What IDE setup and workflow is used for OSGi development? - eclipse

I made quite a few easy OSGi test projects in Eclipse RCP. My typical workflow would always be:
Make 3 different projects: APIproject, Clientproject and Serverproject
Edit the MANIFEST.MF of APIproject to export the api package
Edit the MANIFEST.MF file of Clientproject and Serverproject to add the required API package
Choose "Run as..." > "Plugin Framework"
OSGi console starts in eclipse and everything seems to work
I also tried wiring things by using Declarative Services, which worked well like this too.
Now recently I wanted to try out iPOJO. The problem is that I get the feeling that I've been doing my OSGi development the wrong way.
Can it be that I should instead make 1 project en make it work like no OSGi is involved. And then afterwards, just export each package to its own bundle by means of (for instance) the BNDL tool? Should development be done in a normal Eclipse (java, not RCP) or any other java IDE for that matter?
So that's why I have these questions:
What IDE setup is normally used to develop OSGi with iPOJO?
And what is the normal workflow to be used when developing OSGi projects (maybe with iPOJO)?

Normally when I develop OSGi bundles (not Eclipse RCP bundles) I use the following tools:
Maven 2 as the build system.
Apache Felix maven-bundle-plugin to generate MANIFEST.MF automatically.
Pax Exam to create integration tests that run inside an OSGi container.
Pax Runner to execute my bundles in any OSGi framework (equinox, felix, etc.).
IntelliJ (or sometimes Eclipse) as a standard IDE without any OSGi extras.
I have not yet developed any Eclipse RPC bundles, but there's a new tool for Maven 6 Eclipse RPC build integration called Tycho (http://tycho.sonatype.org).


Build tool for Scala web application development

While working with Scala frameworks such as Play! and Lift I was really amazed how these frameworks manage to create a full development stack from the source code up to the web application container (Jetty).
Right now I'm trying to configure a project on my own with the following features:
Automatic deployment on Tomcat 7 (I'm not using Jetty as I require JEE6 support)
WAR file packaging
Is it possible to do it with a build tool such as SBT or Maven?
Note: My goal is to create my own project structure, not using an existing framework (even though I'm taking some ideas from them).
There is a web plugin for SBT:
It gives you war packaging, but not automatic deployment (other than on Jetty, which it integrates, but which you don't have to use).
That said, I'd like to see a fork of that plugin that removes the Jetty dependency and adds an automatic external deployment option. Shouldn't be too hard to do.

Implementing simple modules or extensions for axis2 as an eclipse project

I wish to setup an eclipse project for implementing a simple module but not a service for axis. I wonder if there're any templates I could use?
Secondly, I would like to ask if there are any information sources such as links around on how to build complex Axis2 applications in eclipse mainly focusing on module building as well
I appreciate your hints.
Best regards,
I could come along with this issue with my own solution:
Using an customized build.xml based on axis2 module builds I am able to build a module project in Eclipse using ant. I trigger this via key shortcut.
The build.xml has an deploy.module target that puts the module back to the axis2 $HOME/repository folder. Running there ant build.xml will deploy axis2 at whole as an war-file (EAR) the module containing there within to be ready to deploy in a container such as jboss.
The eclipse project is based on common java project (no dynamic web project) containing the $AXIS2/lib in CLASSPATH.
Since Jboss supports hot deployment on update, you can run jboss in a terminal or withing eclipse. I customized the latter build.xml to support easy jboss deployment.
This is a good solution for me.

