RIA Services: Inserting multiple presentation-model objects - wcf-ria-services

I'm sharing data via RIA services using a presentation model on top of LINQ to SQL classes. On the Silverlight client, I created a couple of new entities (album and artist), associated them with each other (by either adding the album to the artist's album collection, or setting the Artist property on the album - either one works), added them to the context, and submitted changes.
On the server, I get two separate Insert calls - one for the album and one for the artist. These entitites are new so their ID values are both set to the default int value (0 - keep in mind that depending on my DB, this could be a valid ID in the DB) because as far as I know you don't set IDs for new entities on the client. This all would work fine if I was transferring the LINQ to SQL classes via my RIA services, because even though the Album insert includes the Artist and the Artist insert includes the Album, both are Entities and the L2S context recognizes them. However, with my custom presentation model objects, I need to convert them back to the LINQ to SQL classes maintaining the associations in the process so they can be added to the L2S context.
Put simply, as far as I can tell, this is impossible. Each entity gets its own Insert call, but there's no way you can just insert the one entity because without IDs the associations are lost. If the database used GUID identifiers it would be a different story because I could set those on the client.
Is this possible, or should I be pursuing another design?

If you create the correct parent-child associations, you'll just need to track the inserted presentation model(PM)-entity relationships:
public class Parent
public int? ParentID { get; set; }
[Association("Parent_1-*_Child", "ParentID", "ParentID", IsForeignKey = false)]
public IEnumerable<Child> Children { get; set; }
public class Child
public int? ChildID { get; set; }
[Association("Parent_1-*_Child", "ParentID", "ParentID", IsForeignKey = true)]
public Parent Parent { get; set; }
Be sure to use [Composition] to force WCF RIA to call the InsertChild method on the DomainService.
public Child NewChild(Parent parent)
return new Child
ParentID = parent.ParentID,
Parent = parent,
public void SubmitChanges()
DomainContext.SubmitChanges(SaveComplete, null);
If the Parent is not new, it will have a ParentID. If it is new, the Parent ID will be null. By setting the Child.Parent to the reference of the new Parent, RIA understands what you are trying to do preserves the reference after it has been sent to the server.
DomainService on the server:
public class FamilyDomainService : DomainService
private readonly IDictionary<object, EntityObject> _insertedObjectMap;
public void InsertParent(Parent parent)
ParentEntity parentEntity = new ParentEntity();
_insertedObjectMap[parent] = parentEntity;
ChangeSet.Associate(parent, parentEntity, (p, e) => p.ParentID = e.ParentID;
public void InsertChild(Child child)
var childEntity = new ChildEntity();
if (child.ParentID.HasValue) // Used when the Parent already exists, but the Child is new
childEntity.ParentID = child.ParentID.GetValueOrDefault();
else // Used when the Parent and Child are inserted on the same request
ParentEntity parentEntity;
if (child.Parent != null && _insertedObjectMap.TryGetValue(child.Parent, out parentEntity))
ChangeSet.Associate(child, childEntity, (c, e) => c.ParentID = e.Parent.ParentID);
throw new Exception("Unable to insert Child: ParentID is null and the parent Parent cannot be found");
_insertedObjectMap[child] = childEntity;
ChangeSet.Associate(child, childEntity, (c, e) => c.ChildID = e.ChildID );
protected override bool PersistChangeSet()
return true;
The two important pieces here. First, the '_insertedObjectMap' stores the relationship between newly inserted entities that do not have the ID set. Since you are doing this in a transaction and single call to the DB, the ID will only be set after all entities have been inserted. By storing the relationship, the Child PM can find the entity version of the Parent PM using the database. The Child entity is added to the Children collection on the Parent entity and LINQToSQL or LINQToEnityFramework should handle the foreign key for you.
The second piece is associating the changes after the transaction is committed. In the scenario where the Parent and Child are both submitted, you must remember to set the ParentID foreign key on the Child.
My info from the ChangeSet.Associate() came from: http://blogs.msdn.com/deepm/archive/2009/11/20/wcf-ria-services-presentation-model-explained.aspx


How to update the "LastModifiedDate" timestamp automatically on parent entity when adding/removing child entities

