Why does Perl::Critic dislike using shift to populate subroutine variables? - perl

Lately, I've decided to start using Perl::Critic more often on my code. After programming in Perl for close to 7 years now, I've been settled in with most of the Perl best practices for a long while, but I know that there is always room for improvement. One thing that has been bugging me though is the fact that Perl::Critic doesn't like the way I unpack #_ for subroutines. As an example:
sub my_way_to_unpack {
my $variable1 = shift #_;
my $variable2 = shift #_;
my $result = $variable1 + $variable2;
return $result;
This is how I've always done it, and, as its been discussed on both PerlMonks and Stack Overflow, its not necessarily evil either.
Changing the code snippet above to...
sub perl_critics_way_to_unpack {
my ($variable1, $variable2) = #_;
my $result = $variable1 + $variable2;
return $result;
...works too, but I find it harder to read. I've also read Damian Conway's book Perl Best Practices and I don't really understand how my preferred approach to unpacking falls under his suggestion to avoid using #_ directly, as Perl::Critic implies. I've always been under the impression that Conway was talking about nastiness such as:
sub not_unpacking {
my $result = $_[0] + $_[1];
return $result;
The above example is bad and hard to read, and I would never ever consider writing that in a piece of production code.
So in short, why does Perl::Critic consider my preferred way bad? Am I really committing a heinous crime unpacking by using shift?
Would this be something that people other than myself think should be brought up with the Perl::Critic maintainers?

The simple answer is that Perl::Critic is not following PBP here. The
book explicitly states that the shift idiom is not only acceptable, but
is actually preferred in some cases.

Running perlcritic with --verbose 11 explains the policies. It doesn't look like either of these explanations applies to you, though.
Always unpack #_ first at line 1, near
'sub xxx{ my $aaa= shift; my ($bbb,$ccc) = #_;}'.
Subroutines::RequireArgUnpacking (Severity: 4)
Subroutines that use `#_' directly instead of unpacking the arguments to
local variables first have two major problems. First, they are very hard
to read. If you're going to refer to your variables by number instead of
by name, you may as well be writing assembler code! Second, `#_'
contains aliases to the original variables! If you modify the contents
of a `#_' entry, then you are modifying the variable outside of your
subroutine. For example:
sub print_local_var_plus_one {
my ($var) = #_;
print ++$var;
sub print_var_plus_one {
print ++$_[0];
my $x = 2;
print_local_var_plus_one($x); # prints "3", $x is still 2
print_var_plus_one($x); # prints "3", $x is now 3 !
print $x; # prints "3"
This is spooky action-at-a-distance and is very hard to debug if it's
not intentional and well-documented (like `chop' or `chomp').
An exception is made for the usual delegation idiom
`$object->SUPER::something( #_ )'. Only `SUPER::' and `NEXT::' are
recognized (though this is configurable) and the argument list for the
delegate must consist only of `( #_ )'.

It's important to remember that a lot of the stuff in Perl Best Practices is just one guy's opinion on what looks the best or is the easiest to work with, and it doesn't matter if you do it another way. Damian says as much in the introductory text to the book. That's not to say it's all like that -- there are many things in there that are absolutely essential: using strict, for instance.
So as you write your code, you need to decide for yourself what your own best practices will be, and using PBP is as good a starting point as any. Then stay consistent with your own standards.
I try to follow most of the stuff in PBP, but Damian can have my subroutine-argument shifts and my unlesses when he pries them from my cold, dead fingertips.
As for Critic, you can choose which policies you want to enforce, and even create your own if they don't exist yet.

In some cases Perl::Critic cannot enforce PBP guidelines precisely, so it may enforce an approximation that attempts to match the spirit of Conway's guidelines. And it is entirely possible that we have misinterpreted or misapplied PBP. If you find something that doesn't smell right, please mail a bug report to bug-perl-critic#rt.cpan.org and we'll look into it right away.

