What is the fastest routine to convert NSArrays to C-style (double) arrays? - iphone

I have 2 NSArray (Mutable, actually) that I am trying to convert to a C-style double array for a c routine i am passing them to.
Here is my Objective-C routine:
NSMutableDictionary *childDictionary = [myParentDictionary objectForKey:resort_code];
latitudeArray = [childDictionary objectForKey:#"lat"];
longitudeArray = [childDictionary objectForKey:#"lon"];
int nvert = [latitudeArray count];
double laArray[nvert];
double loArray[nvert];
for(int i=0; i<nvert; i++) {
double dLat = [[latitudeArray objectAtIndex:i]doubleValue];
double dLon = [[longitudeArray objectAtIndex:i]doubleValue];
laArray[i] = dLat;
loArray[i] = dLon;
This takes upwards of 3-8 seconds on the 3G iPhone (instantaneous on the simulator -- yet another reason to test on the device )
is there faster way? I have to end up with laArray[i] and loArray[i] as c-style arrays of doubles.
(to expand on the question for the benefit of a commenter):
Each array consists of #"38.448745" (lat) and #"-122.9847684" (lon) style content. I do this cos to be pushed onto an NSArray, the lat and lon need to be objects. I simply used:
[latitudeArray addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat: #"%.10f",dlat]];
[longitudeArray addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat: #"%.10f",dlon]];
I suppose I could change that to:
[latitudeArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble: #"%.10f",dlat]];
[longitudeArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble: #"%.10f",dlon]];
...which may reduce the conversion time of
double dLat = [[latitudeArray objectAtIndex:i]doubleValue];
but wouldn't I still need that exact line to convert from NSString to double? It just may work faster?

dlat is a double, right?
So instead of:
[latitudeArray addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat: #"%.10f",dlat]];
[latitudeArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:dlat]];
They both respond to doubleValue but the NSNumber should not have to do any string parsing since it's stored as a numeric value already. And you never have to go to a string at all.

I suspect you have an array of strings like #"213.12385" that need to be parsed and converted when you call doubleValue on them. If that is where the issue is, the C arrays have nothing to with this.
Only thing I would add here is to throw Shark on this and see where it's spending it's time. If it's spending time in doubleValue find a different way to parse the strings with preprocessing in background or something. If it's in objectAtIndex: perhaps fast enumeration would help. If it's somewhere else entirely then you know it's not this snippet that's slow.

For the general case of converting an NSArray to a C array, you can use getObjects:. In this case, though, want you actually want is not to convert the NSArray, but to derive an array of doubles from an NSArray of some unspecified object type.
One obvious way to speed things up would be fast enumeration rather than sending a message to get the object for each iteration of the loop. I suspect the real solution, though, is outside your algorithm. The slowness probably comes from transforming whatever objects the array contains into doubles, in which case you'll need to find a way around that — maybe store doubles all along, maybe do the conversion in the background, etc. If you're creating the arrays yourself and there isn't some compelling reason for the objects to be strings, you should use NSNumbers instead. Those should be quite a bit faster.

The best solution is probably to make sure those values never end up in an NSArray as NSString values. I would attack this at the source.
So you edited your question and added that you are actually building those arrays. So why not use native arrays of doubles or floats from the start? I usually recommend against this but in your case it sounds like there is a huge performance gain.

Possibly using fast iteration, but I doubt that will really speed up your loop.


How to Multiply Two textfield values Without converting the text into integer or Number

