Configuring Quercus to talk to JavaDB - javadb

I am trying to get the Quercus PHP engine to connect with the JavaDB. I have successfully deployed Quercus in Glassfish, but I can't get Quercus to successfully connect with my database in JavaDB. Can anyone point me to an article or tutorial that treats this subject?

Alternatives are describe here:
The jdbc driver should be include in the Derby distribution (/lib/derbyclient.jar).


could not reach CMS from JBOSS

I have ran into something interesting. We are upgrading our SAP BO from 4.2 SP2 to 4.2 SP5. So we have a java application which runs on JBoss connects to the BO reports.
So as part of upgrade I have updated all my SAP jars and tried connecting to the new CMS. To test out initially i used the below code and ran it using main method I was able to connect to the CMS and get the Session.
ITrustedPrincipal trustedPrincipal = sessionMgr.createTrustedPrincipal("user1", "myCMS:6400");
session = sessionMgr.logon(trustedPrincipal);
But when I run the same code on JBoss, I get
Could not reach CMS 'myCMS:6400'. Specify the correct host and port
and check for network issues
Can some one please suggest what I am doing wrong?

requirements for Oracle HTTP Server

For a personal project, I am trying to create a web page which displays some information from a database.
In order to have OHS, up and running, is it necessary to have already installed Oracle WebLogic Server?
OHS will run independently from the WebLogic application server.
For OHS 12c you have 2 options:
1) install Oracle HTTP Server collocated with an existing WebLogic Server domain
2) Standalone domain
More information and steps to install it can be found on the official doc:

Connect Oracle MAF app to server database

I am using eclipse to develop an oracle MAF application. I set up the environment but i need now to connect my app to the oracle database on the server and i don't know how to start. Do i have to use the local sqlite database then sync with the server or connect directly to the server and how to do it?
thank you!
It's not possible to make a direct database connection MAF. You will have to expose your data in a web service and consume it in your mobile app.
One option you can consider is to expose the data in the database as a REST Service which you can invoke from a MAF application.
See this presentation on how to use OEPE to build a MAF application that invokes REST services:
Hope this helps. Thanks for your interest in OEPE.
Here is the simple tutorial which describes that how can you make a REST web service in Oracle MAF, deploy it to web logic server using Jdeveloper and access it from your browser. I hope it'll help you:
Pervasync just released a new version (6.0.2) of its sync framework that supports synchronization of Oracle MAF SQLite databases with central Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server and PostgreSQL databases.
You can try this sample tutorial which having the step by step explanation.
To make it work, you need to use JDeveloper 12c (download it from here). It will contain WebLogic server as well.
In additional you need to have Android SDK for emulator (or) you can make use of Android device to deploy and run the application.
For Android Device:
You can deploy the application into machine and configure the mobile client app using virtual IP of that machine. So that it can be accessed from outside of the network.
For Emulator:
you can run the webservice and client in same machine by configuring the webservice IP as this will route your client app into local machine (P.S: localhost does't works here)

using JBoss7 with pacemaker

Recently I'm trying to implement HA(High Available) on several redHat servers.
pacemaker, JBoss
I only found this resource agent( which only support JBoss5 and Jboss6. But my JBoss server is JBoss6 EAP which is actually JBoss7 so that I failed to implement HA using JBoss7 and pacemaker.
I have two questions:
1. I googled the resource agent script to find appropriate script to support JBoss7 but I failed. Is there anywhere I can find such a script?
2. If nobody has offered such script, how could I write such a script? Any documents which can offer any help?
thanks a lot.

deploy a jee6 web application in glassfish v3.1.1

What things have to taken care for deploy a web appl ( war ) in glassfish v3.1.1 ( glassfish-3.1.1-web-windows.exe installer ) , the appl. is developed using netbeans 7.0.1. I am using postgresql database . Developement machine and Production machine is different and is not connected to each other. Any detailed step by step instruction ?
It all depends on what resources your application would need to run successfully on the application server.
e.g. If your application uses container managed persistence then you have to make sure that you create the required JDBC connection pool and resource on the server before you can deploy your application server. If you check the persistence.xml file you will see if your application uses some jta-datasource (the value provided there is actually the JNDI name of the JDBC resource created on the server). Here you might also have to supply the required JDBC driver to the server if it is not package within the application.
What you can do is install the same application server on your local machine and deploy the application there and see if it fails. If it fails then you can check the stacktrace to find out the reason for failure.