OpenCV: how to rotate IplImage? - image-manipulation

I need to rotate an image by very small angle, like 1-5 degrees. Does OpenCV provide simple way of doing that? From reading docs i can assume that getAffineTransform() should be involved, but there is no direct example of doing something like:
IplImage *rotateImage( IplImage *source, double angle);

If you use OpenCV > 2.0 it is as easy as
using namespace cv;
Mat rotateImage(const Mat& source, double angle)
Point2f src_center(source.cols/2.0F, source.rows/2.0F);
Mat rot_mat = getRotationMatrix2D(src_center, angle, 1.0);
Mat dst;
warpAffine(source, dst, rot_mat, source.size());
return dst;
Note: angle is in degrees, not radians.
See the C++ interface documentation for more details and adapt as you need:

Edit: To down voter: Please comment the reason for down voting a tried and tested code?
#include "cv.h"
#include "highgui.h"
#include "math.h"
int main( int argc, char** argv )
IplImage* src = cvLoadImage("lena.jpg", 1);
IplImage* dst = cvCloneImage( src );
int delta = 1;
int angle = 0;
int opt = 1; // 1: rotate & zoom
// 0: rotate only
double factor;
cvNamedWindow("src", 1);
cvShowImage("src", src);
float m[6];
CvMat M = cvMat(2, 3, CV_32F, m);
int w = src->width;
int h = src->height;
factor = (cos(angle*CV_PI/180.) + 1.05) * 2;
factor = 1;
m[0] = (float)(factor*cos(-angle*2*CV_PI/180.));
m[1] = (float)(factor*sin(-angle*2*CV_PI/180.));
m[3] = -m[1];
m[4] = m[0];
m[2] = w*0.5f;
m[5] = h*0.5f;
cvGetQuadrangleSubPix( src, dst, &M);
cvNamedWindow("dst", 1);
cvShowImage("dst", dst);
if( cvWaitKey(1) == 27 )
angle =(int)(angle + delta) % 360;
return 0;
UPDATE: See the following code for rotation using warpaffine
#include <cv.h>
#include <highgui.h>
using namespace cv;
main(int argc, char **argv)
// (1)load a specified file as a 3-channel color image,
// set its ROI, and allocate a destination image
const string imagename = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "../image/building.png";
Mat src_img = imread(imagename);
return -1;
Mat dst_img = src_img.clone();
// (2)set ROI
Rect roi_rect(cvRound(src_img.cols*0.25), cvRound(src_img.rows*0.25), cvRound(src_img.cols*0.5), cvRound(src_img.rows*0.5));
Mat src_roi(src_img, roi_rect);
Mat dst_roi(dst_img, roi_rect);
// (2)With specified three parameters (angle, rotation center, scale)
// calculate an affine transformation matrix by cv2DRotationMatrix
double angle = -45.0, scale = 1.0;
Point2d center(src_roi.cols*0.5, src_roi.rows*0.5);
const Mat affine_matrix = getRotationMatrix2D( center, angle, scale );
// (3)rotate the image by warpAffine taking the affine matrix
warpAffine(src_roi, dst_roi, affine_matrix, dst_roi.size(), INTER_LINEAR, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar::all(255));
// (4)show source and destination images with a rectangle indicating ROI
rectangle(src_img,,, Scalar(255,0,255), 2);
namedWindow("src", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
namedWindow("dst", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
imshow("src", src_img);
imshow("dst", dst_img);
return 0;

Check my answer to a similar problem:
Rotating an image in C/C++
Essentially, use cvWarpAffine - I've described how to get the 2x3 transformation matrix from the angle in my previous answer.