I think you should generally avoid shift, if it is not really necessary!
Just ran into a code like this:
sub way {
my $file = shift;
if (!$file) {
$file = 'newfile';
my $target = shift;
my $options = shift;
If you start changing something in this code, there is a good chance you might accidantially change the order of the shifts or maybe skip one and everything goes southway. Furthermore it's hard to read - because you cannot be sure you really see all parameters for the sub, because some lines below might be another shift somewhere... And if you use some Regexes in between, they might replace the contents of $_ and weird stuff begins to happen...
A direct benefit of using the unpacking my (...) = #_ is you can just copy the (...) part and paste it where you call the method and have a nice signature :) you can even use the same variable-names beforehand and don't have to change a thing!
I think shift implies list operations where the length of the list is dynamic and you want to handle its elements one at a time or where you explicitly need a list without the first element. But if you just want to assign the whole list to x parameters, your code should say so with my (...) = #_; no one has to wonder.


Why does the Dumper module place parens around the assignment of its settings hash?

Having read this question and this question on the differences between my $var and my ($var), I was still unable to see why the Data::Dumper module uses parens in the following excerpt from its code. None of the differences described in the answers to those questions seem to apply here.
my($s) = {
level => 0, # current recursive depth
indent => $Indent, # various styles of indenting
# a bunch of other settings removed for brevity's sake
deparse => $Deparse, # use B::Deparse for coderefs
noseen => $Sparseseen, # do not populate the seen hash unless necessary
I tested it out in a small script and I can't perceive any difference between declaring this as my ($s) or as my $s. In both cases it is a scalar reference to a hash, so far as I can tell.
Am I missing something?
I agree, it is weird. In general parentheses on the left side of an assignment force the right side to be evaluated in list context instead of scalar context. But that accomplishes nothing in the above example.
It does, however, seem to be consistent with many other needless uses of my(...) = ... in Data::Dumper, such as this one:
sub Reset {
my($s) = shift;
$s->{seen} = {};
return $s;
Still, it's not consistent, as you also find plenty of examples where it's not used, such as:
my $ref = \$_[1];
my $v;
Maybe it's an occasional personal preference of the author, or else they planned for multiple assignment and never cleaned up their code after... Or maybe multiple authors with different preferences who hesitated to step on each others' toes, or fix what they figured wasn't broke. But that's just speculation...
There's no reason for my ($s) to be used here instead of my $s. I can't even fathom a stylistic reason. It is indeed weird.

