Replacing files in a folder with another file with a dos-batch - command

Is there any example on DOS Batch - Find and Replace command for files?
I need to find all files with some exact name in a folder (and its sub folders) and replace tham all (one by one for ex) with another known file

Would something like "rename" do what you want?
RENAME [drive:][path]filename1 filename2.
REN [drive:][path]filename1 filename2.

for /f "tokens=*" %a in ('dir c:\myfolder\myoriginalfilename.txt /s /b') do ((del "%a") & copy MyNewFilename.txt "%~dpa")


Renaming all files in another folder?

I found this code from a post from 2 years ago.
It works great, but is it possible to set a destination for another folder?
This BAT file renames all .jpg files in the current folder. Im wondering if it is possible to input a destination to rename all jpgs in another folder without going to the folder itself.
.bat file is located: "C:\Users\%currentuser%\Desktop\Sorted Files\New folder\JPG"
I want it to sort the jpg files located: "C:\Users\%currentuser%\Desktop\Sorted Files\New folder\JPG\New folder"
set a=1
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b *.jpg') do (
ren "%%i" "!a!.jpg"
set /a a+=1
WOW ok all i had to do is use
cd C:\folder path
I cant believe it was that easy LOL

DOS: Copy one file (oldest) at a time

There is a folder which contains many zip files. I want to copy only oldest zip file on each commmand execution. Please help? Thanks
From How do I write a Windows batch script to copy the newest file from a directory? - but reversing the file order
FOR /F "delims=" %%I IN ('DIR . /B /O:D') DO COPY %%I NewDirectoryPath & EXIT

Using ROBOCOPY or Batch Script to Copy .doc File From Different Sub-Directories

I currently have this folder structure:
I also have another directory following the same structure except without the .doc files:
My question is, how can I write a batch script or use ROBOCOPY so that I can copy all the .doc files from:
to a directories:
But instead of Q1Review100.doc as the name, I’d like to rename Q1 to Q2, so the file should be copied and renamed to Q2Review100.doc.
Please let me know if I need to clarify this more.
You can issue two commands:
copy all files:
robocopy C:\Quarter1 C:\Quarter2 /S
Replace Q1 in all filenames to Q2:
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %i in ('dir /b /s "c:\Quarter2\*.doc"') do Set LIST=%i& set LIST | ren "%~fi" "%LIST:Q1=Q2%"
Note: if you write it in a batch file replace %i with %%i

MSDOS command(s) to copy files matching pattern in directory structure to local directory

I have a job that periodically runs and archives files into a folder structure that looks like this:
For a given job, I'd like to collect all xml files in the archive folder into a flat directory (no subdirectories, just all the files) without having to drill down into each one, examine for the proper job, then copy the file.
It seems there should be a fairly straigtforward way of doing this. Any suggestions?
EDIT: I guess I wasn't clear here. The TimeStampFolder will have a name of something like 2011-07-24, the JobnameFolder will have a name like FooFeed or BarFeed, and the job file will have a name like job2011-07-24.xml. There are hundreds to thousands of TimeStampFolders, and each one may have one or more job folders in it. Given a specific job name, I want to collect all the files in all the directories that match that job type, and dump them into the local folder, with no subdirectories.
SET OF=OutputFolder
START /wait NET USE Z: "\\ServerName\Sharename\ArchiveFolder" password password_here /USER:domainname\username /P:NO
FOR /F "USEBACKQ tokens=*" %%A IN (`DIR /b /a:d /s ^| FIND /I "%JOB%"`) DO (
FOR /R %%F IN (%%A) DO (
COPY /Y "%%~fF" "%OF%"
It basically locates each subdirectory of ArchiveFolder that includes the JobName in it, then digs into each one that it finds to copy the files out of them.
Added NET USE to access your network share to perform tasks on the files. If your local machine already has the UNC assigned to a driveletter, you can remove the NET USE command line and change Z: to the assigned driveletter.
FOR /R %%v IN (job*.xml) DO COPY "%%v" c:\out\

Get the latest file from a list of files by name and merge it with another file in a Windows batch file?

I have a list of files in a folder. They are named like this: 2011-04-14_00-00-24
Example list:
Now I want to get the latest file according to the filename from that list, in this case its 2011-04-14_00-00-24. The file I get should be merged with another file. How would I get the latest file and do the merge for the 2 files?
Thanks :-)
You can get the latest file with this:
for /f "delims=" %%x in ('dir /o-n /b') do (set "Latest=%%x" & goto le)
I'm not quite sure what you mean with merging; if that is concatenating two files:
copy somefile+"%Latest%" newfile