How to replace "(" with "\(" in the regexp, Emacs/elisp flavor? - emacs

Question as title.
More specifically, I'm rather tired of having to type \(, etc. every time I want a parenthesis in Emacs's (interactive) regexp functions (not to mention the \\( in code). So I wrote something like
(defadvice query-replace-regexp (before my-query-replace-regexp activate)
(ad-set-arg 0 (replace-regexp-in-string "(" "\\\\(" (ad-get-arg 0)))
(ad-set-arg 0 (replace-regexp-in-string ")" "\\\\)" (ad-get-arg 0)))))
in hope that I can conveniently forget about emacs's idiosyncrasy in regexp during "interaction mode". Except I cannot get the regexp right...
(replace-regexp-in-string "(" "\\\\(" "(abc")
gives \\(abc instead of the wanted \(abc. Other variations on the number of slashes just gives errors. Thoughts?
Since I started questioning, might as well ask another one: since lisp code is not supposed to use interactive functions, advicing query-replace-regexp should be okay, am I correct?

The replacement you has works well for me.
Take the text:
hi there mom
hi son!
and try query-replace-regexp with your advice:
M-x query-replace-regexp (hi).*(mom) RET \1 \2! RET
hi mom!
hi son!
I didn't have to put a backslash in front of the parentheses to get them to group. That said, this disables being able to match actual parentheses...
The reason the replace-regexp-in-string yields \\(abc, is that as a string, that is equivalent to an interactively typed \(abc. In a string \ is used to denote that the following character is special, e.g. "\t" is a string with a tab. So, in order to specify just a backslash, you need to use a backslash in front of it "\\" is a string containing a backslash.
Regarding advising interactive functions, lisp code can call interactive functions all it wants. A prime example is find-file - which is called all over the place. To make your advice a little safer, you can wrap the body with a check for interactive-p to avoid mussing with internal calls:
(defadvice query-replace-regexp (before my-query-replace-regexp activate)
(when (interactive-p)
(ad-set-arg 0 (replace-regexp-in-string "(" "\\\\(" (ad-get-arg 0)))
(ad-set-arg 0 (replace-regexp-in-string ")" "\\\\)" (ad-get-arg 0)))))


How can you modify two matching delimiters at once with Emacs?

While this question concerns the formatting of LaTeX within Emacs (and maybe Auctex), I believe this can be applied to more general situations in Emacs concerning delimiters like parentheses, brackets, and braces.
I am looking to be able to do the following with Emacs (and elisp), and don't know where to begin. Say I have:
(This is in parentheses)
With some keybinding in Emacs, I want Emacs to find the matching delimiter to whichever one is by my cursor (something I know Emacs can do since it can highlight matching delimiters in various modes) and be able to change both of them to
\left( This is in parentheses \right)
The delimiters I would like this to work with are: (...), [...], \lvert ... \rvert, \langle ... \rangle, \{ ... \}. What elisp would I need to accomplish this task?
More general ways to handle matching delimiters are welcome.
Evaluate the command below in Emacs. After reloading you can put the point (text cursor) immediately after a closing paren. Then do M-x replace-matching-parens to replace the closing ) with \right) and the matching start paren ( with \left(.
(defun replace-matching-parens ()
(let ((end-point (point)))
(let ((start-point (point)))
(goto-char end-point)
(re-search-backward ")" nil t)
(replace-match " \\\\right)" nil nil)
(goto-char start-point)
(re-search-forward "(" nil t)
(replace-match "\\\\left( " nil nil)))))
The interactive bit indicates that I want a "command", so it can be executed using M-x. To avoid the cursor ending up in a strange place after execution I'm wrapping the logic in save-excursion. The point jumps back to the opening paren using backward-list and holds on to the start and end positions of the paren-matched region. Lastly, starting at the end and working backwards I replace the strings. By replacing backwards rather than forwards I avoid invalidating end-point before I need it.
Generalizing this to handle different kinds of delimiters shouldn't be too bad. backward-list ought to work with any pair of strings emacs recognizes as analogues of ( and ). To add more parenthesis-like string pairs, check out set-syntax-table in this Parenthesis Matching article.
Use global-set-key to setup a key binding to replace-matching-parens.
Fair warning: replace-matching-parens is the first elisp command I've implemented, so it may not align with best practices. To all the gurus out there, I'm open to constructive criticism.

Delete until whitespace in Emacs

Is there an Emacs function to delete (forward or backwards) until the first whitespace? For example, I have the following line, and the cursor is marked by the caret:
someword ?(&)!* morewords
I want to delete the backwards the sequence of non-alphanumeric characters, but not the word someword. Using backward-delete-word will wipe out the word as well. The same is with the cursor before the weird characters and kill-word.
emacs has the function zap-to-char which will delete everything up to a specific character. So, this won't work for all whitespace but if your specific problem is everything up to a space you can use this function. Give the function a negative argument to zap backwards.
I don't know of any function, but it's easy enough to make one:
(defun my-delete-backward-to-ws ()
(delete-region (point) (save-excursion (skip-syntax-backward "^ ") (point))))

Making M-( the default behavior in Emacs when "(" is typed

How does one make M-( the default behavior for typing an opening "(" character? I want Emacs to automatically insert the closing ")" after the cursor when I type a "(" character regardless of whether it's part of an M-key combination. Additionaly, I want to extend this behavior to quotes, subquotes, brackets and braces. Typing M-( is a pain, and there don't appear to be any comparable forms for those other characters.
I don't write much elisp myself, but this is something I cribbed off somebody. The code goes into your .emacs.
(setq skeleton-pair t)
(setq skeleton-pair-on-word t) ; apply skeleton trick even in front of a word.
(global-set-key "[" 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe)
(global-set-key "{" 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe)
(global-set-key "(" 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe)
(global-set-key "\"" 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe)
Check out paredit.el which keeps parens/braces/quotes balanced as you wish, and also does offers many other features to assist with s-exp manipulation. If you're going to be writing Lisp code (as your name implies) you will probably want to use this library eventually.
"(" is bound to self-insert-command while M-'(' is insert-parenthesis. You can reverse that simply by using global-set-key or define-key to bind "(" to insert-parenthesis.

replace-char in Emacs Lisp ?