The good, the bad, and the ugly of lexical $_ in Perl 5.10+

Starting in Perl 5.10, it is now possible to lexically scope the context variable $_, either explicitly as my $_; or in a given / when construct.
Has anyone found good uses of the lexical $_? Does it make any constructs simpler / safer / faster?
What about situations that it makes more complicated? Has the lexical $_ introduced any bugs into your code? (since control structures that write to $_ will use the lexical version if it is in scope, this can change the behavior of the code if it contains any subroutine calls (due to loss of dynamic scope))
In the end, I'd like to construct a list that clarifies when to use $_ as a lexical, as a global, or when it doesn't matter at all.
NB: as of perl5-5.24 these experimental features are no longer part of perl.
IMO, one great thing to come out of lexical $_ is the new _ prototype symbol.
This allows you to specify a subroutine so that it will take one scalar or if none is provided it will grab $_.
So instead of writing:
sub foo {
my $arg = #_ ? shift : $_;
# Do stuff with $_
I can write:
sub foo(_) {
my $arg = shift;
# Do stuff with $_ or first arg.
Not a big change, but it's just that much simpler when I want that behavior. Boilerplate removal is a good thing.
Of course, this has the knock on effect of changing the prototypes of several builtins (eg chr), which may break some code.
Overall, I welcome lexical $_. It gives me a tool I can use to limit accidental data munging and bizarre interactions between functions. If I decide to use $_ in the body of a function, by lexicalizing it, I can be sure that whatever code I call, $_ won't be modified in calling code.
Dynamic scope is interesting, but for the most part I want lexical scoping. Add to this the complications around $_. I've heard dire warnings about the inadvisability of simply doing local $_;--that it is best to use for ( $foo ) { } instead. Lexicalized $_ gives me what I want 99 times out of 100 when I have localized $_ by whatever means. Lexical $_ makes a great convenience and readability feature more robust.
The bulk of my work has had to work with perl 5.8, so I haven't had the joy of playing with lexical $_ in larger projects. However, it feels like this will go a long way to make the use of $_ safer, which is a good thing.
I once found an issue (bug would be way too strong of a word) that came up when I was playing around with the Inline module. This simple script:
use strict qw(vars subs);
for ('function') {
sub function {
require Inline;
Inline->bind(C => <<'__CODE__');
void foo()
fails with a Modification of a read-only value attempted at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10/Inline/C.pm line 380. error message. Deep in the internals of the Inline module is a subroutine that wanted to modify $_, leading to the error message above.
for my $_ ('function') { ...
or otherwise declaring my $_ is a viable workaround to this issue.
(The Inline module was patched to fix this particular issue).
[ Rationale: A short additional answer with a quick summary for perl newcomers that may be passing by. When searching for "perl lexical topic" one can end up here.]
By now (2015) I suppose it is common knowledge that the introduction of lexical topic (my $_ and some related features) led to some difficult to detect at the outset unintended behaviors and so was marked as experimental and then entered into a deprecation stage.
Partial summary of #RT119315:
One suggestion was for something like use feature 'lextopic'; to make use of a new
lexical topic variable:
Another point made was that an "implicit name for the topicalizing operator ... other than $_" would work best when combined with explicitly lexical functions (e.g. lexical map or lmap). Whether these approaches would somehow make it possible to salvage given/when is not clear. In the afterlife of the experimental and depreciation phases perhaps something may end up living on in the river of CPAN.
Haven't had any problems here, although I tend to follow somewhat of a "Don't ask, don't tell" policy when it comes to Perls magic. I.e. the routines are not usually expected to rely on their peers screwing with non lexical data as a side effect, nor letting them.
I've tested code against various 5.8 and 5.10 versions of perl, while using a 5.6 describing Camel for occasional reference. Haven't had any problems. Most of my stuff was originally done for perl 5.8.8.

How can I identify and remove redundant code in Perl?

I have a Perl codebase, and there are a lot of redundant functions and they are spread across many files.
Is there a convenient way to identify those redundant functions in the codebase?
Is there any simple tool that can verify my codebase for this?
You could use the B::Xref module to generate cross-reference reports.
I've run into this problem myself in the past. I've slapped together a quick little program that uses PPI to find subroutines. It normalizes the code a bit (whitespace normalized, comments removed) and reports any duplicates. Works reasonably well. PPI does all the heavy lifting.
You could make the normalization a little smarter by normalizing all variable names in each routine to $a, $b, $c and maybe doing something similar for strings. Depends on how aggressive you want to be.
use strict;
use warnings;
use PPI;
my %Seen;
for my $file (#ARGV) {
my $doc = PPI::Document->new($file);
$doc->prune("PPI::Token::Comment"); # strip comments
my $subs = $doc->find('PPI::Statement::Sub');
for my $sub (#$subs) {
my $code = $sub->block;
$code =~ s/\s+/ /; # normalize whitespace
next if $code =~ /^{\s*}$/; # ignore empty routines
if( $Seen{$code} ) {
printf "%s in $file is a duplicate of $Seen{$code}\n", $sub->name;
else {
$Seen{$code} = sprintf "%s in $file", $sub->name;
It may not be convenient, but the best tool for this is your brain. Go through all the code and get an understanding of its interrelationships. Try to see the common patterns. Then, refactor!
I've tagged your question with "refactoring". You may find some interesting material on this site filed under that subject.
If you are on Linux you might use grep to help you make list all of the functions in your codebase. You will probably need to do what Ether suggests and really go through the code to understand it if you haven't already.
Here's an over-simplified example:
grep -r "sub " codebase/* > function_list
You can look for duplicates this way too. This idea may be less effective if you are using Perl's OOP capability.
It might also be worth mentioning NaturalDocs, a code documentation tool. This will help you going forward.

How can I make a static analysis call graph for Perl?

