CA: Suppress results from generated code not working in VS2010 beta 2 - entity-framework

I'm trying to run codeanalysis on an assembly that contains an entity model (edmx file). In project properties I have checked the "Suppress results from generated code" option, but I am still getting a lot of CA errors pertaining to the auto-generated EF code.
Has anyone experienced this? And is there a work-around?

Just put the attribute on your class definition.
But how to do it, since your file can get overridden any time. Use a separate file, since all generated classes are partial classes. Open a separate file, and write something like:
[GeneratedCode("EntityModelCodeGenerator", "")]
public partial class YourEntitiesContextName : ObjectContext
This will skip code analysis on your particular generated class. StyleCop for instance is more smart and doesn't touch files that have .designer/.generated part in their name or regions that have generated word in their name.

Well, "Suppress results from generated code" really means "Don't look at types with GeneratedCodeAttribute". EF's code generator hasn't added this, historically (though I've suggested it to the team). But you can add it if you use custom T4.


Can telosys generation invoke external program prior to writing to target location and based on the return value continue or cancel writing to target

I want to generate c# core razor pages with many projects: Application, Domain, Infrastructure, Core etc.
I would like to know if Telosys is extensible to allow a custom console program to be called with arguments: , so this program can do some code merges in order to preserve possible additions/changes to the code a developer did since the previous code generation?
C# can have some directives called #region to partition the code and these will be "regenerate only regions" and outside these regions the developer can put his own code. We need to preserver his code.
C# Partial classes and methods can also help.
I want to have capability to merge newly re-generated code (e.g. entity class - I can add some properties or change some property name, type, annotations, tags etc.) into previously generated entity class. This could be done by creating #region .... #endregion where the code can be regenerated into and all the code that is outside these regions should be preserved. See: So I would like to know if there would be a way to temporarily generate files in a TMPGEN folder and allow some "merge program to run" that will mege new code with previously generated code (with some code added by the developer) previously determining if merge is needed (compare hashes)
This is the code from EntityFrameworkCore.Generator tool that merges existing regions has the protected virtual method:
void MergeOutput(string fullPath, string outputContent) show that fullPath is an existing file and outputContent is the result of parsing the template (new content). RegionParser uses these namespaces: Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp; and Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
so I need to user c# console application to user this preserver region code.
Yes, Telosys is extensible by using specific Java classes loaded in the template context with $loader
See : Is it possible in a Telosys template to call a function created specifically?
So, you just have to create a Java class to launch any Shell command
For example, see : How to get java getRuntime().exec() to run a command-line program with arguments?

Acceleo: The generation failed to generate any file

First of all , I am new to Acceleo and the modeling features of eclipse. What I am trying to do is just to create a simple test file. So for starters, I created a main module:
comment encoding = UTF-8 /]
[module generate('file:/C:/Users/maria/Documents/workspace/org.eclipse.acceleo.module.m2tTransformation/model/PSMMetamodel.ecore')]
[template public generateElement( aServicePSM : ServicePSM)]
[comment #main/]
[file ('', false, 'UTF-8')]
When i run this I get:
The generation failed to generate any file because there are no model elements that matches at least the type of the first parameter of one of your main templates.
The problem may be caused by a problem with the registration of your metamodel, please see the method named "registerPackages" in the Java launcher of your generator. It could also come from a missing [comment #main/] in the template used as the entry point of the generation.
Also the URI I use is the nsURI attribute value I set to the root of metamodel. I am sure that my input model does contain ServicePSM elements.
What am i doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
This issue will arise in two cases
You do not have an element of the proper type in your model
The metamodel cannot be resolved
From your message I think we can safely ignore 1. since it seems you have at least one ServicePSM in your model, so we need to address 2.
If you look at your module, you've declared it to generate on metamodel file:/C:/Users/maria/Documents/workspace/org.eclipse.acceleo.module.m2tTransformation/model/PSMMetamodel.ecore. However, EMF rarely, if ever, uses this kind of URIs to refer to its metamodels. If you open your actual model with the text editor (right click > Open With > Text Editor), you can look at the URI that's actually been used to reference the metamodel with the "xmlns" tags at the start.
For example, if I open a model that references OCL elements, I can see xmlns:ocl.ecore="". You have to make sure you use the same URI in your module file as what you see EMF using in the model file, in this case, it would be

