In Perl, what is the right way for a subclass to alias a method in the base class? - perl

I simply hate how CGI::Application's accessor for the CGI object is called query.
I would like my instance classes to be able to use an accessor named cgi to get the CGI object associated with the current instance of my CGI::Application subclass.
Here is a self-contained example of what I am doing:
package My::Hello;
sub hello {
my $self =shift;
print "Hello #_\n";
package My::Merhaba;
use base 'My::Hello';
sub merhaba {
goto sub { shift->hello(#_) };
package main;
This is working as I think it should and I cannot see any problems (say, if I wanted to inherit from My::Merhaba: Subclasses need not know anything about merhaba).
Would it have been better/more correct to write
sub merhaba {
my $self = shift;
return $self->hello(#_);
What are the advantages/disadvantages of using goto &NAME for the purpose of aliasing a method name? Is there a better way?
Note: If you have an urge to respond with goto is evil don't do it because this use of Perl's goto is different than what you have in mind.

Your approach with goto is the right one, because it will ensure that caller / wantarray and the like keep working properly.
I would setup the new method like this:
sub merhaba {
if (my $method = eval {$_[0]->can('hello')}) {
goto &$method
} else {
# error code here
Or if you don't want to use inheritance, you can add the new method to the existing package from your calling code:
*My::Hello::merhaba = \&My::Hello::hello;
# or you can use = My::Hello->can('hello');
then you can call:
and get the desired result.
Either way would work, the inheritance route is more maintainable, but adding the method to the existing package would result in faster method calls.
As pointed out in the comments, there are a few cases were the glob assignment will run afoul with inheritance, so if in doubt, use the first method (creating a new method in a sub package).
Michael Carman suggested combining both techniques into a self redefining function:
sub merhaba {
if (my $method = eval { $_[0]->can('hello') }) {
no warnings 'redefine';
*merhaba = $method;
goto &merhaba;
die "Can't make 'merhaba' an alias for 'hello'";

You can alias the subroutines by manipulating the symbol table:
*My::Merhaba::merhaba = \&My::Hello::hello;
Some examples can be found here.

I'm not sure what the right way is, but Adam Kennedy uses your second method (i.e. without goto) in Method::Alias (click here to go directly to the source code).

This is sort of a combination of Quick-n-Dirty with a modicum of indirection using UNIVERSAL::can.
package My::Merhaba;
use base 'My::Hello';
# ...
*merhaba = __PACKAGE__->can( 'hello' );
And you'll have a sub called "merhaba" in this package that aliases My::Hello::hello. You are simply saying that whatever this package would otherwise do under the name hello it can do under the name merhaba.
However, this is insufficient in the possibility that some code decorator might change the sub that *My::Hello::hello{CODE} points to. In that case, Method::Alias might be the appropriate way to specify a method, as molecules suggests.
However, if it is a rather well-controlled library where you control both the parent and child categories, then the method above is slimmmer.


How to find the Perl code referenced by this line?

I have inherited some Perl code which contains a line that is mysterious to me:
my $binary = A->current->config->settings('arg1', 'arg2')
Basically, I am not sure how to find the related code. "A" is NOT a variable in the local code so I thought this was a class hierarchy. However I checked the directory structure to see if the following path existed, but there was none:
Is A->current->config->settings guaranteed to be a nested class hierarchy, or could it be something else? For example could config actually be a property or method of a different object A->current?
Any assistance you could lend tracking this down would be greatly appreciated!
A is a class name, you should find it in current should be a method of the class, defined under a sub current in It returns an object whose config method is being called which returns an object again whose settings method is being called with arguments 'arg1' and 'arg2' (well, in fact, the object itself is the first argument).
In fact, any of the methods can return a class instead of an object, too.
Step through the code in the perl debugger and see where it takes you.
foo->bar is a method call, meaning that there is likely a subroutine called bar defined in the package referred to by foo (or a superclass), and gives you no information about whether there is a package bar or foo::bar.
Is A->current->config->settings guaranteed to be a nested class hierarchy
You're thinking of A::current::config::settings.
The following are method calls:
That means that A->current->config->settings is a chain of method calls.
The only class named in that code is A.
could config actually be a property or method of a different object A->current?
It's the name of a method of the object or class returned by A->current.
How to find the Perl code referenced by this line?
my $binary = A->current->config->settings('arg1', 'arg2');
is short for
my $obj1 = A->current;
my $obj2 = $obj1->config;
my $binary = $obj2->settings('arg1', 'arg2');
Now that you have the objects available, you can find the class of which they are an instance using
say ref($obj) || "Not a reference";
use Scalar::Util qw( blessed );
say blessed($obj) // "Not an object";
As explained, you are dealing with a chain of method calls in the class named A, where at least the first one is a class method since it is invoked on the class (A) itself, not on an object.
An easy way to find that class is by using Class::Inspector
use Class::Inspector;
say "Filename: ", Class::Inspector->resolved_filename( 'A' );
which printed the full path to the class I used in my tests. Also see loaded_filename.
Another interesting way to interrogate a class is to add to it at runtime.
Create an object of A and add to it a method of your choice at runtime
my $objA = A->new();
eval q( sub A::get_info { print "$_\n" for (caller(0)) } );
if ($#) { print "Eval: $#" };
eval q( sub A::boom { croak "Stacktrace: " } );
if ($#) { print "Eval: $#" };
These are simple examples but you can acquire practically any information from inside a method.
If A happens to not have a method called new (possible) work with methods in the given chain, starting with my $objA = A->current.
Or, you can directly add a subroutine to the package's symbol table
*{A::new_method} = sub { say "A new method" };
which is now also available on all existing instances, as well as on new ones.