I am working on a moderately complex Perl program. As a part of its development, it has to go through modifications and testing. Due to certain environment constraints, running this program frequently is not an option that is easy to exercise.
What I want is a static call-graph generator for Perl. It doesn't have to cover every edge case(e,g., redefining variables to be functions or vice versa in an eval).
(Yes, I know there is a run-time call-graph generating facility with Devel::DprofPP, but run-time is not guaranteed to call every function. I need to be able to look at each function.)
Can't be done in the general case:
my $obj = Obj->new;
my $method = some_external_source();
However, it should be fairly easy to get a large number of the cases (run this program against itself):
use strict;
use warnings;
sub foo {
sub bar {
sub baz {
print "foo\n";
sub quux {
return 5;
my %calls;
while (<>) {
next unless my ($name) = /^sub (\S+)/;
while (<>) {
last if /^}/;
next unless my #funcs = /(\w+)\(/g;
push #{$calls{$name}}, #funcs;
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper \%calls;
Note, this misses
calls to functions that don't use parentheses (e.g. print "foo\n";)
calls to functions that are dereferenced (e.g. $coderef->())
calls to methods that are strings (e.g. $obj->$method())
calls the putt the open parenthesis on a different line
other things I haven't thought of
It incorrectly catches
commented functions (e.g. #foo())
some strings (e.g. "foo()")
other things I haven't thought of
If you want a better solution than that worthless hack, it is time to start looking into PPI, but even it will have problems with things like $obj->$method().
Just because I was bored, here is a version that uses PPI. It only finds function calls (not method calls). It also makes no attempt to keep the names of the subroutines unique (i.e. if you call the same subroutine more than once it will show up more than once).
use strict;
use warnings;
use PPI;
use Data::Dumper;
use Scalar::Util qw/blessed/;
sub is {
my ($obj, $class) = #_;
return blessed $obj and $obj->isa($class);
my $program = PPI::Document->new(shift);
my $subs = $program->find(
sub { $_[1]->isa('PPI::Statement::Sub') and $_[1]->name }
die "no subroutines declared?" unless $subs;
for my $sub (#$subs) {
print $sub->name, "\n";
next unless my $function_calls = $sub->find(
sub {
$_[1]->isa('PPI::Statement') and
$_[1]->child(0)->isa("PPI::Token::Word") and
not (
$_[1]->isa("PPI::Statement::Scheduled") or
$_[1]->isa("PPI::Statement::Package") or
$_[1]->isa("PPI::Statement::Include") or
$_[1]->isa("PPI::Statement::Sub") or
$_[1]->isa("PPI::Statement::Variable") or
$_[1]->isa("PPI::Statement::Compound") or
$_[1]->isa("PPI::Statement::Break") or
$_[1]->isa("PPI::Statement::Given") or
print map { "\t" . $_->child(0)->content . "\n" } #$function_calls;
I'm not sure it is 100% feasible (since Perl code can not be statically analyzed in theory, due to BEGIN blocks and such - see very recent SO discussion). In addition, subroutine references may make it very difficult to do even in places where BEGIN blocks don't come into play.
However, someone apparently made the attempt - I only know of it but never used it so buyer beware.
I don't think there is a "static" call-graph generator for Perl.
The next closest thing would be Devel::NYTProf.
The main goal is for profiling, but it's output can tell you how many times a subroutine has been called, and from where.
If you need to make sure every subroutine gets called, you could also use Devel::Cover, which checks to make sure your test-suite covers every subroutine.
I recently stumbled across a script while trying to solve find an answer to this same question. The script (linked to below) uses GraphViz to create a call graph of a Perl program or module. The output can be in a number of image formats.
I solved a similar problem recently, and would like to share my solution.
This tool was born out of desperation, untangling an undocumented part of a 30,000-line legacy script, in order to implement an urgent bug fix.
It reads the source code(s), uses GraphViz to generate a png, and then displays the image on-screen.
Since it uses simple line-by-line regexes, the formatting must be "sane" so that nesting can be determined.
If the target code is badly formatted, run it through a linter first.
Also, don't expect miracles such as parsing dynamic function calls.
The silver lining of a simple regex engine is that it can be easily extended for other languages.
The tool now also supports awk, bash, basic, dart, fortran, go, lua, javascript, kotlin, matlab, pascal, perl, php, python, r, raku, ruby, rust, scala, swift, and tcl.