Updating full answer for OpenCV 2.4 and up
// ROTATE p by R
* Rotate p according to rotation matrix (from getRotationMatrix2D()) R
* #param R Rotation matrix from getRotationMatrix2D()
* #param p Point2f to rotate
* #return Returns rotated coordinates in a Point2f
Point2f rotPoint(const Mat &R, const Point2f &p)
Point2f rp;
rp.x = (float)(<double>(0,0)*p.x +<double>(0,1)*p.y +<double>(0,2));
rp.y = (float)(<double>(1,0)*p.x +<double>(1,1)*p.y +<double>(1,2));
return rp;
* Return the size needed to contain bounding box bb when rotated by R
* #param R Rotation matrix from getRotationMatrix2D()
* #param bb bounding box rectangle to be rotated by R
* #return Size of image(width,height) that will compleley contain bb when rotated by R
Size rotatedImageBB(const Mat &R, const Rect &bb)
//Rotate the rectangle coordinates
vector<Point2f> rp;
rp.push_back(rotPoint(R,Point2f(bb.x + bb.width,bb.y)));
rp.push_back(rotPoint(R,Point2f(bb.x + bb.width,bb.y+bb.height)));
//Find float bounding box r
float x = rp[0].x;
float y = rp[0].y;
float left = x, right = x, up = y, down = y;
for(int i = 1; i<4; ++i)
x = rp[i].x;
y = rp[i].y;
if(left > x) left = x;
if(right < x) right = x;
if(up > y) up = y;
if(down < y) down = y;
int w = (int)(right - left + 0.5);
int h = (int)(down - up + 0.5);
return Size(w,h);
* Rotate region "fromroi" in image "fromI" a total of "angle" degrees and put it in "toI" if toI exists.
* If toI doesn't exist, create it such that it will hold the entire rotated region. Return toI, rotated imge
* This will put the rotated fromroi piece of fromI into the toI image
* #param fromI Input image to be rotated
* #param toI Output image if provided, (else if &toI = 0, it will create a Mat fill it with the rotated image roi, and return it).
* #param fromroi roi region in fromI to be rotated.
* #param angle Angle in degrees to rotate
* #return Rotated image (you can ignore if you passed in toI
Mat rotateImage(const Mat &fromI, Mat *toI, const Rect &fromroi, double angle)
// you should protect against bad parameters here ... omitted ...
Point2f cx((float)fromroi.x + (float)fromroi.width/2.0,fromroi.y +
Mat R = getRotationMatrix2D(cx,angle,1);
Mat rotI;
rotI = *toI;
Size rs = rotatedImageBB(R, fromroi);
double wdiff = (double)((cx.x - rotI.cols/2.0));
double hdiff = (double)((cx.y - rotI.rows/2.0));<double>(0,2) -= wdiff; //Adjust the rotation point to the middle of the dst image<double>(1,2) -= hdiff;
warpAffine(fromI, rotI, R, rotI.size(), INTER_CUBIC, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar::all(0));
//& OUT

IplImage* rotate(double angle, float centreX, float centreY, IplImage* src, bool crop)
int w=src->width;
int h=src->height;
CvPoint2D32f centre;
centre.x = centreX;
centre.y = centreY;
CvMat* warp_mat = cvCreateMat(2, 3, CV_32FC1);
cv2DRotationMatrix(centre, angle, 1.0, warp_mat);
double m11= cvmGet(warp_mat,0,0);
double m12= cvmGet(warp_mat,0,1);
double m13= cvmGet(warp_mat,0,2);
double m21= cvmGet(warp_mat,1,0);
double m22= cvmGet(warp_mat,1,1);
double m23= cvmGet(warp_mat,1,2);
double m31= 0;
double m32= 0;
double m33= 1;
double x=0;
double y=0;
double u0= (m11*x + m12*y + m13)/(m31*x + m32*y + m33);
double v0= (m21*x + m22*y + m23)/(m31*x + m32*y + m33);
double u1= (m11*x + m12*y + m13)/(m31*x + m32*y + m33);
double v1= (m21*x + m22*y + m23)/(m31*x + m32*y + m33);
double u2= (m11*x + m12*y + m13)/(m31*x + m32*y + m33);
double v2= (m21*x + m22*y + m23)/(m31*x + m32*y + m33);
double u3= (m11*x + m12*y + m13)/(m31*x + m32*y + m33);
double v3= (m21*x + m22*y + m23)/(m31*x + m32*y + m33);
int left= MAX(MAX(u0,u2),0);
int right= MIN(MIN(u1,u3),w);
int top= MAX(MAX(v0,v1),0);
int bottom= MIN(MIN(v2,v3),h);
ASSERT(left<right&&top<bottom); // throw message?
if (left<right&&top<bottom)
IplImage* dst= cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(src), IPL_DEPTH_8U, src->nChannels);
cvWarpAffine(src, dst, warp_mat/*, CV_INTER_LINEAR + CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS, cvScalarAll(0)*/);
if (crop) // crop and resize to initial size
IplImage* dst_crop= cvCreateImage(cvSize(right-left, bottom-top), IPL_DEPTH_8U, src->nChannels);
//return dst_crop;
// ver2 resize
IplImage* out= cvCreateImage(cvSize(w, h), IPL_DEPTH_8U, src->nChannels);
return out;
/*cvLine( dst, cvPoint(left,top),cvPoint(left, bottom), cvScalar(0, 0, 255, 0) ,1,CV_AA);
cvLine( dst, cvPoint(right,top),cvPoint(right, bottom), cvScalar(0, 0, 255, 0) ,1,CV_AA);
cvLine( dst, cvPoint(left,top),cvPoint(right, top), cvScalar(0, 0, 255, 0) ,1,CV_AA);
cvLine( dst, cvPoint(left,bottom),cvPoint(right, bottom), cvScalar(0, 0, 255, 0) ,1,CV_AA);*/
return dst;
return NULL; //assert?