I have two text fields and user entered the values. I can get the values of textFields like below
NSString *number1 = firstTextField.text;
NSString *number2 = secondTextField.text;
I want to multiply number1 and number2 without converting them into integer or number.I am doing like below
NSExpression *expression = [NSExpression expressionWithFormat:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#*%#",number1,number2]];NSLog(#"Multiplication result is----%#",[expression expressionValueWithObject:nil context:nil]);
I don't know if it is correct or not. If it is not correct please give me the suggestions how it can be possible.
By using NSExpression is one way to Multiply/Add/Subtract two number strings without converting them into integer or number.
NSExpression *expression = [NSExpression expressionWithFormat:expressionFormat];
You are using here expressionFormat as [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#*%#",number1,number2];.
If you want to add or subtract number1 and number2 then replace * with + or -. In this way you have to proceed.
If the question was in an interview.
The interviewers were probably expecting you to write a method to go through both arrays and multiply the characters (converting one by one to integers) or (also identifying the represented character to know the equivalent integer number).
Searching on google there are some examples in different languages.
string multiplication
Multiplying two number arrays
It is a common question in interviews.
I simply used textfields... and used the values that the user input into those textfields... here is one calculation example that has worked for me... in this example the user is trying to find the volume of beachstone they would need to order... the formula is pretty straight forward. Make sure you use the math brackets () to distinguish order of operations...
-(IBAction)calculate_beachstone:(id)sender {
float floatanswer =
([area1.text floatValue])+([area2.text floatValue])+([area3.text floatValue])+([area4.text floatValue])+([area5.text floatValue])+([area6.text floatValue])+([area7.text floatValue])+([area8.text floatValue])+([area9.text floatValue])+([area10.text floatValue]))
*([beachstone_depth.text floatValue])/12)/27);
NSString *stringRectResult=[[NSString alloc]
I am adding the text found in the textfield (which user can only use numbers for input - custom keyboard)... in this example I have up to 10 fields which can be added together... then I use the * (multiply) to apply a depth in this example, and convert it back to a text string so I can display the result somewhere else...
In fact, if you write this part answer_beachstone to NSUserDefaults, you can use the result anywhere in different controllers, by calling it back.
If you're interested, here is how I did that...
-(IBAction)save_answer_beachstone:(id)sender {
save_answer_beachstone = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:answer_beachstone.text];
[answer_beachstone setText:save_answer_beachstone];
NSUserDefaults *save = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
[save setObject:save_answer_beachstone forKey:#"save_answer_beachstone"];
Then I can use the resulting "answer" in any controller inside viewDidLoad...
[answer_beachstone setText:[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:#"save_answer_beachstone"]];
I know the question was asked 4 years ago, but this formula syntax works for me in a number of ways, in various apps...
You can't multiply two strings. It's not possible.
For this you have to convert it into Integer or int using NSNumber or using:
[secondTextField.text intValue].
NSInteger number = [firstTextField.text integerValue]*[secondTextField.text integerValue];

Is there a shorthand way to get a float from an array?

I'm a beginner with iPhone dev in Objective C and one thing I find I'm doing quite a lot is getting floats (and ints) in and out of various NSArrays
float myFloatValue = [(NSNumber *)[myArray objectAtIndex:integerSelector] floatValue];
I understand that I need to do this boxing because a float (or int) isn't a pointer and the NSArray accepts only pointers.
I'm just wondering if there a little bit of syntactic sugar to shorten this line of code - mostly because when I have a couple of arrays and I'm looping over them to do some processing I find that the lines start getting massive and I have to break out the lines that extract the number form the array just to make the code readable - then I have a lot of gumph lines that tend to make the logic harder to follow.
In a language like C# I would write something like
float myResult = myArray[i] + someOtherArray[i+1];
(ok - that's probably a pretty dumb line of code - but syntactically it's quite clean, I guess because .net is doing the boxing implicitly where I can't see it)
in objective C I find myself writing:
float myFloatValue = [(NSNumber *)[myArray objectAtIndex:i] floatValue];
float myOtherFloatValue = [(NSNumber *)[someOtherArray objectAtIndex:i+1] floatValue];
float myResult = myFloatValue + myOtherFloatValue;
I'm just wondering if I'm missing a trick here by typing it all out longhand. Should I be using an alternative to NSArray? Is there a shortcut for the boxing/unboxing?
Or I guess, should I just get used to it and stop whinging ;)
You can create a category:
#class NSArray (FloatHelper)
- (float) floatAtIndex:(NSUInteger)i;
#implementation NSArray (FloatHelper)
- (float) floatAtIndex:(NSUInteger)i {
return [[self objectAtIndex:i] floatValue];
(Untested and has no error handling, which, obviously, is not a good idea.)
Then it could be used as follows:
float a = [array floatAtIndex:1];
I don't think there is any shorthand for that, by the way
float myFloatValue = [[myArray objectAtIndex:i] floatValue];
is legal.
Unfortunately Objective-C doesn't support Auto-Boxing.
For more info please visit to link -Aotoboxing in objective c?
You can create a category, a function or a macro to do this with less verbose code.
But if you are doing this in a loop that consumes significant CPU time (as determined by profiling with Instruments), you should consider using a C array instead, which can be accessed using far less CPU cycles, thus conserving the users battery life. If you are touching the same elements multiple times, it might even be an optimization to copy all these floats from an NSArray to a plain C array of floats before doing your computation loop.
Why don't you create a macro,
#define _floatValue(array, index) [(NSNumber *)[array objectAtIndex:index] floatValue]
use it,
float myFloatValue = _floatValue(myArray, i);
float myOtherFloatValue = _floatValue(someOtherArray, i+1);
float myResult = myFloatValue + myOtherFloatValue;
and just stop bothering yourself?