Is there a way to automatically enforce parent entity to be timestamped as having been modified, if any of its dependent child items are added/deleted/modified? The key word is automatically. I know this can be done by manipulating the DbEntry's EntityState or by manually setting the timestamp field in the parent, but I need this done on a number of parent-child entities in a system, so the desire is to have EF (or a related component) automatically do this somehow.
More Background and Examples
Let's say we have an Order and Order Items (1-many). When order items are added/removed from an order, the parent order itself needs to be updated to store the last modified timestamp.
public interface IModifiableEntity
DateTime LastModifiedOn { get; set; }
public class Order : IModifiableEntity
// some Order fields here...
// timestamp for tracking when the order was changed
public DateTime LastModifiedOn { get; set; }
// list of order items in a child collection
public ICollection<OrderItem> OrderItems { get; set; }
public class OrderItem
public int OrderId { get; set; }
// other order item fields...
Somewhere in application logic:
public void AddOrderItem(OrderItem orderItem)
var order = _myDb.Orders.Single(o => o.Id == orderItem.OrderId);
I already have a pattern in place to detect modified entities and set timestamps automatically via EF's SaveChanges, like this:
public override int SaveChanges()
var timestamp = DateTime.Now;
foreach (var modifiableEntity in ChangeTracker.Entries<IModifiableEntity>())
if (modifiableEntity.State == EntityState.Modified)
modifiableEntity.Entity.UpdatedOn = timestamp;
return base.SaveChanges();
That works great if any direct fields on an IModifiableEntity are updated. That entity's state will then be marked as Modified by EF, and my custom SaveChanges() above will catch it and set the timestamp field correctly.
The problem is, if you only interact with a child collection property, the parent entity is not marked as modified by EF. I know I can manually force that via context.Entry(myEntity).State or just by manually setting the LastModifiedOn field when adding child items in application logic, but that wouldn't be done centrally, and is easy to forget.
I DO NOT want to do this:
public void AddOrderItem(OrderItem orderItem)
var order = _myDb.Orders.Single(o => o.Id == orderItem.OrderId);
// this works but is very manual and EF infrastructure specific
_myDb.Entry(order).State = EntityState.Modified;
// this also works but is very manual and easy to forget
order.LastModifiedOn = DateTime.Now;
Any way I can do this centrally and inform EF that a "root" entity of a parent-child relationship needs to be marked as having been updated?

Accessing data in Entity Framework relationship tables

I am trying to access the data in the relationship table created by
Entity Framework: I have two tables (posting the corresponding models here)
I have models for Event and Child, but not for ChildEvent.
Each Event has multiple children and each Child has multiple events as it is a many-to-many relationship. Now I am able to add and delete the entries into the tables. But when I am trying to access the children associated with each event, I am getting a null.
I have tried googling and I found some posts on easy loading. I have tried turning that off but the problem persists still. Is there any way I can get the children associated with each event. I do not have a model for ChildEvent? I cannot directly query the ChildEvent table.
Public Class Event { // This is the event model
public int EventId // This is the primary key
public int EventName
public virtual ICollection<Child> Children // used to reference Child table
Public Class Child { // This is the Child Model
public int ChildId // primary key
public string FirstName
public virtual ICollection<Event> Events // used to refer to Event table
I have the relationship table created the by Entity Framework
public int ChildId { get; set; }
public int EventId { get; set; }
This will ensure that Entity Frameowrk knows how you want your Many To Many relationships setup. This way Lazy Loading will work and EF will map Events to Children and Children to Events.
public class EventMap: EntityTypeConfiguration<Event>
public EventMap()
HasMany(e => e.Children)
.WithMany(c => c.Events)
.Map(m =>