xtend2 code generation with ecore meta-model

I created an ecore-Metamodel, a genmodel and a corresponding model.
Now I want to generate Code from this.
I found this post and wanted to implement it. I get no errors and so on, but how do I bring the CodeGenerator to generate the wanted output in a File like 'test.txt' (taken that example from the referenced question)?
Do I require a workflow file (mwe2) or do I miss something?
I only needed to run the application as Java and the code worked. I don't need any workflow or mwe2!
But appearently I still cant create the files like I can with a Generator.
I just can use a simple filewriter.

How to Create Custom Partial CLasses in VS 2012 EF Model

Just started using VS 2012 and I generated an EF Model from the database. All worked fine, although in my previous experience I had to put a using in my code.
I tried to set up a .cs file with partial classes to provide custom business logic behaviors to the generated classes and Intellisense does not recognize ar prompt with the generated classes.
I did as others have stated and brought up the properties panel of the Edmx model and fount the namespace. However, when I try to put it in a using statement, Intellisense does not recognize it.
Am I missing something here? EF can get very confusing and frustrating if one goes more than an inch or so below its generated surface.
Turns out that EF5 generates a model such that you do not need to have a "using namespace;" or a "namespace xxx"{} in the code file.
Just a simple xxx.cs file and each partial class definition you want to make:
public partial class MyClass

How do I stop Entity Framework from generating BOTH ObjectContext and dbContext

Visual Studio 2012
NEW Model.EDMX file created in VS2012
Copied some of the EDMX xml from a previously created EDMX into the new one
Problem / Question
Now. The EDMX (TT transform, custom tool, whatever, etc.) is generating BOTH DbContext classes (under the files) and ObjectContext classes (via the Model.designer.cs file). See image below:
Everything builds fine and works with the DbContext (but obviously only if I delete the Designer.cs file just before building) but the Designer.cs - and its ObjectContext-based code - keeps reappearing. How do I stop this behavior?!
I didn't find out how to stop the Designer.cs file from generating the ObjectContext, but I did figure out how to make it so that it doesn't matter. Just set the Build Action to "None" instead of "Compile".
The .tt files will generate the code regardless of the code generation strategy in the .edmx. They listen to the .edmx file changes. At least this is how they are working for me.
So by turning the code generation strategy to None in the .edmx you make the .designer.cs file empty of any useful content.
Then open up the project file, find the nodes representing the .edmx, by default it is contained in EntityDeploy node ie the Build Action value, and remove its Generator subkey.
On normal EF Code First projects, Code Generation Strategy is "None" and ObjectContext is not generated.
It appears in your case that you Code Generation Strategy set to "Default".
To stop generating ObjectContext in xxxx.Designer.cs, go to your edmx file, and change your Code Generation Strategy from "Default" to "None".
If you inspect xxxx.Designer.cs
// Default code generation is disabled for model 'C:\Users\xyxy\xyxyxy.Web\Models\xyxy.edmx'.
// To enable default code generation, change the value of the 'Code Generation Strategy' designer
// property to an alternate value. This property is available in the Properties Window when the model is
// open in the designer.
I think the issue is having an EntityModelCodeGenerator value in the Custom Tool field of the .edmx file properties. Just delete that value.
I think this is it, because I notice that in the project that I started off as an EF6 project, there is no value and it has no .designer.cs file, but in the two that I upgraded from EF4, they both have the value and the designer file.
(This equates to a <Generator> tag in the underlying .csproj file.)