iphone safari web page switcher thumbnail - iphone

What does the iphone (3gs) safari use as the thumbnail displayed when switching between windows?
for the page below, built using jqtouch, the page contents disappears when clicking the page switcher. the background remains

Well, that's funny. My page and the jqtouch page both have their screen working as it should. Yours goes blank just like you said. Maybe you can remove features from your page and move it towards the sample case bit by bit to figure out what's going on.


Parts of webpage only displaying halfscreen on iPhone

I'm not sure whats happening here. I thought this was working fine before and now when I look at it the news is displaying fine...but on iphone and maybe any mobile its only filling half the screen.
I could try to use the inspector on chrome to fix it but the site is filling the screen on desktop but still only half on the actual device. Any idea what might be the issue? I messed around with the media queries but its not helping.
The news section is working fine but the rest are only filling half the screen.

Fancybox iframe not showing everything on iOS

I am using iframe in Fancybox 1.3.4 to show web page samples. Some pages contain large amount of images and can be very long.
It works perfectly on all other devices except iOS.
The pop-up window loads the content at first, but it stops loading in a short time. So basically, people can only see top part of the web page on their iOS devices. When they scroll down in pop-up window, all they see is blank. Sometimes, if they are lucky and have a fast internet, they might be able to see more...
I am not sure if this is the issue with iOS or Fancybox.
Any help is appreciated.

iphone flip is zooming in (against my will)

I've started working on a mobile page and I've made the css so that the page can expand or contract and look fine. When I rotate the page though, by turning my iphone sideways, instead of resizing as though there is a new screen size (wide), it's zooming in. I have an image on the page and I really don't want it to zoom in, because it pixelates the image. I would rather it resize as though it was a new page.
You can see it here:
I figured it out by adding this meta tag, I haven't tested it on android or ipads, but this at least solves my problem for iphone.

jqTouch UIWebView Tap-Jump Problem

I'm using jqTouch inside a UIWebView of my native iPhone application and many of the pages have very weird "tap-jump" issues.
About 75% of the time that I access a page if I scroll down a bit, and just tap anywhere on the screen, it jumps to the top of the page. If I open that same page in the iPhone Safari browser, it works great every time and no "tap-jump" issue. So it appears to be an issue ONLY within the UIWebView.
I've been spending hours and hours trying different things to figure out why this is happening and I welcome any ideas.
It is expected behavior for jQTouch to scrollTo(0,0) on slide left/right navigation. Of course, this will only create a noticeable effect if you tap a link while the page is scrolled (i.e., if the page isn't scrolled, it can't jump).
I don't know why you'd see a difference between UIWebView and Mobile Safari, unless perhaps the UIWebView is shorter than Mobile Safari, which could create the possibility of scrolling in the UIWebView that doesn't exist in Mobile Safari.
My suggestions are:
Make sure you have the latest version of jQTouch (https://github.com/senchalabs/jQTouch)
Make sure you are doing exactly the same testing in UIWebView as you are in Mobile Safari (i.e., if you scroll down prior to tapping in one, do the same in the other).

iPhone Mobile App (safari): which javascript events like onblur, onfocus or onbeforeunload are available?

So I just made my web-application "iPhone Friendly". So you can add it to your home screen and it has an icon, no chroming, etc etc.
The problem is that I want to display a custom splash-screen every time it is opened from the iPhone home screen. Right now it just shows the last screen viewed while it basically runs a refresh.
I have tried attaching events to window.onfocus, window.onblur, window.onbeforeunload, and NONE of them seem to work right when the app is being run in "mobile-app" mode.
Am I being dumb? Er.... don't answer that. Does anyone know what is wrong?
Unfortunately, with the restrictions Apple imposes, this is impossible.
My recommendation is to create a App Store application with a full-screen WebView. Then, you can use a default.png file and a ImageView for your splash screen. Also, you get a ton more visibility on the App Store. (Also, if you go this route, check out PhoneGap - http://phonegap.com/).
Update!! In the iPhone 3.0 update, mobile safari now supports the ability to specify an image to be used on startup:
Remember this only works with iPhones that are running 3.0+
The loading screen you are talking about is the loading screen for an APPLICATION, not a webpage, i.e its the loading screen for Safari. This has nothing to do with "the restrictions Apple imposes", just with the fact that because your web app still runs in the browser, the browser needs to load first. Like was also said, if you want to get around this you need to build your own app, in which you can specify the splash screen.
Are you using this?
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
If yes, it should refresh every time when you exit the web app and enter again. It will NOT show the last screen viewed. Hence you can show your splash-screen every time when it is opened. In another words, you should show a full screen div / image every time when you load the page.