Strange NSURL behave: baseUrl is always set for a strange value - iphone

I have a strange behave:
After making a few changes in my code, I got an unasked URL in the NSURL. Actually, this URL was valid in a test I made yesterday, but the system remembers this URL and I cannot changed it even in another app.
When I strted a new app with the followung code:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
NSURL *URLurl = [NSURL URLWithString:#""];
NSLog([URLurl absoluteString]);
the baseUrl is something like:, even I asked for,
the NSLog is correct and prints:
But it does not help me since the base is what the entire code works with.
And strangly, where from is that NSURL taking this old unused string?
Any help?
Thank you

Never log variables directly inside of NSLog like this, as any percent symbols will easily cause mayhem. Instead do:
NSLog(#"%#", [URLurl absoluteString]);
Lacking further information, this is probably the root of the problem. Also, the compiler should be warning you your original statement is dodgy, anyway.


Strange BAD_EXC_ACCESS when declaring a string

Okay, all I am doing is setting an NSString to a value with this code:
NSString *stringURL = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"",searchID];
This is a string that I then turning into a URL for querying the TMDB database. This line of code gives me a BAD_EXC_ACCESS and it is blowing my mind because using this sort of NSString construction is something I have done thousands of times without a problem.
The one other thing to note is that this line is being executed right after another query call is made. The weird thing is that call makes the stringURL the same way, yet it works fine.
Any help would be appreciated...
You need to use %i to log an NSInteger, not %#
You need to use the following
NSString *stringURL = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"",searchID];
Because searchID has NSInteger type and you are using "%#"
If it's an NSInteger you need to use %ld or you will got a warning, you can also use %d and explicitly cast to int via (int)searchID

Can't locate EXC_BAD_ACCESS error

Or at least I can't figure out how to locate the error. I've read a ton of stuff but every time I go into my Product scheme and turn on Guard Malloc my program won't run.
The line of code that is giving me the problem is this... It happens on the NSString *str = ... line
- (void) setVolumeCompletionDate: (NSString *)volumeID: (double)completionDate
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
NSString *str = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"UPDATE Volumes SET GoalDate = %d WHERE VolumeID = '%#'", completionDate, volumeID];
//more stuff
If I hardcode the completionDate value (1350129600) on that line, the code works just fine, so it seems from everything I've read that the memory of completionDate is getting stepped on somewhere, or something bad is happening. My project is set up for ARC.
I think part of my problem is I don't even know where to go to begin to resolve this problem. I don't even know what to search for. All of the posts I've read about tracking it down with some Malloc tool don't make sense because I can't get that to run.
I would like to be able to figure this out. Maybe I need more, and complete steps, for debugging and tracing through things. Many of the answers I've read seem like they are written for people who know everything, because so much is left out of the answer, or so much is assumed about the person asking the question. If there is a better place for me to go to ask my question, please point me in that direction.
Thanks a lot. I appreciate your help.
completionDate is a double, so use %f instead of %d.

iPhone: Reading a string from a file is returning the wrong results

What I'm doing:
I am reading some data off a file several times while my app runs. I use the following code to do so:
NSString *dataPath = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:#"data.txt"];
NSString *data = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:dataPath encoding:NSStringEncodingConversionExternalRepresentation error:NULL];
NSArray *components = [data componentsSeparatedByString:#"|||||"];
The first time this is called, it works as expected - I get an array of length 5, each section containing a relevant string.
What goes wrong:
This file is never modified. Yet, when I call the same procedure a second time (or third, fourth etc) I don't get the same result. Instead, an array of length 1 is returned, containing only part of the necessary data.
Why? I can't see any reason for this to go wrong... any help is much appreciated!
Since the file is in you AppBundle this means that you can't modify this file at all.
Are you sure that, where ever this code is called, the autorelease object are retained correctly?
If you call this block of code every time you want this data, it might be an idea to save the results of the first time and use that every time. This will speed things up a bit.
Turns out that the code works fine. The problem was elsewhere in my code, where I was (accidentally) accessing protected directories. As a result, iOS blocked my app from accessing any files at all :o

Passing Variables Error

Im getting this annoying error and tried every i know but in this case it hasnt helped.
I have in my delegate....
vid_name = [push objectForKey:#"vid"];
(in the console .... vid = "video" )
now in my normal page i have
NSString *videoName = [(MissileAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] vid_name];
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:videoName ofType:#"mp4"];
when i run this and it comes to play the video, i get an error that doesnt even relate to the video, it happens with all variables i try and pass over using the [push objectForKey:#"vid"];. if i just vid_name =#"video" it works fine.
Any Ideas?
First of all do not name your variables like vid_name! You should always use vidName in Objective-C.
You should share more information, I'm not really getting what you're doing and the error message you get would be niche.
But It sounds like a memory management problem. Because when you use the #"video" this is a static string that is always there. But when you use objectForKey: you get an object that is autoreleased and get's eventually deallocated at some point. So make sure your vid_name still exists when accessing it from your 'normal page'.
Cocoa Memory Management Programming Guide

"Invalid" iphone string

I'm converting data (from a web page) to a string). The basic code works (but there's been some subtle change somewhere - maybe on server).
NSLog shows the expected string (maybe 1000 chars long). However, when I float over responseString, it shows "Invalid". Worse, parsing with componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet does not work.
NSString *responseString;
responseString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:response encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSLog([NSString stringWithFormat:#"responsestring ='%#'",responseString]);
if ([responseString compare:#""] != NSOrderedSame) {
lines = [responseString componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet: [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:#";"]];
This may happen when the configuration is set to "Release" rather than "Debug" I think.
Do not trust what the debugger says, it is not accurate, this has happened to me and took me a while to realise that the xcode debugger is not always right and should not be trusted, so i no longer trust the debugger and i use nslog statements whenever it tries to tell me something is invalid. So dont worry about it it happens, and when it happened to me I was also parsing responses from some webservice.
Just to be clear -- my experience with seeing "Invalid" in the debugger means that the reference is to an already-released object.
Your question and the comments below seem to suggest that you are thinking "Invalid" is an actual string value -- but are you sure you don't just have a memory management probably?