Compiling and running an OSGI application in Eclipse

The base of our enterprise application is OSGI and we have several Java projects that are logically OSGI bundles. We use Maven to compile the application using the Maven Bundle plugin. But this process is time consuming and makes it impossible to debug the application. We also use the Runner and Pax(:provison) plugins to run the application. If we could rely on the Auto build function of Eclipse and also debug the application it would make our lives so much easier. Is there a way to configure Eclipse to be able to compile (and may be run) an OSGI-based application?
I'm not entirely sure if I understand you, but here goes.
Well, running/debugging OSGi applications in Eclipse is really easy, as long as your bundles reside in PDE aware projects or at least are on your target platform.
Do you have the source of all your bundles? Debugging without source isn't all that useful. If you do, can you just import all the source of your bundles into your Eclipse workspace?
Otherwise you can create a target platform, add all your bundles to that. (as a first attempt, I'd say dump all your bundles in a directory and point the target platform there)
Either way, then you should be able to Run (or debug)-> OSGi framework -> New -> Pick your bundles -> Start
You can both pick bundles from or target platform and from your workspace.
For building, you can use Eclipse Plugin Development Environment (PDE). Despite its name, it isn't specific to building Eclipse plugins and can be used for working on pure OSGi bundles. Eclipse plugins are OSGi bundles with some extras.
Cannot help you with the running or debugging part, although I do know that some enterprise-oriented OSGi platforms provide extensions to PDE.
If you're already using the maven bundle plugin, you may find that PDE's manifest-first approach isn't a good fit with your existing code-first build (I assume at the end you want both an IDE build for development and debugging, and a command-line build for continuous integration and automated testing).
You have two choices. As others have suggested, you can use Eclipse's integrated PDE, and use Tycho for your maven build. Tycho uses the same data used by PDE, so you don't have to write things down more than once. Alternatively, you can stick with the maven bundle plugin and use bndtools within Eclipse. Like the bundle plugin, bndtools is code-first, so you won't need to worry about maintaining manifests. However, you may find there isn't quite as big a set of features in bndtools as in PDE, and I'd suggest still checking your manifests by hand to make sure you understand what's being generated. Whether you prefer manifest-first or code-first is a bit of a heated philosophical debate.
Look at bndtools. bndtools is using the same bnd that is underlying the maven bundle plugin. You can even use bndtools together with m2e. bndtools is available from the Eclipse market place.

Launching OSGi from IDEA

I develop scala application using IntelliJ IDEA. I'd like my application modules to be OSGi bundles.
In Eclipse it is possible to create a project which is both scala project and plug-in project. Eclipse also supports launching of Equinox platform and provides great configuration tool of which bundles to start and how. But I can't use Eclipse because of poor and slow scala plugin, so I need to use IntelliJ IDEA.
In IDEA I tried Osmorc for running OSGi but this solution is very immature and doesn't work well. What are the other ways of launching and configuring an OSGi application from IDEA?
Not an exact answer, but one possibility would be to:
set up a scala project with sbt and Intellij
use bnd4sbt (It enables you to create OSGi bundles for your SBT projects)
use scalamodules (a domain specific language for OSGi development)
(All thanks to the work of WeigleWilczek, including Heiko Seeberger who contributes here)
All the OSGi frameworks can be launched as standard Java processes. For example to launch Felix:
java -jar path/to/felix.jar
To launch Equinox:
java -jar path/to/org.eclipse.osgi_version.jar
And so on.
Unfortunately the initial configuration differs substantially between framework implementations. For Felix you need a config.properties file, which is typically in the conf directory of the Felix installation directory (or you can set the felix.config.properties system property to point it elsewhere).
I'm using PAX runner from inside Intellij IDEA to provision (deploy) OSGI bundles to Apache Felix and run the framework, but this is very annoying: I have to run "mvn install" first, then stop the running pax provisioning session, then restart it - for every change I make in the bundle. There got to be be a better way...

Integrate War-Plugin for m2eclipse into Eclipse Project

I set up a small web project with JSF and Maven. Now I want to deploy on a Tomcat server. Is there a possibility to automate that like a button in Eclipse that automatically deploys the project to Tomcat?
I read about a the Maven War Plugin but I couldn't find a tutorial how to integrate that into my process (eclipse/m2eclipse).
Can you link me to help or try to explain it. Thanks.
I set up a small web project with JSF and maven. Now I want to deploy on a Tomcat Server.
During development I recommend to use Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP). M2Eclipse provides support for it (assuming you have Maven Integration for WTP installed) and your project should be recognized as a Dynamic Web Project runnable on a Server.
So, declare Tomcat as a Server (show the Servers view and right-click in it to add a Server via New > Server). And deploy your project to it (right-click on your project then Run > Run on Server).
There are other options like using the Tomcat Maven Plugin or the generic Cargo Maven Plugin but I wouldn't use them for development and, since you are a Maven beginner, I don't recommend them at all. Use your IDE.
I read about a the Maven War Plugin but I couldn't find a tutorial how to integrate that into my process.
Actually, the Maven War Plugin is only responsible of the packaging of your webapp project (it is bound automatically on the package phase when using a <packaging>war<packaging> for your project). It isn't used for deployment. But as I said, use your IDE to deploy your application during development.
The war plugin is for generating war files, not for deploying them. What you are asking for may be provided by the Cargo Plugin. Another interesting candidate for you could be the jetty-maven-plugin.