How to draw multiple circles by using "LineRenderer"

There is a code for a drawing circle with LineRenderer.
but I want to draw multiple circles with different radius, I used "for loop" but there is one circle instead of multiple
public float ThetaScale = 0.01f;
public float radius = 3f;
private int Size;
private LineRenderer LineDrawer;
private float Theta = 0f;
void Start ()
LineDrawer = GetComponent<LineRenderer>();
void Update ()
Theta = 0f;
Size = (int)((1f / ThetaScale) + 1f);
for (int l = 0; l < 5; l++)
for(int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
Theta += (2.0f * Mathf.PI * ThetaScale);
float x = l * radius * Mathf.Cos(Theta);
float y = l * radius * Mathf.Sin(Theta);
LineDrawer.SetPosition(i, new Vector3(x, 0, y));
In every loop you always overwrite the same positions indices in the same line renderer. So you will always only have the last circle.
Note that it is also quite expensive to use SetPoisition repeatedly. As it says in the API you should rather work on an array and then use SetPoisitions to assign all positions at once.
One thing is a bit unclear though: If you use one single LineRenderer you won't get independent circles but they will always be connected at some point. Otherwise you would need 5 separated LineRenderer instances.
Option A: 5 circles but connected to each other since part of a single LineRenderer
void Start ()
LineDrawer = GetComponent<LineRenderer>();
LineDrawer.loop = false;
Theta = 0f;
// Use one position more to close the circle
Size = (int)((1f / ThetaScale) + 1f) + 1;
LineDrawer.positionCount = 5 * Size;
var positions = new Vector3[5 * Size];
for (int l = 0; l < 5; l++)
for(int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
Theta += (2.0f * Mathf.PI * ThetaScale);
float x = l * radius * Mathf.Cos(Theta);
float y = l * radius * Mathf.Sin(Theta);
positions[5 * l + i] = new Vector3(x, 0, y);
Option B: 5 separated circles in 5 separated LineRenderers
// Drag 5 individual LineRenderer here via the Inspector
public LineRenderer[] lines = new LineRenderer[5];
void Start ()
foreach(var line in lines)
line.loop = true;
Theta = 0f;
Size = (int)((1f / ThetaScale) + 1f);
line.positionCount = Size;
var positions = new Vector3[Size];
for(int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
Theta += (2.0f * Mathf.PI * ThetaScale);
float x = l * radius * Mathf.Cos(Theta);
float y = l * radius * Mathf.Sin(Theta);
positions[5 * l + i] = new Vector3(x, 0, y);
You missed few details here and there. Here, this will work:
using UnityEngine;
[RequireComponent( typeof(LineRenderer) )]
public class CircularBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField][Min(3)] int _numSegments = 16;
[SerializeField][Min(1)] int _numCircles = 5;
[SerializeField] float _radius = 3f;
LineRenderer _lineRenderer;
void Awake ()
_lineRenderer = GetComponent<LineRenderer>();
_lineRenderer.loop = false;
_lineRenderer.useWorldSpace = false;
void Update ()
const float TAU = 2f * Mathf.PI;
float theta = TAU / (float)_numSegments;
int numVertices = _numSegments + 1;
_lineRenderer.positionCount = numVertices * _numCircles;
int vert = 0;
for( int l=1 ; l<=_numCircles ; l++ )
float r = _radius * (float)l;
for( int i=0 ; i<numVertices ; i++ )
float f = theta * (float)i;
Vector3 v = new Vector3{ x=Mathf.Cos(f) , y=Mathf.Sin(f) } * r;
_lineRenderer.SetPosition( vert++ , v );
as #derHugo explained, this is not what you're looking for exactly as all circles will be drawn connected.