Trying to save long long into NSNumber from String

I am trying to save a long long number (received as a string) such as '80182916772147201' into an NSNumber.
NSNumberFormatter * f = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
[f setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterBehaviorDefault];
[item setObject:[f numberFromString:#"80182916772147201"] forKey:#"theID"];
[f release];
When I NSLog this out, assuming the string was '80182916772147201' I get:
NSLog(#"%lld", [[item objectForKey:#"theID"] longLongValue]);
Returns: '80182916772147200' - Note the rounded down final digit.
What am I doing wrong?
The problem is that NSNumberFormatter has decided to represent that number as a floating-point number. To force it to use integers only:
[f setAllowsFloats:NO];
Can you try this?
NSString *numStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%llu", [myNum unsignedLongLongValue]];
This makes a few reasonable assumptions such as numStr will only contain numeric digits and it contains a 'valid' unsigned long long value. A drawback to this approach is that UTF8String creates what essentially amounts to [[numStr dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] bytes], or in other words something along the lines of 32 bytes of autoreleased memory per call. For the vast majority of uses, this is no problem what-so-ever.
For an example of how to add something like unsignedLongLongValue to NSString that is both very fast and uses no autoreleased memory as a side effect, take a look at the end of my (long) answer to this SO question. Specifically the example implementation of rklIntValue, which would require only trivial modifications to implement unsignedLongLongValue.

why does '[self.pickerSubArray indexOfObject:self.txtSubCategory.text]' return '2147483647'?

why does '[self.pickerSubArray indexOfObject:self.txtSubCategory.text]' return '2147483647'; while the same string value argument '[self.pickerSubArray indexOfObject:#"Mark"]' brings up 4, as desired?
The Apple docs for NSArray (which I assume your object is, based on the name) say that indexOfObject: returns NSNotFound if the object does not match any in the array. NSNotFound is itself defined as NSIntegerMax which, as others have pointed out, is the value that you are getting back.
indexOfObject: uses isEqual: to compare the items, so in theory if the text is the same then it should be working. Perhaps the text is actually different in some way that you haven't noticed, such as case ("Mark" vs. "mark") or extra padding ("Mark" vs. "Mark ").
indexOfObject: returns NSNotFound if it can't find your exact object. NSNotFound is defined as NSIntegerMax, which is 2147483647.
Why is it doing that? I'm pretty sure indexOfObject: tests for an identical object, not an object with identical content.
NSString *mark1 = [NSString stringWithString:#"Mark"];
NSString *mark2 = [NSString stringWithString:#"Mark"];
mark1 is not necissarily equal to mark2, because they're two different objects.
NSString *mark1 = [NSString stringWithObject:#"Mark"];
NSString *mark2 = mark1;
mark1 is equal to mark2;
BUT! Since the compiler is trying to minimize the memory footprint, it turns all literal strings in your code into one constant string. Which is why [[NSArray arrayWithObject:#"Mark"] indexOfObject:#"Mark"] works, but [[NSArray arrayWithObject:#"Mark"] indexOfObject:textField.text] doesn't work even if the text in textField.text is "Mark".
How do you fix it... well, indexOfObject: from the docs it looks like indexOfObject: is based on isEqual: so you should test if [self.txtSubCategory.text isEqual:#"Mark"]. to rule out the wrong value or a disconnected outlet, etc. After that, you may have to refactor to not use indexOfObject:
Just a guess about the number origin - it's a bad integer conversion. It was very probably meant to return -1.
That kindof leads me to believe that you might have found some badness in underlying libraries/languages.

Objective C convert number to NSNumber

Why doesn't this please the compiler? Casting is supposed to work like in C as I can read here How to cast an object in Objective-C.
[p setAge:(NSNumber*)10];
- (NSNumber*) age {
return _age;
- (void) setAge: (NSNumber*)input {
[_age autorelease];
_age = [input retain];
In a sort of symmetry with your earlier question, NSNumber is an object type. You need to create it via a method invocation such as:
[p setAge:[NSNumber numberWithInt:10]];
Your current code is attempting simply to cast the arbitrary integer 10 to a pointer. Never do this: if the compiler didn't warn you about it, you would then be trying to access some completely inappropriate bytes at memory location 10 as if they were an NSNumber object, which they wouldn't be. Doing that stuff leads to tears.
Oh, and just to preempt the next obvious issues, remember that if you want to use the value in an NSNumber object, you need to get at that via method calls too, eg:
if ( [[p age] intValue] < 18 )
(NSNumber is immutable, and I think it is implemented such that identical values are mapped to the same object. So it is probably possible to get away with direct pointer comparisons for value equality between NSNumber objects. But please don't, because that would be an inappropriate reliance on an implementation detail. Use isEqual instead.)
Today it is also possible to do it using shorthand notation:
[p setAge:#(10)];
Use this:
[p setAge:[NSNumber numberWithInt:10]];
You can't cast an integer literal like 10 to a NSNumber* (pointer to NSNumber).
NSNumber *yourNumber = [NSNumber numberWithInt:your_int_variable];
Because NSNumber is an object and "10" in a primitive integer type, much like the difference between int and Integer in Java. You, therefore, need to call its initialiser:
[p setAge:[NSNumber numberWithInt:10]