What's good practice for Perl special variables?

First off, does anyone have a comprehensive list of the Perl special variables?
Second, are there any tasks that are much easier using them? I always unset $/ to read in files all at once, and $| to automatically flush buffers, but I'm not sure of any others.
And third, should one use the Perl special variables, or be more explicit in their coding. Personally I'm a fan of using the special variables to manipulate the way code behaves, but I've heard others argue that it just confuses things.
They are all documented in perlvar.
Note that the long names are only usable if you use English qw( -no_match_vars ); first.
Always remember to local'ize your changes to the punctuation variables. Some of the punctuation variables are useful, others should not be used. For instance, $[ should never be used (it changes the base index of arrays, so local $[ = 1; will cause 1 to refer to the first item in a list or array). Others like $" are iffy. You have to balance the usefulness of not having to do the join manually. For instance, which of these is easier to understand?
local $" = " :: "; #"
my $s = "#a / #b / #c\n";
my $sep = " :: ";
my $s = join(" / ", join($sep, #a), join($sep, #a), join($sep, #a)) . "\n";
my $s = join(" / ", map { join " :: ", #$_ }, \(#a, #b, #c)) . "\n";
1) As far as which ones I use often:
$! is quintessential for IO error handling
$# for eval error handling when calling mis-designed libraries (like database ones) whose coders weren't considerate enough to code in decent error handling other than "die"
$_ for map/grep blocks, although I 100% agree with a poster above that using it for regular code is not a good practice.
$| for flushing buffers
2) As far as using punctuation vs. English names, I'll pick on Marc Bollinger's reply above although the same rebuttal goes for anyone arguing that there's no benefit to using English names.
"if you're using Perl, you're obviously not choosing it for neophyte readability"
Marc, I find that is not always (or rather almost never) true. Then again, 99% of my Perl experience is writing production Perl code for large companies, 90% of it full fledged applications instead of 10-line hack scripts, so my analysis may not apply in other domains. The reasons such thinking as Marc's is wrong are:
Just because I'm a Perl non-neophyte (to put it mildly), some noob analyst hired a year ago - or an outsourced "genius" - is probably not. You may not want to confuse them any more than they already are. "If code was hard to write, it should be hard to read" is not exactly high on the list of good attitudes of professional developers, in any language.
When I'm up at 2am, half-asleep and troubleshooting a production problem, I really do not want to depend on the ability of my already-nearly-blind eyes to distinguish between $! and $|. Especially in a code written by before mentioned "genius" who may not have known which one of them to use and switched them around.
When I'm reading a code left unfinished by a guy who was cough "restructured" cough out of the company a year ago, I'd rather concentrate on intricacies of screwy logic than readability of the punctuation soup.
The three I use the most are $_, #_ and $!.
I like to use $_ when looping through an array, retrieving parameters (as pointed out by Motti, this is actually #_) or performing substitutions:
Example 1.1:
foreach (#items)
print $_;
Example 1.2:
my $prm1 = shift; # implicit use of #_ or #ARGV depending on context
Example 1.3:
s/" "/""/ig; # implicit use of $_
I use $! in cases like this:
Example 2.1:
open(FILE, ">>myfile") || die "Error: $!";
I do agree though, it makes the code more confusing to someone not familiar with Perl. But confusing other people is one of the joys of knowing the language! :)
Typical ones I use are $_, #_, #ARGV, $!, $/. Other ones I comment heavily.
Brad notes that $# is also a pretty common variable. (Error value from eval()).
I say use them--if you're using Perl, you're obviously not choosing it for neophyte readability. Any more-than-casual developer will likely have a browser/reference window open, and sifting through the perlvar manpage in one window is likely no less arduous than looking up definitions of (and assignments to!) global or external variables. As an example, I just recently encountered the new-in-5.10.x named capture buffers:
# and later
my $capture = %+{'myName'};
And figuring out what was going on wasn't any harder than going into parlvar/perlre and reading a little bit.
I'd much rather find a bunch of wacky special vars in undocumented code than a bunch of wacky algorithms in undocumented code.