iOS OpenGL ES 2.0 Quaternion Rotation Slerp to XYZ Position

I am following the quaternion tutorial: and am trying to rotate a globe to some XYZ location. I have an initial quaternion and generate a random XYZ location on the surface of the globe. I pass that XYZ location into the following function. The idea was to generate a lookAt vector with GLKMatrix4MakeLookAt and define the end Quaternion for the slerp step from the lookAt matrix.
- (void)rotateToLocationX:(float)x andY:(float)y andZ:(float)z {
// Turn on the interpolation for smooth rotation
_slerping = YES; // Begin auto rotating to this location
_slerpCur = 0;
_slerpMax = 1.0;
_slerpStart = _quat;
// The eye location is defined by the look at location multiplied by this modifier
float modifier = 1.0;
// Create a look at vector for which we will create a GLK4Matrix from
float xEye = x;
float yEye = y;
float zEye = z;
//NSLog(#"%f %f %f %f %f %f",xEye, yEye, zEye, x, y, z);
_currentSatelliteLocation = GLKMatrix4MakeLookAt(xEye, yEye, zEye, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);
_currentSatelliteLocation = GLKMatrix4Multiply(_currentSatelliteLocation,self.effect.transform.modelviewMatrix);
// Turn our 4x4 matrix into a quat and use it to mark the end point of our interpolation
//_currentSatelliteLocation = GLKMatrix4Translate(_currentSatelliteLocation, 0.0f, 0.0f, GLOBAL_EARTH_Z_LOCATION);
_slerpEnd = GLKQuaternionMakeWithMatrix4(_currentSatelliteLocation);
// Print info on the quat
GLKVector3 vec = GLKQuaternionAxis(_slerpEnd);
float angle = GLKQuaternionAngle(_slerpEnd);
//NSLog(#"%f %f %f %f",vec.x,vec.y,vec.z,angle);
NSLog(#"Quat end:");
[self printMatrix:_currentSatelliteLocation];
//[self printMatrix:self.effect.transform.modelviewMatrix];
The interpolation works, I get a smooth rotation, however the ending location is never the XYZ I input - I know this because my globe is a sphere and I am calculating XYZ from Lat Lon. I want to look directly down the 'lookAt' vector toward the center of the earth from that lat/lon location on the surface of the globe after the rotation. I think it may have something to do with the up vector but I've tried everything that made sense.
What am I doing wrong - How can I define a final quaternion that when I finish rotating, looks down a vector to the XYZ on the surface of the globe? Thanks!
Is the following your meaning:
Your globe center is (0, 0, 0), radius is R, the start position is (0, 0, R), your final position is (0, R, 0), so rotate the globe 90 degrees around X-asix?
If so, just set lookat function eye position to your final position, the look at parameters to the globe center.
m_target.x = 0.0f;
m_target.y = 0.0f;
m_target.z = 1.0f;
m_right.x = 1.0f;
m_right.y = 0.0f;
m_right.z = 0.0f;
m_up.x = 0.0f;
m_up.y = 1.0f;
m_up.z = 0.0f;
void CCamera::RotateX( float amount )
Point3D target = m_target;
Point3D up = m_up;
