Deliberately delayed response from JBoss - jboss

What is the best way to deliberately delay a response from the JBoss server?
I would like to implement a delayed login functionality, where if a username has been used in a failed login attempt recently, the AS will wait a few seconds before returning to the user. The stack consists of SQL-db, JBoss runnning the application, EJBs exposed to SOAP webservice adapters which in turn will be used by the clients.
Obviously Thread.sleep() won't do...

No, it does not seem possible, nor reasonable to delay the responses from the application server.
This is a feature that should be implemented on the client side.


Socket has timed out

We are trying to access our web-app (through web server, IHS). When we use http we are fine ;https protocol is working as it submits the requests, however we observe Socket Time Out Exception continuously after some requests have been processed. Thereafter the request processing resumes again. We have tested the application with quite large concurrent load using https earlier; but in this case we are not sure why we are getting this error.
Oh boy, this can be due to thousands of different things. I would suggest a layer analysis approach starting off by the Web Server logs, you need to make sure the requests are reaching your web server and what is happening to the ones dictating a time out, you could be facing anything from network latency to a resource bounded host, contention or who knows, it all depends on your application's design.
Start off by checking out the network layer. Maybe if you provide some more information I can help you out.
Also check out http and https time out configurations on your web server.

difference between synchronous and asynchronous client

While I was reading about automated Junit Test case generation in Eclipse I have come across with this sentence
the testcases were generated to test both the synchronous and asynchronous clients.
I googled a lot to find the definition of these two terms and the difference between them but couldn't find any appropriate answer.
Could anyone please explain what is synchronous and asynchronous clients?
From EAI Patterns:
In a synchronous implementation of a Web Service, the client connection remains open from the time the request is submitted to the server. The client will wait until the server sends back the response message....
At the present time, most Web Services toolkits only support synchronous messaging by default. However, using existing standards and tools such as asynchronous message queuing frameworks, some vendors have emulated asynchronous messaging for Web Services.
In asynchronous clients, clients should be able to handle incoming data from server after server has done its job. Asynchronous requests are like 'fire and forget' mechanism. Target will inform you about the progress.

How to handle timeouts in a REST Client when calling methods with side-effect

Let's say we have a REST client with some UI that lists items it GETs from the server. The server also exposes some REST methods to manipulate the items (POST / PUT).
Now the user triggers one of those calls that are supposed to change the data on the server side. The UI will reflect the server state change, if the call was successful.
But what are good strategies to handle the situation when the server is not available?
What is a reasonable timeout lengths (especially in a 3G / Cloud setup)?
How do you handle the timeout in the client, considering the fact that the client can't tell whether the operation succeeded or not?
Are there any common patterns to solve that, other than a complete client termination (and subsequent restart)?
This will be application specific. You need to decide what makes the most sense in your usage case.
Perhaps start with a timeout similar to that of the the default PHP session of 24 minutes. Adjust as necessary based on testing.
Do you have server and client mixed up here? If so the server cannot tell if the client times out other than reaching the end of a session. The client can always query the server for a progress update.
This one is a little general to provide an answer for.

How often does RESTful client pull server data

I have a RESTful web-service application that I developed using the Netbeans IDE. The application uses MySQL server as its back end server. What I am wondering now is how often a client application that uses my RESTful application would refresh to reflect the data change in the server.
Are there any default pull intervals that clients get from the RESTful application? Does the framework(JAX-RS) do something about it Or is that my business to take care of.
Thanks in advance
There are no such rules. Only thing you can use for properly implementing this is HTTP's caching capabilities. Service must include control information how long representation of a particular resource can be cached, revalidated, never cached etc...
On client application side of things each client may decide it's own path how it will keep itself in sync with a service. It can be done by locally storing data and serve end user from local cache etc... Service can not(and shouldn't know) how clients are implemented, only thing service can do is to include caching information in response messages as i already mentioned above.
It is your responsibility to schedule the service to execute again and again. We can set time out interval but there is no pull interval.

Forward HTTP RESTfull API requests from http server to my application

I have a question about the design of an application I'm working on.
I made a monolithic java application with sockets open 24/7, something like a game server. I'm just trying to say it's a single jar application instead of a modular servlet/page based web application.
I would now like to add a RESTful API to this application. So people/clients can make HTTP requests to my application to obtain certain info. Because of the monolithic nature of my java application I'm unsure of how to implement this. One other important thing: I'm expecting multiple requests per second, so it would be nice if I could have an existing http server handle the requests, and somehow forward them to my app to set up a reply, and have the http server send it again.
Some things I have thought of:
wrap my application in a tomcat application, although I'm not sure if tomcat can run an application continuously instead of mapping to servlets on request.
open a socket and parse incoming http requests myself (or there is propably a lib for that?). I fear this will have an impact on performance, and would rather use existing http servers because they are optimized for high traffic.
use an excisting http server to handle the requests (apache, lighttp, ...) and have it forward requests to my app via things like scgi, or use a server that can forward via XMLRPC. Are there any other technologies/protocols to do this?
Any advice on how to handle this?
I'd decouple your RESTful service endpoint as much as possible from your original application. This allows you to scale (add multiple servers for your REST endpoint), but also to change your original application without having to change your REST API directly.
Clients <== REST (HTTP) ==> RESTful endpoint <== legacy (sockets) ==> Legacy backend
So your REST server is one the hand a service provider for your clients, but represents at the same time also a client for your original backend.
I would design the RESTful API and then pick one of the existing REST frameworks for Java, like Restlet, and implement the REST service itself. At the same time you can start implementing a gateway between the REST server and your original backend, by using sockets.
Pay attention to scalability and performance (i.e. you may want to use connection pools for the rest <=> backend bridge and not spawn a socket per incoming API request) and also think of possible advantages of HTTP. You might benefit when you're able to use caching, etc. as far as your backend application logic allows so.