I wanted to create a user profile in sharepoint using powershell scripting - powershell

I have used the below code for fetching the user profile from sharepoint 2010.Error I am getting is object $cm is returning as null.
$site = Get-SPSite($PortalURL);
$servercontext = [Microsoft.Office.Server.ServerContext]::GetContext($site);
Return the UserProfileConfigManager
$cm = New-Object Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileConfigmanager($servercontext);
$spm = Get-SPProfileManager $siteUrl
Please help me to resolve this.I have checked the user profile service and its up and ruuning.

I think you are disposing the connection before you should. Dispose at the end and you should be good


Unable to load accounts with Google Analytics Api

I'm having issues trying to retrive accounts list with google analytics API.
I'm connecting without problems with Oauth2 granting right permission to my App.
$client = new Google_Client();
I'm also able to do some queries with code like the following:
$service = new Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting($client);
$dateRange = new Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_DateRange();
// Create the Metrics objects.
$sessions = new Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_Metric();
When I try to retrive accounts list I receive an error 500
$analytics = new Google_Service_Analytics($client);
$accounts = $analytics->management_accounts->listManagementAccounts();
$items = $accounts->getItems();
If I do instead
$analytics = new Google_Service_Analytics($client);
I'm able to see a json output where no listManagementAccounts is viewable and no account id is available.
Any suggestion on what I'm doing wrong?
I sorted it out deleting and creating again API credentials in Google Console.
Code was fine.

Give edit permission to "Everyone" in SharePoint list using PowerShell Client side code

I have created a list in SharePoint site using PowerShell client side code. Now I want to edit the permission for this list. I want to give edit permission for this list to Everyone. This is how I am getting the Everyone detail:
$Ctx = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($SiteURL)
$user =$Ctx.web.EnsureUser("c:0(.s|true")
And to break the inheritance of the list I used this:
$List = $Ctx.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("ListName")
But I am not sure how to give edit permission for this list to Everyone. Any suggestion would be helpful. Thanks
Here is a sample on how to grant Edit permissions to principal per List:
$roleDefinition = $ctx.Site.RootWeb.RoleDefinitions.GetByType([Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.RoleType]::Editor)
$roleBindings = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.RoleDefinitionBindingCollection($ctx)
$ctx.Load($list.RoleAssignments.Add($user, $roleBindings))
SharePoint Online Client Components SDK

Accessing Firebase with 'user authentication' active using Powershell

I have created a client side app using JavaScript connected to a Firebase database where a user can login and save/edit some data stored Firebase. 'Email and Password' authentication is used as https://www.firebase.com/docs/web/guide/login/password.html
I subsequently wanted to write a Powershell script which would be setup with 'Task Scheduler' to run 1x per day, read each users data and execute some business logic.
I incorrectly expected to be able to whitelist my Server IP to get full access rights to the DB.
If I understood it correctly I need to use 'Custom authentication' using 'JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)', but there are no helper libraries available for Powershell. Had a look at this section https://www.firebase.com/docs/web/guide/login/custom.html#section-tokens-without-helpers but it's not clear to me what needs to be done to get the token.
Can someone give me some pointers or sample code on how to get JWT to work with Firebase/Powershell, or some alternate ways I can get full access to the BD using Powershell?
Thanks in advance
I did something that might help you ...
#region TokenGenerator
function TokenGeneretor($secret){
$asm = [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile("D:\Firebase\FirebaseTokenGenerator.dll")
$tokenGenerator = [Firebase.TokenGenerator]::new("$secret")
$authPayload = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary``2[System.String,System.Object]"
$authPayload.Add('uid', '1')
$authPayload.Add('some', 'arbitrary')
$authPayload.Add('data', 'here')
$Option = [Firebase.TokenOptions]::new(((Get-Date).AddHours(1)),$null,$true)
$token = $tokenGenerator.CreateToken($authPayload, $Option)
return $token
TokenGeneretor -secret "123"
The DLL mentioned is the code compiled from https://github.com/firebase/firebase-token-generator-dotNet. Just open the project in Visual Studio and have it compiled. It will play the DLL in the project's DEBUG folder.

ejabberd: Saving of roster not working with external Authentication Script enabled