amount = amount / 180 * PI;
m_target.x = (cos(PI / 2 - amount) * up.x) + (cos(amount) * target.x);
m_target.y = (cos(PI / 2 - amount) * up.y) + (cos(amount) * target.y);
m_target.z = (cos(PI / 2 - amount) * up.z) + (cos(amount) * target.z);
m_up.x = (cos(amount) * up.x) + (cos(PI / 2 + amount) * target.x);
m_up.y = (cos(amount) * up.y) + (cos(PI / 2 + amount) * target.y);
m_up.z = (cos(amount) * up.z) + (cos(PI / 2 + amount) * target.z);
void CCamera::RotateY( float amount )
Point3D target = m_target;
Point3D right = m_right;
amount = amount / 180 * PI;
m_target.x = (cos(PI / 2 + amount) * right.x) + (cos(amount) * target.x);
m_target.y = (cos(PI / 2 + amount) * right.y) + (cos(amount) * target.y);
m_target.z = (cos(PI / 2 + amount) * right.z) + (cos(amount) * target.z);
m_right.x = (cos(amount) * right.x) + (cos(PI / 2 - amount) * target.x);
m_right.y = (cos(amount) * right.y) + (cos(PI / 2 - amount) * target.y);
m_right.z = (cos(amount) * right.z) + (cos(PI / 2 - amount) * target.z);
void CCamera::RotateZ( float amount )
Point3D right = m_right;
Point3D up = m_up;
amount = amount / 180 * PI;
m_up.x = (cos(amount) * up.x) + (cos(PI / 2 - amount) * right.x);
m_up.y = (cos(amount) * up.y) + (cos(PI / 2 - amount) * right.y);
m_up.z = (cos(amount) * up.z) + (cos(PI / 2 - amount) * right.z);
m_right.x = (cos(PI / 2 + amount) * up.x) + (cos(amount) * right.x);
m_right.y = (cos(PI / 2 + amount) * up.y) + (cos(amount) * right.y);
m_right.z = (cos(PI / 2 + amount) * up.z) + (cos(amount) * right.z);
void CCamera::Normalize( Point3D &p )
float length = sqrt(p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y + p.z * p.z);
if (1 == length || 0 == length)
float scaleFactor = 1.0 / length;
p.x *= scaleFactor;
p.y *= scaleFactor;
p.z *= scaleFactor;
The answer to this question is a combination of the following rotateTo function and a change to the code from Ray's tutorial at ( ). As one of the comments on that article says there is an arbitrary factor of 2.0 being multiplied in GLKQuaternion Q_rot = GLKQuaternionMakeWithAngleAndVector3Axis(angle * 2.0, axis);. Remove that "2" and use the following function to create the _slerpEnd - after that the globe will rotate smoothly to XYZ specified.
// Rotate the globe using Slerp interpolation to an XYZ coordinate
- (void)rotateToLocationX:(float)x andY:(float)y andZ:(float)z {
// Turn on the interpolation for smooth rotation
_slerping = YES; // Begin auto rotating to this location
_slerpCur = 0;
_slerpMax = 1.0;
_slerpStart = _quat;
// Create a look at vector for which we will create a GLK4Matrix from
float xEye = x;
float yEye = y;
float zEye = z;
_currentSatelliteLocation = GLKMatrix4MakeLookAt(xEye, yEye, zEye, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);
// Turn our 4x4 matrix into a quat and use it to mark the end point of our interpolation
_slerpEnd = GLKQuaternionMakeWithMatrix4(_currentSatelliteLocation);

