tesseract is an older but possibly viable one. Check out this post which has info on cross compiling it for iOS.
Other users here might have more current recommendations.

using web view in iphone

this might sound silly but since i am new to iPhone i wanted to ask this question... :P
Where is the UIWebView best used? I mean which type of application?
Could i use that if i wanted to display a video in some part of the screen rather than fullscreen which MPmediaPlayer is really good at?
Thanks :)
The only places I have seen UIWebView really used in a way that is right is for help pages. Developers will make this page call a FAQ page hosted on their servers so that they can change the contents frequently without going back to Apple for review.

Getting WAP embedded video in android AND iphone?

Recently a client asked me to make their site "work on smart phones", which normally wouldn't be too much of an issue... However it's a video site, and I have absolutely no idea where to even begin. Right off the bat I'm not even going to consider allowing the site to even function in anything other than Android (Maybe even 2.0+) and iPhone, maybe Blackberry and WinMo. But beyond that... What do I do? I'm looking at using the tag, however I'm unsure what, if any, codecs which phone uses. Is HTML5 even adopted in their browsers yet?
Could someone please point me in the right direction? Am I going about this the right way, using the tag? Or is there some magical html element both iPhone and Android (And BB and WMo) that lets them run video in their native video players (Like on youtube).
I have glossed over this book (Beginning Smartphone Web Development) - it looked very good re: what's special about small form factor browsers