Handling dependent entities when deleting the principal with Entity Framework 5

Here's the situation in its most simplified form using the EF5 Code-First approach:
public abstract class EntityBase<PK>
public PK ID { get; set; }
public class Country : EntityBase<string>
public string Name { get; set; }
public class Address : EntityBase<int>
public string CountryID { get; set; }
public Country Country { get; set; }
// ... other address properties ...
The one-to-many relationship between Address and Country is set up with no cascade-delete like so:
.HasRequired(a => a.Country)
.HasForeignKey(a => a.CountryID)
Finally, I have a generic base repository class with CRUD methods that call SaveChanges on the underlying DbContext to commit data changes atomically. E.g.:
public class EFRepository<T, PK> : IRepository<T, PK> where T : EntityBase<PK>
// ... other methods ...
public virtual void Delete(T instance)
// ... trigger validations, write to log, etc...
catch(Exception ex)
// ... handle the error ...
Part 1:
var countryRepo = new EFRepository<Country>();
var country = countryRepo.Save(new Country() { ID="??", Name="Test Country" });
var addressRepo = new EFRepository<Address>();
var address = addressRepo.Save(new Address() { Country=country });
This should fail due to the existence of a dependent Address. However, afterwards the address ends up with a null in CountryID, which is invalid because Address.CountryID is required, so subsequent SaveChanges calls throw a validation exception unless the address is detached.
I expected that when an object is deleted, EF5 will be smart enough to first check for any cascade-delete constraints like the one above and, failing to find any, then proceed to delete the data. But exactly the opposite seems to be the case.
Is this a normal behaviour or am I doing something wrong?
Part 2:
Following a failed SaveChanges call, some Addresses are now in an invalid state in my DbContext and need to be restored to their original values. Of course, I can always do so explicitly for each entity type (Country, State, Order, etc.) by creating specialized repository classes and overriding Delete, but it smells big time. I'd much rather write some general purpose code to gracefully recover related entities after a failed SaveChanges call.
It would require interrogating DbContext to get all relationships in which an entity (e.g. Country) is the principal, regardless of whether or not its class defines navigational properties to dependent entities.
E.g. Country has no Addresses property, so I need to somehow find in DbContext the definition of the one-to-many relationship between Country and Address and use it to restore all related Addresses to their original values.
Is this possible?
Answering my own question in Part 2:
Here is my approach to checking for related dependents when deleting an entity on the principal end of a many-to-one relationship and where dependents are NOT exposed as a navigation collection in the principal (e.g. class Address has a Country property, but class Country doesn't have an Addresses collection).
Add the following method to the context class:
/// <summary>
/// Returns an array of entities tracked by the
/// context that satisfy the filter criteria.
/// </summary>
public DbEntityEntry[] GetTrackedEntities<T>(
Expression<Func<DbEntityEntry<T>, bool>> filterCriteria)
where T : class
var result = new List<DbEntityEntry>();
var doesItMatch = filterCriteria.Compile();
foreach (var entry in this.ChangeTracker.Entries<T>())
if (doesItMatch(entry))
return result.ToArray();
Create a repository for each class that has some dependencies, override the Delete method and use the new GetTrackedEntities<T> method to get all related dependents and either:
explicitly delete them if they are cascade-deletable in code
detach them from the context if they are cascade-deletable in the DB itself
throw an exception if they are NOT cascade-deletable.
Example of the latter case:
public class EFCountryRepository :
EFReadWriteRepository<Country, string>,
public override void Delete(Country instance)
// Allow the Country to be deleted only if there are no dependent entities
// currently in the context that are NOT cascade-deletable.
if (
// are there any Regions in the context that belong to this Country?
_dbContext.GetTrackedEntities<Region>(e =>
e.Entity.CountryID == instance.ID ||
e.Entity.Country == instance).Length > 0
// are there any Addresses in the context that belong to this Country?
_dbContext.GetTrackedEntities<Address>(e =>
e.Entity.CountryID == instance.ID ||
e.Entity.Country == instance).Length > 0
throw new Exception(String.Format(
"Country '{0}' is in use and cannot be deleted.", instance.ID));
// ... other methods ...
Example of a case where cascade-deleting will be done by the DB itself, so all we need to do is detach the dependents from the context:
public class EFOrderRepository :
EFReadWriteRepository<Order, string>,
public override void Delete(Order instance)
foreach (var orderItem in _dbContext.GetTrackedEntities<OrderItem>(e =>
e.Entity.OrderID == instance.ID ||
e.Entity.Order == instance))
_dbContext.Entry(orderItem).State = System.Data.EntityState.Detached;
// ... other methods ...
Hope someone will find this solution helpful.