Transformation of coordinates, Concept

i want to convert x,y,z coordinates to polar coordinates. I am getting (-) in y coordiantes. Can someone explain me why I am getting it. It would be great help.
I am reading these values (xyz , az_elev_r) from a software and can't be changed.I am just not sure of the order of angles( az & elev). Using my code I get -y instead of y. It means there is 180 rotation.My code is:
xyz=[-0.564 3.689 -0.735;
2.011 5.067 -1.031;
-1.181 3.943 -1.825; % Reference values
%% az_elev_r-->xyz
az_elev_r=[ 261.30 -11.24 3.80;
291.65 -10.692 5.548;
253.34 -23.897 4.50]; % Also Reference (degree)
Your az_elev_r matrix is not consistent with your xyz reference.
>> [az, el, r] = cart2sph(xyz(:,1), xyz(:,2), xyz(:,3));
>> rad2deg(az)
ans =
Your answers are consistent with the values returned by the sph2cart function. (Example starts with your original input, before the dec2rad replacement.
>> [x, y, z] = sph2cart(deg2rad(az_elev_r(:,1)), deg2rad(az_elev_r(:,2)), az_elev_r(:,3))
x =
y =
z =
Incidentally, you're code will be more readable if you just use the sph2cart function, and work in radians, unless you are trying to understand the conversions for their own sake.
OpenCV has the code for conversion to polar coordinates and back. This conversion is useful for finding object rotation through correlation or otherwise creating object-centred 'rotation-independent' representation of objects. It is useful to visualize each of the polar coordinates as well as their joint image. The images below should be self_explanatory. The polar plot has angle as a horizontal axis and Radius as a vertical axis, so that 4 peaks correspond to the 4 corners of the input image. The code (C++ with OpenCV) is attached.
// Name : PolarCoord.cpp
// Author : V.Ivanchenko
// Version :
// Copyright : Your copyright notice
// Description : Hello World in C++, Ansi-style
#include <iostream>
#include "opencv.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
#define VALID(x, y, w, h) ((x)>=0 && (y)>=0 && (x)<(w) && (y)<(h)) // validates index
* 1. Original binary image HxW CV_8U
* |
* |
* V
* 2. Two coordinate Mats HxW CV_32F
* |
* |
* V
* 3. Visualization CV_8U
* a. gray HxW for a single coordinate image
* b. binary Rx360 for two coordinate images
// convert a binary 2D image into two Mats with float coordiantes
void imageToCoord(const Mat& img, Mat& X, Mat& Y, bool centered = true) {
if (img.empty())
int h = img.rows;
int w = img.cols;
X.create(h, w, CV_32F);
Y.create(h, w, CV_32F);
float Cx = w/2.0f;
float Cy = h/2.0f;
for (int i=0; i<h; ++i){
const uchar* img_row = img.ptr<uchar>(i);
float* x_row = X.ptr<float>(i);
float* y_row = Y.ptr<float>(i);
for (int j=0; j<w; ++j) {
if (img_row[j]>0) {
float x = j;
float y = i;
if (centered) {
x_row[j] = x;
y_row[j] = y;
} // j
} // i
} //imageToCoord()
// convert a single float ploar coord Mat to a gray image
void polarToImg(const Mat& PolarCoord, Mat& img) {
if (PolarCoord.empty())
int h = PolarCoord.rows;
int w = PolarCoord.cols;
img.create(h, w, CV_8U);
float maxVal = std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
// find maxVal
for (int i=0; i<h; ++i){
const float* x_row = PolarCoord.ptr<float>(i);
for (int j=0; j<w; ++j) {
if (maxVal < x_row[j])
maxVal = x_row[j];
} // j
} // i
// create an image
if (maxVal>0) {
float k = 255.0/maxVal;
for (int i=0; i<h; ++i){
uchar* img_row = img.ptr<uchar>(i);
const float* x_row = PolarCoord.ptr<float>(i);
for (int j=0; j<w; ++j) {
img_row[j] = saturate_cast<uchar>(k*x_row[j]);
}// j
} // i
} // if
} // plarToImg()
// convert two polar coord Mats to a binary image
void polarToImg(const Mat& radius, const Mat& angle, Mat& img) {
if (angle.empty() || radius.empty())
int h = angle.rows;
int w = angle.cols;
assert(radius.cols==w && radius.rows==h);
const int imgH = sqrt(h*h+w*w)+0.5f; // radius
const int imgW = 360; // angle, deg
img.create(imgH, imgW, CV_8U);
// create an image
for (int i=0; i<h; ++i){
const float* ang_row = angle.ptr<float>(i);
const float* r_row = radius.ptr<float>(i);
for (int j=0; j<w; ++j) {
int x = ang_row[j] + 0.5f;
int y = r_row[j] + 0.5f;
if (x>0) {
if (VALID(x, y, imgW, imgH))<uchar>(y, x) = 255;
else {
cout<<"Invalid x, y: "<<x<<", "<<y<<endl;
}// j
} // i
} // plarToImg()
int main() {
cout << "Cartesian to polar" << endl; // prints "Syntax training in openCV"
const int W=400, H=400;
Mat Minput(H, W, CV_8U);
Minput(Rect(W/4, H/4, W/2, H/2)) = 255;
Mat X, Y, Angle, Radius, Mr, Mang, Mpolar;
// processing
imageToCoord(Minput, X, Y); // extract coordinates
cartToPolar(X, Y, Radius, Angle, true);// convert coordiantes
// visualize
polarToImg(Radius, Mr);
polarToImg(Angle, Mang);
polarToImg(Radius, Angle, Mpolar);
// debug
namedWindow("input", 0);
namedWindow("angle", 0);
namedWindow("radius", 0);
namedWindow("Polar", 0);
const int winw=200, winh=200;
resizeWindow("input", winw, winh);
resizeWindow("angle", winw, winh);
resizeWindow("radius", winw, winh);
resizeWindow("Polar", 360, (int)sqrt(H*H + W*W));
moveWindow("input", 0, 0);
moveWindow("angle", winw, 0);
moveWindow("radius", 2*winw, 0);
moveWindow("Polar", 3*winw, 0);
imshow("input", Minput);
imshow("angle", Mang);
imshow("radius", Mr);
imshow("Polar", Mpolar);
return 0;

