placing video files on http from my local computer - streaming

I am making one application in which I need to play some videos on my webpage or application.
And my videos are placed on my computer locally. Now what kind of URL i need to provide, or what type of streaming do I need to make it playable on other computers, from the webpage only.
Is there any controls, which plays videos locally on my computer and show it to the client side.??
Thanks in advance.

First of all is your web site hosted on your computer or are using a Hosting service?
Either way
You can use either flash Plug in or Windows Media Player Plugin
(silver light is also an option, the risk is the users may not have installed it since it is fairly new)
you must configure them with the URL of the videos, so that they will be served for viewing
while doing that place your videos in a seperate folder in the site's root folders
like /videos/video1.mpg


How to implement a media server for local music files on the phone in flutter that can be used by DLNA

I am working on a flutter app (for iOS and Android). One of the function of the app is to find DLNA renderes in the local network and allow user to play the local music files on his phone on these DLNA renderes. I have incorperated the DART-DLNA packagein my app and am Able to list all DLNA-UPNP devices and I can send a url of a media to the selected DLAN renderer and it starts playing. I can also control the play/pause and stop functions. So far so good
Now I want to be able to play the music files that are on the device from this app. When working on ANdrodi native earlier I used DroidUpnp which mainly uses cling and nanoHttpd libraries. Cling provides upnp stack and nanoHttpd is used for creating a webserver to server the media files. The DroidUpnp app lists the music content like this
On going depper when reached to the actual music file the app will send that file via upnp/dlna.
On Flutter I am not sure how to go for it? How to List those files and then get the files urls like and send it to the render.

[Flutter]How to download video to app, and make it accessible only through the app (Similarly to Youtube/Netflix)

i'm fairly new to Flutter and is currently working on a course app that requires downloading the videos to the app.
The downloaded video will only be accessible through the app just like Youtube and Netflix, and will be hidden/encrypted from gallery. Would greatly appreciate if someone if someone could point me in the right direction in building this feature.
On iOS and Android your app has it's own isolated folder for storing documents. Items stored there are not intended to be accessible to the user outside of your app. This folder isn't scanned by the Gallery or accessible to other apps on the device. (However, with a little effort a user can access the files so this is not a complete solution where security is an concern. You would need to add encryption if you didn't, say, want a motivated user to copy the video file to a PC and be able to play it.)
the path_provider plugin gives your Flutter app common file locations on a device. The private app folder location is retrieved with getApplicationDocumentsDirectory()
"Download video" is a vague requirement. Most video on the internet (Netflix, Youtube) is provided via HLS or DASH for streaming, which you do download but the video is split up into many files- sometimes thousands of files for a single video. The dart:http package is likely what you're going to want to use to get/download the files (unless the video files aren't available via HTTP/HTTPS, then you'll need a different transport-specific library, like FTP, RTSP, etc.)

Mac App: Protect downloaded video files for offline viewing.

I am building a Mac app that can stream videos, but I would also like to provide offline viewing support. I would let the user download the videos, however, I do not want the video files to be accessible to user.
Is there a way to ensure that the user cannot access the video files? I would like it to behave similarly to how iOS files are stored in sandbox environment and not accessible to users. I have considered encryption/decryption, but am concerned the amount of time to decrypt would be too high due to large size of some of the video files (some over an hour long), leading to bad user experience.

Can I access the local filesystem from a Chrome App?

I am trying to write a simple media player as a chrome packaged app, and to do that I need to access any folder from the filesystem directly from whithin the app.
// Do something
Is that possible? And if so, how? Searching didn't give me a clear "can not do" so... Can I?
The Media Galleries API offers "access media files (images, video, audio) from the user's local disks (with the user's consent)."
It is best suited for your application, as it asks the user for just enough permission to do what you want, and not more.

Looking for a way to record video from an iphone embedded within a web browser and saved to a server

Ok, so I'm working on a project that will allow users to record themselves within a browser and have the video save to the server for later watching.
Right now I have an implementation where I'm using Red5 server with Red5 Recorder and that is working fine, but I'm wondering how exactly you could go about this on an iphone as that is expected to be a large user base.
As far as my research has shown there is no universal way to gather this video within the browser as there is no HTML5 solution and Flash seems to be by far the best way to record webcam to a server.
So what I'm wondering is has anybody encountered this issue and found a solution, whether it be for Iphone only, or a universal solution that would work across all platforms.
At the moment, the only way to accomplish this on the iPhone would be to write a native application. The web browser doesn't give access to the camera, and it doesn't support Flash, Java etc.