Many to Many Relationships not saving

I have two entities with a fairly standard Many to Many relationship that I created in EF 5 Code First. These are Service and ServiceItem. The Service entity contains a collection of ServiceItems and the ServiceItem contains a collection of Services. I can create, change and save data to either of the entities basic properties with no problems. When I try to add a ServiceItem to a Service or a Service to a ServiceItem it seems to work, but nothing is saved. I have verified that all the proper database tables are created, including a ServiceItemService table with the cross keys. The database ServiceItemService table doesn't get any entry when I add the items. There is no error and everything else seems to work perfectly.
I am a bit stumped and could use some help. Below are the classes.
The Service class;
public class Service
//Default constructor
public Service()
IsActive = true;
ServicePeriod = ServicePeriodType.Monthly;
ServicePeriodDays = 0;
ServiceItems = new Collection<ServiceItem>();
public int ServiceID { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public ICollection<ServiceItem> ServiceItems { get; set; }
public string TermsOfService { get; set; }
public ServicePeriodType ServicePeriod { get; set; }
public int ServicePeriodDays { get; set; }
public bool IsActive { get; set; }
The ServiceItem class;
public class ServiceItem
public ServiceItem()
IsActive = true;
public int ServiceItemID { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public ICollection<Service> Services { get; set; }
public string UserRole { get; set; }
public bool IsActive { get; set; }
This is the Fluent mapping I did while trying to debug this issue. The same problem happened before and after adding this mapping.
public DbSet<Service> Services { get; set; }
public DbSet<ServiceItem> ServiceItems { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
.HasMany(p => p.ServiceItems)
.WithMany(r => r.Services)
.Map(mc =>
Here is the code I use to save the Service item that includes 2-3 ServiceItems in the Service.ServiceItems collection. I have carefully verified that the ServiceItems were in the proper collection.
db.Entry(dbService).State = EntityState.Modified;
The dbService object doesn't seem to get affected in any way. The ServiceItems are still in the proper collection, but no update are made to the ServiceItemService database table. Any advice would be very welcome.
It is expected that nothing happens.
What you want to change or add is a relationship between the entities Service and ServiceItem. But you cannot manipulate relationships by setting the state of an entity to Modified. This only updates scalar and complex properties but no navigation properties (= relationships). (For example setting the state of a Service entity to Modified will mark Service.Title and Service.Description, etc. as modified and ensure that those properties are saved to the database. But it doesn't care about the content of Service.ServiceItems.)
The only exception where you can change a relationship by setting the state to Modified are Foreign Key Associations. These are associations that have foreign key properties exposed in your model entity and they can only occur for one-to-many or one-to-one associations. Many-to-many relationships are always Independent Associations which means they can never have a foreign key property in an entity. (Because the FKs are in the join table, but the join table is not an entity and "hidden" from your model classes.)
There is a way to directly manipulate relationships for a many-to-many association but it requires to go down to the ObjectContext and its RelationshipManager which is - in my opinion - pretty advanced and tricky.
The usual and straight-forward way to add and remove relationship entries to/from a many-to-many association is by just adding items to and removing items from the collections while the entities are attached to the context. EF's change tracking mechanism will recognize the changes you have done and generate the appropriate INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements when you call SaveChanges.
The exact procedure depends on if you also want to save Service and/or ServiceItem as new entities or if you only want to add relationships between existing entities. Here are a few examples:
service should be INSERTed, all serviceItems should be INSERTed and the relationships between the entities should be INSERTed into the join table as well:
using (var context = new MyContext())
var service = new Service();
var serviceItem1 = new ServiceItem();
var serviceItem2 = new ServiceItem();
Adding the "root" service of the object graph is enough because EF will recognize that all other entities in the graph are not attached to the context and assume that they have to be INSERTed into the database.
service already exists and should NOT be INSERTed, all serviceItems should be INSERTed and the relationships between the entities should be INSERTed into the join table as well:
using (var context = new MyContext())
var service = new Service { ServiceID = 15 };
var serviceItem1 = new ServiceItem();
var serviceItem2 = new ServiceItem();
EF recognizes here (when SaveChanges is called) that service is attached but the other entities are not. No INSERT for service happens but the serviceItem1/2 will be INSERTed together with the relationship entries.
service already exists and should NOT be INSERTed, all serviceItems already exist and should NOT be INSERTed, but the relationships between the entities should be INSERTed into the join table:
using (var context = new MyContext())
var service = new Service { ServiceID = 15 };
var serviceItem1 = new ServiceItem { ServiceItemID = 23 };
var serviceItem2 = new ServiceItem { ServiceItemID = 37 };
For completeness: How to remove relationships between existing entities?
using (var context = new MyContext())
var service = context.Services
.Include(s => s.ServiceItems) // load the existing Items
.Single(s => s.ServiceID == 15);
var serviceItem1 = service.ServiceItems
.Single(s => s.ServiceItemID == 23); // query in memory, no DB query
var serviceItem2 = service.ServiceItems
.Single(s => s.ServiceItemID == 37); // query in memory, no DB query
The two relationship rows in the join table that link service 15 with serviceItem 23 and 37 will be deleted.
Alternativly instead of calling Attach you can load the existing entities from the database. It will work as well:
var service = context.Services.Single(s => s.ServiceID == 15);
And the same for existing ServiceItems.

Ramifications of DbSet.Create versus new Entity()

I am a bit confused about whether to use DbSet.Create, or simply new up an entity and add it. I don't really understand the ramifications of using DbSet.Create.
I understand that DbSet.Create will create a proxied version if applicable, but I don't really understand what that means. Why do I care? It seems to me that an empty Proxied class is no more useful than a non-proxied class, since there are no related entities to lazy load.
Can you tell me the difference, beyond the obvious? And why would you care?
A scenario where using DbSet<T>.Create() makes sense is attaching an existing entity to the context and then leverage lazy loading of related entities. Example:
public class Parent
public int Id { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Child> Children { get; set; }
public class Child
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
The following would work then:
using (var context = new MyDbContext())
var parent = context.Parents.Create();
parent.Id = 1; // assuming it exists in the DB
foreach (var child in parent.Children)
var name = child.Name;
// ...
Here lazy loading of children is triggered (perhaps with resulting empty collection, but not null). If you'd replace context.Parents.Create() by new Parent() the foreach loop will crash because parent.Children is always null.
Another example was here (populating a foreign key property of a new entity and then getting the navigation property lazily loaded after the new entity is inserted into the DB): Lazy loading properties after an insert