Emacs Lisp has replace-string but has no replace-char. I want to replace "typographic" curly quotes (Emacs code for this character is hexadecimal 53979) with regular ASCII quotes, and I can do so with:
(replace-string (make-string 1 ?\x53979) "'")
I think it would be better with replace-char.
What is the best way to do this?
This is the way I replace characters in elisp:
(subst-char-in-string ?' ?’ "John's")
Note that this function doesn't accept characters as string. The first and second argument must be a literal character (either using the ? notation or string-to-char).
Also note that this function can be destructive if the optional inplace argument is non-nil.
Why not just use
(replace-string "\x53979" "'")
(while (search-forward "\x53979" nil t)
(replace-match "'" nil t))
as recommended in the documentation for replace-string?
which would certainly be better with replace-char. Any way to improve my code?
Is it actually slow to the point where it matters? My elisp is usually ridiculously inefficient and I never notice. (I only use it for editor tools though, YMMV if you're building the next MS live search with it.)
Also, reading the docs:
This function is usually the wrong thing to use in a Lisp program.
What you probably want is a loop like this:
(while (search-forward "’" nil t)
(replace-match "'" nil t))
This answer is probably GPL licensed now.
What about this
(defun my-replace-smart-quotes (beg end)
"replaces ’ (the curly typographical quote, unicode hexa 2019) to ' (ordinary ascii quote)."
(interactive "r")
(format-replace-strings '(("\x2019" . "'")) nil beg end)))
Once you have that in your dotemacs, you can paste elisp example codes (from blogs and etc) to your scratch buffer and then immediately press C-M-\ (to indent it properly) and then M-x my-replace-smart-quotes (to fix smart quotes) and finally C-x C-e (to run it).
I find that the curly quote is always hexa 2019, are you sure it's 53979 in your case? You can check characters in buffer with C-u C-x =.
I think you can write "’" in place of "\x2019" in the definition of my-replace-smart-quotes and be fine. It's just to be on the safe side.

How to get Emacs to unwrap a block of code?

Say I have a line in an emacs buffer that looks like this:
foo -option1 value1 -option2 value2 -option3 value3 \
-option4 value4 ...
I want it to look like this:
foo -option1 value1 \
-option2 value2 \
-option3 value3 \
-option4 value4 \
I want each option/value pair on a separate line. I also want those subsequent lines indented appropriately according to mode rather than to add a fixed amount of whitespace. I would prefer that the code work on the current block, stopping at the first non-blank line or line that does not contain an option/value pair though I could settle for it working on a selected region.
Anybody know of an elisp function to do this?
Nobody had what I was looking for so I decided to dust off my elisp manual and do it myself. This seems to work well enough, though the output isn't precisely what I asked for. In this version the first option goes on a line by itself instead of staying on the first line like in my original question.
(defun tcl-multiline-options ()
"spread option/value pairs across multiple lines with continuation characters"
(while (re-search-forward " -[^ ]+ +" (line-end-position) t)
(goto-char (match-beginning 0))
(insert " \\\n")
(goto-char (+(match-end 0) 3))
(defun tcl-join-continuations ()
"join multiple continuation lines into a single physical line"
(while (progn (end-of-line) (char-equal (char-before) ?\\))
(forward-line 1))
(while (save-excursion (end-of-line 0) (char-equal (char-before) ?\\))
(end-of-line 0)
(delete-char -1)
(delete-char 1)
In this case I would use a macro. You can start recording a macro with C-x (, and stop recording it with C-x ). When you want to replay the macro type C-x e.
In this case, I would type, C-a C-x ( C-s v a l u e C-f C-f \ RET SPC SPC SPC SPC C-x )
That would record a macro that searches for "value", moves forward 2, inserts a slash and newline, and finally spaces the new line over to line up. Then you could repeat this macro a few times.
EDIT: I just realized, your literal text may not be as easy to search as "value1". You could also search for spaces and cycle through the hits. For example, hitting, C-s a few times after the first match to skip over some of the matches.
Note: Since your example is "ad-hoc" this solution will be too. Often you use macros when you need an ad-hoc solution. One way to make the macro apply more consistently is to put the original statement all on one line (can also be done by a macro or manually).
EDIT: Thanks for the comment about ( versus C-(, you were right my mistake!
Personally, I do stuff like this all the time.
But I don't write a function to do it unless I'll be doing it
every day for a year.
You can easily do it with query-replace, like this:
m-x (query-replace " -option" "^Q^J -option")
I say ^Q^J as that is what you'll type to quote a newline and put it in
the string.
Then just press 'y' for the strings to replace, and 'n' to skip the wierd
corner cases you'd find.
Another workhorse function is query-replace-regexp that can do
replacements of regular expressions.
and also grep-query-replace, which will perform query-replace by parsing
the output of a grep command. This is useful because you can search
for "foo" in 100 files, then do the query-replace on each occurrence
skipping from file to file.
Your mode may support this already. In C mode and Makefile mode, at least, M-q (fill-paragraph) will insert line continuations in the fill-column and wrap your lines.
What mode are you editing this in?