multi-level inheritance in Perl

I have a question related to multi-level inheritance in Perl.
Here is my code
package first;
sub disp {
print "INSIDE FIRST\n";
package second;
#ISA = qw(first);
sub disp {
print "INSIDE SECOND\n";
package third;
#ISA = qw(second);
sub new {
$class = shift;
$ref = {};
bless $ref, $class;
return $ref;
sub show {
$self = shift;
print "INSIDE THIRD\n";
use mod;
$obj = third->new();
I have a .pm file which contains three classes. I want to access the disp method in the first class using an object of third class. I'm not sure how that could work.
I tried to access using two ways:
using class name => first::disp()
using SUPER inside second package disp method => $self->SUPER::disp();
But am not sure how it will be accessed directly using the object of third class.
$obj->first::disp(), but what you are asking to do is something you absolutely shouldn't do. Fix your design.
If you need to do that, then you have defined your classes wrongly.
The third class inherits from the second class. second has it's own definition of disp, so it never tries to inherit that method from its superclass first. That means third gets the implementation defined in second
The simple answer would be to call first::disp something else. That way second won't have a definition of the method and inheritance will be invoked again
If you explain the underlying problem, and why you want to ignore an inherited method, then perhaps we can help you find a better way
Please also note that packages and module files should start with a capital letter, and each class is ordinarily in a file of its own, so you would usually use package First in etc.

Perl dereferencing a subroutine

I have come across code with the following syntax:
$a -> mysub($b);
And after looking into it I am still struggling to figure out what it means. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
What you have encountered is object oriented perl.
it's documented in perlobj. The principle is fairly simple though - an object is a sort of super-hash, which as well as data, also includes built in code.
The advantage of this, is that your data structure 'knows what to do' with it's contents. At a basic level, that's just validate data - so you can make a hash that rejects "incorrect" input.
But it allows you to do considerably more complicated things. The real point of it is encapsulation, such that I can write a module, and you can make use of it without really having to care what's going on inside it - only the mechanisms for driving it.
So a really basic example might look like this:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
package MyObject;
#define new object
sub new {
my ($class) = #_;
my $self = {};
$self->{count} = 0;
bless( $self, $class );
return $self;
#method within the object
sub mysub {
my ( $self, $new_count ) = #_;
$self->{count} += $new_count;
print "Internal counter: ", $self->{count}, "\n";
package main;
#create a new instance of `MyObject`.
my $obj = MyObject->new();
#call the method,
We define "class" which is a description of how the object 'works'. In this, class, we set up a subroutine called mysub - but because it's a class, we refer to it as a "method" - that is, a subroutine that is specifically tied to an object.
We create a new instance of the object (basically the same as my %newhash) and then call the methods within it. If you create multiple objects, they each hold their own internal state, just the same as it would if you created separate hashes.
Also: Don't use $a and $b as variable names. It's dirty. Both because single var names are wrong, but also because these two in particular are used for sort.
That's a method call. $a is the invocant (a class name or an object), mysub is the method name, and $b is an argument. You should proceed to read perlootut which explains all of this.

Is there a point to Perl's object oriented interfaces if they're not creating objects?

