LaTeX command for last modified - date

Is there a LaTeX command that prints the "last modified" date of the actual document? Since LaTeX projects consist of more than one file this command ideally prints the date of the actual file, not that of the project.

pdfTeX provides the primitive \pdffilemoddate to query this information for files. (LuaTeX uses its own Lua functions for the same thing.) Since pdfTeX is used by default in all LaTeX distributions in the last few years (at least), there's no harm in using the new functionality unless you're dealing with very old production systems. Here's an example:
\def\parsedate #1:20#2#3#4#5#6#7#8\empty{20#2#3/#4#5/#6#7}
this is the moddate: \moddate{\jobname.tex}
(Assuming the file has been modified since year 2000.)

The package filemod seems to do exactly what you need. To get the last modified date of the file you just include the package in the usual way:
and the modification time of the current document is printed by:
you can also print the modification time, and there are many options to format the output.

Unfortunately, TeX does not provide commands for such information; the only way to get such information is
by running a non-TeX script to create a TeX file before running LaTeX and including this file in your main LaTeX document somehow, or
by running the external script from TeX (which only works if the so-called write18 or shellescape feature is enabled; you'd have to consult the manual of your TeX implementation for this, and not have a stubborn sysadmin).
It is possible that extended TeXs do support file info commands (luaTeX perhaps?), but it's not part of TeX proper.

If you are using an automated build system, you could ask it to generate a file (perhaps named today.sty) which depends on all the source files.
In make that might look like:
today.sty: $LATEX_SRCS
echo "\date{" > $#
date +D >> $#
echo "}" >> $#
and \usepackage{today.sty}.
The will use the date of the first build after a file changes, and won't update until either you delete today.sty or alter another source file.

thank dmckee
LATEX_SRCS = test.tex
define moddate
date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S
today.sty: $(LATEX_SRCS)
#echo "\def\moddate{"$(shell $(moddate))"}"> $#

There is the getfiledate LaTeX package (it was part of my LaTeX distribution by default). It seems to be designed to automatically output a paragraph like:
The date of last modification of file misc-test1.tex was 2009-10-11  21:45:50.
with a bit of ability to tweak the output. You can definitely get just the date. However, I couldn't figure out how to get rid of newlines around the date and how to change the date format. To be honest I think the authors implemented it exactly for the single purpose they needed it, and it is rather cumbersome for general use.


Two closely matching files: get corresponding lines?

I'm in a situation where I'm programmatically generating LaTeX code, and I want my Synctex to point to the correct lines in the original file.
The generation is basically doing template expansion, so the original files are nearly identical to the generated ones, but with some snippets expanded.
I'm wondering, is there a diff tool or library that will easily give me the line number of the original file that corresponds to a given line in the generated one? Can this be extracted from a normal Unix diff somehow?
This is part of a build script, so ideally something easy to run, like bash or python, is preferred to something that needs to be compiled.
Google’s diff-match-patch lib is a neat solution to questions like these:

Cleaning up text files with sed?

I have a bunch of text files that need cleaning up. Example
..9J5.....P0.z.n9.9.. ........
Is there any way sed can do this? Like notice weird patterns?
For this answer, I will assume that you have access to standard unix/linux tools.
Your file might be in some word-processor format. If so, the best way to get rid of the junk is to open it with that program. You may be able to find out which with file:
$ file mysteryfile
mysteryfile: Composite Document File V2 Document, Little Endian, Os: Windows, Version 6.1 ....
If that doesn't work, there is a standard unix utility for extracting text from binary files. It is called strings:
$ strings mysteryfile
Recovered Text
The behavior of strings can be fine tuned with several options. See man strings.

Validate against an Eclipse formatting profile from command line

I'm looking for a way to verify Java code against an Eclipse code formatting profile from the command line. The goal is to create a Mercurial hook which rejects any commit that doesn't match the profile. Is there a way to do this?
I'm aware of the possibility to call Eclipse's formatter from the command line. What I'm looking for is something which just validates (yes/no). I guess I could use the formatter and then compare the two, but it seems like a clumsy approach.
Background: The reason we want to try this is because we currently get many unnecessary merge conflicts because of formatting differences. We have an environment where multiple IDE:s are used, although only one is officially supported. We want to enforce the official profile, and everyone can continue using the tools they prefer as long as they set it up to format the code correctly.
In brief, follow those steps:
Duplicate the original Java file in a temporary place ;
Format the temporary duplicate using the Eclipse Java code formatter ;
Check whether the files are identical or not.
Tricks to help you out:
To call the Eclipse Java code formatter from command line, see Formatting your code using the Eclipse code formatter.
To know whether files are identical, using the diff utility: diff --text --quiet >/dev/null, the error code will tell you what you're seeking for.

Microsoft Word to Org-mode

I am trying to put the Microsoft Word document in emacs using org-mode. I have copied the Word Document and pasted in emacs. I like to achieve the headings like in org-mode format.
and then link the TOC to appropriate headings. How I can do that? Any suggestions? Any programming language like Perl has done it?
There is ODT2ORG ( which lets you import odt files in org-mode.
Use Openoffice/Libreoffice to produce an .odt from your .doc.
Use odt2org to get an .org.
About the headings: I am not entirely sure I understand you.
there is org-toc.el included in org-mode that provides a seperate buffer with a TOC of your current document (like in Reftex). All the entries there are already links to the individual headings. Also, an exported document will have a TOC included by default without your intervention.
Orgmode does not support automatically numbered headings (yet). However, if you want to export your document to html, docbook, latex, or pdf, your headings will appear numbered and nested (you can tweak the settings quite a lot).
I doubt that you will get your intended result purely automatically but it should work 70% automatically, especially if you have latex installed and simply want to have a good-looking pdf in the end. Convert doc to odt, convert odt to org, open and type "C-c C-e d".
Another option: Save as an HTML file, then use Pandoc to convert the HTML to an .org file.
I've converted loads of Word documents into Org files. It takes minutes to do it by hand.
If you want cross-references, use internal links (4.2 in the current manual).
The * and ** style headings are always likely to be there in Org. Think of the use case where exports are compiled from #+INCLUDEd files, or you have done a selective export using tags. Any kind of single sourcing technology isn't going to display the numbering.
There is a ruby gem which converts doc to md. With pandoc you can convert to org.

CVS keyword substitution and Microsoft Word file

CVS has the keyword substitution feature: in a text file you write $Header$ and, when you commit the file, CVS substitutes $Header$ with something like $Header: /repo/src.cpp,v 1.6 2009/03/12 14:53:14 luser Exp $
Is it possible to get the same feature when dealing with a binary Microsoft Word file?
Thank you.
The basic problem you have with a Word file is that it is effectively a binary file (as opposed to a plain-text file), so you cannot be sure a key string like "$Header$" doesn't appear somewhere (VB macro code, for example) by accident. CVS would expand that key string, and suddenly something apparently unrelated (VB macro code, for example...) stops working.
Using CVS? Not likely. Even if $Header$ doesn't appear anywhere in your Word document (as DevSolar suggested it might), where do you place that string? Word stores text in its proprietary binary format, but CVS looks for plain text.
On the other hand, I'm sure you can achieve the effect by using either an XML Word format, or a Word macro.
Seems almost impossible with the traditional .doc format. Some creative work might allow you to create a process for making it happen with the newer XML format. I'm not sure CVS can do the job even then, but using a post-commit hook in subversion might make it more reasonable to pull off.