Is there a Yahoo Search Service that returns JSON like the Google Search Service? - yahoo-api

Looking for the Yahoo equivalent of this

Found it.


I cannot find the service in IBM cloud that I am looking for, but I know it is there

I was on this webpage and decided I wanted to sign up for Watson's Text Analytics service.
However, after 20 minutes of searching I am unable to find anything like this in the IBM cloud. I followed the link on the same page to sign up.
Can someone please tell me the name of the service that is displayed in the Natural-Language-Understanding webpage so that I can learn more about it and sign up for it?
The link is
Generally, you can access IBM Cloud and search any service from the Catalog section

DOCUSIGN REST API: Search by title/name of Envelope

I am trying to search for a list of envelopes in Docusign with the similar title/name. Is there a way to do this in REST API? The closest i can find is the SearchFolder API but it seems like it only allow to specify dates, folders (Draft,Sent etc) without a way to search by title.
yes, you can do that using the v2.1 API.
See here
using the search_taxt query parameter you can search for a specific text.

Google Analytics API Filtering out internal IP Address

I am trying to use Google Analytics API to filter out an internal IP Address. I can only see solutions/guides on how to do this using Supermetrics/Analytics->Admin->User management->Filters option. I want to do this using the API. I just want to filter an API out, I don't want to view IP Addresses (I know this isn't possible). Can anyone help please?
What you are asking for is not as simple as you think.
The GA APIs include reporting APIs (v3 and v4, MCF and Real Time) that do not have access to the IP ... and a Management API that can create or edit Filters in your GA Account, which needs to be linked to the View you want to use.
I know this is old, but for anyone looking how to do this:
You can use the Google Analytics Management API to do this, here is the Filter Update Documentation showing you how to do this.

DotNetOpenAuth: No OpenID endpoint found

I've read the following manual:
Am I correct that nothing special is required to be done to use google API for user SSO?
But when I tried to launch "Hello World" for marketplace application it returned me an error:
Blockquote> No OpenID endpoint found. Blockquote
IAuthenticationRequest request = relyingParty.CreateRequest(openIdBox.Text);
was called. The value of "openIdBox.Text" is my google email.
P.S. My investigation of stackoverflow topics linked to the same error gives nothing.
Please advise!
Any thoughts are welcome!
You can't use your Google email as your OpenID. Instead, when using Google, you typically use as your OpenID; Google will then guide you to ask for your email address. The relying party may not be able to find out what your email address is (depending on whether you approve releasing this data).

Map Search Results

I am trying to provide useful information on an area to users based on a search term and their location.
I thought googles geo api would return a best match list of results for a query such as "swimming+pool+'my location' that I could then place an annotation for each result in my map view but it only returns one best match location.
How can I go about doing this?
The Google gecoder only handles addresses. Google provide a completely separate API which will geocode business names and categories, the Google AJAX Search API in Local Search mode
Bing's map api will return multiple results for a business search near a location - which is essentially what you're doing. Unsure about Google's results.
You can't use Google's HTTP API for business info. You should take a look at Yelp or Foursquare's APIs, I think.