I think I read somewhere that some modules only have object oriented interfaces ( though they didn't create objects, they only held utility functions ). Is there a point to that?
First, its important to remember that in Perl, classes are implemented in a weird way, via packages. Packages also serve for general namespace pollution prevention.
package Foo;
sub new {
my ($class) = #_;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
return $self;
That is how you make a Foo class in Perl (which can have an objected instantiated by calling Foo->new or new Foo). The use of new is just a convention; it can be anything at all. In fact, that new is what C++ would call a static method call.
You can easily create packages that contain only static method calls, and I suspect this is what you're referring to. The advantage here is that you can still use OO features like inheritance:
package Bar;
sub DoSomething {
my ($class, $arg) = #_;
sub Compute {
my ($class, $arg) = #_;
$arg * 2;
package Baz;
#Baz::ISA = qw(Bar);
sub Compute {
my ($class, $arg) = #_;
$arg * 2 - 1
Given that, then
say Bar->DoSomething(3) # 6
say Baz->DoSomething(3) # 5
In fact, you can even use variables for the class name, so these can function very much like singletons:
my $obj = "Baz"; # or Baz->new could just return "Baz"
print $obj->DoSomething(3) # 5
[Code is untested; typos may be present]
I suspect that this is mostly a philosophical choice on the part of authors who prefer OO to imperative programming. Others have mentioned establishing a namespace, but it's the package that does that, not the interface. OO is not required.
Personally, I see little value in creating classes that are never instantiated (i.e. when there's no object in object-oriented). Perl isn't Java; you don't have to write a class for everything. Some modules acknowledge this. For example: File::Spec has an OO interface but also provides a functional interface via File::Spec::Functions.
File::Spec also provides an example of where OO can be useful for uninstantiated "utility" interfaces. Essentially, File::Spec is an abstract base class -- an interface with no implementation. When you load File::Spec it checks which OS you're using and loads the appropriate implementation. As a programmer, you use the interface (e.g. File::Spec->catfile) without having to worry about which version of catfile (Unix, Windows, VMS, etc.) to actually call.
As others have said, inheritance is the big gain if an actual object is not needed. The only thing I have to add here is the advice to name your variables well when writing such interfaces, e.g.:
package Foo;
# just a static method call
sub func
my $class = shift;
my (#args) = #_;
# stuff...
I named the variable that holds the classname "$class", rather than $this, to make it clear to subsequent maintainers that func() will be called as Foo->func() rather than $foo->func() (with an instantiated Foo object). This helps avoid someone adding this line later to the method:
my $value = $this->{key};
...which will fail, as there is no object to deference to get the "key" key.
If a method might be called either statically or against an instantiated object (for example, when writing a custom AUTOLOAD method), you can write this:
my method
my $this = shift;
my $class = ref($this) || $this;
my (#args) = #_;
# stuff...
namespacing, mostly. Why not? Everything that improves perl has my full approval.

How can I override Perl functions, enabling multiple overrides?

some time ago, I asked This question about overriding building perl functions.
How do I do this in a way that allows multiple overrides? The following code yields an infinite recursion.
What's the proper way to do this? If I redefine a function, I don't want to step on someone else's redefinition.
package first;
my $orig_system1;
sub mysystem {
my #args = #_;
print("in first mysystem\n");
return &{$orig_system1}(#args);
if (defined(my $orig = \&CORE::GLOBAL::system)) {
$orig_system1 = $orig;
*CORE::GLOBAL::system = \&first::mysystem;
printf("first defined\n");
} else {
printf("no orig for first\n");
package main;
system("echo hello world");
The proper way to do it is not to do it. Find some other way to accomplish what you're doing. This technique has all the problems of a global variable, squared. Unless you get your rewrite of the function exactly right, you could break all sorts of code you never even knew existed. And while you might be polite in not blowing over an existing override, somebody else probably will not be.
Overriding system is particularly touchy because it does not have a proper prototype. This is because it does things not expressible in the prototype system. This means your override cannot do some things that system can. Namely...
system {$program} #args;
This is a valid way to call system, though you need to read the exec docs to do it. You might think "oh, well I just won't do that then", but if any module that you use does it, or any module it uses does it, then you're out of luck.
That said, there's little different from overriding any other function politely. You have to trap the existing function and be sure you call it in your new one. Whether you do it before or after is up to you.
The problem in your code is that the proper way to check if a function is defined is defined &function. Taking a code ref, even of an undefined function, will always return a true code ref. I'm not sure why, maybe its like how \undef will return a scalar ref. Why calling this code ref is causing mysystem() to go infinitely recursive is anyone's guess.
There's an additional complexity in that you can't take a reference to a core function. \&CORE::system doesn't do what you mean. Nor can you get at it with a symbolic reference. So if you want to call CORE::system or an existing override depending on which is defined you can't just assign one or the other to a code ref. You have to split your logic.
Here is one way to do it.
package first;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub override_system {
my $after = shift;
my $code;
if( defined &CORE::GLOBAL::system ) {
my $original = \&CORE::GLOBAL::system;
$code = sub {
my $exit = $original->(#_);
return $after->($exit, #_);
else {
$code = sub {
my $exit = CORE::system(#_);
return $after->($exit, #_);
no warnings 'redefine';
*CORE::GLOBAL::system = $code;
sub mysystem {
my($exit, #args) = #_;
print("in first mysystem, got $exit and #args\n");
BEGIN { override_system(\&mysystem) }
package main;
system("echo hello world");
Note that I've changed mysystem() to merely be a hook that runs after the real system. It gets all the arguments and the exit code, and it can change the exit code, but it doesn't change what system() actually does. Adding before/after hooks is the only thing you can do if you want to honor an existing override. Its quite a bit safer anyway. The mess of overriding system is now in a subroutine to keep BEGIN from getting too cluttered.
You should be able to modify this for your needs.