Position image onscreen according to the touches location, limit the image's location to a circle

I have a problem regarding positioning an image according to the touches location, however limited to a circle.
It works for the most part, but if the angle (from the touches location to the desired location) is less than 0, it positions the image on the wrong side of the circle.
Perhaps it's some maths that I've done wrong.
Anyway, here's the code:
float newHeight, newWidth, centerPointX, centerPointY;
newHeight = -(invertedY.y - (view.frame.origin.y+view.frame.size.height/2));
newWidth = -(invertedY.x - (view.frame.origin.x+view.frame.size.width/2));
float tangent = newHeight/newWidth;
float calculatedAngle = atanf(tangent);
float s, c, d, fX, fY;
d = view.frame.size.width/2+30;
if (calculatedAngle < 0) {
s = sinf(calculatedAngle) * d;
c = cosf(calculatedAngle) * d;
} else {
s = -sinf(calculatedAngle) * d;
c = -cosf(calculatedAngle) * d;
fX = + c;
fY = + s;
[delegate setPoint:CGPointMake(fX, fY)];
NSLog(#"angle = %.2f", calculatedAngle);
Any help appreciated.
I think the best way to limit location to a circle is calculate vector from center to touch location. Calculate vector length then divide it by that length so it would be normalized. Then multiply normalized vector by radius of circle and finally add this vector to the center to compute new location.
CGPoint touch, center;
CGPoint vector = CGPointMake(touch.x-center.x, touch.y-center.y);
float length = sqrtf(vector.x*vector.x + vector.y*vector.y);
// Normalize and multiply by radius (r)
vector.x = r * vector.x / length;
vector.y = r * vector.y / length;
[delegate setPoint:CGPointMake(center.x + vector.x, center.y + vector.y)];

Ray Tracing question, how to map screen coordinates to world coordinates?

I was studying Ray Tracing on when I came across this piece of code:
void Engine::InitRender()
// set first line to draw to
m_CurrLine = 20;
// set pixel buffer address of first pixel
m_PPos = 20 * m_Width;
// screen plane in world space coordinates
m_WX1 = -4, m_WX2 = 4, m_WY1 = m_SY = 3, m_WY2 = -3;
// calculate deltas for interpolation
m_DX = (m_WX2 - m_WX1) / m_Width;
m_DY = (m_WY2 - m_WY1) / m_Height;
m_SY += 20 * m_DY;
// allocate space to store pointers to primitives for previous line
m_LastRow = new Primitive*[m_Width];
memset( m_LastRow, 0, m_Width * 4 );
I'm quite confused on how the author map screen coordinates to world coordinates...
Can anyone please tell me how the author derived these lines?
Or tell me how one would map screen coordinates to world coordinates?
// screen plane in world space coordinates
m_WX1 = -4, m_WX2 = 4, m_WY1 = m_SY = 3, m_WY2 = -3;
Thank you in advance!
EDIT: Here is relevant code from raytracer.cpp:
// render scene
vector3 o( 0, 0, -5 );
// initialize timer
int msecs = GetTickCount();
// reset last found primitive pointer
Primitive* lastprim = 0;
// render remaining lines
for(int y = m_CurrLine; y < (m_Height - 20); y++)
m_SX = m_WX1;
// render pixels for current line
for ( int x = 0; x < m_Width; x++ )
// fire primary ray
Color acc( 0, 0, 0 );
vector3 dir = vector3( m_SX, m_SY, 0 ) - o;
Ray r( o, dir );
float dist;
Primitive* prim = Raytrace( r, acc, 1, 1.0f, dist );
int red = (int)(acc.r * 256);
int green = (int)(acc.g * 256);
int blue = (int)(acc.b * 256);
if (red > 255) red = 255;
if (green > 255) green = 255;
if (blue > 255) blue = 255;
m_Dest[m_PPos++] = (red << 16) + (green << 8) + blue;
m_SX += m_DX;
m_SY += m_DY;
// see if we've been working to long already
if ((GetTickCount() - msecs) > 100)
// return control to windows so the screen gets updated
m_CurrLine = y + 1;
return false;
return true;
Therefore the camera is at (0,0,-5) and the screen onto which the world is being projected has top-left corner (-4,3,0) and bottom-right corner (4,-3,0).