UIWebViews in UITableView do not render while the table is being scrolled - iphone

I have a UITableView with UIWebViews within the cells for the purpose of displaying rich text. The UITableViews load html strings locally. However, when the table is being scrolled, the UIWebViews do not load the html strings specified in "cellForRow..." until the UITableView stops scrolling. Is there any way to override this behaviour so that the UIWebViews load content even when the tableview is scrolling?

It seems that this is not possible at this time for performance reasons. The best way to work around this issue is to render any downloaded content directly onto a UIView by overriding drawRect.


UIWebView inside UITableView scroll?

I have UIWebView inside each UITableView cell.
My UIWebView is simple, it contains only two lines, one is bold, and one is regular.
Everything is working fine, except UIWebView is only loading HTML string when scrolling is stopped, it isn't loading while scrolling UITableView.
How can I fix it?
Important: You should not embed
UIWebView or UITableView objects in
UIScrollView objects. If you do so,
unexpected behavior can result because
touch events for the two objects can
be mixed up and wrongly handled.
And a UITableView is part of a UIScrollView ;)
Can't you get data as a webservice (json or xml) and add UILabel into your tableview ?
Seems to be easier ?
You can create a custom Cell dynamically and attach external/dynamic data to the UILabels.

How to load images in UIScrollView asynchronously?

I am getting my images using JSON and I need to display image at a time when my app is running so please tell me how to use asynchronous method to load the images into the UIScrollView?
whether you use a UITableView or a UIScrollView, you will use the same pattern, its just that you have a bit more plumbing to do with the UIScrollView. I would say use the UITableView unless you want to roll your own multi-column image thumbnail picker.
With the UIScrollView, you will need to create your own virtual rows and columns and detect when the ScrollView has scrolled a new row or a new column into view. You will need to queue (remove) the images that have scrolled out of view, and then load the images that have come into view. All in all, this is not trivial code.
The UITableView does all this for you (rows only, no concept of columns)
Having said that.. here is a reference to using the NSOperation class to lazy load your images into a UITableView while giving the user a smooth experience..
UIImage in uitableViewcell slowdowns scrolling table

How can we horizontally scroll tableview in iPhone SDK?

I want to scrolltableview horizontally as well as vertically. How can I do it?
I'd suggest making a UIScrollView the same size as the screen and then making your UITableView bigger than the screen.Drop the TableView into the ScrollView. Set up the scrollview with a high contenSize.width and then tweak it to work as you desire.
The idea with embedding UITableView into UIScrollView seems to be great, however there is a serious gotcha. UITableView is optimized to display only visible viewpoirt area and limiting allocated UITableView cells. In the case it is embedded into UIScrollView, it allocates complete content area of scroll view, i.e. all rows for the UITableView. It goes out of the memory for approximatelly 2000 rows. Since the UITableView.reloadData creates callback in main thread, it blocks main thread to respond to didReceiveMemoryWarning and application is killed on system sole discretion for level 2 warning, which is never received.
It seems that the better way is in subclassing UITableView and extending rows to width which can be scrolled horizontally.
If you are looking for something similar to what is done in 'Pulse', then this tutorial might help you:
It shows how to add a horizontally scrolling UITableView to a vertically scrolling UITableView

Two resizable UIWebViews inside UIScrollView

I need following view structure, with embedded 2 UIWebViews and 1 UIView (loaded from other xib).
But the problem is, because this need to be inside UIScrollView, with same impression like this is single page. (only vertical scrolling need to be enabled).
In those UIWebViews, html content is loaded from NSString.
Size (height) of UIWebViews and child view is variable.
Any advice, how to do that?
Important: You should not embed
UIWebView or UITableView objects in
UIScrollView objects. If you do so,
unexpected behavior can result because
touch events for the two objects can
be mixed up and wrongly handled.
However why cant you make a webview that has two iframes, with the content of your two html-files? Then attach this webview to the uiview?
Iframe resource:

UIScrollView vs. UITableView

For a vertical scroller are there any advantages to using UIScrollView over UITableView?
I ask because I am currently using two vertical UIScrollViews with UIImageViews inside of them and am having memory issues and poor scrolling performance. I am not doing much with the scrollers, only highlighting images as they scroll into the center of the scrollviews and adding a delete button above an image if the user wants to remove it. I've started to look at lazy image loading/reuse and it seems that most of these issues have already been resolved in the UITableView class, so I'm wondering if there's any reason to stick with UIScrollView?
You should be able to use a UIScrolLView with no problem if you just, like you said, lazy load the controllers, when scrolling (assuming your views are full size) you dont need to have more than 3 views loaded at any one time, all you need is the current view, the view that goes behind it and infront of it, as you scroll your view you can unload and load the appropriate views. You should look into Page Control sample application, it does exactly this and you can pretty much get all the lazy loading code from there. Link is here https://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/samplecode/PageControl/index.html