I have successfully configured an ejabberd server with an extauth script (perl).
It is working correctly and only allowing users from my mysql DB.
But following features are not working anymore: roster management, adding users to rosters, authorization of users (for adding them to the roster)
With the internal auth it works. Both times ejabberd is configured to use the internal amnesia db.
Please help me figure out, why it is not working with extauth enabled. Do I have to write my own methods in the extauth script? (That I don't really want...)
So after doing some research on my problem, I think that switching to the external authentication will not support roster management.
What I ended up doing is swichting back to internal authentication and using mod_admin_extra to add users and update passwords with this php script:
class Jabber
public static function registerAndAddToSharedRoster($userId, $sessionToken)
$url = "http://localhost:5280/rest";
$register = "register $userId jabber.YOUR_DOMAIN.com $sessionToken";
sendRESTRequest($url, $register);
$sharedRoster = "srg_user_add $userId jabber.YOUR_DOMAIN.com shared jabber.YOUR_DOMAIN.com";
sendRESTRequest($url, $sharedRoster);
public static function updatePassword($userId, $newPassword)
$url = "http://localhost:5280/rest";
$register = "change_password $userId jabber.YOUR_DOMAIN.com $newPassword";
sendRESTRequest($url, $register);
function sendRESTRequest ($url, $request)
// Create a stream context so that we can POST the REST request to $url
$context = stream_context_create (array ('http' => array ('method' => 'POST'
,'header' => "Host: localhost:5280\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\nContent-Length: ".strlen($request)
,'content' => $request)));
$result = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
return $result;
Hope this helps someone!
This answer is late but it could help someone:
Contrary to #ben-marten's answer, Switching to the external authentication does support roster management.
When you add someone to the roster, ejabberd is 'calling' the isuser operation - check if it’s a valid user - you have to provide that method in the script: see ejabberd Developers Guide - External Authentication
I ignored that operation, and I could not add a user to the roster.
For other script examples see Authentication Scripts

New LDAP User with Powershell

I have the challenge to create new LDAP Users with a Powershell Script.
I have googled a lot but I found no good results...
This is my Code to get Users from the LDAP...
$authenticationType = [System.DirectoryServices.AuthenticationTypes]::ServerBind
$objSearcherRoot = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("LDAP://***.local.com:777/ou=user,o=company", "uid=testuser,ou=system,o=company", "password" , $authenticationType)
$objSearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
$objSearcher.SizeLimit= 0
$objSearcher.PageSize = 1000
$objSearcher.SearchRoot = $objSearcherRoot
$objSearcher.Filter = "cn=$cn"
$result = $objSearcher.FindAll()
My Problem is, I don't know how to insert a new LDAP User (not Active Directory)
It would be really nice if someone could help me... ;)
Yes, it's possible, I've done it. You need to bind to the LDAP server using a System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection object (let's say $c) and then create a System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.AddRequest object and populate its attributes (I'm only showing a couple in this example):
$c = New-Object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection -ArgumentList "***.local.com:777,uid=testuser,ou=system,o=company", "password" , $authenticationType"
$r = New-Object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.AddRequest
$r.DistinguishedName = "uid= xxxx, ou=user, o=company"
$r.Attributes.Add((New-Object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DirectoryAttribute -ArgumentList "objectclass",#("top","organizationalPerson","person","inetorgperson","inetuser","mailrecipient","pwmuser","posixAccount"))) | Out-Null
$r.Attributes.Add((New-Object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DirectoryAttribute -ArgumentList "cn",($FirstName+" "+$LastName))) | Out-Null
Then just send the request:
LDAP does not support "inserts", but supports "adds". The LDAP client must create an entry and transmit that entry to the directory server using the ADD request. The server returns an ADD result to the LDAP client which contains information about the success or failure of the ADD request. So, check the documentation for information on transmitting an ADD request to the directory server and interpreting the subsequent response.
The LDAP client must have permission to ADD an entry (a user in this case). This involves using the BIND request to change the authorization state of the connection to one which permits adding an entry at the designated place in the directory information tree.
Perhaps this link will help.
You say "create new LDAP Users" but you could create AD users and then they would be available Using LDAP.
I used a script from Microsoft to do something similar.
If you look through the code, you should be able to see how they did it. We used their code with a few tweaks to do what we needed.